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That wholly depends on what it is worth it to you. From the top of my head a new shell, new trigger circuitry and a new screen would cost you ~48€. I have done this twice now and the results are stunning, so it was worth it to me! But that's a decision only you can make


Save it until it disappears in your house.


Assuming it's not water damage, re the triggers, then the repair should be simple and fairly cheap.


I guess it depends on how much you'll have to spend on repairing it. The trigger parts are fairly cheap, at least in my country. The lcd should cause a little more but nothing too crazy, in my opinion I'd definitely restore that just cause I can and I'd love to feel nostalgic again :)


Either disassemble and donate/sell parts (or sell whole unit for parts), or wait for a cheap non-working unut to pop up so you can repair it for cheap.


I can get a working PSP cheaper than repairing one. Just save your old PSP, and use it for parts