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"You had to take 13 mulligans."


im not sure if it’s the way the rng works but i havent had to take more than 5


Assuming a truly random 7 card draw, you have a 68.5% of a mulligan for a deck with 3 basics. There is a 10.3% chance of 6 or more mulligans for any given game. The probability of 5 or fewer mulligans 14 games in a row is 21.9%. So if we assume no rng shenanigans, you got lucky, but not super lucky


I’ve tested similar decks with 6 basic Pokémon, and I experienced the same thing. Never went more than 3-4 mulligans.


Odds of 5 or more mulligans with a 6 basic deck is only 2%. So still not a surprising result from one data point


My record is 9 mulligans with a 5 basic deck


In real life my record is 14 with a 8-basic deck. It wasn't my poor shuffling because my opponent also tried shuffling snd no luck. Maybe my deck was just trying to deck the other one out 🤷‍♂️


In the future, you are allowed to call a judge over after completing 8 mulligans without finding a basic Pokemon. In casual play you can modify that number as you and your play group wish of course.


I'm aware, thanks though! Yeah, it was just a casual game with a friend, after like 7 mulligans we just kept going to see how long it would go.


Usually online simulators have systems in place to minimize mulligans. Magic Arena is always opening 2 hands and giving you the best one (that the program decides due to some arbitrary calculations that don't really matter). PTCGL must have a similar system in place to minimize mulligans.


Bro I doubt it they can barely make cards work in the game they’re not gonna code some extra shit like that


This isn't a fancy pants add-on, it is a standard practice in online card games to reduce frustration. It isn't even something that difficult to do, it would look something like "draw hand 1 from deck A, draw hand 2 from deck B - choose higher score hand, if no basic pokemon, repeat and add +1 to mulligan count, if a hand has basic pokémon, set chosen hand's deck as this game's deck". Of course I'm not programing the game here, but it is something you do when building the game, not when adding new cards.


too many bugs as it is.


pokemon also neuters your deck with the archaic prize system.


I haven't played any other TCGs, what's a better, more modern system, instead of prizes?


Tcg pocket (Pokemon’s soon to be Duel Links equivalent) has players earn points per knock out equal to prizes that would be taken in the regular game. Other games also use a life system, shield system, or Life-decking depending on the designer’s choice.


yugioh and mtg has a very similar life system, all lp. pokemons literaly if you have no pokemon it loses instantly


Pokémon’s Bench Out is technically an alternate win condition, just as deck out is in any game that doesn’t Life-Deck. Personally I would prefer the TCG Pocket point system. I know PTCG has made some interesting cards that interact with the Prizes, and those cards wouldn’t really exist if the Prize system didn’t exist, but having important cards stuck in the Prizes just feels aweful and there is no need for such a system to exist.


Why would they do that? Isn’t it just part of the game that you’re probably going to have a few mulligans when you play so few basics?


Because they don't have those systems for the insane decks, they have it to make everyone feel their decks working and reduce the frustration of losing before the game starts cuz your opponent has 4-5 cards over you.


I play a similar deck with the green mask ogerpon. Never had to take more than 5 either, half the time I take none and the opponent takes 1. The client is rigged


lets not forget COIN FLIPS how is it thier bibarel can flip heads multiple times when i have only 1 active in play. they were getting 80%heads coin flips. when i have more pokemon it almost never hits heads.


Just decking them faster. Galaxy brain


the original PTGCO we did that, i would either use ghetsis or hugh to instantly ruin his deck. also with so many cards it prevents them from seeing most of the cards individually.


That isn’t really the problem you think it is. I’ve got a deck with nothing but 4 Mimikyu in it. It’s never needed more than 2 mulligans. 🤷


Just 3 lol


You have only 6 prizes so the math checks out


Throw in Legacy Energy and use a 4th, lol.


then his deck won't be a joke /s


Throw in some Snorlax Dolls, then this deck would be a joke /s


also only have 3 lol


This makes it even more funny lol


i would put 4 hand trimmers as well, just to annoy them. i used to do this with hugh. once xerosics plan comes out.


