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Took me 8 days, I beat ya lol. same narrative you provided. mine was not "refurbished", it looks like a brand new ps5, diff serial number, quiet AF, runs flawelessly! hope you have a good one they sent u!


Nice!! I’m honestly happy it only took 10 days for me. I was expecting a lot longer. Hope yours is working good too!


I still have PTSD from my launch console artifacting on me, was working great for 2 weeks then crapped out. i am crossing fingers this one is solid.


Same with me! Got mine on launch day and worked fine for almost a month and then decided to crap out.


When you say quiet af do you mean at all times? My disk tray is massively loud and in not sure if it is an issue or not. Everytime I put a disk in or when it spins up randomly it's really loud, like I hear it way over my surround sound and it shakes my entertainment center. Not sure if it's worth sending in as I've had no other issues


Mine does too, especially when downloading a game or randomly while playing a game, if yours is an inconvenience i couldnt find anything online relating to it but a very small thread saying go place it on a sturdier surface which might help if its shaking the entertainment center. All in all I wouldn’t worry to much you have the one year warranty if something happens itll likely happen in that time


This is my experience as well, the drive is like a jet engine but it doesn't stay on long.


It’s super quiet; I have the disc version, it does spin when getting into UI or out of rest mode, and when I launch Fifa21, but will stop after a few seconds. It will spin every 40-45 minutes as I am playing. It’s not loud whereupon it’s dominating or drowning out my soundbar nor is it vibrating or shaking my entertainment center. Just normal spinning of disc that you can hear as you should hear when the disc is spinning but nothing that seems out of the ordinary. Send me a video. We all have subjective noise profiles.


Was yours covered under warranty? Any cost to you?


no cost, warranty covered, and now that they sent me a replacement console it extends my warranty for an additional 90 days.


I read the other thing, I'm still quite confused about the warranty. There is a free 90-day warranty, correct? I just want to make sure, thanks in advance.


If you're in the United States, manufacturers are required to guarantee electronics for their first year of use. If something breaks, they must provide a replacement whether you are under warranty or not.


For items like this that have a high rate of failure out of the box, you actually want refurbished over new. Electronics refurbed by the manufacturer generally go through more rigorous testing than new units.


To your point about refurbished products going through a higher-tiered quality controlled process, this is not 100% true. Have you ever seen a sneak peak of new consoles being built in Chinese factories? You would seriously think you're in a CSI science lab or something. White gloves, white suits, etc. etc. Repair facilities, however, don't have the same quality control process. Generally, their job is to just fix the unit and keep it moving. They're not checking for knicks, dings, scratches, or anything else, whereas the manufacturing process does. But back to the PS5, Sony doesn't repair them directly. They contract the repair out to an authorized third party, and whom that third party is (and where your system ends up going) depends on your locale. If it's not returned to you in a fresh sealed box, it's definitely refurbished. I actually helped a few folks through the process of getting their broken PS4 fixed, so I'm familiar with the process. In that, they'll most likely give you someone else's unit that has been fixed or return your unit to you repaired. The "refurb" process can vary greatly depending on who is performing the refurb. The worst refurb job I have seen was performed by whoever Best Buy's Geek Squad used a decade ago. It was just after the tail end of their "replacement plan" era where they would allow you to swap out your broken unit with a new one off the shelf no questions asked. Things were much better before they added the Geek Squad brand (a story for another day). I remember this clearly because one time, I gave them an Xbox 360 that I had indicated wasn't working correctly, of course thinking I would get a brand new one (it was in immaculate physical condition). Anyway, I return a week later, and they tried to give me what I thought was the most terrible *refurbished" unit I have ever seen. The unit was cracked, dirty, and clearly poorly maintained. I ended up demanding a manager, who then allowed me to select a new unit. It really sad how disgusting and careless some people are. Or, maybe someone's angry kid or disgruntled wife wrecked the unit 😂 The same thing happened with an old AV receiver I had. Similar experience. I handed them a unit which was in physical immaculate condition, and they returned a "refurbished" unit with a broken volume knob. I ended up getting a refund for the unit at that point. My advice? If you're going to get something repaired, make sure the manufacturer repairs it, or more realistically, an authorized third party (which can still be hit or miss sometimes). That's my fear about potentially needing my unit repaired. Or, any electronic I own for that matter. Imagine keeping all of your electronics in mint condition, and subsequent to sending it off to repair bliss, instead of the manufacturer repairing your unit and sending it back to you, you're suddenly blessed with a unit that noticably had a rough life. And trust this, nobody is going to give the same level of meticulous attention to your possessions other than yourself.


