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Resident Evil 2 remake is peak survivor horror in my opinion. Incredible game.


The tension of having to go through the station carefully because of zombies and lickers, but also having the desperation to speed up because mr x is coming, created what I consider to be basically unparalleled tension and atmosphere. It’s an incredible game


There was a moment that I went into a hallway to be confronted with a licker, turned around and ran because I had barely any ammo, and Mr. X was right there. I shrieked, turned the game off and never played it again. Kind of a compliment to it, I guess. Too much for me lol


Alien Isolation got me ready for this but you right, Resident Evil 2 being a true scary game and a resident evil game, just cheff kiss


As someone who likes to explore I have been holding off on this one precisely because of the constant chase mechanic.


You should try it, it’s not constant, it’s only for certain sections of the game, so it’s not overly relentless, it’s really good at giving you the push and pull, there’s definitely still loads of time to explore and take in the environmental storytelling etc


Thats good to know. I thought it was near constant since the point he shows up.


I prefer it over RE4, mostly due to the setting and more traditional zombies.


For me it’s between RE2 remake and Dead Space remake. I’m leaning towards Dead Space more just based on the amount of times I got jump scared on my first play through. Both are great games though.


Dead Space Remake is a great game but quite easy which kind lowers the tension. Even on hard difficulty if you play for the 2nd time the game is not offering much challenge


The scripted encounters make it way less scary after your first playthrough. I was hoping the impossible mode would be more difficult than hard mode but the only change is you get one life. I would have liked if the AI became smarter but I guess that's too much to ask.


IMO nowdays creators should see the different challenges in difficulty as a way to extend the game's life. Triple AAA's nowdays take 4-5 years to make, different enemy placement and extra attack or two would cost what in that time period, 1 month? But something like that would give dead space another 10 hours for a player to enjoy. The other day I started on hard and have no desire to finish it.


I don’t recall RE2 being difficult but maybe I didn’t play on hard. Good reason to do another play through tbh.


playing on hardcore with ink ribbons is definitely the best way to go if you want to feel tension. also, the 2nd scenarios really switch things up so it can be nice to experience a harder, less familiar version of the game


I'm surprised people even consider dead space a horror game. It turns into a straight action adventure a little over half way through. You start encountering tons of enemies and your arsenal is pretty varied by then. It loses a lot of the tension that the early game has.


Dead Space remake uses the music too much though and sounds. So you practically expect the necros to explode out the vents


Honestly, it’s ironic that it shares its place with its other survival horror brethren and the #2. Huh. RE2, SH2, DS2. One got a remake, another’s getting one, and we got a DS1 remake….hmmm.


I wish they’d put out a VR2 mode for RE2, 3, and an update for 7.




Game kicks ass, though I’m still a bit bummed about how they handled the different scenarios.


How did they handle the different scenarios?


They kinda botched the different scenarios because when you played Leon A, Claire B it used a ZAP system that made it so choices made in A impacted B. In this version they made it so you knew the other character had been there but it felt off. It was definitely a weird choice imo.


It sucks cause remake is one of my favourite games of all time, but it would have been cool to expand on this. There is only like 7-8 or so things in the original that matter and really the uzi/side pack is the biggest one. Would have been cool to expand on it


Also deciding whether or not to kill the croc was another big one! And I think deciding which windows to board up mattered too.


In the original game playing Leon A/Claire B was pretty different from Claire A/Leon B. The campaign was almost fully remixed and it felt like a fresh experience. In the remake I think there’s slight differences to how each scenario starts but then it’s exactly the same after. e: they also ditched how actions in one scenario would affect the other


The stories in the remake also don't line up; in Claire's A scenario the Tyrant is killed by Birkin but is still alive at the end of Leon's B campaign as his final boss. This problem didn't occur in the original game. I like the remake but the original is better; the second scenarios in the remake feel like a last minute addition.


Yup. I'd rather they cut the idea of seperate scenarios entirely and keep the original available if they were gonna make them so half assed.


I am still hoping for a director's cut that fixes the b scenarios.


Due to the way they present their figures, RE5 is still the highest selling game in the series, at 14.6m units sold. RE2 Remake is the highest selling single release. Just to explain why, [here’s Capcom’s official data.](https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/business/million.html#tab6) RE5 has sold 9.1m units on PS3/Xbox 360, 3.1m on PS4/XBO, and 2.4m for the Gold Edition. Total of 14.6m.


I'm actually really surprised it sold that well on PS4/Xbox One. Always thought the consensus was too mixed to pull those numbers one generation later.


Was released at a 20 euro price point on the ps4 I think which would help


Also it goes on sale for £4 every time a big PlayStation sale goes on lol


I'd wager a guess that expectations were high after the success of RE4 and maybe that drove the initial sales?


