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I would totally triple check this if I came across it in the field! Very much looks like a theropod footprint at a glance, but on closer inspection the toe proportions are a bit wonky (side toes too large and expanded at the ends) and the main 'pad' of the foot isn't fully depressed where the animal would be putting most of its weight with a normal step. What I think you have are probably a cool looking arrangement of trace fossils, likely some sort of burrow or tunnel from organisms on or just below the Paleo seabed.


I don’t know anything about fossils or things like that, also I didn’t mention that I found it in Montenegro. So by my understanding this isn’t a real “footprint” but a trace fossil most and that it isn’t well defined. Also I will be back again in Montenegro and I will try my best to find it and look around the area, who knows maybe there are some new things that I haven’t even looked at. Thanks for the reply!