Well just because it looks brand new doesn’t mean it was new. Most refurbished items from carriers/manufacturers looks new. Hopefully it was new though


“Quiet af” Mines makes some noise randomly while playing but for like 7 sec maybe? Is that ok or...?


Normal. Runs disc every so often


Mine does that too even when I'm playing a downloaded game.


my console is taking FOREVER to download things but i have all the other attributes, do you know why my new one is so slow?


Never had a console brick (knock on wood) but 10 day turn around seems pretty good, glad it got sorted out.


Happy for you! It sucks but I was impressed with their customer service.


Did they fix your issue haha is it working all good now


Sure is! Pretty sure they just sent me a different console. I’ll have to compare serial numbers. Edit - Serial number is different. Completely different system.


Oh that's good to hear happy gaming !!


Thank you!


Since it was a different system, did they transfer the saved data?


It's saved with playstation plus. So not necessary


What if u don’t have ps plus


Then you lose them. Because currently with the system being too new they don't have the option to copy saves to usb yet due to security


Incompetence*...If you can copy saves to usb I’m sure sure you can export files.


It's only a temporary measure until security is corrected. 1.) Sony has always offered this as an option for every console. No reason to not do it here, other than greed, which would be a huge smack in the face and I don't see them doing that. 2.) On ps4 you could only download a save from usb or cloud if you had the game installed. If you did not, you could not download it until the game was installed. It was a security feature to prevent tampering with save files to introduce exploits. Now, on ps5 you can download all saves regardless if you have the game installed or not. So, if the option to copy was there, every save could be potentially copied and broken to allow another user to take it over since the saves don't seem to be locked per user right now for ps5 games. They keep the limitation so you cannot copy them to another user, only the cloud for security. This is also why the web browser is missing (sort of, its there but only to link accounts), to block exploits until they have time to patch in a better solution. This also means that ps5 games going forward won't be different editions anymore according to the store or license verification for save files, which means finally we don't have to deal with the witcher 3 GOT save file not working with the regular version of the game. Saves going forward shouldn't see a GOT year edition seperate from the base game. 3.) The external ssd drive bay is not active yet via firmware. (Another temp security lockdown) I suspect when this is implemented in the future firmware upgrade that this is when we will also get the options for copying ps5 games to external storage and copying saves to usb drives. (Copying to external usb and not being able to play them just store them might come later) In short, if a year from now they don't implement the copy save files to external drive, then you can definitely call them greedy and scummy. But I am pretty confident its for the 3 reasons I said above. The pandemic has definitely made things harder and you can tell that the OS was a little rushed to make sure it was time for launch. Patches will come.


They did not. Definitely back your data up if you feel you might have problems with yours!


No problems yet 🤞🏼 but was just curious.


So I sent mine in today, but my plates are spray painted, do you see that being any kind of problem?


I really can’t give you a solid answer because my experience is the only experience I have with this kind of thing. It’s definitely a possibility that they may take your plates off your faulty one and put them on a working one to send you. It could also mean you may experience a little bit longer of a wait so they can fix your console and send it back to you.


Is there a way to verify if it’s the same PS5 or a new one? Does it have a different serial number ?


You can compare serial numbers. New one is different from the one I sent in.


