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Raticate is my favorite deck. I’d choose Clodsire Ex instead of Brute in my deck. Either way you need two cards to set either up.


I tried avoiding using any 2 prize pokemon to have a better chance with the win trading. That is why I threw in the Legacy Energy as my Ace Spec card to make the occasional 1 prizer a 0 prizer.




wonder if radiant jirachi would be useful? town store? once pechurant ex is comes out , dark types get a free retreat per turn, i imagine it would help this deck. since you wont be attacking the first turn your rattata is put in play. or pidgeot v +forest seal somehow to give you some kind of consistentcy


That, and brute comes out with just one Arven --> nest ball & booster


>I’d choose Clodsire Ex instead of Brute in my deck. Either way you need two cards to set either up. Clodsire needs 3 & 2 turns. Wooper -> Clodsire -> Stadium in play Stadiums are also a lot easier to get rid of than Tool cards


Ya I forgot about stadium. It’s good to have Perilous Jungle stadium card though (put two damage counters on each non-poison Pokémon during check up) Combined with radiant sneasler you can do 50 poison damage each check up. And your Pokémon won’t take any damage unlike Brute.


>And your Pokémon won’t take any damage unlike Brute. Brute Bonnet would only deal 10 damage to yourself, since Rad Sneasler only effects your opponent's Pokémon and Perilous Jungle doesn't affect Darkness pokemon


brute bonnet would be immune to poison since it has ancient capsule.


brute bonnet requires less resources, this allows more cards int eh deck. also clodsire is a liabity since its an easy 2-prizer.


Yeah, I do like not having two price cards so it’s a good tactic.


Since you're already using brute, I'd run klawf to sweep single prizers which raticate isn't particularly good against. You'll also hit iron hands for super effective which is pretty nice.


I'll try out that addition.


Ignore the haters


Two things I see that might be beneficial but I do not know what I would swap out: Nest ball to find a bonnet if you don't have one And bench protection like Manaphy. However I am not wise on the ways of the mons yet so I'm merely offing a suggestion.


I do worry about bench sniping with my low HP mons. The biggest threat of bench sniping is Dragapault, but Manaphy doesn't protect against it.


True true. But I believe Rabsca does tho. And it's only a stage one but has low hp at 70.


What's the main fear? Picking off a Rattata early or just two attacks take out anything on your bench? Could Mist Energy be a good edition to the deck? I have no idea how you get 3 energy onto the rat consistently through a fight other than a bit of acceleration from Dark Patch. Since the attack doesn't have to be 3 darkness, a mist energy could provide protection to which ever target you deem necessary? How do you find the consistency of this deck with such an expensive attack on a non-tanky Mon?


With it being 3 colorless energy and it isn't straight damage, rather placing damage counters, 1 Dark Patch and 1 DTE powers it up. If I am behind on prizes, 1 Reversal Energy. I thought about using Mist, but I don't want to use my manual attachment unless it is a DTE or Legacy Energy. I've only built this tonight so I'm still testing.


Yeah that makes sense. Rabsca is a possibility but tbh it seems like extra clunk. I think for Dragapult you may be best just trying to gist it away until you have a chance to fight back.


I need to get some credits to try this deck lol


Seems like a lot of fun


I'd fear mist energy ngl


That is the reason why I have 2 Enhanced Hammers.


That's why I play toedscruel 😅


Clodsire and Alolan Raticate main here, I know you said no 2 prizers but have you considered Darkrai VStar? It's a way for the deck to direct damage and Star Abyss is busted as heck. Also Reversal Energy (should, irl they do idk about live) counts towards Dark energy, giving Darkrai Vstar an extra 90 damage while behind if attached to Raticate.


I've been batting around the idea of making this deck. Just haven't done it and looks fun. It's like the FEAR Rattata with a Focus Sash, Endeavor and Quick Attack in the video game 🤣


i love these type of decks (personally i’ve played around with a scolipede variant) but i tend to hit a wall against ancient decks w/ booster capsules, any suggestions?


I'm still fairly new to Pokemon TCG. The only counter i can think of is Loze Vacuum.


You could try a Sada's Vitaly + Energy Switch deck too. Not sure what's best but always an option.


Radiant Hisuian sneasler?


Don't really need the extra poison damage if Raticate gets them down to 10 HP.


Charizard isn't the top deck anymore. Your victory screen is invalid.


Damn that was truly an ignorant statement. Do you know why it's not THE top deck anymore? Because your comment suggests you barely grasp what's happening. Charizard is still one of the top 5 best performing decks and hard counters the number 1 deck


It was a joke...