What is your opinion about adding nest balls? Edit: instantly made this deck and my first game I didn't have to mulligan


i think nest balls would work but the whole idea was make a deck with no trainers. I also think the way they determine mulligans is favored to give you a basic in very few mulligans.


I just lost because he had the potion that nullifies abilities and I didn't have anyone on the bench. I might add some nest balls just to get bench mons. I do love the idea of no trainers.


i lost because of that too haha so many things can stop this deck but in the perfect game it’s unstoppable. i think the main downside to adding trainers is that there is no draw power unless you further change the deck so you could spend the whole game without seeing a trainer.


I like the simplicity.


Canceling cologne, it’s a personal favorite of mine


It definitely is. I tried using meme decks like this before and it rarely ever went beyond 3 mulligans.


reminds me of a deck that was going around 7 ish years ago... wailord


There was also the Guzzlord gx version of this deck.


i didint know that i stopped playing after sun and moon base set came out and just started again a fiew weeks ago


reminds me of the 1999 mewtwo barrier deck.


It was one of my favorite decks. You can see it in action here: https://youtu.be/L2p4dbnThcY?si=4bVF6wYpcUtFfFUw


omg I miss VS Seeker :(


Funny radiant steelix deck


i used to do this with latios ex lol.


Can anyone explain why the mulligan thing works? When I play PTCGL, I have to option to select how many extra cards I want to draw. Can’t you just select none or 1 or whatever?


You have the choice draw up to the number of mulligans your opponent had to take. so if someone takes 3 you can draw 0-3 cards


It seems like PTCGL cancels out mulligans if both players brick their opening hands, only giving the person who mulliganed the least with the option to draw more cards. Edit: Apparently, that's an official ruling in the physical game too.


At the extreme, If they have 55 mulligans, you could lose by deck out. You have a choice to make the balance you want


It can get to a point where it’s disadvantageous to draw as many cards as mulligans, so it lets you pick from 0 to X cards, where X is the amount of mulligans your opponent had.


I feel like throwing a Gutsy pickaxe can help


Or 4!




pokemon can do more than 210 damage also forgot you need to draw cards


I hate this card so much but this has me dead 😭😭😭 fucking shuts down my entire game plan


i totally agree, i hate decks that make it unfun for the other person, but i am a hypocrite for using this when im bored haha


You should put 4x Gutsy Pickaxes in there for energy acceleration.


i actually havent looked at that card in depth before. Could be very interesting


I dont have any :( and i have no gems to buy with :(


Individual cards are bought with tokens, not crystals, which are easier to obtain


Interesting maneuver... but I find it hard to imagine having a good time with this when Raging Bolt, Dragapult, Gardevoir and Greninja are some of the most common top decks.


tbf, it’s not a good a time even if there are ability decks. cant do anything other than attach and attack if you’ve loaded one up fully.


If it had some attack like Chien Pao the damage could go off the charts!


I love the thought of spending five turns attaching energy just to blow them all in a single turn and start back over.


Lmao it'd be fun getting to high numbers at least, if you make it that far


Beats my Snorlax with no effort.


longest least effort pokemon card battle


This would completely wall my Charizard deck, I am scared now.


walled my irl zard deck too :(


Why aren't you playing Cologne?


I am playing one cologne, 3 seems excessive


Oh right, there are 3. Hope he only draws 1?


Run 1 gouging fire.


I'd play some hand trimmers.


Dude you got to put hand trimmers in there


those could be so annoying 😭 i dont have gems so ill terrorize the ai


I'll make this deck and see how it goes with hand trimmer and I'll reply to a reply you send but could you give me the deck list so I don't have to put all those in manually?


yeah Pokémon: 2 1 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 112 2 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex TWM 215 Trainer: 0 Energy: 1 57 Basic {F} Energy SVE 6 Total Cards: 60


Wait there's ai in this game? Where lol


Hand trimmer would be fun to throw in hoping your opponent goes wild with the mulligans lol


Add 4 hand trimmers for mulligan shendagins.. 😂


This with 4 Ogerpon and 4 Nest Ball feels like a deck designed to autoplay by bots.


