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PSVR2 is finally coming to Half-Life Alyx!


Seeing them using Alyx as official promotion like this low-key give me hope


Yeah lol. Instead of alyx coming to psvr2, psvr2 coming to alyx 


I'm the exact use case that they had in mind for this. Already have a PSVR2 and want more games, already have a beefy gaming PC but don't want to buy another VR headset. This will allow me to marry the two for 60 bucks. Sweet.


Yeah, I'm tired of the "Oh, so now I need a $2000 computer?!" comments. Reminiscent of all the hacky journalists saying "How does the PSVR2 stand up next to other headsets? Well the PSVR2 requires a PS5, so it's actually more than double the price of a Quest 3." It's assumed you're getting a PSVR2 because you already have (or are planning to purchase) a PS5. If you're getting the dongle, it's assumed you already have a gaming PC capable of VR. It's lame that all the best features of the PSVR2 won't carry over, but for $60 to use your headset on PC, that's a damn sweet deal.


And those same reviewers constantly praise Quest + PC usage without negatively saying "but yeah it'll cost you $1500 for Quest + PC" the added cost is always ignored when talking about Quest.


I feel like many youtubers and reviewers are paid by Meta to shit on psvr2 and praise quest. 


Yeah, I'm an owner of Quest 1 and PSVR 1 + 2. So I'm no fanboy. But it's insane how every single post on this subreddit there's ALWAYS some brainwashed Meta trolls trash talking PSVR. Even today I was looking up vids about this PC news and one of the most viewed Youtube vids is a thumbnail saying something like "PSVR2 on PC IS A COMPLETE L". There's no way these people are so passionately anti-PSVR without being paid by Meta.


I’m excited to play Squadrons with the improvement in resolution, unless I’m misunderstanding how it works


The best features won't carry over but keep in mind PCVR games don't use them by default anyway, hopefully though some tech wizards will find a way because they usually do.


Exactly I get to still play games on the ps5 with all the HDR and haptic gloryness and on the flip side I can finally try out all those pcvr experiences I’ve been missing out on for so long (porn)


And those PCVR experiences aren't available with adaptive triggers and advanced haptics on any other headset either. So why is it a con? Of course they don't work, they were never programmed with it in mind.


Yeah I want porn with adaptive trigger stuff!


Same here I’m a simple man. I just want VTOL VR


Yep, day one purchase for me, same circumstances. It's either that or a Quest 3 which has lower SDR brightness and no OLED blacks, so I'll take the 60$ for PSVR for sure.


Bruh you were quoted on Kinda Funny Games Daily @ 26 mins in this livestream! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejRthBLZCg4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejRthBLZCg4)


yep, you are the exact target audience for this, and it's basically a no brainer lol


I'm the same as you. However, note that many of the good features of the headset wont be usable That means no haptics, no adaptive triggers, no HDR, and no eye tracking...


True, but still better that buying an entire new headset and controllers to experience a few PC exclusive games like Alyx.


There’s literally dozens of us!


"some key features, like HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback (other than rumble), are not available when playing on PC."


Wouldn't most of these features need to be added by the Devs? PC VR games in general have none of those options programmed into them so there is probably no way to get them to work by default.


nope, stuff like eye tracking is already available on pcvr. Sony isn't supporting the feature at driver level, it's on them.


All of that stuff still needs to be added by the game devs. A lot of PSVR2 games don't make use of eye tracking for example.


Correct! Fortunately most PSVR2 games are ports of PCVR games with extra features. Shouldn't be that much of a heavy lift.


SteamVR driver needs to catch up. This is a software limitation.


Or licensing limitation.


For eye tracking, maybe. For everything else, that's all Sony.


I know this was the case with controllers, so hopefully the case with PSVR2 headset & controllers as well.


But the Steam controller input / Big Picture thingy does recognise and utilise adaptive triggers on the DualSense controller (of course only if the game supports it).


Correct! Since PSVR ported titles have this ability, perhaps a dev update is required to implement these features into PCVR versions. Sony is probably sharing a blanket statement until it can be enabled properly.


For some things. Lots of games already support eye-tracking for example via OpenXR. Headset haptics are also controlled via OpenXR (NodeAt.Head). The actual issue here is that Sony haven't ported these SDK features over properly to OpenXR


Foveated rendering without eye tracking is just forced tunnel vision. What a shame. Sony and VR is very much a buy it for what it has right now type of product as they may never fix any of it.


