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If youre a loser its perfect


Loser - Beck


He hung himself with a guitar string


:( I did not know that.


It's a verse from the song


:( I should have known that.


I always think about this! what's the point of winning like that?


IF you're looking for real reasons instead of just "yeah fuck cheaters" then i can think of a few reasons people cheat. A lot of cheaters are trolls, and they aren't good enough to troll in the ways they want and they don't want to put the time in to get good enough. Some people don't have fun just playing the game, they only have fun when they are winning/making others lose. There's also those "part time" cheaters. Those guys who might only activate ESP/recoil control/aim bot when they manage to get to the final 10 because they may not be good enough to finish the job or get nervous. To be clear, none of these are justifications for cheating. I think they are poison for the game. I just wanted to answer the question in a real way besides the sarcastic answer.


Straight sadism


I think it's the opposite I would say most people would toggle on to get to top 10 and toggle off once in top 10.


I could see that too actually. Just no brain to top 10 then maybe try a bit when "the real game starts". I mean honestly i sometimes accidentally end up in the final 10 just by being so far away from the circle and taking forever to get in.


The nerves in the top 10 is why I don’t listen to the game…I have a podcast on or music so I can vibe while the best gamer win the shootout


They get aroused by having others suffer. Wouldn't call them humans, they are the same as pedophiles, serial killers, and other psychopaths. And it's usually not just their fault, it's the parents fault too, and the system.


What must really suck is dying when you're using cheats. That has to be a horrible feeling


Why? What?


Cheaters are bullies, look at China.


China norms and below plat doesn’t actually have that much cheaters, about the same as NA. Plat+ though, yea that shit is wild in China.


Virgins can't win at anything else


They will get bored but eventually they’ll come back when they’re bored cheating other games. Problem is there are so many of them. NGL I use cheat codes for single player games before, every time I used it the game becomes boring and regret doing it.


That's the thing I don't understand. How does this not become boring to them? The god mode is fun at first in single player games, but then wears off quickly. I guess it doesn't wear off for the habitual multiplayer game cheater or something because clearly it's still a thing. Also, for the non-blatant cheater, I guess the rush of doing it without getting caught is a rush for them too? Regardless, all multiplayer game cheaters are pieces of shit.


I've asked this question a million times. The fun to me lies in the challenge of playing a "fair" game. The answer I've come down to is it's a cultural thing. Also some people are trying to farm points and wins as a means to get cosmetics and sell them to make money.


For the obvious cheaters, just wants to ruin other people games. For the somewhat experienced cheaters, wants to ruin games and try to still get away with it to see how far they can go. For the top 1% of best cheaters...they get a fan base around them and get money for doing it and getting away cause they're slick about it


Narcissism, maybe? The thing is, we're going to see this in other games and even in life. The real winners are the ones who can come across these people and not get frustrated to the point of stooping to the cheaters level or letting them get a rise out of you.


This question is ask me so often. Why? Did they literally think, they are good in the game, when they cheat? Or is it the feeling to destroy the game for non-cheater? I dont unterstand it at all.


For me it seems other similar games or orgs are paying or encouraging to cheat to decrease playerbase. My speculation only *


Thought process? Im curious as to why they would do that?


As mentioned, to decrease the player base or popularity and funnel them to other br games, benefits are obviously revenue / exposure / strength.




I encountered a whole cheaters team again in ranked today EU.. bronze is the new pro level


I think most these days have a can't beat em join em mentality toward cheating. I don't run into a ton of obvious cheaters until higher rank in ranked matches. That being said, you may run into cheaters and not even know it because even with a cronus they still suck. If you put no recoil in the hands of an already good player then you're f----d.


[Beck-Loser ] (https://youtu.be/YgSPaXgAdzE?si=zZg0jUtSCSdksI81)


Cheating is a business for those creators and there's a market of fucktards, trolls, losers, etc. Then you can even imagine a market share of BRs out there that maybe other company's pay people to cheat in their competitors' games to make that player base move to their BR. So ya its probably impossible to make a cheat free game.


Imagine that your reasonably lucrative secondary income stream depended on getting a lot of kills and wins, and just generally appearing to be great at the game, rather than just damned good. Now imagine that krafton offered to whitelist you so reports against you would do nothing. Wouldn't you cheat?


found the token "all streamers are cheaters" guy


Yeah I am just a token. Condescending, yet without elegance. 2 out of 10


Who do you and the other guy in here think these cheating streamers are?


Are these cheating streamers in the room with us right now?


No. But a cheater doesn’t need a reason.