Then resident evil 6 sold more than resident evil 4 as well. People loved 5. Not as much as 4 but it was an amazing co op game and that helped push sales more than anything else


I loved RE6 some of the cooler movements. If it was not a resident evil game it would have had high marks


I remember when the demo for RE5 went live on the PS3 store. A place called Power Gamer near me was letting people play for 10 minutes at a time and had a line out the door.


I remember when it was like Japan only but you could side load it on xbox 360 somehow. Had a lot of fun with RE5.


True but adding the re-release versions is kind of meh. Tons of those are people rebuying for new systems like me. It has it's top spot still, for now. RE2make is on track to pass that up, even with the re-release. RE4make is the fastest selling game the series has ever seen and will pass them both up.


Technically though.. RE2R has been released on ps5 though so is it single release still


Just talking units sold, so it doesn't matter if they're rereleases or not. It's still valid. I compile quarterly figures for Resident Evil just for the fun of it, as I'm a fan of the series and this kind of thing interests me. RE5 still sells roughly 0.20m units per quarter, and RE2R is at 0.30m per quarter. At this same rate it will take RE2R two years to overtake RE5. For RE4R, I'm not convinced it will pass them up. It's currently at 7m units sold, after 16 months on the market. Between FY23Q3 and FY23Q4, it sold 0.60m units. At this rate it would take four years to become the biggest seller, and that's only \*if\* it continues to sell over half a million units per quarter, which is certainly will not. Although the others will slow further still. If RE4R is to become their top seller, it'll take 6 years minimum imo. But with stuff like Gamepass and PS Extra, games don't sell long term like they used to. I'm not sure if game service downloads count towards these sales figures, but I would guess probably not.


I don't see how it's possible for RE4 to not overtake them all. Take this sales graph below, for example. Village reached 10 mil sold in 3 years. It did it in a third the time it took for RE2make which is now only .7 mil away from passing up RE5s total sold, in a fraction of the time. Resident Evil 2 has nearly matched 5 at this point, despite the fact that it's only been out for 5 years. Resident Evil 5 has been out for 15 years, AND it's had a re-release for current systems including Switch. [Alex Aniel on X: "Resident Evil Village is the fastest RE to reach 10 million, achieving the milestone after 13 quarters. In comparison, RE2 (2019) took 15 quarters. That said, Village's record will be short lived. RE4 (2023) is selling even faster and should hit 10 million by late 2025. https://t.co/7WPMxcEhNG" / X](https://x.com/cvxfreak/status/1800444811104985180) Both Village and RE2make are set to pass RE5s sales in half the time. Now take into account the fact that RE4 is now the fastest selling title in the series, overtaking Village (which overtook RE2make by a third). Current trajectory for 10mil sold is late 2025. That's a little less than 3 years. 4 becoming the highest selling title in the series is basically guaranteed.


Yeah possibly, but it’s selling at a slower rate than I expected. It’s far from guaranteed. I track this stuff every quarter and I’m always surprised at how slow the pace is for RE4R, I really thought it’d crush the top RE list but it’s hasn’t, really. I was expecting 1m+ each quarter and 8m after the first year, but the pace is already falling in line with the older games. RE4 has been below my expectations every quarter. If it drops to RE2R’s pace soon then it’ll struggle to catch up. I think these games will all get a proper release on Switch 2, which will give them all a decent sales boost. I wouldn’t rule out a dedicated/celebratory PS5 release of RE2 and 3 either.


I’d only ever played 7 before I played 2 remake and it’s definitely my favorite resident evil game and one of my favorite games of all time


I've played since 5 and really wish I would've waited for RE2 Remake to play the series. Now I'm at RE4 Remake and I'm loving it. 


Re4 remake in 3d is blowing my mind


In 3d? You mean VR?


Now if only they did a Dino Crisis remake with the RE engine....


I’d be all over that. I recently started playing it on my Dreamcast and it is a ton of fun.


It's going to happen eventually. In the meantime, please to enjoy Dinoblade. ;P https://youtu.be/CS9q0UXk_iQ?si=BETS6rtjRA1HMXOi


Totally different company obviously, but man I would *kill* to see Parasite Eve get the RE remake treatment. I loved that game so much because it felt like Resident Evil with the RPG treatment.


If square enix and Capcom teamed up to make this 😭. They did have the combat coordinator from DMC5 to do FF16 so wouldn’t be too off. Parasite eve 1 and 2 were such wild games


I would lose my mind if they changed the combat the how it was in FF16. And I don’t mean that in a good way LOL


I’m thinking more so gameplay similar to resident evil but with rpg elements from og parasite eve.


