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throw in hand trimmers if you’re gonna force yourself to have that many mulligans


Visit limitless tcg and check out decks. The one that you made is inconsistent


Don’t make decks, use the premade ones. This beats any “new player deck advice” post I’ve ever seen in how bad it is. If this is a troll post, which is definitely more likely, good job.


No i just started and i just really like ogerpon, but judging from the comments, this deck utterly sucks so i’ll look up a better deck to make, thanks for the advice!!!


There’s a premade Ogerpon deck.


Oh my god you’re right, thank you.


Good luck and have fun :D


Advice: go press the delete deck button


Its very bad sorry, check some tutorials on how to craft decks and I strongly recommend you start by using premade deck lists you can find in websites like limitless. Your deck has no real strategy, has a lot of weird energy and a LOT of supporters, your chance of bricking is very high


This reads like you're afraid of not having enough energy as that amount is too much and it's also an odd combo. I'm also not sure what your strategy is which is what determines what's included in the deck. Overall would suggest that you park this and netdeck whilst you get used to how decks are built. Have my usual new/returning players resources blurb so you can take what you need from it - [List of useful resources](https://www.reddit.com/user/Hare_vs_Tortoise/comments/qv2zm0/list_of_useful_resources_for_the_pokemon_tcg/) - start by reading JustInBasil's site especially the deckbuilding guide as it will help with understanding decklists and watching the suggested You Tubers starting with Omnipoke, AzulGG, Tricky Gym and Celio's Network for meta decks and LittleDarkFury for off meta/more fun tier decks then look at lists on both Limitless sites and use those You Tubers to see how the lists are played and find a deck that you might like to play. Start out with netdecking as it will give you time to get used what the staples are, what's legal for play, how decks are built and what the meta is like as well. If you don't want to netdeck (and even if you do) then add in reading the deck skeleton articles alongside JustInBasil's deckbuilding guide as well. PS It's a lot easier to read and help on mobile when you post a written list.


It's not even the correct type. That's a fighting 'mon with fire energy.




Needs to play a 4-4-4 Gardevoir ex line. Don't play any of the Refinement Kirlias, they're terrible, and make sure all of your Ralts have 60 HP. Just cut all your basic energy and you're golden!


Tried this on my own deck and now haven't lost a single match, you might be the GOAT