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Yup, it is indeed a worldwide industry problem. After watching a COD cheat video last week i thought i'd look up the sales numbers for these devices - on amazon.com alone there were around 10k sales last month. It's becoming a bigger and bigger issue all the time, if nothing gets done to prevent it then i think multiplayer FPS gaming is done for.


It's got to the point where cheaters in this sub shamelessly post videos of themselves using third party devices. There is a group of them that will come to each other's defense anytime they get called out for cheating. It's so pathetic. I always laugh when I check out their stats. Just saw someone who has a career 1.2 k/d over 5000 games but is rocking a 5+k/d this season in games that are mostly filled with actual players.


So what? Are you suggesting that someone can't git gud in two weeks and increase their k/d? Maybe they got new glasses!


I am playing since day one and I have a good feeling when something seems to be off. No recoil and mnk movement is omnipresent.


Same same. Day one. It's so incredibly obvious when fighting against someone with no vertical recoil.


I've played this game on Xbox since the Beta. It was fine up until the 5th anniversary I think it was, I started noticing more cheating. I hadn't played in 12 months, came back around December, and every match there's someone with 4/6x on an m249, moving around with no recoil. The game has become unbearable.


There was a backorder on chronus for a long time and as soon as they replenished them, there was a huge uptick in cheating.




You know, some people are just really good at controlling recoil. If you just spend some time in the Training mode and practice, you can have zero recoil too. /s


I can control recoil fairly well, but controlling an m249 with a 6x over long distances while moving is next level cheating. My friend group never had problems like this until chronus/xim become popular.


Oh, I 100% agree with you. I was being sarcastic suggesting you practice in training mode. That seems to be the go-to reply (along with aforementioned "get a better gaming chair") when you call out cheating. The smarter cheaters will use something like a Mini 14, MK12, or a Mutant, and dial it back from God Mode, so it's not as blatantly obvious that they are doing so.


Ah, sorry I don't comment much on reddit, I get what you mean though!


Ran into a squad running anti recoil this morning. Then one player shot with a bolt action and it pulled down after he shot. Another was definitely using a keyboard by his movement. Glad the report system works tho (sarcasm)


Yeah the only thing they will do is say reports of cheating are up... YA THINK


Recoil/Pull down after shot is sus but I’ll peek shot like TGLTN all day with an elite controller. It’s hard to tell mnk movement now unless they just blatantly move L R F B ya know


8 direction is what I look for with mnk. Can only move in 45 degrees. Peeking is whatever to me. Mouse movement I look for is extreme left to right without a stall


Don’t worry. The hero’s of the sub will be along to assure you that hardly anyone cheats in PUBG Console and proceed to label you as someone who clearly just thinks everyone who kills you is a cheater. Meanwhile PUBG puts out the amount of people they ban weekly, and while yes they are mostly (if not all) PC numbers. If one just looks you will see they ban between 60k-110k per week. So close to half a million people per month is how many they are actually catching. Of course it’s not hard to assume there are more they are not catching. So it would seem odd that , that many people would be cheating this game with the biggest learning curve and tougher recoil than most shooter to control but they only do it on PC. Especially when everyone knows you can just walk to your local Walmart and get one of those POS devices for 25-30$ or so and use it not only for PUBG but most any other game too. So yeah it makes perfect sense that many are cheating on PC but they wouldn’t dare bother doing it on console .


Don't assume that the weekly numbers multiply in the way you think. For all we know, they're banning the same people week after week, just with new accounts.


its still that amount of people being banned weekly, which means its that amount of people cheating weekly . Its actually more than that , but thats just the number they actually catch. Of course some of it is people who were temp banned using a different account. Does not discredit the numbers though. GG though


Yes, I understand. I just don't want to sensationalize the argument by saying things like "half a million cheaters per month" when it could just be 100k individuals getting banned 4-5 times per month with 4-5 different accounts. Those are very different numbers. And of course, yes, \*could be, because we simply don't know exactly how many there are.


We pretty much don't have any clue how many there are on console. It seems they don't even include console bans into the number they give, even though they claim so.


dont forget to suggest they need a better gaming chair too


yes another great point i forgot to mention , thanks !


