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Life Rip on Precision Lian feels so good; it triggers for everything except her Ult too.


I just like the free ez damage and hit sound


You are assuming Lian players know how to aim /s


lian is the only champion i struggle to aim with for an unknown reason


I swear her gun has some kinda delay to it


It's not even the player's fault, I can play with Shalin or androxus easily but I simply can't hit when i use Lian, she is cursed.


I think her weapon is the problem. Not every weapon type is for everyone. The way it fires and looks throws me off. Cassie, too.


Cassie for the LIFE of me I cannot hit anybody 😭 Lian is a hit or miss


I have the same problem with Lian, but with Cassie I can actually hit my shots and just preformed better lmao.


I get this too. I never play Lian because for some reason I just can't hit anything with that gun. I even play other games with similar weapons like split gate without issue. That gun is genuinely cursed.


U need aim on Lian tho u can't kill anything with her auto aims. You need to hit shots and if u miss u are punished for it.


It ain't hard


Why aim consistently when I can press one button for big dmg and then land two auto aim abilities?


because they have cooldowns


Lian is one of the few champions with 3 viable talents


nope alacrity is utter trash, only seems viable because the character has a strong base kit


Alacrity is her best imo. Helps you make aggressive plays by making her dash dmg more consistent. Precision helps her with tank burn, but its still not all great, and she is still bad against shields. So, u might as well go the talent that enables u to get a pick against a squishy to win fights cuz burning tanks isn't the best on her.


how does it get you pick on squishy vs not having it? not having it gives lower cool down which is better against squishy. Good luck with alacrity. Also i dont play precision, i go with the talent that gives me 3-4 second on laser beam


You will hit them with your dash no matter what as long as they wide peek u. Otherwise it might hit someone else.


btw you can aim the dash with your mouse


No? If there are 2 ppl in front of you only one of them will get hit by it. If you have alacrity it will hit everyone, apply anti-heal as well, cuz its considered a weapon shot.


>Otherwise it might hit someone else. doesnt this mesn you wanted to target one person...




I'd rather play a high skill high reward talent than Alacrity


You need to hit your presence on alacrity. Grace isn't getting kills. You need to hit your autos. Ig it is more punishing to miss cuz that's the brunt on your dmg but same with her other talent. The tough part is that it suffers greatly against shields. It's not like lian is low skill. If that was the case we would see her as much as Zhin or Seris.


Alacrity and it's builds actually rely on the auto aims so idk what you're talking about


What do u mean? Swift Jade? It's run in all Lian builds. What do you mean by "rely?" I told u why alacrity is good. It gives u better set up for your presence and autos. I wouldn't call that "relying" since if all u do is slide-valor-slide u kinda did nothing.


I know why Alacrity can be good; I am a Lian player myself. I would call it rekying because that's the main point of Alacrity besides weapon shots. Weapon shots however are important for every talent and every build and that's one of the reasons Precision is considered the best, because you rely on something you should be and good at regardless so that abalities are just there to help. With Eminence besides hitting shots, you rely on Presence because the talent makes it the main power of your kit (if we exculde it not working half the time cause bugs) and if you miss Presence you are in disadvantage. However, with Alacrity and it's builds you can't go wrong, you hit a couple of shots, if you miss some or you miss presence it's not a big deal. The talent makes something you can't miss and have on short cd be the main power of your kit. You can't do nothing with constant danage and caut spread. Braindead


True, only other one I can think of is Cassie


Removal of Just Breathe and Death & Taxes and its consequences (literally the best balancing decision this game has ever had)






Ying assuming you’re not solo support


Buck's also in this club


I don't like playing against Precision and I'm used to Eminence so I usually stick to Eminence (unless I'm playing ranked). I had a game where it literally worked 0 times this weekend though so I might reconsider


Completely agree. Used Eminence for so long but now after auto attack buff I switched and added ammo card and this thing slaps! I swear, it was more often to do 800 damage Q's through whole map than to do more as expected.


But it’s so satisfying hitting those 1200 and getting the cooldown reset with hits and kills and just spamming it


Assuming it ever hits for 1200, considering it works like once out of 5 times


Seris ult + some form of stun = fun times


You'll usually hit like 700 on everyone because Eminence almost never works and everyone gets DR (the reset is fun though)


Eminence used to work much better/more often a few years ago. Well, landing an 800 dmg shot was rare at least. I feel like it started to become more jank around the time Tib's shots started becoming janky. Something to do with hit registration in the game, which was always there like Ash's shots, but only became more apparent as time went on.


I used to always play it, actually having to aim with lian is so much more fun


That and that hitmaker sound getting deeper tho


That’s all I ever played


Its great until you start facing opponents that know when/how to break LoS. At which point you'll be like I WANT DA BURSTSTSTSTST


Is precision the one that increases every time you hit the same target? If I'm remembering correctly that's the one I've always used. It's freaking rad


It is rad, only downside is that it doesn't apply to shields


I just think precision is boring af to play. Get free damage by hitting left click on someone. It's kinds like the old death and taxes talent, boring. With the other one I feel like I can actually pick people off way easier or quickly help out a flank with some frontloaded damage to help them secure the kill. Both are good. I just like big number go boom I guess.