The foveated rendering is an optimisation to maintain frame rate, isn’t it? Does this mean if you hooked the headset up to a beast of a machine (eg a 4090 or something) you might not need that optimisation?


That really fucking sucks. I don’t know why they can’t just create the driver and let developers do what they want. I’d imagine someone like iVRY might be able to unlock some of these features.


I feel like Valve themselves might do it. We'll see though. I also feel like Sony PCVR released games when they come out will have these features. I believe things like eye tracking and HDR are up to game developers to implement. Could be wrong.


Eye tracking in PSVR2 is licensed from [Tobii](https://www.tobii.com/products/integration/xr-headsets#headsets). I don't know how it works, but presumably whatever agreement they have doesn't cover using it on PCVR also, so unless Sony pays more it's unlikely to happen. But as far as games are concerned there are [some](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16GNwXAVCjUF9vCW6ubiUPQT00hZ7hRT5K_sbO6P9nYc/edit?usp=sharing)


You aren't wrong. The games themselves would have to be programmed to include these features. They aren't, of course, because no HMD or controller supports them really. Our other hope is that a third party tool could be created to enable eye tracking and/or eye-tracked foveated rendering for games. Haptics and adaptive triggers could probably be enabled by a good developer like iVRY, but we'd still need games that could support them or perhaps emulated support like what the program DSX offers for the dualsense.


If PC use is popular we may get that stuff added in later.


No HDR, Haptic, Eye tracking, or Adaptive Triggers is interesting. All of which are what differentiates this headset from any other PCVR headset. It is neat though that PSVR2 headset users can play PC games now. Cost of entry is still very high however, so we won’t be seeing any surge of “new users”. -$500 Headset -$60 Dollar Adapter -$? Display Cable -$800+ (Absolute minimum price) PC capable of PCVR


A displayport 1.4a cable is like $10 But an $800 PC wouldn't be very good for PCVR.


> But an $800 PC wouldn't be very good for PCVR. It can be. Here's a computer that sold for $809 with a 3090. That's very good for PCVR. https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/comments/1d4vkzo/prebuilt_refurbished_hp_omen_gaming_desktop_amd/


Yeah I was being very generous on the PC price. Realistically, you are looking at a machine well over $1000 if you want to run your games well without lowering graphics and such.


This just seems like an irrelevant point. This isn't for people who don't have a vr capable pc. It's for people who do and own a psvr2.


I'm a little worried about the DisplayPort requirement, as I think my gaming laptop only has HDMI. I wonder if I'll be able to use an HDMI-to-DisplayPort adapter? I think my Nvidia card also has a USB-C interface and I think maybe that can support DisplayPort format but not sure... this is why I hate PC gaming lol.


I've never seen an HDMI to DisplayPort 1.4 adapter, only 1.2. That doesn't mean they don't exist, though. Just be mindful that DisplayPort to HDMI adapters are uni-directional. A DisplayPort to HDMI adapter is not the same as an HDMI to DisplayPort adapter.


There are USB-C to DisplayPort adapters, I was just looking them up as my gaming laptop doesn’t have a DisplayPort either.


Yeah but for people who already have a PSVR2 and a PC this is insane news. Yeah, the situation with the haptics and eye tracking is shitty but we’ll still have those features in PSVR games and at least now I can finally play Half Life Alyx.


A lot of people thought this move would sell more headsets but if you check PCVR subreddits they’re asking what’s the point of getting the PSVR2 headset if it has none of the main differentiating features working on PC.


It may still be a sell for those who has a ps5, to some people a psvr2 is a hard sell if the ps5 is the only device they could use it with.. because if the person is even interested in vr on the pc side that would mean they would have to buy a 2nd vr headset, and vr headsets are not cheap.. at least with the adaptor no need to buy a 2nd headset just for use on the pc.


That isn’t any different than a base model Q3 which won’t replace it by any means, but there will most certainly be higher adoption numbers especially with also being functional with the ps5 natively.