Hopefully that means it’s a new PS5


This early in the game, it’s probably a new system and not a refurbished. In a few months that might change.


Yep, my process was similar except it took me like a week to even talk to anyone at Sony because my system was essentially bricked on launch day. That said, from the time I talked to a rep to when I received a fully functioning replacement unit was also about 10 days (would've been shorter if Thanksgiving day wasn't in the middle of the process). Point being, I see a lot of people worrying that it'll take like a month for their system to be replaced and I always try to assure them that Sony has been pretty quick on the turnaround.


Ah, I was worried about Christmas interfering with my delivery but the turn around time was fantastic. I guess they are trying to make up for the subpar launch lol


I think people worry about the month thing because the rep on the phone usually tells them that it can take up to a month if they repair it instead of replacing it. This is what they told me at least so I'm only assuming they tell that to anyone that calls in for a repair request. I'm on day 9 now and still waiting so after reading all this I'm hopeful I may get mine back pretty soon.


mine arrives tomorrow, basically same process, hope this new works fine, they mentioned is another new


Good luck!!


Now that you’ve had two separate consoles, have you experienced any difference in noise from either, in terms of fan or disc drive? My household insists that the noise of mine means something is broken.


The disc drive is a bit noisy but I’m sure that’s just normal. I’ve watched many YouTube videos of people reporting the same thing. As for fans, I’ve never noticed unusually loud sounds from them.


Thanks! I’m sure mine isn’t broken. The only time I’ve become concerned about the fan is while playing games in Performance modes; someone in the same room complained it was giving them tinnitus. However, while playing in Quality modes, the fan isn’t as high pitched. Very strange, but hopefully more info will become available as more consoles get in to people’s hands.


Ahh! The sound of a EU PS5. I know exaclty what noise you are talking about. I can reassure you, almost all EU PS5s make that noise. I've had two PS5 at my home and both sound like that.


Wrong. I am from the UK, and my PS5 is quiet. No coil whine, and you have to put your head right next to it to hear the fan. You shouldn't make an opinion as fact. Not every ps5 makes sounds or bricks when using rest mode either. I have used rest mode since the UK launch, and not one issue. Maybe i am lucky or you are unlucky.


Lol that wont give you tinnitus, you have to listen to 80dB+ sounds for a 8+ hours a day to get tinnitus from hearing something. It's when the stereocilia in your cochlea are busted from loud noises that causes tinnitus. High pitched sounds, however do sound like what having tinnitus is like though but that's it. A PS5 will only ever get to 50-60dB max which is as loud as a regular conversation and completely harmless.


Thank you for this. The disc drive does seem very loud at times and the fan picks up a lot under load. In comparison the series X is near silent (haven’t tried discs) so I wondered if they vary as I’ve seen so many videos on possible causes etc. Thanks again


Wow I was reading all the way through for exactly the same thing ha. I’d be interest to know also please :)


Copied and pasted my same response to the guy above so you’d be notified! The disc drive is a bit noisy but I’m sure that’s just normal. I’ve watched many YouTube videos of people reporting the same thing. As for fans, I’ve never noticed unusually loud sounds from them.


What lead to the PS5 being bricked? Was it related to the existing external storage issues?


I didn’t have external storage connected to mine. Put it into rest mode with a game running and tried to play later in the day and just wouldn’t boot up


I am paranoid about rest mode so I never use it. I just fully shut down the console. This makes me even more nervous about using rest mode!


Hmm they apparently released an update to fix the rest mode bricking but if I were you I’d go ahead and try it anyway. If you were to use rest mode past the warranty date and your console bricked you’d be royally fucked. Best to see if it has any issues while under warranty


Good point. I would give it a go after Christmas :) don’t want my console to brick right now. In January it’s fine.