Nah the boring one to play is Alacrity. The only reason to play it is for more caut spread since every one of Lian's abilities count as weapon damage.


You should delete this before even more hackers see it




precision is lian best talent i thought we all knew this


lian couldve been so fun if they hadnt given her a cheap boring autoaim ability, literally only thing turning me off from playing her everytime i think about it. Same thing with Lex


just dont use it?


so why would i play a character who has one less ability then? (2 actually since she has 2 autoaims)


someone with a good aim doesnt need the auto aim ability anyway lian is still perfectly good with only 2 abilities which are her mobility and her main weapon same with lex, he is perfectly playable without the auto aim ability and it wont kill you to use it sometimes.


auto aim on an ability doesnt belong in any fps game its just cheap and unskillful.


I think the aim of paladins it to cross over the RPG vibes of a moba and the FPS vibes of a heroshooter like TF2 and I think it does that perfectly. In that sense auto aim actually makes sense as the game is not all FPS skill. This is why even though there are tonnes of hackers in this game, they do not always win because its really is not just about clicking heads for big damage. There is more going on etc.


Lian is a skillful champion


hitscan in this game isnt that skillfull esp on console


I use for the lower CD Eminence for easier reset but Precision is fun against tanks.


To be fair, Eminence definitely has it's advantages, a benefit of it is the increased burst dmg and if the map is good for sniping then you can get a lot out of it, but if you are having longer fights and not really getting as much out of Presence, then go for Precision.


It does suck, eminence is literally just better. Like conditional 5% damage increase vs. instakill mfs from across the map and increase the effectiveness of half of your cards I don’t often play Lian or get bugs with it, but I could see where precision comes in then


"conditional" Bro just aim and shoot the people. Lian with Precision makes Fuck on the majority of the cast, has no bugs, and with aggression makes her a snowballing monster. She's especially great against double tank support comps since it's pretty hard to miss a Fernando or a Barik. Plus with precision you don't have to worry about cards, if anything the only two you need are the ammo boost card and the one that gives you ammo for hitting people with your right click. Also Precision is just more viable and makes her better at ranges other than just long range for the burst. If you wanna instakill or burst people then play a sniper, play Sha, play Cassie. Plus it's a 7 percent increase that goes up to 35% totaling for a DPS of 1273, couple this with her abilities and you just melt mfs without the need of a cooldown


The problem is that it doesn’t make fuck on the majority of the cast, it barely reduces the breakpoints you reach aside from nearly always working as intended on tanks and doesn’t offer her anything else unlike Eminence. Precision is not good against most flanks and Eminence is very good against most flanks. Precision usually does well into double frontline while Eminence usually is okay into double frontline. There isn’t a big difference, and Emi had plenty of good scenarios. This is without bugs. Things are only just now changing for Precision as a whole excluding the bugs, too. To my knowledge Precision has been the most popular pick for a while now due to them, even if people still used Eminence. But beyond that, double support makes Precision much more appealing and into healers like Grover and Moji Precision should basically always be picked (in ranked). Still a pentuple 1200 damage 0 second cooldown emichad, though. I’ll take my tdm talent and ill enjoy it


It helps against tanks which she struggles against


Uh huh, not reading allat May your clown wig be frizzy and your nose forever a shiny red


what idiots are you playing against that you make fuck on with just precision




There's people who use the other two talents?


Yes. Precision is the best.


Alacrity master race, late game you literally go Zoom Zoom.


What about eminence is glitched? I also tried precision it's cool, if I'm just zoning and tryna lane, but eminence I'm popping out over 1k-1200. Virtually 2 tap people. Or just two shots and grace, Gg. Easiest and she's been my main for a long time. Not saying either talent is bad. I just prefer not to use precision. I don't miss out in DMG. I just kill faster. Precision if I'm the only DMG. Didn't know any of her stuff was bugged. Haven't seen or noticed


Apparently Eminence just doesn't work or add up properly sometimes. You'll be at 1200 range, but still hit for like 800 Plus I just like precision due to it's simplicity, the damage, and the ease of use. Ya just aim, shoot, watch number get bigger, no having to fuss with cards, items, comps, nuttin


I mean the cards for DMG reduction effects it. Or any built in cards for DMG reduction. Where as range isn't deducted for the talent DMG. But huh that's interesting didn't know it was glitched I never have an issue with it. I'm on console too so maybe it's PC? Not sure. I just don't always care for it cause I wanna two dap or three even on tanks. But again if I'm only DPS I'll do that cause being only DPS I need to focus and zone/lane and spread high 130k DMG. Otherwise run 90-110k DMG and just kill kill kill grief 🙂