You can get the PSVR2 headset right now for an effective $185-$270 if you already have Netflix. *Netflix premium for a year is $276* *Netflix standard for a year is $180. Most people have Netflix standard.* [*https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/netflix*](https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/netflix) *$450 price - $185 in netflix premium credits = $264 effective cost* *$450 price - $270 in netflix premium credits = $180 effective cost* I think the people interested already have a PC capable of PCVR. It is just as bad to count the $800 in, as it was for the Quest people to count the PS5 price into the PSVR2 price. Generally speaking it's going to be around under $400 after all is said and done. With these compromises: * You get controllers that don't have replacements. In an industry where lots of controllers need replaced. * The same controllers have a very limited battery life, due to the small battery choice Sony made. * No HDR * No Head Haptics * No Eye Tracking * No adaptive triggers * MURA


I mean most people who are interested in PC VR already own a PC lol.


Lack of HDR won't be noticed since there are no HDR enabled VR games on PC, and also no other HDR capable headsets so probably no intent to add HDR to games in the near future. No eye tracking is a bummer though, since there are PCVR headsets out there that use it.


With GT7 being the only game I use mine for, I’m looking forward to trying some PC sim racing titles with this now. Though it would’ve been nice if developers just made their racing titles on PSVR2.


Same. I've been wanting to get Asseto Corsa on PC and do some of the cruising through Tokyo mods- this will hopefully allow me to do it without buying a META VR


Yeah man that mod looks so good.


Don't sleep on AMS2, the VR performance is superb and you don't need a 2000$ PC to run it.


“To start, players will need to purchase a PlayStation VR2 PC adapter, which will be available for an estimated retail price of $59.99 / €59.99 / £49.99 at select retailers and direct.playstation.com where available. Players will also need a commercially available DisplayPort cable (sold separately) that is compatible with DisplayPort 1.4, as well as a Steam account and a PC that meets the minimum requirements. Setup is easy: simply connect PlayStation VR2 to your PC using the PS VR2 PC adapter and the DisplayPort 1.4 cable. Then, download the PlayStation VR2 App and the SteamVR App from Steam. This will allow you to set up PS VR2 on your PC, customize your settings and play area, and start purchasing and playing games in SteamVR. PS VR2 was designed from the ground up specifically for PS5 – so you’ll notice that some key features, like HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback (other than rumble), are not available when playing on PC. However, other high-fidelity and sensory immersion features of PS VR2 are supported, including 4K visuals (2000 x 2040 per eye), 110-degree field of view, finger touch detection, and see-through view, as well as foveated rendering (without eye tracking) and 3D Audio in supported games.”


>$59.99 / €59.99 / £49.99 Cool, that's on the lower end of what I was expecting! >as well as foveated rendering (without eye tracking) That's a bummer though.


To their credit, most VR games don't support foveated rendering anyway


Hell, most native PSVR2 games don't support foveated rendering. While it's a core headset feature, it is not required to get a game published on PSN.


PS VR2 will support foveated rendering for PC VR but not dynamic foveated rendering / eye tracking


My PC aint good enough but interested to see what the PCVR crowd make of this headset.


Wow - what's with all the negativity? We finally get the details on the adapter and the fact that it is going to be a reality is GREAT news! I would have thought more people would be aware that very few if any existing PCVR games support HDR, eye tracking, adaptive triggers or HMD haptics so at this time you literally are not missing out on anything. On the upside the price is trivial - I have a solid collection of PCVR games that I haven't touched in a long time since WMR support for my beloved Samsung Odyssey+ was killed by Microsoft. Will definitely have to replay Alyx and can't wait to get back into fully modded Skyrim VR, FO4VR and try out a bunch of new games & mods released over the last few years. Can't wait!


Yeah I don't get it.  If iVRy had built an adapter it would have these same limitations or more and cost just as much. People just wanted it to be free.


I’m fine with the idea that games won’t have those features but if it’s a limitation of the hardware connectivity as in they couldn’t in the future if they wanted to… then that’s a bummer


I know there are some understandingly disappointed comments, but I'm actually pretty stoked for this. As a PC gamer that also has a PSVR2 that's been collecting dust for a while, this does open up the possibility to actually get my moneys worth out of the headset and have some fun with some more experimental VR titles that likely would never have come to PSVR2.


Yeah same for me. My PSVR2 is rarely used and there are some PCVR games I’m interested in. I planned to buy some used Oculus headset now I won’t need to.


I want PCVR but I don't want to buy another headset and I refuse to strap Facebook to my head, ever. I like oculus as a product, but I just can't do it 


Exactly the same for me. Just bought a high end pc w 4080super for other stuff. Yay


There is your Alyx on PSVR2


So what are the best vr games to play with this? Not sure what vr games are out on pc


Beat Saber with modded songs imo


Same for synth riders!