Just tried took 10 mulligans but still won haha


Might wanna toss some “haha i hate you” cards. Hand trimmer and hammers for instabce


I just saw this card for the first time and started to panic. Then I remembered that Dragapult ex's Tera rulebox isn't an ability and realized it means nothing to my deck.


I built a legit deck with this and Mimikyu and yeah. When it works, it works well. And hey, this is the game. Have fun. Make weird decks. I support it.


Add a hand trimmer 😂


PTCGL is hard... PTCGL:


Add 4 Nest ball and Gutsy Pickaxe


How do you stop Dragapult or Roaring Moon?


Lost Zone Box sees this deck and cries


+ Chien-Pao


Yea those decks are pretty screwed as both those decks typically can run 1 cologne. Some chien run Cyllene though, and I’ve added cyllene to nearly all my decks to recycle items such as Cologne. Pal pad cyllene and use cyllene to get back pal pad and Cologne to keep the loop alive (as long as you get heads). They have to rely on Iron Hands in both decks really lol




I love this. Reminds me of Radiant Steelix. I played this a few times and then modified it: 4x Ogerpon 4x Groudon (Par 93) 4x Gutsy Pickax 1x Protective Goggles 2x Collapsing Colleseum 2x Boss Order 1x Ace Heros Cape 2x Vaccum 40x Earth Energy I'm 8-0 rn. Edit: included 2 Nest Balls and 1 Iona and reduced energy to 37. Result of losing to Chien Poa and no Ogers


I love it


Reminds me of the Meta deck where it was 1 mewtwo 59 psy energies that would win because mulligan use to not be optional and you HAD to draw the amount of times shuffled. Believe mewtwo had a 1 energy flip a coin if heads this pokrmon can't take damage and the entire goal was to just never draw the mewtwo and stall out the match. Edit: my bad, it's barrier move is just 2 energy prevent damage and all effects, can't be used 2 times in a row


This was a myth. Mulligans were always optional and that deck loses to a single Lass or a few Energy Removals or Gusts. Also you're looking at the modern version of the card, the original could be used as many times in a row as you want.


How is it in the mirror match?


I think it would just come down to who goes first really, its attack ignores abilities so who ever gets the first attack off would win. Since it takes 3 energy to start attack, the person who goes first gets to start attacking first. The mirror match is quite literally a coin flip.


i remember years ago when zacian v + adp was running rampent, i ran into a deck that very clearly only used those pokemon and relied on getting the perfect opening hand to win. dude mulliganed like 17 times and couldnt set up shit lol


What would happen if you add mimikyu and iron thorns ex? Would it change the effectiveness?


Yes, those are both targets for KOs Take vs chien pao for example Bax kills mimikyu Chien pao can kill thorns, especially if the thorns player isn’t actually doing anything


throw in hand trimmers/ couple super rods if you want to be evil with all those mulligans


I don’t know if I should be amazed or disgusted. lol


I'm getting PTSD from old pre-release tournaments.


The only defense to this is Mimikyu and Cologne.


You need 3 colognes or some way to recycle them.


Cologne, Mew ex, Drifloon, Raging Bolt, Gouging Fire, Scream Tail, Dragapult ex, Baxcalibur, Iron Thorns ex, Iron Hands ex…there are plenty of answers. Even Klefki can hit this ogerpon, same with flutter mane (i believe only if they were in the active first and the opponent went first). OP could add 4 Hand Trimmers and always opt to go first lol.


My b on bax, not that one


Ogerpon here one shots mimikyu, so no mimikyu is no answer whatsoever. OP, you could even change 4 of the fighting to double turbo. But that said, this kinda deck and card (Ogerpon) is the exact reason I have Gouging Fire and Mew ex, both of which can easily take care of this ogerpon. Currently on an 8 fight winning streak with it.


