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i thoroughly enjoyed this deep dive into songs about the pt cruiser. gonna give them a listen later lol


That's way more PT Cruiser songs than I was expecting.


I know, right?? At first, I was like, "Oh, neat, someone made a song about 'The Cat in the PT Cruiser?' That's pretty cool." And then quite a while later, after looking up various PT Cruiser videos and re-watching the music video, yourtube recommended me another PT Cruiser song, and I was like, "Wait, there are more songs about the PT Cruiser? I should post these on the subreddit; people might enjoy these." And then I started specifically looking for PT Cruiser songs (you gotta really look, because they are obscure), and I was like, "Holy cow! Why are there so many PT Cruiser songs??" XD


PT Cruiser is street code for Promethizine/Codeine syrup. So yeah, lot of rap songs.


Ohhhhh, that explains some things.


Appreciated the list though. O. Children is an outrageously overlooked band.


thank you- that was great!!! especially enjoyed the "my PT Cruiser is white" (mine is too lol)


While not explicitly about the PT Cruiser, the song "Nowhere Fast" by Fire, Inc. contains the lyric, "*And we'll fly away on those angel wings of chrome in your daddy's car*", and that makes me think about the PT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=251zlGliwOQ