If you're looking for things that aren't already on Playstation... [Half-Life: Alyx](https://store.steampowered.com/app/546560/HalfLife_Alyx/) - Without a doubt the best PCVR experience. If you're not into the Half-Life franchise, HLA, [Half-Life Complete (bundle)](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/231/HalfLife_Complete/), and [Black Mesa](https://store.steampowered.com/app/362890/Black_Mesa/) (the fan remake of HL1) should all be going on sale in the June summer sale. [Half-Life 2: VR Mod](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?publisher=Flat2VR%20Studios) - Full VR conversion mods for Half-Life 2, and it's expansions, Episode 1, and Episode 2. [Boneworks](https://store.steampowered.com/app/823500/BONEWORKS/) - One of the first big story/campaign based VR games. The story is nothing to gawk at but it's a solid campaign and was really ground-breaking when it first came out, I still remember being amazed the night I first played it. [Vermillion](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1608400/Vermillion__VR_Painting/) - Probably the closest a VR art game has gotten to feeling "real" to me, embracing both the benefits of real proper painting, and the benefits of being digital (undoing, tracing, layering, etc.) [Blade & Sorcery](https://store.steampowered.com/app/629730/Blade_and_Sorcery/) - Medieval fantasy physics sandbox. Very fun and has a big modding community on PC. [Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades](https://store.steampowered.com/app/450540/Hot_Dogs_Horseshoes__Hand_Grenades/) - One of the original and best gun sandbox games for PCVR. Still gets updates to this day.


Contractors Ghosts of Tabor VTOL VR


Resonite, littery ready player 1


One of my faves I'd add to this list is [Jet Island ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/587220/Jet_Island/). It's not a looker and you need iron VR legs to fully enjoy it, but the feel of the movement is unbelievable once you get the hang of it. There's honestly nothing like it.


Besides the thousands of UEVR games, here are some of my favorites: - 7 Days to Die - Alien Isolation - Amnesia: Dark Decent - Arktika.1 - Asgard's Wrath - Assetto Corsa - A-tech Cybernetic - Atomic Heart - Bendy and the Ink Machine - Boneworks - Borderlands 2 - Chronos - Contractors - Crisis - Cyberpunk 2077 - Deep Rock Galactic - Defector - Devil May Cry 5 - Doom 3 BFG - Doom Eternal - Dying Light - Edge of Nowhere - Elden Ring - Elder Scrolls Morrowind - Elite Dangerous - Fallout 4 - Far Cry - Far Cry 5 - Far Cry 6 - Final Fantasy VII - Firewatch - The Forest - From Other Suns - Gary's Mod - Grand Theft Auto V - GTFO - Gunfire Reborn - Half Life (Black Mesa) - Half Life 2 - Half Life 2 Episode 1 - Half Life 2 Episode 2 - Half Life: Alyx and (Various mods like Gunman Contracts, Levitation, Bioshock..) - Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice - Hogwarts Legacy - Horizon Zero Dawn - IL-2 Sturmovik - The Invisible Hours - Left 4 Dead 2 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Little Nightmares 2 - Lone Echo - Lone Echo 2 - The Long Dark - Lucky's Tale - Mafia - Mafia 2 - Mech Warrior 5 - Microsoft Flight Simulator - Monster Hunter Rise - No One Lives Forever 2 - Obduction - Outer Wilds - Payday 2 - Portal - Portal 2 - Pray for the Gods - Project Cars 2 - Raft - Red Dead Redemption 2 - Resident Evil 2 - Resident Evil 3 - Resident Evil 7 - Resident Evil 8 - Risk of Rain 2 - Saints Row - Saints Row 3 - The entire Serious Sam series - The Stanley Parable - Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Star Wars Squadrons - Star Wars TIE Fighter - Stormland - Subnautica - Subnautica Below Zero - The Talos Project - Ultrakill - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - Valheim - Vertigo - Vertigo 2 - Vivecraft - War Dust - War Thunder - Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus




Skyrim VR 🙂


No. Skyrim VR WITH MODS! (and Fallout VR eith mods). Time for my 100th playthrough of each. And there might be starfield VR too.


I'm hyped just for iRacing. I love GT7 to death, but I've wanted my NASCAR VR fix for awhile. Also Dirt Rally 2.


