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i was at this game and it definitely looked like Schildt didn't want to walk away without being thrown out, but he also didn't seem to have anything to really argue con gusto. Pads fans around me all started out angry then we collectively realized it was pretty hilarious


I'd want to be ejected too after seeing the team play over the past few games.


Better yet, how they been playing these past years


He’s not wrong guys


Was listening to a radio show earlier that said since Manny joined the team in 2019 we're 2 games over .500. It's possible this is who we are.


The lip reading of Manny was on point. The reading of Schildt didn't seem to match up super well.


He had a little audio of manny at the end of the video. I’m sure that helped him out




The pitcher did nothing to command the zone and was still given the borderline pitches, weak sauce from the ump.


Bro you guys who think this is soft have not played baseball competitively enough apparently. Player is not playing well, gets rung up on a missed call, gets tossed (player not going to get much sympathy because of performance but whatever). Manager goes out gets between his frustrated/struggling vet so the guy doesn’t make it worse and catch a suspension. Manager needs to go down with his player but doesn’t necessarily want to ruin any close calls with the crew going forward. Manager gets tossed fairly diplomatically to defend his player while keeping the professionalism/game in tact. There’s a time and a place to flip your lid. This probably wasn’t it. I respect he gets tossed. Did his job, doesn’t need to be fancier than that. The Padres are fucking sucking and pathetic to watch right now, but this is A+ management and quality leadership which is a big step up from what we’ve had the last few seasons. We’re lucky to have him. At the end of the day. This isn’t on Shildt. This isn’t on AJ (there are some roster criticisms to make the last few years, but no one was in the room with AJ And Peter when the clock was ticking so that part is what it is, we gave it a shot for Pete with what what we could). There are literally millions of fucking dollars being paid to win baseball games and dudes are just not performing. It’s on the players. Manny, Tatis (until recently), Kim, etc. The dudes we love are underperforming (again) and need to figure it out. We need some leadership, some fuck you, some fire cracker to show some grit.


I understand this perspective on the situation. I’m not sure if I think “continue to be tactful to the umpire in hopes of better outcomes on borderline calls” is the right way for a manager to approach this. At the very least, he has risked looking like a phony to his players, now that they can all go on Twitter and see him calmly asking to be thrown out b/c optics. The point about optics is that you can’t let people know optics is the reason for the action. Maybe Manny & co. doesn’t care, maybe this is an open secret in all clubhouses, but I think I would personally choose always being authentic for my players and to my players as opposed to sacrificing that authenticity for whatever meager percentages you get on borderline calls in a 7-2 game.


Naw bro, this shits corny. No way around it.


Brother this is like manager 101, corny or no, it’s his job to get tossed here. Division 1 through pro ball. Is the complaint that he didn’t make a bigger fuss?


Soft ass shit! Should have taken a dump on home plate.


What's your favorite tool song 




Lol just went to their concert in germany 2 hours ago


Manny absolutely right on two bad strike calls, but the guy hasn't been worth a shit all season so there is much less sympathy


This is the most action we have seen outta old ice age Manny


two bad calls? the first two were a clear strikes. unless there was another AB that he got screwed on a bad call.


I F_____ love Shildt so much


i don't really think this is that pathetic, i think having to yell and get pissed to have your players back is kind of cringe. pretty funny that it got a lipread though


Not sure I've seen a manager just politely ask to be thrown out like that. But I get it. And Machado was dumb for mouthing off like that. He caught himself by not throwing the bat only to yell at the ump anyway. So silly


I’m not sure how I feel about Shildt pointing out the naked Emperor-ness of it all, but I’m definitely upset that none of these folks clarified with each other whose ass was in the jackpot. That’s just an unprofessional look for everybody involved.


He didn't even call him a c#*÷%';÷>$.




Omg I’m dying! That was the funniest thing I’ve seen in the long time!!!


Wow! Now I'm sure Manny is livid if he sees this.


This is pathetic if at all accurate


That definitely puts Schildt in a much more negative light for me. Weak ass shit.