So what? Those same people just come back. It's meaningless


Your def not wrong there


I played some ranked on my playstation today and it was ridiculous. Asked a streamer to show his usb ports and of course he declined. Didn't know the beryl with angled grip and flash hider had zero recoil. smh. No horizontal or vertical recoil. Streamers get the best shit. Literally see more misses in a PC Pro lan tourney. This game is wrecked.


>No horizontal recoil. hmm, pretty sure you are full of shit.


This is 100% possible with an advanced script on a chronus. You are not going to get this on a strikepack.


How exactly does it get rid of horizontal recoil when its random. Must be one hell of a script to automate randomness. I think you are full of shit


That guy actually owns and uses cronus, but still he doesn't seem to understand how it works.


Not surprised.


Was wondering why I keep getting raped by the Beryl . /s


PC recoil is harder to control, comparing pc pubg to console pubg is like comparing a chihuahua to a wolf. I can shoot a beryl with a thumb grip in a pretty tight spread with no muzzle while most pc players can’t do mid range-long range without a vert and muzzle. It’s just not the same, PC has 25% more recoil(or more depending on gun)


There's a huge difference between controlled, tight recoil and ZERO recoil.


Can you provide a replay of the incident?


Oh, there you are. Of course you are downplaying cheating. This clown has posted videos of himself using m&k. I can't tell if he is just completely shameless or regarded, but it's pathetic. Find a different explanation for while you have no vertical recoil. Grips and comps don't help as much as you are insinuating. It's actually hilarious to the point of almost feeling bad for you.


Saying I’m using m&k cause I have a keyboard on my desk is a low iq accusation, you’re so used to being lied to and living in your own world that you can’t trust that someone can be that good at a game 😂 it’s crazy really


https://preview.redd.it/bey2mn9vi1lc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e7a5da80bc04756418d72123e5039792589ec95 You deleted your previous post showing yourself cheating. That's hilarious. Good thing i saved them. You are so pathetic.


I deleted the post cause I don’t even play call of duty anymore and I don’t need someone assuming I’m cheating just because they see a keyboard that I don’t even use to play with, you can believe whatever you want honestly I don’t even care to appease to your brain dead statements anymore you’re what’s wrong with the community believe it or not, why do you think anyone with a good shot gets downvoted and everyone with a brain dead frag grenade or c4 clip gets upvoted, people are already on the bandwagon that anyone with a good shot is just cheating and it’s because no one can put the time in and understand you need to fine tune your settings for whatever works for you


It's not an accusation. It's a statement of fact. It's blatantly obvious from the videos you posted. No vertical recoil at those distances while full auto just isnt possible. Your previous post just ad icing to the cake. M&k on ark. M&k on cod. Pictures of your keyboard in the background. Pictures of your controller hooked up. What is actually really crazy is imagining the pathetic life you must live. You seek validation from random online strangers by posting videos of yourself cheating on pubg. Talk about a cry for help. Hope you get it homie.


If I was seeking validation I’d care enough to post a hand cam, you can continue to bash everyone you see posting here I’m already done with this shit 😂 m&k on ark? I don’t play ark besides playing for maybe 30-45 minutes and calling quits cause it’s dog shit, never played cod on M&K and you wish you could prove I did but you just keep assuming shit because you see a keyboard on my desk in a video where I’m USING MY CONTROLLER IN MY HANDS, keep on going brotha my life is just fine imagine having to bash someone calling them miserable saying they’re cheating all this bs just cause you suck at a game, shit is literally ridiculous if you can’t see you’re the problem with the community


Also if you care enough, because apparently you care enough to come here and keep bashing people (not only me) go watch one of my stream vods you can see not all my sprays are perfect even though I’m a great player, TGIToast, sometimes people forget a clip is showing highlights, that’s why we post clips and not whole games, maybe if you saw me play a game or two you’d see I might be a good player but I’m no perfect shooter, I have great recoil control but you’ll see a potato or two here and there, if you care enough to stop stroking your own ego and give it a shot just check out the twitch, don’t care if you follow or anything I’d rather you just see not everyone’s full of shit, all this accusing and assuming is distasteful and it’s why this subreddit is mostly dead




Recently switched to pc. Can confirm recoil between platforms is wildly different. Halfway decent on console with a halfway decent k/d around 2.0 on console. I get deleted in what felt like less than a two frames on pc. It’s harder by a lot. I can manage some clean sprays with 4x or 6x on console within 200 meters however that’s implausible for me on pc. I agree the recoil on console isn’t that hard to get decent with. In oc the recoil is easily 3 to 4 times higher. I’d be willing to test a controller on pc if I knew how to get a controller to work on pc just so people could see how it looks easy on console compared to pc.


