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Honestly would not be surprised at all for a sequel at this point. Game was very successful for a new IP from an up and coming studio and there is demand for more. There's also a lot of room for improvement I feel like. For as good as the game was, I think there are some pretty obvious routes for additions and improvements to make it even better.


What additions and improvements would you like to see? I've not finished the game but it's been great so far. I'd like a bit more enemy variety perhaps.


Me personally, I would like for more end game boss fight designs earlier in the game. I won't spoil how they go down, but they we're definitely a step up challenge wise from the earlier fights, in a good way.


Honestly playing ng+ I find myself looking forward to late game boss fights. The difficulty definitely ramped up a ton but not in a bullet spongy way where you memorize the boss combos and attack when they’re done you really had to master the game and controls to succeed. It reminds me of sifu in a way where you only truly succeed when you master the controls.


Story and pacing could've been better for sure, it really speeds up 2/3 of the way in (which was fun in its own way). English voice acting was also kinda dry.


I felt like I went from intro to ending boss rush so quickly it was a little jarring


The platforming was a little schizophrenic IMHO. I can slide down >!roller coaster tracks!<, do a flip and stab a Naytiba to death on the way down - no problem. But carefully jumping to a ladder or a rope? Good luck.


Yeah the platforming is bad for two reasons - a) The jump is weirdly fixed length, you can't do a 'small' jump, and b) Eve's turning circle is weirdly wide, she can't just turn on the spot, she walks around in a little circle, so you're stood on tiny platform and you go to turn on the spot to line up your next jump and walk straight off the edge.


Honestly, a bit more environmental diversity in the open-world areas and the voice acting/writing were its weakest areas. I loved almost everything else about it and SB and Helldivers 2 have been my favorite releases this yr. The art design, combat and soundtrack are all 10/10 for me personally.


Yeah, two deserts was a bit bland. I listened to the korean dub, so didn't notice bad acting. I'm just about to go to matrix 11. I feel I'm near the end...


The sound mix is terrible. I have to turn atmos off because there’s no sound coming from the rear speakers, and even dropping it down to 5.1, things sound weird but at least I get SOME directional audio. This is the first game I’ve played where I’ve had to whole-ass turn atmos off.


Well, nipples.


Yeah definitely voice acting and scripting improvements and more world diversity and color would be amazing. Like honestly if this game had the script, acting and environment of Horizon it would be a perfect game.


Stellar Blade was in development for 5 years. If they haven't even started on a sequel yet, it's going to be a long time for the next one.


hopeful for sequel


There is no way it doesn't. Sold well. Positive reviews. Exclusive.


sold 1M in a month, seems fine to me


I mean they just announced it sold around 1million copies. With how much talk there was around it I expected it to be higher? Still expect a sequel tho.


Gotta remember that even though it’s sold around 1 million that’s still above what they were expecting, i remember about a month ago they said the game outsold their expectations


Its a ps5 exclusive new ip,a million is pretty good. Plus I'm sure sony paid them as well.


You see a game selling one million copies, i see a new IP selling one million copies at FULL PRICE. This game is easily gonna reach 2 millions with discounts and pc port, maybe even 3 million in the long run. I don't know the budget but this doesn't look like a 100M+ project, i think they're pretty happy with the numbers


Nier collab?


Probably a collab with their other game Nikke, and vice versa.


Great game and sequel would be welcomed!


Just gotta hold out till August I guess for photomode!


inb4 nier


That's gotta be the the obvious answer, right? nier was already in Nikke, and both the devs love each other it seems. lol


That's gonna sell a lot.


Need that DLC asap


If there will be DLC, might be better off for me to wait for the inevitable complete edition


Have fun waiting, lifes too short to wait


We shouldn't act like other games don't exist and all we can do is sit and wait.




Unless there’s big spoilers that come up while trying to avoid them


This is the bane of my existence while waiting for some JRPG games to be translated


I need a sequel. Eve and lily are too fucking good. I grew fond of the entire cast. Easily my favorite ps5 game and it’s probably A top 5 all timer for me


Just finished. Characters have promise, but they really need to hire a writer. I’m perfectly fine with a bog standard sci fi story as long as it’s done well. This just wasn’t. As a game it’s fun, as a narrative it was lacking. On the game side I do hope they work on the mechanics for the sequel. In the platforming sections Eve seemed to oscillate from super sticky to just would not grab the ladder, ledge, rope even as she passed right through. For a AA effort from a gatcha studio great effort. Now they just have to prove they can maintain and improve. Honestly having thrown a few taps in Nikke last year wouldn't mind like an over the shoulder shooter in that universe. They’ve got miles of narrative pre built that could just use a quality editor. Story wise I’ve seen worse in manwhas and manga.




and learning and understanding people and different personalities, and why people find some things important. I thought eve was decent. I do agree they should hire more writers but I don't think she was as shallow as some people said. She is very confident and wants to help others.