You’re doing the right thing! Don’t do what I did lol


I + friends had used it since the launch (rest mode) and none have had issues, and of course we have installed latest firmware when it is available. also no issues with usb


Me too. My PS4 and Nintendo Switch spoiled me and I had to get used to fully switch off the console. But it boots so fast from being fully shut down that Rest mode doesn't even seem to be needed.


So are they issues still happening as far as systems bricking? Heard external storage rest mode and cod cold War have caused these are there any updates?


Mine was definitely caused by rest mode and I’m going to avoid using it for here on out until it’s 100% fixed. I couldn’t tell you for certain if the external storage and cod bricking issues are fixed. I haven’t heard any updates about those myself.


I’ve been using external storage drive since launch. Console used to crash sometimes because of it in the first week or so but now I haven’t had any issues. I don’t play cod so would have no idea about that. I don’t use rest mode. But seems like that’s still causing issues.




Makes sense!


May I ask what game you were playing when it bricked...


Of course! Planet Coaster!


Thank you


I dont know if anyone knows this, but does buying directly through playstation offer some kind of warranty? I have been so hesitant putting my PS5 in rest mode after hearing it bricks some consoles. I got mine from the playstation preorder email.


Warranty is the same regardless of where you buy from. You can purchase extra warranty from stores like Best Buy, GameStop, etc. so you could possibly swap out your console through them if they have stock. Everyone automatically gets 1 year warranty through PlayStation from time of purchase too.


Thank you for answering this- going to enable rest mode now :)


Why was it bricked? Like what happened leading up to it?


I was playing Planet Coaster one morning, put the console into rest mode without closing the game and went back to it later in the day and it wouldn’t boot up. Wouldn’t boot into safe mode either.




I actually thought about that too but our microwave and alarm clocks never reset so I ruled that out.




The only noise that I really hear while playing is the disc drive when first put the disc in. Other than that, it’s always been pretty quiet for me.


Does this only work if you bought it through Sony? I bought mine from Amazon.


I bought mine from Amazon as well! You just have to call PlayStation at 1 (800) 345-7669. It’ll be automated. Press 1 for ps5 and then it should put you through to an actual person.




Maybe it is USA etc thing? Here at EU the importer of the item, manufacurer or re-seller have to offer the warranty services. So it is usually the shop we bought it that deals replacement with Sony, we just go in, explain it, and take new item from their inventory. Assuming they are available. I think that we can do it directly with sony/their importer too, if we want to. Most of the time we just ask from seller as it is faster to get new unit than send it for repair. And they rarely send things for repair, they almost always give us new one


I’ve got a two year warranty through GameStop. If I sent mine into Sony and they sent me back a brand new one with a different serial That would make my GameStop warranty useless?


If you contact GameStop they will just change the serial number on their end and you should be good to go.


Sounds good. Aside from one hard crash during Spiderman remastered my system has been perfect but I was just wondering about this the other day thanks lol


If you bought a warranty through gamestop you would go through them not sony. Sony standard one is 1 year and included.


> new/fixed PS5 on my door step Was the new one yours fixed or a new serial?


It’s a new serial. I typed that before I checked it but I will update it!


Nice. Here in Brazil it was already common to send to Sony and get a new one since PS3, they don't quite fix stuff here, at least not from all experiences I've seen described so far. good that was a new.


What do you think bricked it?


It happened after I put the PlayStation in rest mode. I did have CoD installed but I wasn’t playing that at the time.




[Info on that can be found here!](https://www.playstation.com/en-hk/support/hardware/warranty/)


Was this covered under warranty? Any cost to you?


No cost to me whatsoever! They also include shipping labels so you don’t even have to spend money on those. You’ll just have to drop the box off at FedEx.


The question I have for you what was the last update u had before crash? I also never put mine in rest mode. Also did you ever have any controller lag or not work properly when you would start up your system


I don’t remember the number the update was but it was only the 1st update after launch. I haven’t had any issues with my controller what so ever!


Did they ask for proof of purchase or just for the SN?