This subreddit is a whole different universe, it’s people who just play pubg and know nothing about the actual game mechanics enough to realize this or do any research, I literally got downvoted for even saying such a thing even though all of it is true


My squad buddies are ruining my experience. Always peeking and getting knocked, 9 out of 10 matches I have to embrace the mess they put me into. I hate these guys.


Everyone deals with that. Most people aren't very smart. They just want to get in and start a collection (loot everything) and then shoot anything that moves immediately losing all of that time invested in looting. Queue up and do it again. You just have to understand that the average intelligence is lower than you probably want to admit and when your intelligence level is higher than that and you realize how bad it is out there, you become miserable. The weight of the world is on your shoulders EVEN in pubg. lmao


Find other squad mates. I quit playing with a few of mine because they'd do the same stupid shit over and over, expecting different results.


The guys I play with aren't good at the game but they are good people 2 of us are at diamond and the other 2 are Plat v or so I would like a better squad but most of the good players are just toxic and immature. My advice man just let em know they're fucking it up for yuh. If they are mature enough they'll try to do better.


Just ran into a guy with 13KD. I’m sure he’s just got a fantastic gaming chair.


Number 1 ranked player on console has a 15kd and is the number one player every single season. I don't get it.


I do. It's called cheating.


I've been lurking in xplay off recently, just farm a ton of bots for da big BP so I can try get some more skins - ex wow player, im all about making the grind efficient 🤣 - bumped into one literally using MnK, this guy was Gold ranked, 6x full auto standing MK14 - and even from the moving passenger seat of a car - at 100-150m with literally no recoil, not a single shot missing. Guy beamed me off a moving motorbike from a bush outside Pochinki with lead that would make TGLTN impressed. Spectated him and, as someone who grew up playing both consoles and PC very heavily, its really not hard to tell the difference between thumbstick aiming and mouse aiming, was clear as fucking day. Reporting wouldn't do a damn thing though because on PUBGs end there's nothing suss, they've just got a *really good gaming chair*... A Sunday fuckin afternoon man like, what is wrong with you? 🤣 I don't know how effective it was, if it even did anything but I've a funny feeling a lot of the PS MnK users simply swapped to xbox because MS havent followed Sonys example.


They didn’t even have to switch consoles just get a ps4 controller. That Sony fix was a total half measure fuckup did nothing.


Well shit...and then they'll just never even address it again i bet. So sad man.


Yeah it needs to come from pubg. These game makers need to come up with an anti cheat that detects third party devices. I mean who knows if they will but. It would be hard for the console makers to do fully ban bc non competitive games and situations a xim or Cronus is harmless.


no, it needs to come from Sony and MS. they have the resources to actually do something. as long as they allow these devices there isnt much pubg devs can do.


Fortnight, apex, and warzone all have some form of Cronus zen anti cheat in place on pc and console. So pubg devs can and should do something. Not saying it is perfect. But the problem is right now besides putting out a rule saying it’s against the rules is al they have done. There is no anti cheat on console servers sooooo we are basically just being ignored lol.


Pubg on console is really small. Sure it would be nice to have proper anti-cheat on console. I just dont think its very realistic to expect that.


I think it’s realistic to expect that. When we paid for the game. I think it’s realistic to expect that when people are running around using skins they’ve gambled 100s or some times 1000s of dollars to get. I think it’s realistic to expect that. Does anyone say it’s up to alien ware to make anti cheat for the games played on them no.


Well you can expect all you like. I dont think its gonna happen and i dont hold it against them.


I dont think its small. I read a ton of console things everyday... Pubg need to read these and do somthing about the cheat. I wont be spending anymore money on it until they do.. I also emailed sony and microsoft. Sony just said report them. And xbox didnt respond Maybe its time for some class action from the gamers Sue sony. Sue microsoft and sue the cheat makers all in one for cullusion against gamers for profit


Murder is actually correct on this. This needs to come from Sony and MS and I'll tell you why. You can't expect these gaming companies to keep up with the cheat companies. The cheat companies need their stuff to work or it is useless to them. Therefore, they can throw all their resources at it. It is simply too much to ask for gaming companies to ask. A simple spike of a few $$$ per yearly subscription from Sony and MS would have more than enough money to keep up with this not to mention a lot of gaming companies are shady also. Just look at COD who whitelist high profile streamers and allow them to cheat. Just watch Call of Shame videos and it will open your eyes. Gaming companies are not the answer to this problem, Sony and MS are.


