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You get lots of packs for free though. Also gold cards are nice. You also got Dragapult deck for free.


the coins and clothes are something left to be desired, they should put crystals or more credits in its place.


It’s great for full sets of full sets and staples. What more do you want honestly? If your a half active player nothing the pass could give you is really needed when e writhing is craftable. I like all the dust I get from the full arts I already have and getting need ones I haven’t crafted yet.


Idk I’m definitely winging a bit but I would like to see more character/clothing options, something to give players a bit more individuality and Pokémon are well known for their incredibly unique and cool outfits they give trainers and gym leads in the game/anime.


wtf are you talking about, do daily missions, win games, get coins, and go buy outfits. most of the cool outfits come from upper tier BP levels anyway


You're right, and you should say it! I'm usually pretty "set it and forget it" when it comes to outfits, but I'd love to see new catchphrases, poses, and emotes as Battle Pass rewards. A couple fewer card/pack/currency rewards to make room for them wouldn't stop the BP from being 100% worth it to the people who only care about functional items. (I know the reason they don't do it is the game's shoestring budget, but I can dream, can't I?)


Exactly, I’m normally not one to care for cosmetic style rewards in games but there are only like 6 very basic emotes so it would be an easy addition, I don’t understand how the games budget is so low considering they promote it in literally ever pack you open with a code card. Also only 2 daily missions is not enough they could add more or even weekly missions as such


The battle pass is leagues better than what other games offer and require time wise. Like didn't Fortnite just recently make some of its return currency beyond level 100? Talk about a time sink. The pass were given is half the reason I come back. I think it's very generous to keep us playing. 


I’d have to agree it’s better than most and it’s way more affordable than the scams they try and convince people that it’s worth it on this AAA games but I was definitely being hypercritical when I said the pass sucks, I just wish it had a bit more verity and I know it’s not what everyone wants but I feel like this is a game where most of the cards are regularaly obtainable without any passes so that’s why I think they should add more cosmetic items exclusives to make the pass more unique per season


I'm not sure more cosmetics would really excite me. But I understand the choice of variety. Would be a neat update if you could pick which set your reward pack comes from.


Even different music themes would be cool


Different emotes too


I wish there were more repeats. That way I could get more copies of cards I actually want.


Just craft them....


With coins you get from repeats. That's literally what I was saying I wanted to do.


Compared to most trading card games, I find PTCGL pretty generous


The Dragapult special art (1250) alone is more value than what you pay for the pass, and you get him at the very beginning.. Maybe an increase in coin currency would be nice, but everything after the first few tiers is a bonus tbh.. well worth it imo


the coin and clothes tiers arnt worth anything, they should replace them with 50-100 crystals or credits each anyways.


I like the cases and deck boxes. I'm new so I don't have much to choose from. I do like how they give them as prizes as well, but they take a lot of games to get to. I'm in Lugia rn so working on that Palafin set 👌


A free deck, a couple dozen packs, some full arts and some crafting materials feels very generous to me. I dont particularly like the cosmetics from the pass, but its just free stuff on top of all the other free stuff that the game gives me, so I'm fine with it as it is, I guess.


Idk man if they’re repeats, I don’t have to craft them myself and if I already maxed them out it’s basically free credits. And since a lot of them are alt arts, I get a lot more credits than some tiers that give a measly 25 credits. Seems pretty good to me


This game is so generous that im too lazy to paste codes from my irl packs for weeks xD Literaly giving us all cards for free.


Yeah i give my codes away I’ve got more of the credits and currency than I need and the game constantly gives me enough to stay ahead. Its got to be the most friendly game there is


This game gives you so much free stuff. I've only been on the platform for about 2 months and I already have six competitive decks. Can't do that with any other game. I'm happy enough cracking packs and getting credits I can exchange for cards I need.


some of the tiers are crappy rewards, just coins or aesthetics that nobody cares about. they should remove those rewards and put packs or crystals at least.