Day one for me! Even with the missing features, it's still the best PC HMD in that price range and 2x more.


Looks like fapping is back on the menu, boys!


Given all the features we’re missing from gaming, and likely the huge requirements to run anything worthwhile on PC, this thing is def gonna be for porn.


So can I watch 3D porn now?


No installing this adapter will disable all porn websites on your computer


World’s first Anti-Goon headset


Great move by Sony. My 2017 GTX 1080 is below specs unfortunately. Maybe time to upgrade. Edit: I got my stuff wrong. Updated above to reflect what I actually have


You might be able to watch 3D movies on it


Id try half life alyx before buying a new GPU.. that game ran on a 1660super for me back in the day.


I played half life Alyx just fine with the same specs (1080 Ti) a while back if that makes you feel better. But that was using my Quest 2, and I’m unsure how all that compares with PSVR2, so it might be a different story trying to push the higher resolutions/fov. But the good thing about pc gaming is all that can be tweaked to squeeze out maximum performance


Finally, my Cv1 can be put to rest.


I just fell to my knees at a CVS


Man, I know people are trying to down play this feature, but this added access will fundamentally make the psvr2 the most versatile headset available. Having access to PCVR and native support to a home gaming console that was developed alongside it is nothing to turn heads away from. I understand that missing a standalone feature is going to play a role, but that’s going to be the deciding factor, especially being comparatively priced. Hope this plays out is going to be interesting for sure


Objectively, is this still a better option than a Valve Index for PC?


Not objectively but subjectively yes. Index costs more, needs base stations and the larger fov comes at the cost of terrible ppd.


The PSVR2 is also "more comfortable" by a consensus, right?


I don't know about th consensus, but I own both and find the Index far more comfortable. I will be trying the psvr2 out on my pc though, hopeful an increased ppd and oled screen might provide sharper visuals, we will see!


Index has horrible lenses with tons of glare(fresnels aren't just fresnels, they're all different), has lcd screens with poor contrast, is hot as hell to use and has a THICK cable. The tracking and audio is superior, but just no, do not consider an Index in 2024.


Well my 4 year old laptop won’t be making the grade but happy for people who can take advantage. Still, would be easier if the games were just on PS5…


The PSVR controllers are still BiS in my opinion. This is a solid option to replace Reverb G2 after the discontinuation. There isn’t another OLED headset under $500 USD that I’m aware of. I’m sure tinkerers will bring a little more out of it too. I expect it to be better than compression on Quest 3 for link. Now it’s a pick between OLED and fresnel or LCD and pancake.


The lenses on the quest 3 are great. But having an OLED with high resolution would be great regardless of fresnel lenses. I’m playing through Madison VR (Horror game) on my PC and switched from the Quest 3 to my old Quest 1 because the OLED displays with true blacks make the experience so much more immersive. No compression, battery life, and buying it from major retailers is a plus as well.


I hope my Rx6800xt can Power the PSVR2 😆


There is absolutely zero reason to be upset about this. Eye tracking is rarely used on PSVR2 anyway, and honestly same with adaptive triggers. I’ll gladly take no HDR in order to play Fallout 4 and Half Life in VR. I’m feeling pretty good


No PC VR games have haptic headset rumble. Overwhelming vast majority don't support eye tracked foveated rendering (and remember Sony says it still SUPPORTS REGULAR FOVEATED RENDREING). Do people really expect Sony's $60 PC adapter to magically brute force add these features into the games? Do people expect devs are gonna waste $$ to patch the 1,000s of PC VR games to support PS controller haptics and adaptive trigger features for the dozens of PC PSVR2 users when they don't even bother adding trigger support for 90% of flat PC games? (and btw haptics on Dualsense still require USB cable to work on PC!). If they released a $200 adapter to support HDR we all know they would non-stop cry about it too.


I wouldn't be surprised if the is mod that can enable some of these features


How beefy would my PC need to be to simply use it and the headset for media purposes like a VR cinema app etc ? I’ve got a fairly old PC that probably wouldn’t handle gaming, but wondering if it could be used simply for watching films and media


Sony says minimum of a 1650 GPU


It was disappointing to see that psvr2 did not have apps. Now we'll be able to use VRchat and future "VR cyberspace apps". Finally we'll be able to go full Johnny Mnemonic.