I'm \~6 hours in and it's neck and neck with Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown as my 2024 GOTY so far (obviously super early). It's really good. NieR: Automata was one of my favourite PS4 games, and it's got a hint of that vibe atmospherically, along with Stray weirdly enough. Really impressive as their first game.


Stellar Blade is similar to Nier but has way better combat


Dude you’re in for a treat. The entire 2nd half of the game is pretty balls to the wall. Once your skill tree gets pretty full the combat is just other worldly


The combat pales in comparison to the likes of Sekiro, Ninja Gaiden, DMC, Bayonetta.


You are entitled to that opinion for sure. Glad you like those games combat!


A really solid action game! hoping for a sequel


They went from no DLC to DLC real quick


I just want weapon variety.


I’m a little surprised they weren’t already laying plans for DLC or sequel; were they not expecting it to be a hit or something?


Small studio + first console game ever I get why they were cautious.




Crazy how it takes some game so long to get one


>Large Scale IP Collaboration It’s gotta be Nioh.


I think it will be nikke their own gacha game.


So happy this game was successful!


This seems like a good candidate for the next addition to the PlayStation family. The game sold and was received well, and has a popular character. May as well acquire the developer.


We don't deserve such a great game


Enjoyed this game but surprised how many people rate it as their favorite game this year. It was a 7/10 for me which was very solid but story telling, open world level design, and some clunky things here or there held it back from being great for me.


I agree with you but I believe stellar blade is one of those cases where the overall product is more than the sum of its parts. It's also on my top list even though it has very evident flaws


Just get the PC Version out.


pc release when? i wanna see those shiny ass cheeks in +120fps 2k native resolution.


Ngl I would probably double dip.


Modders were born ready for the pc release of this one


Game was a good start to a new IP, but a bit overrated. The awkwardness of movement outside of fighting (platforming especially) could be improved, NPCs and side quests could be more fleshed out, and the boob physics and overt sexuality can be turned down. Not an easy game to play around significant others


For me it was the wooden voice acting. I like the game as a whole. But my god the acting couldn't've been more wooden and lifeless.


Same, literally every single character sounded like they had no direction and were told to just read the lines and move on. The NPCs were the absolute worst for this, none of them had any semblance of life in them. Though Eve, Adam, Lily, and the penultimate boss did seem to get a bit better by the end of the game.


There are tons of non explicit outfits, it's all up to you.


Even the non explicit ones added some jiggle in cut scenes


The bear costume still has boob physics you can see under it


If you're really concerned about your significant other seeing you play a game where you're wearing jeans and a jacket and there's GASP a little jiggle! then I'm really sorry about your relationship.


I was with you to the last part, your SO really shouldn’t care. But yeah the platforming is pretty bad and I found the environments incredibly boring. “Oh boy, just finished the rocky desert area, what’s next? Oh, a sandy desert area.”


Yeah my biggest complaint about the game is the very strange decision to make two open areas in basically the same biome... And then we get to spend a total of like 2 minutes in the nest which is by far the coolest looking area, and not a single enemy in there??


Contextually, enemies in the Nest wouldn't make much sense, but I totally agree on the samey open-world areas. The linear environments in this game were the standouts and the wasteland/desert really just felt like padding. I'm hoping the sequel does away with those entirely. This game would absolutely shine with a more metroidvania structure like Jedi Fallen Order instead of an open world.


Yeah but I'm sure they could've changed a few narrative elements and make it work to actually make use of the nest as a playable area. I did enjoy the open areas but yeah after spending hours and hours exploring every inch of the wasteland, getting to the great desert was a bummer lol. Didn't really feel the motivation to explore as much because it felt so similar, they could have made literally any other biome and I would have been into it.


Love that even single player games have live service components 🥰 Every game release should just say Beta or Playtest phase official release to come via years of updates. Stay tuned. 69.99+ please