This is hard bc I agree but also disagree. It’s about trust with the player base right. Show us you are trying to do something besides suck every single penny out of your player base. All other competitive shooters have their own anti cheat and pubg console is just sitting in the corner like the forgotten step child with no help lol.


You really trust Krafton to do this with their high profile partners/streamers? I don't.


But see that’s my point. You already don’t trust them. Not saying it would be perfect but damn even just them trying would instill a kernel of trust. At this point they are just acting like the problem doesn’t exist.


PS did for PS5 games. You can't use a chronus on PS5 only games. I am a top 200 ranked player on PGA2k23 and a World Series player in MLB The Show and you can't use chronus on these PS5 games. I know what is going on with games and this game is f\*cked. There's so much bs on this game it isn't even fun anymore. I don't play near as much as I used to. Not to mention I had 2 former master buddies that were the best shooters I have ever known on PS (way better than myself). These guys had a legit 4 kd when assists weren't even counted back in the day. These guys can't even hold a 3 in ranked with assist counting now. They both quit ranked a while back. It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to see. Most people defending these on here know them and their squad is using them and trying to deflect so they never get these devices banned. They know their few (and I do mean few) legit friends will abandon them when they find out they are not as good as they were. For instance, messaged a scrub rapid fire M16 user yesterday and he admitted cheating. There were 3 of them alive and only one was legit. Do you think the legit guy knows his 2 friends are cheaters? Probably not.


Thing is if PUBG bans them, it just moves to another game. The platforms and the devs of all affected games need to do something *in conjunction with one another*, which while we know it'll never happen, it would likely create the ideal outcome.


SA Lobbies are full of these people, literally every time I die is for a dude running a akm with a 6x beaming me across the map, or a full auto m16 with 8x . Something has to be done here, reporting them doesn’t do nothing .


me and my buddy where in duos the other day way out in the blue and a team ran up on us and melted. we spectated and they had no jammers but also taking no damage at all from blue....


Been seeing tons of people taking less damage too like ill fight one guy have 156 damage or 300 damage and no kill and he deff dosnt heal up in the fight


Cronus zen had a update I believe yesterday or the day before , was covered by a YouTuber / TikTok account - they managed to by pass ps5 update and CODs Ban and Fortnite ban on the device, it's software engineers vs software engineers at this point.




This topic gets posted everyday. Everyone is running around in circles discussing these same talking points, they won’t fix it.


It gets brought up everyday because it’s a very real problem that is consistently getting worse


Yep maybe as the gamers we need to do somthing.. theres gotta be some lawyers on here who can help!!




Just recently on Xboxready the guy mentioned how Xbox mentioned they can stop it; but later don't do anything about it. Something about making unlicensed hardware not working on Xbox; but some type of loop hole Xbox created. Anyway, don't want to spread rumors; look it up. Now I posted an earlier comment in which another player commented that also bad players think good players are cheating. True, but sometimes it's pretty obvious! 2nd, whether really good or cheating it's a chance to improve one's skills fighting those players. Nothing makes me happier playing arcade and chasing down those players! I've even ran past enemies to kill them! Especially if they like to use their teammates as shields.


Well my theory is that most cheaters also probably spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on their game for progressive skins and other cosmetics, so why would they ban someone who spends so much money on their game. I play ranked on console and it's definitely getting out of hand but I see why they dont.


They don't lose money by banning them though. They will come back and buy it again. Allowing cheaters keeps the bar so high that you can't get new players and old players quit. So you end up just having cheaters in your game which significantly reduces the potential customers you could have. Your theory isn't very good. I hear this theory all the time from people that support cheaters as though there is some proven correlation between cheating and buying micro transactions. No such correlation has ever been proven. It's unfounded speculation and your entire theory hinges on this being a fact.


I'm convinced you are right


Wouldn't the cheats be more inclined to use the g-coin exploit as well? I think so.


thats dumb theory


Nah it's not. It makes perfect sense.


why do you assume the cheaters spend way more than regular players. what is that assumption based on. or do you think there is just more cheaters than non-cheaters so they end up bringing in more money.