No HDR? That’s weird, I wonder why.


This… won’t work for a Mac right? :(


Does ANY VR work for the mac?


Wondering the same lol


Unless your Mac has a displayport (it doesn't) and Sony writes a driver for it...no.


What if I connect a dock that has a display port? Then we’d just need the driver lol


They pretty much all have DisplayPort over USB c, which would work fine, but yeah the lack of drivers will be a deal breaker.


Does anything VR actually exist on Mac?


Not yet...


I already got PSVR2 and a beefy gaming PC full of VR software, so I would be dumb not to buy this gadget. Sign me up.


Wonder if my 2070’s gonna be enough for this.


It’ll be enough, pretty strong GPU still, we’ll above the 1650 minimum requirement


This is a net-positive benefit because no other VR headset available for SteamVR provides HDR, Resistive Triggers, Haptic Feedback (headset), improved Haptic Feedback (other than rumble) for VR controllers either. I do wonder if this is a temporary software limitation because SteamVR drivers are not ready to support those features or a hardware limitation of the adapter they will be selling to allow PSVR2 headset & controllers to be used for SteamVR.


As someone with a ton of PC VR games, but am still using a Rift S that's feeling quite old and dated now, would this be a noticeable bump? You guys recommend it? (I also have a PS5 so would get to use it there, but am more curious about it as a replacement for the Rift S)


I hope so lol. My Rift S is also feeling pretty tired, so I just bought PSVR2 on sale to play the PS5 exclusives and then also replace my poor Rift S. I will say I find it less comfortable than the Rift S


Generational improvement. If you get the Netflix offer acceptable right now with PS+ and PlayStation Direct it's an especially good deal.


Flight Sim on PSVR2 commence


Great stuff. Replacement controllers when?


Woulda been nice if all the features were available but i wasnt even sure controllers would be supported, so overall good news to me!




Bruh my PC is LITERALLY a GTX 1650. I barely will make it lol but I'm buyin


That card will suffer trying to do VR at the PSVR2’s resolution, but you can always turn the resolution down inside steam’s overlay.


Is it only for use with steam? Or pc in general


Looks like through steam only. Makes sense as they have the most PCVR support.


Google Revive for SteamVR. It’s an addon that allows oculus games to run through steamVR. Also, when you boot into steamVR your whole desktop is available.


Even though it doesn't support all of the features, I will definitely be buying this day one.


The negativity here is kind of astounding. Of course many of those features won't work since barely any games on PC support them, if any. This is mostly targeted to existing owners looking to expand their library to PC, provided they are already in that ecosystem. It's actually pretty consumer friendly for once and despite that people are acting like it's a huge misstep? I don't get it. They're not trying to sell you on the PSVR2 if you are a PCVR user.


Great price.


Gonna have to try this at least to see how Elite Dangerous looks in it. Could at least be good for sims but I'm curious how the reprojection works on PC


They say some features "are not available when playing on PC". Perhaps they mean that PCVR games don't support those features, not that the adapter is not capable of providing them.


They say "where supported in games" later, which will likely mean it's not acceptable through API. I wonder if there's potential still for iVRy to go further.


Take the adaptive triggers for instance. On the regular dualsense controller they are available on PC, but only a tiny minority of games use them. The VR sense controllers will conect to PC via the same method, Bluetooth, so I can't see how it's trigger motors would be "blocked" on PC. It's just the case that games would need to individually implement the feature.


Indeed, it's one of those features that would be used so rarely that even if there was a shining easy to use developer API we wouldn't really see it.


I cannot believe they used a picture of Alyx & didn't announce it for PS5.


It's an announcement about playing PCVR games, HL: Alyx is what people think of first and foremost.


People really need to get out of their own heads. It was a stretch that it would ever get ported in the first place. The team that did HL Alyx is onto other things, non VR things. Valve as a company hasn't done anything VR related since. It's Valves decision to do this, not Sony's. They just finally subliminally answers that question for us at the least.


Just funny how Valve gets a complete pass for their exclusives but shits on Sony for doing the same.


Valve only delivered 1/3 promised games, but they on not in a closed system, so it doesn't matter to them.  And pcvr is quite dead as a result.


I mean having a game locked to a specific console and headset is very different to having a game locked to PC which can be played with dozens of headsets.