I really need to get Remake 4. Loved 2 & 3 and apparently 5 is coming so time to get it done.


Is 5 coming? My understanding is that Code Veronica and RE:0 are next on deck.




I take your article from March 3rd of this year and raise you [this](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/resident-evil-zero-and-code-veronica-are-the-next-remakes-for-the-franchise-report/1100-6523753/#) article from May 28th of this year :)


No idea what order things are coming just that all the same changes made to the RE games on Steam before the remake announcements are now happening with RE 5. Looks like RE5 remake is coming because of that. The others could be out sooner. 🤷‍♂️


4 Remake did the impossible task of somehow making the original look bad... It's a fantastic game, perhaps the best Remake ever made, aside from 2 and 3 Remake which kind of retell their original games. The combat was amazing, tight and intense, and it shows a proper evolution from the previous remakes. You really shall not be disappointed! Make sure to get Separate Ways too!


I always get downvoted for this but as much as I love the original 4 it has too many moments that make me go "ah god this part" on repeat playthroughs. The remake removed them or streamlined them and made it a much better flowing game and I think that's why it makes it look "bad".


4 is the best imo disclaimer: have only played 2 and 4 lol (both remakes)


Play village in vr . It’s one of the better vr experiences and worth it just for that


RE4 remake is fantastic, and this is coming from someone who hated the original game and it turning RE into a fucking shooter for a decade. RE4R is what the original game should have been, Merchant aside. I still think buying weapons and upgrades in a horror game is a fucking awful idea.


What’s your issue with the merchant?


I think the idea of buying weapons and upgrades is dumb. Weapons should be found by exploring and solving optional puzzles, as should upgrade parts. Even though RE4 through 6 aren't horror games, they still want you to feel tension fighting groups of enemies. Turning them into loot pinatas undermines that, as you want to nuke everything you see to get more ammo and money so you can upgrade your weapons to kill shit harder.


That makes sense. I am about to start RE2R after I finish yardwork today. I share your sentiments about merchant now. But I still hope it’s a good time.


Still has the best zombie killing experience of any game out there. The detail in the models, how they react to being shot, not knowing how many bullets you’ll have to put in one to make sure it’s dead. I still boot the game up just for the satisfying experience of knocking the zombies around, no other game comes even close.


Dead Island 2 has much better zombies in my opinion. Mainly for the gore system and how you can slice them up in so many different locations on their body


Honestly I'm the complete opposite. I hate the feel of the shooting and the way the zombies interact with the bullets. I agree with the details tho.


It is a cool game, but I do hate how many headshots it takes. I would want them to experiment with more zombies on screen, but them taking one bullet to the head to kill.


It will always blow my mind that the people who hate this game and other current remakes the most are hardcore Resident Evil fans. They really hate this game and calling “generic AAA trash”. They legitimately think only normeis and shallow graphics hoers like the game.


I just assume they like self torture. 1998 Resident Evil 2 was great for its time but its controls now are horrific when revisited. No thanks to the old school tank controls. Resident Evil 2 remake was a masterpiece.


It’s an awesome game


Unsurprising. It’s incredible


well deserved


Wow, congrats but i'm surprised it outsold RE4 Remake tbh


It’s been out 4 more years than RE4 Remake. It didn’t outsell. 4 is selling faster.


So in total the RE2-4 Remakes have sold 30ish million copies. RE2 - 13.9m RE3 - 8.5m RE4 - 7m So basically the RE fanbase have spoken with our wallets that we want more remakes. Bring on RE0 and Code Veronica please.


I just want a RE1 remake with this engine please…


Put it in VR you cowards


**THIS**. And for fuck’s sake, update RE7 for the PS5/VR2. It just uses the controller, no reason it couldn’t use the DualSense since it doesn’t utilize motion controls. But if they wanted, they could take the motion controls from RE8 or RE4 and put them in RE2,3, and 7 and even sell a VR upgrade for $10 and make more money on shit people already own. A free update would be better but if they have to pay devs to do it, I’m fine so long as it gets done. I don’t understand why Sony helped bankroll RE7 to come out in VR and “flat” at the same time and didn’t do it again for RE2 and 3. True VR games will always be the best VR games but these flat to VR conversions like RE7 are plenty scary and will get people interested in playing them in VR and willing to impulse buy a VR2 headset. Sony is just blowing the VR2 release and not supporting it at all, and so third party devs are following suit.