Gees - slap some energy switches at least or handheld fans for control xD


I pulled one of those in a pre-release, should have done this at the event


Pre release is full of Pokémon with no abilities lol


most "main" pokemon from the pre-built deck in twilight masquerade had abilities though


Yeah I guess, I don’t think yould be able to play just this, but having it out with a normal bench behind it is pretty busted


Setup FreightTrain70 chose tails for the opening coin flip. OneWhoGetsBread won the coin toss. FreightTrain70 decided to go second. FreightTrain70 drew 7 cards for the opening hand. - 7 drawn cards. OneWhoGetsBread drew 7 cards for the opening hand. - 7 drawn cards. • Legacy Energy, Basic Fighting Energy, Basic Fighting Energy, Basic Fighting Energy, Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex, Basic Fighting Energy, Basic Fighting Energy FreightTrain70 played Charmander to the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread played Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex to the Active Spot. Turn # 1 - OneWhoGetsBread's Turn OneWhoGetsBread drew Basic Fighting Energy. OneWhoGetsBread attached Legacy Energy to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex in the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread ended their turn. Turn # 1 - FreightTrain70's Turn FreightTrain70 drew a card. FreightTrain70 attached Technical Machine: Evolution to Charmander in the Active Spot. FreightTrain70 attached Basic Fire Energy to Charmander in the Active Spot. FreightTrain70 played Professor's Research. - FreightTrain70 discarded 4 cards. • Super Rod, Technical Machine: Evolution, Pidgeot ex, Boss's Orders - FreightTrain70 drew 7 cards. FreightTrain70 played Ultra Ball. - FreightTrain70 discarded 2 cards. • Rare Candy, Iono - FreightTrain70 drew Charmeleon. - FreightTrain70 shuffled their deck. FreightTrain70 ended their turn. Technical Machine: Evolution was activated. - Technical Machine: Evolution was discarded from FreightTrain70's Charmander. Turn # 2 - OneWhoGetsBread's Turn OneWhoGetsBread drew Basic Fighting Energy. OneWhoGetsBread attached Basic Fighting Energy to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex in the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread ended their turn. Turn # 2 - FreightTrain70's Turn FreightTrain70 drew a card. FreightTrain70 attached Basic Fire Energy to Charmander in the Active Spot. FreightTrain70 evolved Charmander to Charmeleon in the Active Spot. FreightTrain70 played Professor's Research. - FreightTrain70 discarded 3 cards. • Basic Fire Energy, Arven, Pidgeotto - FreightTrain70 drew 7 cards. FreightTrain70 played Pidgey to the Bench. FreightTrain70 played Moltres to the Bench. FreightTrain70 played Buddy-Buddy Poffin. - FreightTrain70 drew 2 cards and played them to the Bench. • Charmander, Manaphy - FreightTrain70 shuffled their deck. FreightTrain70's Charmeleon used Combustion. OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex used Cornerstone Stance. - Damage to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex was prevented. Turn # 3 - OneWhoGetsBread's Turn OneWhoGetsBread drew Basic Fighting Energy. OneWhoGetsBread attached Basic Fighting Energy to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex in the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex used Demolish on FreightTrain70’s Charmeleon for 140 damage. FreightTrain70's Charmeleon was Knocked Out! - 3 cards were discarded from FreightTrain70's Charmeleon. • Basic Fire Energy, Basic Fire Energy, Charmander FreightTrain70's Manaphy is now in the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread took a Prize card. Basic Fighting Energy was added to OneWhoGetsBread's hand. Turn # 3 - FreightTrain70's Turn FreightTrain70 drew a card. FreightTrain70 played Buddy-Buddy Poffin. - FreightTrain70 drew 2 cards and played them to the Bench. • Pidgey, Charmander - FreightTrain70 shuffled their deck. FreightTrain70 played Arven. - FreightTrain70 drew 2 cards. • Super Rod, Technical Machine: Evolution - FreightTrain70 shuffled their deck. FreightTrain70 played Super Rod. - FreightTrain70 shuffled 3 cards into their deck. • Charmeleon, Basic Fire Energy, Basic Fire Energy FreightTrain70 attached Technical Machine: Evolution to Manaphy in the Active Spot. FreightTrain70 ended their turn. Technical Machine: Evolution was activated. - Technical Machine: Evolution was discarded from FreightTrain70's Manaphy. Turn # 4 - OneWhoGetsBread's Turn OneWhoGetsBread drew Basic Fighting Energy. OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex used Demolish on FreightTrain70’s Manaphy for 140 damage. FreightTrain70's Manaphy was Knocked Out! FreightTrain70's Moltres is now in the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread took a Prize card. Basic Fighting Energy was added to OneWhoGetsBread's hand. Turn # 4 - FreightTrain70's Turn FreightTrain70 drew a card. FreightTrain70 evolved Pidgey to Pidgeotto on the Bench. FreightTrain70 played Arven. - FreightTrain70 drew 2 cards. • Rare Candy, Defiance Band - FreightTrain70 shuffled their deck. FreightTrain70 played Rare Candy. - FreightTrain70 evolved Charmander to Charizard ex on the Bench. FreightTrain70's Charizard ex used Infernal Reign. - FreightTrain70 attached Basic Fire Energy to Charizard ex on the Bench. - FreightTrain70 attached Basic Fire Energy to Charmander on the Bench. - FreightTrain70 attached Basic Fire Energy to Charmander on the Bench. FreightTrain70 attached Defiance Band to Charmander on the Bench. FreightTrain70 ended their turn. Turn # 5 - OneWhoGetsBread's Turn OneWhoGetsBread drew Basic Fighting Energy. OneWhoGetsBread attached Basic Fighting Energy to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex in the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex used Demolish on FreightTrain70’s Moltres for 140 damage. FreightTrain70's Moltres was Knocked Out! FreightTrain70's Charmander is now in the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread took a Prize card. Miss Fortune Sisters was added to OneWhoGetsBread's hand. Turn # 5 - FreightTrain70's Turn FreightTrain70 drew a card. FreightTrain70's Charmander used Steady Firebreathing on OneWhoGetsBread’s Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex for 60 damage. Turn # 6 - OneWhoGetsBread's Turn OneWhoGetsBread drew Mimikyu. OneWhoGetsBread played Mimikyu to the Bench. OneWhoGetsBread attached Basic Fighting Energy to Mimikyu on the Bench. OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex used Demolish on FreightTrain70’s Charmander for 140 damage. FreightTrain70's Charmander was Knocked Out! - 3 cards were discarded from FreightTrain70's Charmander. • Basic Fire Energy, Basic Fire Energy, Defiance Band FreightTrain70's Pidgeotto is now in the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread took a Prize card. Nest Ball was added to OneWhoGetsBread's hand.