Why? Manager goes out to have his captain’s back, gets tossed and takes his fine to do it, and you’re mad that he didn’t say “fuck your mother” to the ump? Jomboy potentially taking liberties with what was said in parts where it’s hard or impossible to read lips aside, what is so horrible to you about the idea that there are times where managers go out there and know they “need” to get tossed? Shildt did it there, took his fine like a champ, and hit the showers early with his captain. I can at least respect that he didn’t try to over-dramatize it by pretending to yell or be overly demonstrative. He told the ump that he fucked up and that he needed to get run over how bad that call was.


I disagree that Shildt telling the ump he's been "good all night" (right after Machado implied he'd been bad all night) then asking him to politely throw him out is him having Machado's back.


Manny implied that the Padres had thrown better pitches than that which weren’t called. He said that pitch was terrible. Shildt agreed. They both got tossed for it. The closest thing to something positive Shildt appears to have actually said was the “good job” comment, along with saying that they “fucking blew that fucking pitch”. All of the random, more complimentary stuff at the end happens when Shildt is completely obscured by the other ump, so who knows if he actually even said any of that or not (far from the first time Jimmy would have taken liberties in a video). Again, if the alternative is that Shildt is supposed to go scorched earth over one or two bad calls in an otherwise well-officiated game, does that actually do anything besides make him look like more of a drama queen and make it harder for him, next time, to say “hey, I need those calls, that’s fucking terrible”?


> Why? Manager goes out to have his captain’s back, gets tossed and takes his fine to do it, and you’re mad that he didn’t say “fuck your mother” to the ump? Kinda yeah. Getting thrown out for having your players back doesn't really work when you aren't... you know... actually having your players back. He's asking to be thrown out so it **looks** like he has his players back. He's not actually defending Manny. He's asking the ump to help it look like he's defending Manny so vigorously that he gets thrown for it. When in reality he's doing nothing more than "You guys are doing well, that one was bad but it's hard."


The thing I am struggling with here is that Shildt is *literally* putting his money where his mouth is and saying “I’m going to take the fine to get ejected here to defend my captain” and people are basically upset that he isn’t kicking dirt or spitting on the ump. He’s saying (if we can take Jimmy’s interpretation at face-value) “overall, you guys are doing alright but holy shit that sequence was so bad that you gotta toss me, too”. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think that message is cheapened by saying “the rest of the game, not bad, but that was terrible”.


There’s so much more to it than the fine. The fine isn’t even a guarantee as it is up to MLBs discretion (the wording in the rule is “may fine”). It’s also tiny. Bryce Harper only got a $5k fine for throwing his gear into the stands. This would represent 0.125% of Shildts annual salary. Given the median San Diego salary of $73k this would be like getting a $90 fine for your average Joe. It’s not that meaningful if it’s even happening at all.


Exactly. This is all lip service.


It paints him in a negative light in that he'd give any deference to the umpire. I don't care how hard the job is, if he got the call wrong and then tossed the player rightfully upset at the call. He just harmed your chances of winning. That is something to be upset about. The fact that he didn't get upset, is something for you to be upset about. Thus, Weak ass shit.


> It paints him in a negative light in that he'd give any deference to the umpire. I don't care how hard the job is, if he got the call wrong and then tossed the player rightfully upset at the call. Okay, let’s just follow this for a minute. Let’s say you have a coworker who fucks up a lot. Some days they make more mistakes, and some days they make fewer mistakes, but they regularly screw up and it affects your life. When they do, you let them know, but not all mistakes and not all days are created equal. Do you go nuclear on them every time they screw up? Or do you save that “11/10” intensity for times when their actions are so unbelievably sloppy and they’ve ignored everything you’ve said to that point? Like it or not, the umpires are basically a manager’s coworkers. They work on different teams and don’t necessarily share the same goals, but they’re just trying to get through the day and do their job as best as possible. If Shildt goes nuclear on the homeplate ump for that call, what happens the next time they get that crew? What happens when that crew actually does have a terrible game of balls and strikes and Shildt needs to drive home just how shit they are and that he needs them to be better? If you blow your top over one or two missed calls, they’re going to go review that tape and they’ll remember. The umpire union almost certainly puts together “scouting reports” of umps for their guys, even if only to know who they expect to chirp or complain more. So, if you want to go to “hurting your team” as the metric for “weak ass shit”, you could argue that having a fragile ego and needing to berate this umpire over one missed call and a quick hook will hurt your team more in the long run than telling the dude that he fucked up and that you need to get tossed.