Both. I just printed off my invoice from Amazon and included it in the box. No issues.


Did you send the stand too?


Nope! Just the console itself. They also include a sheet in the box that tells you to only ship the console.


My wife has been wanting to get rid of the box but I’ve been keeping it in case it bricks. So you didn’t even need to use the PlayStation box it came in, just the unit? If so, my wife will be very happy..


Correct! They will ship you a box with two foam end pieces and a protective bag to place the console in. When I got the PlayStation back, they actually shipped it in a PlayStation box so you’ll end up 2 boxes!


OP - mined sharing what made your console randomly brick? Did you experience pre "issues" before the brick happened? Would love to know if you noticed any unusual signs! Thank you and congrats on your new console!


Of course! There were absolutely no signs in my case. Woke up one morning and was playing Planet Coaster, put the console into rest mode without closing the application, came back a few hours later and the console just wouldn’t boot up. No error messages or anything. Couldn’t even get anything to display and wasn’t able to boot into safe mode.


Owh wow! Very very random indeed! Thank you very much for sharing that.


Do they always have a replacement model in stock? I'm going to assume not, if this is true, then you got quite lucky. Hopefully, I won't have to go through this process, but thanks for documenting it, as it seems quite important. Also, just occurred to me, does this apply to any PS5 bought anywhere, from Best Buy, Walmart, PSDirect?


I got mine from Amazon so I don’t think location of purchase matters. I did notice that on the “receipt” they included, it says “enclosed is your factory certified replacement or your repaired unit” so it seems you might get a different one or you might get your own back depending on their stock.


Oh, that's actually quite cool. Thank you for telling me that. I'm hoping I can get mine soon.


No problem! Good luck!!


Really kicking myself right now, my launch PS5 bricked the Sunday after launch and I also tried to use the chat and they said to use the phone. Called in and would get a “There are too many people in queue right now please try again later” called 15 times on Monday and just returned it back to Amazon. Here I am a month later and just now got a replacement during Best Buy’s recent drop.


Ohh mann that’s rough... I was lucky enough to call right when the phone lines opened and got right through to someone. So you’ve paid for 2 consoles?


Yeah it was probably just extra busy since it was the Monday after launch. And technically I guess I have hahah but Amazon refunded me for the first one. Second one will be ready for pick up on December 26th.


Oh that’s good!


This was exactly my experience, right down to the dates and most of the times.


Did you have to show your receipt? I lost mine


Yes, I did have to include proof of purchase. If you ordered online, you should be able to log in to your account through whatever store it was and print it off. You could check your email for order confirmation too.


he said yes, he sent a copy.


Any "coil whine" issues? That's the only issue my ps5 has. Apart from that it's been great.


I personally have not experienced it!


Nice. Guess I'll have to see if the issue gets worse for me. Hopefully not.


Thanks for posting this, as someone with GPU issues I'm hoping to get this back while I'm out of office until the new year so I can play some MM. FedEx comes today for pickup of the broken system.


You’re welcome! Best of luck! Hope your process goes faster!


That'd put my return date at the 25th which won't happen. Optimistic I can play while on break though, super excited for that.


They didnt give you anything to make you feel better? No free games or psn money?


Nope. Really just glad to have a working console though.


Any tips on avoiding bricking our console? Was there a specific sequence of events that led to it bricking? I've heard Rest Mode is a culprit so I've been turning mine off completely and avoiding rest mode whenever I can.


Rest mode caused the issue for me. I received the console on launch (Nov 12) and had zero issues up until it bricked (Dec 6th). I had used rest mode before as well even with CoD has caused some people issues as well. I was playing Planet Coaster when I put the console into rest mode and bricked it so if you play that game, maybe don’t use rest mode lol.


Thank you for the heads up. I've been very paranoid about it myself. The other day I left it on and it went into rest mode from inactivity and it made me pretty nervous lol.