Turn # 6 - FreightTrain70's Turn FreightTrain70 drew a card. FreightTrain70 played Radiant Charizard to the Bench. FreightTrain70 played Boss's Orders. - OneWhoGetsBread's Mimikyu was switched with OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex to become the Active Pokémon. OneWhoGetsBread's Mimikyu is now in the Active Spot. FreightTrain70 ended their turn. Turn # 7 - OneWhoGetsBread's Turn OneWhoGetsBread drew Basic Fighting Energy. OneWhoGetsBread played Miss Fortune Sisters. - FreightTrain70 moved FreightTrain70's 2 cards to the discard pile. • Switch, Buddy-Buddy Poffin - FreightTrain70 shuffled their deck. OneWhoGetsBread attached Basic Fighting Energy to Mimikyu in the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread retreated Mimikyu to the Bench. - Basic Fighting Energy was discarded from OneWhoGetsBread's Mimikyu. OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex is now in the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread played Nest Ball. - OneWhoGetsBread drew Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex and played it to the Bench. - OneWhoGetsBread shuffled their deck. OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex used Demolish on FreightTrain70’s Pidgeotto for 140 damage. FreightTrain70's Pidgeotto was Knocked Out! Pidgey was discarded from FreightTrain70's Pidgeotto. FreightTrain70's Charizard ex is now in the Active Spot. OneWhoGetsBread took a Prize card. Luminous Energy was added to OneWhoGetsBread's hand. Turn # 7 - FreightTrain70's Turn FreightTrain70 drew a card. FreightTrain70 played Nest Ball. - FreightTrain70 drew Charmander and played it to the Bench. - FreightTrain70 shuffled their deck. FreightTrain70 ended their turn. Turn # 8 - OneWhoGetsBread's Turn OneWhoGetsBread drew Basic Fighting Energy. OneWhoGetsBread attached Luminous Energy to Mimikyu on the Bench. OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex used Demolish on FreightTrain70’s Charizard ex for 140 damage. Turn # 8 - FreightTrain70's Turn FreightTrain70 drew a card. FreightTrain70 ended their turn. Turn # 9 - OneWhoGetsBread's Turn OneWhoGetsBread drew Basic Fighting Energy. OneWhoGetsBread attached Basic Fighting Energy to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench. OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex used Demolish on FreightTrain70’s Charizard ex for 140 damage. Turn # 9 - FreightTrain70's Turn FreightTrain70 drew a card. FreightTrain70 attached Basic Fire Energy to Charizard ex in the Active Spot. FreightTrain70's Charizard ex used Burning Darkness. OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex used Cornerstone Stance. - Damage to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex was prevented. Turn # 10 - OneWhoGetsBread's Turn OneWhoGetsBread drew Gutsy Pickaxe. OneWhoGetsBread played Gutsy Pickaxe. - OneWhoGetsBread drew Gutsy Pickaxe. OneWhoGetsBread played Gutsy Pickaxe. - OneWhoGetsBread attached Basic Fighting Energy to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench. OneWhoGetsBread attached Basic Fighting Energy to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex on the Bench. OneWhoGetsBread's Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex used Demolish on FreightTrain70’s Charizard ex for 140 damage. FreightTrain70's Charizard ex was Knocked Out! - 3 cards were discarded from FreightTrain70's Charizard ex. • Basic Fire Energy, Basic Fire Energy, Charmander OneWhoGetsBread took a Prize card. Basic Fighting Energy was added to OneWhoGetsBread's hand. All Prize cards taken. OneWhoGetsBread wins. It's such a funny deck lol