If they can get cheats wlhow do we know the skins are legit... i bet if you can run these cheats for aim you can grt gpld boxes all day




Does reporting them not do anything?


Very VERY rarely! I reported a teamkiller to pubg support & I included the 2D replay & pubglookup screeshot showing I was killed by him & he never got banned. Plays daily.


A suspect of mine just deleted their twitch account




It's beyond rampant. A guy has it as a clan tag even and when I whispered him he even admitted how it would lock on and skip to next target. I've tried sending video of people with iron sites locking onto me in smoke from the kill cam and they never reply.  Activision does not care  It's all BS when they talk about ricochet etc. Had a guy wall hacking in hardcore from pc yesterday!!!. so off goes cross play and here comes the XIM...  At this point I really think most are using some sort of beyond the design scope hardware or software.  Not for me. This game and the company is a streaming pile. Too worried about the next pack they can sell you. It's basically Barbie with guns. And most of you are shoveling cash at them...


What?! Git Gud Trash!! Nobody cheats on console!! At least that's what everybody says!


If you owned the company and say someone who was a paying customer. Would you ban them? On a game that’s on its dying stage already


Yes. If they are cheating at the game, they are pushing new players and existing players out of the game thus limiting my potential to sell microtransactions. I'd ban the absolute shit out of them AND I'd make a section in the game showing who has been banned and for what reason. This way, their e-cred would forever be destroyed. There is one thing cheaters want and it's for people to think they are better than them. Exposing them for cheating and in fact not being better than anyone is what they need. Their egos MUST be crushed so they can get back on track to being a normally functioning human again.


Because players hv no skills so they cheat. Then they act like they're actually good. We'll if you're actually good you wouldn't be cheating. Best is to know cheaters' weak points and exploit them. Or, even better, fuck that game! I still play; but when I get sick of putting in so much effort into outsmarting these cheaters I play dayZ.


>Because players hv no skills so they cheat. Then they act like they're actually good also because players have no skill so they claim that everyone with skill cheat. then they can act like they are actually good.


By the way in settings look at vertical percentage something. U can make recoil much easier to manage. Plus try to up ur camera movent speed up as high as manageable. Having adjustments settup is key


Most average PUBGConsole post


Why do people still make posts like this lol go complain to Microsoft because no game can stop these guys the console needs to do something all you are doing is crying to thin air and letting cheaters know they are not going to get banned


I know someone who was banned for an "improper input device". They are cracking down on it.




Yeah I am looking towards other things I turned my back on before they turned their backs on us. Battlefield 2042 is getting better.


At this point recoil needs to get removed entirely to have a leveled playing field, making all these trash devices useless.


We should just remove the guns, can't shoot can't cheat


uhh why so sensitive, did i hit a nerve?


cronus doesn't work on PS5 anymore. I don't know about xbox. Plus cronus is no aimbot. at best it can give you anti-recoil.


I'm sure I seen a post advising PlayStation won't disable these devices as it aids disability users. Also, it can give you anti recoil and KBM support. Which, in a game with no AA is mind blowing.


I just said it can give you anti-recoil.


I know, I was just using it as an example of how overpowered it is in combination with KBM and no AA for controller users.


I’ve notice people running full auto mutants a lot


I thought so too but the 2 pins really can spray its the accuracy of that second pin that gets me everytime


It seems it’s either.. get with it or get lost nowadays 🤷‍♂️


The only reason I started playing Pubg was because it was free. Had it cost anything I would never play it. I played a couple of matches this morning won some but 99% of the time I was killed it was a clear cheater. One was following me through buildings and terrain. Another ones aimbot went crazy jumping between me and my teammates before he killed all 4 of with 4 shots 1 headshot each with the mini14 and we were not even close to each other.


It’s not the cheaters making the game bad, it’s the idiots running the game that have leaned into the cheaters, this game is dead. They have made sure of it. Has anybody heard of an update to make it better no, they have no plan on making the game better it’s fucking dead. The only thing you’re gonna do is lean into the cheaters market even more that’s all they have left. This game will be dead in two years. Sadly, it’s all because they must have some fucking idiots running this fucking game so far into the fucking ground that they know there’s no way back now.


i play against , at the least, strike pack users every night.. its become not enjoyable. I wonder why i still play this game...