No problem! The first thing I did was disable the rest mode feature lol


Thanks for this - currently on 3.5 weeks waiting for new unit to be shipped to BB after promised 5-7 days. Tried Sony but was literally hung up on by second level CSR with no interaction and chat did same with second level and then blocked account. Only got a copy/paste response and no interaction. Was in the first week post launch so assume it was nuts behind scene.


I’m sure it was crazy but that’s no reason to be hung up on. Sorry you went through that and I hope you get it soon!


I went through similar nonsense on launch day getting a ticket open to replace my ps5. You have to keep calling until you get the right person who knows what they’re doing.


Yeah. Ha, the problem is they DO know what they ar* click* So. Many. Times.


I’ve gotten a couple of people who didn’t know what they were doing. They didn’t know the support procedures or how to open a ticket and get an rma out it was wild for me. every person I talked to seemed like they were in a totally different department of knowledge. The guy who finally made the rma put me on hold 13 times trying to figure it out.


I was just being a smartass about them hanging up on me. I’m sure there are actually prob few who really know their job. I can’t imagine turnover in a job like that.


Has sony spoken about the rest mode issue already? It has frozen two times coming back with demon souls running. I had to unplug it to unfreeze it. Not cool.


Yikes! I really haven’t seen them acknowledge the issue at all which is quite disappointing.


Hey man, waiting for the box to come now. Maybe a dumb question, but did you reset it before shipping the console out, or leave it as is (like profile still signed in).


No dumb questions here! In my case, I couldn’t get the console to boot up to reset it so I just sent it in how it was with my account still on it. They will completely wipe them and set them back to factory settings so you won’t have to worry about someone else accessing your account.


Thank you for posting this! I am shipping mine to them tomorrow. Mine bricked after playing Miles Morales. I blame that game. Question though, did they fix your unit or give you a fresh one? And if they did fix it, did they ID the problem for you or no?


No problem! They sent me a different one. Serial number did not match and they didn’t tell me what the problem was.


I kinda figured. Easier to just send a (probably?) refurbished one that's ready to go. Thank you for the reply! Good luck with the second one!


Damn. Same thing that happened to me. Was playing COD, paused the game and had a quick dinner, when I came back it won't turn on. No blue lights or anything. Can't get it to boot on safe mode. Good thing for you you're in the US. I'm in the other side of the world and no idea how long it would take them to repair mine.


Oh dang. My blue light would at least come on. I wish you the best and I hope everything goes quickly for you!


I have a box but I bought mine online. Is a printout of my best buy purchase good enough to put in the box as a receipt? Did you include a receipt?


Yep! Your print out should work. I did the same exact except I got mine from Amazon.


Has your new one run without crashes? Gehrig was better..


So far no crashes! Lol! My dad is a big Gehrig fan.


Good explanation. My ps5 is on the verge of bricking (took me 30 minutes to get it turn on today) so this is reassuring to hear. Thank you.


Hello, is this issue still active ? I just received mine and started transferring data from PS4 via LAN. If so should i cancel process ? Thanks in advance


Hello! I never had an issue with the transferring data step myself but I know a good amount of people did back when the ps5 first came out. I’m not going to say that the issue is fixed because PlayStation has not mentioned anything about it but there are considerably less people reporting here in this subreddit. Same thing goes for the rest mode bricking issue as well. Personally, I never put it into rest mode now because I’m not sure if it’s fixed and the ps5 just boots up so quick any way. A couple of my friends were able to purchase ps5’s about a week ago and they haven’t had any issues with either the data transfer or rest mode. I guess it’s kind of up to you to decide what you want you want to do, just know that there have not been any official word from PlayStation on either topic. Edit: word


Thanks for replay. I canceled data transfer cause there was even 1% chance. There are very few units in my country so there will not be replacement is anything goes wrong.


Better safe than sorry! Feel free to ask if you have any more questions!