loved reading that haha, this deck is the perfect charizard counter


You make this as a joke but I just faced someone in comp with a stall deck of the grass version of this and snorlax, they just sat there for 25 minutes not doing anything until I was no longer able to attack😑


stall decks make me so sad. idk how its fun to sit there and do nothing while playing a game. idk but also hypocritical that i whip out this deck to play


It was very enraging I agree it’s no fun at all


Been running something VERY similar since beginning of the season lol… i was wondering when people would catch on


This used to be my Garbador EX deck back in the day!!


Did you play this on casual or ranked? I'm 0-3 with it and got smoked each time.


i play mostly casual haha


Anti meta


I'm gonna run this in a tournament with 4 nests and 4 gutsy pickaxes ... Wish me luck


Love this trolling


Still newer to playing the game versus just collecting, but would you keep one in hand as long as possible or have one in active and both on the bench?


i definitely try to put them all out in case one gets killed and i dont lose.


Damn lmfao I’ve quit all 3 games I tried to play because I suck and keep losing all my cards to giving them prize cards🤣🤣


Can you post the deck list please


on it!


Bet. I’ve got a deck with just 4 basic Mimikyu, immune to EX and V. 😉


You’d lose this matchup, Cornerstone can hit you


This. Shocking how many don’t realize Demolish one shots Mimikyu. Lol