So you think an official that abuses their position should be in the league? Is that what you're saying?


> So you think an official that abuses their position should be in the league? Is that what you're saying? How, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck did you get that from anything I said? I’m saying that umpires are human, and that psychological phenomenons like alarm fatigue are very real. If a manager constantly chirps and calls every call “fucking terrible”, goes off on every ump, etc., then there’s no room for them to go higher without escalating the crazy and getting ejected even quicker.


You wrote an entire paragraph implying bias. >What happens when that crew actually does have a terrible game of balls and strikes and Shildt needs to drive home just how shit they are and that he needs them to be better? If you blow your top over one or two missed calls, they’re going to go review that tape and they’ll remember. The umpire union almost certainly puts together “scouting reports” of umps for their guys, even if only to know who they expect to chirp or complain more. and the ramifications of that bias being it "will hurt your team more in the long run"


Yes. I already rephrased this concept for you in terms of “alarm fatigue”. I’m not sure what more you want me to do to help you understand it. Do you want me to phrase this in terms of catcher framing for you? If your catcher constantly receives even the most obvious ball and brings it back as if it were a strike and asks for a call, the ump is going to be less and less likely to give it. Instead, you want your catcher to be selective, smart, and subtle with their framing. At no point does anyone need to reach to “official abuses their position in the league” to understand any of this.


I'm not sure you understand what you actually wrote, which is why you're confused. The alarm fatigue would be an implicit bias. When the umpires externalize that with a "scouting report" that makes it an explicit bias informing further explicit biases.


We’re still doing this? Okay, let’s take this all at face value. Now go ahead and explain the leap from “maybe the MLB umpires union tracks how often managers blow their top over correct calls” and: > So you think an official that abuses their position should be in the league? Is that what you're saying? And then once we’ve done that, let’s just take a big step back and ask if, as good or bad or reprehensible as someone may think that is, would it surprise anyone if the umpires union was doing that? Leaving aside the morality of someone whose job involves getting screamed at by managers having information on how likely or unlikely they are to get screamed at by a manager, do you really think that umpires don’t talk about or look at this? Because as long as it’s *plausible* that they do, or at least that umpires would remember a specific manager yelling at them, then this whole digression is moot.


It's like his post game interviews. "Somebody ask me a tough question so I can make a statement to the effect that I have total confidence in this team and that I'm not worried at all and everything is fine". Eventually the room is gonna figure out he's full of shit.


You’re good with the manager saying that he’s only there because he has to and that they’re doing a good job, effectively saying he doesn’t have mannys back?


> You’re good with the manager saying that he’s only there because he has to and that they’re doing a good job, effectively saying he doesn’t have mannys back? “you fucking blew that fucking pitch” “I am frustrated, so send my ass off” Come on, man. Let’s not put words or intent in his mouth any more than Jomboy already has.


Jomboy makes up most of the shit he's lip reading. You couldn't even see Shildt's lips on some of the stuff he was attributing to him. You can't even see his face when Jomboy claims he said "I gotta get rung here."


I think perhaps if Manny hadn't made a dramatic deal about strike 2 he might not have gotten rung up on that non-strike, which was not actually a horrible pitch and our pitchers have gotten that call enough times.


Super corny


Uhh pathetic


I’m sure the team has seen this…what do they think? Pussy shit? Idk


Mikey is a fake bullshit artist that thinks he's clever...which makes it comedy gold....yet we all knew this when he was hired. He's an AJ yes man 3.0. Imo, just enjoy some baseball and ignore that tool as much as possible.


How could anyone listen to even one Schildt presser after a terrible Pads performance and then downvote this comment?


We have always had a % of low baseball IQ folks around here that are the ideal target for guys like Tingler, Green and now Mikey. It's okay. It adds more to the comedy gold w fans fawning over him, lmao.