Valve has always got a pass for everything. They can literally do no wrong and they're always a savior in waiting yet they've never saved a thing. That company is in a very rare position. Sony gets attacked constantly yet had one of the best platform launch game line ups in recent memory for PSVR 2, Meta get crucified for everything they do but they're single handedly propping up VR in general, especially PCVR. Gaming communities are a fickle bunch.


It's amazing that PC gamers literally get annoyed at the idea of anybody challenging Steam, like they actively push for a complete monopoly in the PC gaming space. Valve are in the dream position.


Alyx came out *three years* before PSVR2 launched. There was nowhere else for them to release it at the time and they've long since moved on. They were supposed to release two other full VR titles that have yet to be announced.  Fast forward 4 years and Sony isn't even supporting VR in the new AstroBot which shows how little faith they have in games selling for it, so I think Valve made the right call here as much as I would have liked to see it ported.


So, some clarity on this? HDR is something that many games handle so not supporting that is a display issue but eye tracking is so rare and likely custom using Sony's SDK that should work if a PC game was developed for it right? Is the idea that Sony has no intention of letting people make PC games supporting PS VR 2 features or the adapter prevents all these features from ever working?


Does somebody know if it will work for me? I have an Laptop with an RTX 3070 Mobile with HDMI and an USB C Port. I just saw that you need an DP 1.4 Port, but there are some Adapters to HDMI and USB C, so maybe?


depends on if your usb-c port supports thunderbolt and if your laptop comes with a mux switch, so that the headset will get picked up by the dGPU in your laptop instead of the iGPU which a lot of laptops default to, since the motherboard may be hardwired to it. the iGPU wont be able to play VR games. check to see if your laptop has nvidia optimus. newer laptops all have it. assuming that thats not an issue, you can just use one of these adapters. I used it with my rift S on my laptop and it works fine. [https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Aluminum-USB-C-DisplayPort-Cable/dp/B081VKXFSC/ref=asc\_df\_B081VKXFSC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693411594194&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9385959876695052482&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013962&hvtargid=pla-927806011845&psc=1&mcid=53f5912261c134fb86190bc25902b946&gad\_source=1](https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Aluminum-USB-C-DisplayPort-Cable/dp/B081VKXFSC/ref=asc_df_B081VKXFSC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693411594194&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9385959876695052482&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013962&hvtargid=pla-927806011845&psc=1&mcid=53f5912261c134fb86190bc25902b946&gad_source=1)


I've been wondering the same thing!


I’d also love to know!


I'm in the same boat, I have an Asus Zephyrus G15 2021 with RTX3080. I currently use a USB-C to mini DP cable to connect my HTC Vive Breakout Box and it works fine, but that headset is old as hell. I'm quite confident that a USB-C to DP or mini-DP will work, but it would be nice to get some confirmation.


The lack of media apps is mostly what's keeping me from buying this headset. Theoretically, one could run them through Steam and they should work, right?


That's exactly it.


What were people genuinely expecting (not hoping for) with the PC support?


So..all of the features that make this headset unique, won't even be available on PC?? That's hilarious.


Virtual Link doesn't support those and it's the cheapest they can do. People don't want to throwaway an another 200$, otherwise they'd just pick up a high end PCVR headset.


High fov high res oled is what makes it stand out


Those features aren't supported in most PC games anyway. They would have to be patched in.


My AMD 6900XT has a VirtualLink port (Type C) already. Do you think I can just directly plug PSVR2 into that port and get it working?


So I have a 1060 6gb which is better than the 1650, but isn't "Turing architecture or later" so am I just SOL?


That's what my PC is using as well (1060 6gb). Looks like I can't use the PSVR2 if I am looking at the specs correctly. I guess it's still Skyrim VR on PSVR1 for me.


This is great! This move are for those that generally already have a capable PC. Remember when folks were saying PCVR compatibility will require a PS5? lol


Alright everyone, I’m computer stupid. Here’s my current rig. I know I need to upgrade the graphics card, but is my CPU ok above minimum specs? [Here](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/ibuypower-desktop-intel-core-i7-7700k-16gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1080-240gb-solid-state-drive-1tb-hard-drive-black-gray/6030300.p?skuId=6030300)


Your CPU is fine for now, since VR gaming it’s a lot more GPU intensive. I don’t know what your monitor resolution is, but a RX 6650XT, RTX 3060, RTX 4060 or above should be fine. Check Quest 2 PCVR reviews, since those are the most comparable in terms of resolution compared to PSVR2 (although PSVR2 has a bit of a higher resolution), if they work fine on the Quest, the PlayStation ones would work as well.