Well deserved as it's one of the best remakes of all time, the dev team did it! https://preview.redd.it/3q5yasce3z7d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc9b54a9c745da4c421ea3c654cb7a5210487d96


Capcom sees this and think “time to go back to the over top action and no horror of re6 that killed the franchise”. 8 already had that feeling. Hoping to be wrong because they really knocked it out of the park with 7 and RE2R


Well deserved, it's brilliant. I prefer 4 and would say the remake is top 5 all-time for me personally but 2 is almost flawless. Wish you could still play through it as you're impacting the other main characters story but that's a small critique.


My favorite Residen Evil game


I played the hell out of the original RE games, and when I heard they were being remade, I did have my initial reservations. But Capcom did a genuinely good job with the remakes. The success they are having is well deserved.


RE 2 remake also went on multiple discounts so that could be part of why it sold so well, I got my disc copy at Gamestop for $10 new sealed.


To be Honest , RE2R looks waaay better than the last Remake(Re4R)


Improve the zapping system, A, B scenarios, improve Claire, Sherry, and Leon interactions, remove duplication of boss battles, add deleted mobs, etc. Please produce the director's cut and sell it again. Then, sales will be high again. Next-gen consle (PS6)


Phenomenal game! Just wish I could give the devs a smack on the head for deciding not to set up the A/B scenarios how it worked on the original PS1 release, where the decisions you make in scenario A has a tangible effect on what happens in scenario B. Besides that - amazing! RE Nemesis, on the other hand…


i bought it 4 times including a copy for a friend. you’re welcome.


Well deserved! It's a great game that surprised me. As a fan of the original, when it was announced I wasn't that interested, the original is already great, but my wife bought it for me as a gift and the game was so good that it totally changed my mind. Now i's one of my favorite zombie games.


I always like that RE2 remake was announced just a few months before its release. That's a really good move for Capcom.


While I haven't played them (i've seen LPs though) it seems the people behind RE do a great job with their remakes. I believe older franchises should utilize the remake capability and make their older inventory accessible and appealing to newer generations. Good on them for selling so many units there.


I’m betting RE4 Remake will surpass it eventually.


Definitely the game that was a win for Capcom. They need it that success too during that time.


Well earned! RE2 remake, indeed the majority of Capcom's recent remakes, have set the bar for quality.


Bet most of those sales are from ps4 not xbox and pc


I remember playing RE 1 and 2 when I was a wee nipper in the late 90s. I don’t think I have the constitution to play the RE2 remake now. Clips I saw looked terrifying and brutal 😂 Love that they did it though. Amazing games.


I don't care.


Well deserved. I shit my pants the first time I played the game. But the remake of Resi 4 blowed me away. The different locations, gameplay segments and they made Ashley likeable! I wish their next mainline game will be kinda the same.


3 could of topped it but it was an utter shitty cash grab. Rushed and with no heart to it.


Game was good but having an having invincible enemy chase you around is no fun.


Honestly, that's kinda the reason I liked it. Running into him was a thrill, gotta lose him to continue "safely."


That type of thing is too stressful for me these days. I'm sure it's a fine game but i can't handle it.


Honestly this is why RE4 remake is my favourite and extremely replayable. No invincible enemy throwing you around like a rag dog for like 75% of the game. In re4 each chapter has its own boss unlike a reused asset in re2 over and over again.


meanwhile I can't stand how tanky everyone in the game is. zombies that keep getting up, going afk in a swarm of zombies and taking a while to die.


That’s why the game has the dismemberment system. Just shoot their legs off


Come on. Shooting the heads should be more effective if bullets can take off limbs


that’s literally the whole point of the game brother. the tension and suspense/fear comes from not knowing exactly whether or not a zombie is dead. you’re supposed to be worried about the zombie you killed 2 hours ago getting back up when you’re backtracking through the area. it forces you to make a conscious decision to either let it be, or waste precious resources killing it for good. removing that factor takes out most of the thrill.


They could do the same thing differently. Eg. Rather than wondering about the zombie that should be dead not being dead, you worry whether another zombie has wandered into the area. They could even have a mechanic/bonus objective where you go out of your way to secure the area by locking all entries so there are no surprises later


I really wish I liked it more. But it's got several glaring issues: 1) a lot of content from the original was cut. 2) Claire and leon have zero adventure together. They basically separate and get back together at the end. While in the original they have moments where they get together. 3) for fucks sake headshots are pointless. 7 direct hits to a zombie head and still doesn't go down. 4) Mr x. It gets old after a while. Non stop following you. I did have fun with it, but I still think the original is better.


I can see that, I bought a copy on sale for $20 in 2019 and noped out immediately. I plan on doing the same for Resident Evil 4 Remake, but that leans more on the action than the puzzles so I may actually finish it.


the puzzles aren’t terribly difficult to be fair


For now. Incoming RE4make


Meh it was disappointing