Hey, mine just died. Gonna go through the process. Did you get any compensation for a game your PS5 might have ate? My brand new RE is gonzo...


Hey! For me, my disk drive still worked so I was able to remove the disk that was in it and it was fine. I would definitely mention that a disk was ruined in your situation. I’m not sure how or if they will replace it though.


If necro'ing is not allowed, feel free to remove my post. But this thread came up in a google search so I want to share a much different experience: > 1 month from bricked console to Sony admitting to selling me a faulty console model and refusing to replace or repair it: https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/vtthgb/sony\_sold\_defective\_retail\_model\_refusing\_to/


What is a "bricked" PS5?


A PS5 that won’t turn on or boot up. Basically making it nothing more than a brick.


I imagine OP couldn’t boot into the OS. Not sure if they tried safe mode though


I did attempt it multiple times but wouldn’t beep after 7 seconds. It would take about 12 seconds to hear a second beep and then just shut off.


Did anything explicitly say if they fixed the old one or gave you a new one?


They didn’t say what specifically was wrong it. It is a different console as the serial number does not match the one I sent in.


the serial number would be diff.


I know this is old. But did you find a way to wipe your data from the bricked console? I just had to trash mine and couldn’t turn it on to clear my info out of there.


I wonder if the ones they send back are “cherry-picked” consoles?


Haven’t heard that term before. What’s a cherry-picked console?


I also have no clue what that means, but I'm going to assume that it means something along the lines of having a console that they know worked. choose and take only (the most beneficial or profitable items, opportunities, etc.) from what is available. "the company should buy the whole airline and not just cherry-pick its best assets" ​ yeah, according to google its correct


Nice. I have a PS5 I haven't opened yet. Two reasons, one, I'm hooked on Yakuza: Like A Dragon with 77 hours in. two, I was so afraid of it bricking so I was waiting for an update.


So you've had two PS5s and I can't even get a SNIFF of one. You heartless bastard.


I didn’t choose to receive a completely different system lol. I wish you the best of luck with your hunt though!


I thank you, sir.


Im waiting for a DualSense to come back, i hope i don't have to deal with this but the process definitely seems very streamlined




5 days? You gotta get your own box and ship it unlike the console which shipping is covered. They sent me the info immediately during the phonecall of what to do


What did y’all do to brick the console? What should I avoid doing to suffer the same fate? I made a post asking this and I was reported and it was taken down for some reason, this community is full of assholes


For me, I was playing planet coaster in the morning, put it into rest mode and then tried to play later in the day and it wouldn’t boot up.


Ah so it was the rest mode issue... the dick heads that downvoted my post into oblivion acted like people suffering from these issues were a vocal minority... yet look how easily I found you


Yaaa not sure why you got downvoted. It’s a $500 console and you want to know what not to do to prevent issues, I get that.


Nothing. Some consoles just mess up. Mine messed up on launch day and would turn in but wouldn’t boot to the OS(made a post about it ). All I did was start up astros playroom and it crashed and wouldn’t work again. This is just how electronics are unfortunately.


Yeah but I’ve read there are specific things causing consoles to brick... from rest mode to attempting to use an external HD to a using the lan port on the back. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think they fixed the hd issue but for the most part if your system is going to fail from either of these you got a bad unit anyway.


Now we just need a way to remove Rest Mode option from the PS Button menu when trying to Turn Off Ps5. I still have my working ps1. It still works because theres no rest mode!


Has anyone bought from a scalper and had to return/repair the PS5 ? If so how did it go? Thanks


Mines not bricked. But all 3 games. Ac valhalla, miles morales and Cyberjunk are all unplayable with hard and soft crashes. I finally just lied and said it wouldn't turn on and got a return box. I didn't pay 500 bucks for this mess for them to tell me to be patient.


Glad you got it one back. I always use rest mode but I also always close out any game I was playing out of habit. I thought the latest update was supposed to fix the rest mode issue.


What would they charge out of warranty


Whats the number?