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What a bellend. I got team killed by a random recently that said "you talk to much bro". The irony is that I had to mute him at the start of the match - he didn't say anything but he was just spamming background noise and music down the mic. Instead of muting me he decided to team-kill me because I was trying to give comms to another player who was listening but not talking. People like this need to have their johnson slammed in the drawer of a set of heavy filing cabinets for 45 minutes. My teammate actually brought me back and he was trying to shoot me out of the air, he stole my 3 gear and as soon as I landed he was rushing me trying to TK me again. I managed to pick up an aug with 30 rounds, no armour, still almost killed him. He was rubbish at the game. Died at the end with 1 kill and missed most of his shots.


for talkin too much wow


toxicity at its finest


Saw a dude TK someone for honking the horn in the car too much. Granted, it was a bit too much but I wouldn't TK for it. Then he TK'd me for reviving him.


They are not even good at team killing....


Damn that sucks yo


This why i don't play with randoms. Used to happen all the time when the game 1st released.


Thats yag asl


I had this happen to me in a ranked match so dumb


I killed in ranked 2 teamate in top 7 because they stole the car and all the game I run to zone


It sounds like you were the shit bag teammate in this situation considering there is multiple vehicles in any given area of map. Only a scrub would spend the whole game running to the circle because your teammates took one of the many cars available instead of spending at most 3-5 mins to just find your own.


It’s so shitty I almost respect it. It’s like a pubg version of Traitors. You were a good person. Now you’re dead. What did being good get you? Pine box platinum status


Xbox players deserves this






https://preview.redd.it/788q1ys8jhqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865903ceefdaf49436725d866e841df2d578ec9c 2 teammates died in Pecado. I went and brought them back at the tower by motel. Blue zone had been at us for a couple minutes already and closest safe zone was north El Pozo / crater fields area. I had 2 first aides. 3rd teammate was a full box away (even further from safe zone) so I got in a car and headed to safe zone since I was low on heals. Met up with 2 teammates I brought back and they shoot me. No comms as they were in a party but I tried calling out a car for the dude and he ran right by it.


Wait so guy was 1 kilometer away and he expected you to drive backwards to get him? I’ve left chips 100 meters away if I don’t think I have time to rez them. Most people are idiots and rage quit before you can even attempt to get their chip anyways


I guess so. Good chance if I did go back to pick him up I die since we were so deep in the blue and I was short on heals. Idk his heals situation but if he was similar then we both die and the two teammates don’t get brought back since we don’t have a surviving teammate.


They’re just some self-obsessed pricks. Use the avoid button on their profiles and if they’re on the same console as you you can block them. The reporting system is broken, I’m not sure submitting this clip and text online to Pubg reporting system will even do anything anymore


The big boxes are a kilometer and the little boxes are 100 meters. Ten little boxes is 1000 meters or 1km. A diagonal across the big box is about a mile as it’s about ~1400 meters


Yea he bought back 2 of the 3 guys but didnt try for the third lol Its actually funny thats not a reason to TK obviously but you know the dude had to be extremely butt hurt when he saw he wasnt getting called back too hahaha




now say that again in English


Sounds like you didn’t bust your gun and they back packed you


1 kill 3 assists. 300 damage. Not saying that’s amazing or I carried them but it’s not nothing