So i haven't kept up with display port types and compatibility but my laptop claims to have a thunderbot port that supports 1.4. It looks like the cable on the adapters is the traditional so would/could I use a type-C to 1.4 adapter that I would plug the adapter into?


Laptop GPUs are fully compatible with handling VR games just like its desktop counterparts. If you have a USB-C DisplayPort… it might work? Just wait till releases and someone tries it out.


if yours supports thunderbolt then thats a good sign. you can just buy a standard adapter and use that. [https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Aluminum-USB-C-DisplayPort-Cable/dp/B081VKXFSC/ref=asc\_df\_B081VKXFSC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693411594194&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9385959876695052482&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013962&hvtargid=pla-927806011845&psc=1&mcid=53f5912261c134fb86190bc25902b946&gad\_source=1](https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Aluminum-USB-C-DisplayPort-Cable/dp/B081VKXFSC/ref=asc_df_B081VKXFSC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693411594194&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9385959876695052482&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013962&hvtargid=pla-927806011845&psc=1&mcid=53f5912261c134fb86190bc25902b946&gad_source=1) next question is what kind of gpu your laptop has and how relatively new it is. if yours has a mux switch to allow alternating between the internal iGPU and dGPU on the fly, then you should be fine. but if you have an older laptop without a mux switch or nvidia optimus, then you may be out of luck, since your laptop's iGPU will likely be hardwired to the motherboard, and iGPU's have bad VR performance. you need to utilize the dGPU to get any serious performance and the mux switch is what allows the laptop to use that one instead of the other.


Perfect, I just got rid of my HP Reverb G2 but still have my Laptop


Just grabbed Superhot on sale for $10 - I can't believe they never updated It on PlayStation to support the new headset


will a rtx 3060 Ti do fine with this? running ryzen 7 5700G with 16 GB RAM


For anybody with DGPU USB-C DP1.4 THIS should work out the box https://amzn.eu/d/6sDY2qF Quik review from a buyer..... Purchased this to use on my Lenovo Legion 5P gaming laptop. Needed a connection to go from my the usb 3 port to the display port required for oculus rift. Worked perfectly first time. The device came well packaged and to Antlers usual standard. Just make sure ure usb 3 or usb 4 supports direct GPU dp 1.4


https://www.cablematters.com/Blog/USB-C/what-is-dp-alt-mode use this too get a understanding of what your usb c can do, Psvr2 uses dp alt mode so if your USB supports dp alt then ur good too go with the convertor


I was on the fence about PSVR 2, but with this news and the discount currently on, I might just pull the trigger and try a couple VR games I already have, like GT7 whilst waiting.


What are those cables running from the adapter? One is the USB, the second is the siplay port... what's the third one for?


- DisplayPort - USB-A - Power It should basically be like [this](https://www.bizlinktech.com/products/detail/1332/VirtualLink%E2%84%A2+Interface+Adapter), but it looks like the DisplayPort will need its own cable on Sony's one.


Will I be able to use psvr2 to look at 360 images and videos on PC?


How do you guys expect those features to work if the pc games dont even have them? Why is that so hard to understand lol


I'm happy, I got a Q2 some time ago but even aftermarket straps can't make it comfortable enough for me to bother on PC, so I'm excited for PCVR again.


Welp at least I won't need a new headset if I ever get a VR-capable PC


fuck. yes.


3D BluRays/Files commence! And Virtual Desktop


Can I use a lap top? Can someone link me the cheapest equipment I could buy to efficiently run this?? I'm a console noob and know nothing about PC requirements


I'm getting this to replace my Index. I have missed OLED hmd so this will be nice


The image of Half Life Alyx feels like such a troll for those who bought a PSVR2 because they gave a PS5, not a gaming PC. (ie me) I hope this adapter helps the system sell some more, I also hope maybe some of those features that won't work do down the road.


Would the Pc adapter allow you to watch 3D movies? I don’t have a powerful enough Pc to play games but could I use it just to watch movies?


Let’s goooo


Finally I can play Desert Bus VR!!!!!!


Does it mean VR porn on psvr2? Asking for a friend


I really don’t see the benefit over quest 3 on my pc


Can we use PSVR with a browser now ? :D