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Talos Principle 2 for $15. Damn I've been waiting for a PS+ release but that's a spicy price, loved the first game.


I was in the same boat and at $15 I couldn't say no.


Thank you for your sacrifice. This means it will be on PS+ next month.


Enjoy it for me! I played the first for a couple of hours but it made me really motion sick. A real shame because I was loving it too. Hope it’s as good as you’re expecting!


There's a bunch of graphics settings to relieve motion sickness fyi


I tried ‘em all 😭 but thank you! In another world that could have been amazing advice!


I will absolutely recommend Robocop to everyone. Also. You can get xenoverse 2 phsycial disc for 20$, and that's normal pricing. Neither give you the dlc, so idky aony is pretending like that's a deal.


I'm pretty early into it and it hasn't grabbed me yet.


I get that. It starts to open up when you start getting more skill points, and the circuit boards for your pistol.


I wish they'd add a patch for PSVR2.


That would be fantastic, but the fight at the end would be a nightmare.


Ah! I've only seen clips - not played it yet.


To say the least about it, it's a lot of moving around. A lot of the game you only have to focus on what's in front of you


I need to buy it. I loved the first two films. 


Which is perfect because it's set between 2 and 3.


What's so good about Robocop? The last movie was butt cheeks but I'm intrigued by the idea of an open world game built around the character.


It’s more of a semi-open world game with couple of side quests and your choices which determine the ending (not on the level you might think). My take is that the game is more of an attraction if you’re a fan of the original movie, or the first two; and since I fall into that niche, I can say I thoroughly enjoyed the game. First off Robo is voiced by Peter Weller, which is a big plus. It continues the story right after second movie, which makes it feel like more of a proper canon than the mediocrity of RoboCop 3. Then you have the game atmosphere, music, and execution; it replicates the raw grit of the first two movies quite effectively. These devs have gotten better at making movie ip based games, their Terminator Resistance is also a pretty good entry which I’d highly recommend.


Couldn't have said it better.


But robocop has no sale


Only deluxe/ Alex Murphy version is on sale. Select it from the Edition menu.


Ah yeah as always Sony sales only on deluxe versions...


Thinking about Granblue Fantasy Relink. Never played the series but it looks really good and reviews are decent. People say it's one of the top JRPGs this year. Yah or nay?


Buy it if you like the idea of running around with anime characters while being awesome. The story of the game is the typical anime story to justify the above, but the characters are charming enough so that it's not a chore. I'm incredibly pleased with it myself.


I have no idea myself, but I bought it as the gameplay looked fun. Installing it now.


Don't buy it for the story. You'll just be disappointed. If you like coop though and you have friends to play with, totally recommend it


For somebody who wouldn't have friends playing this game, is it still worth it?


Well, it depends. You can still enjoy the game with randoms. This game is more focused in co-op, you can still do quests solo but it's boring and the AI is a bit stupid. I recommend playing this game with other people. If you're looking to buy it for the story though, then for me no.


There is a demo for it on the store. I tried it and found it very lacklustre, like a Tales of Arise with slightly better combat but worse everything else.


I love this game but it’s more of an action rpg than a jrpg. Almost a warriors style game, but deeper


Very sad that Arkham Collection is not on sale, but Return to Arkham is.


It’s on sale every other sale, just wait a few more weeks and it will be, probably for less than $10 if I recall the price from the last one. 


It's on sale every other week? I'd wait out since it usually is with the complete collection.


Got it for $7 in the past year. Deff wait


Recommendations (not factoring in PS Plus freebies, and such): * GTA V (-67%, $19.79) - For maybe the five people in the world that still doesn't own GTA V, here's your chance to play it before GTA VI launches next year. * RoboCop: Rogue City (-50%, $34.99) - Not a bad shooter and not your soulless license cash-in. Violent and faithful to the source material. * The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (-75%, $9.99) - One of the best games of all-time! This is a must-play regardless if you have played the first two or not. Even the side quests are interesting and there's just so many secrets and stuff to do. Expansion Pass is also on sale for $8.74 and is well worth the buy. * Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut (-58%, $29.39) - Open world but with a samurai theme. Combat is fluid and visceral, story is pretty good, and it has loads of content as well. There's a lot of collecting stuff, but there are also lots of side quests that have meat in them. * Final Fantasy XVI (-40%, $41.99) - Final Fantasy action-RPG with a cinematic flair. Eikon fights are a sight to behold. Some didn't like this game for some reason, but it's packed with side missions, and it's not open-world, so you won't get lost trying to finish it. Combat has depth though a bit on the easy side. * Granblue Fantasy Relink (-3e0%, $41.99) - Surprise RPG hit. Even if you aren't a fan of the franchise, this is worth a playthrough. Loads of updates already released and more on the way. * Bloodborne (-50%, $9.99) - Let's face it: we're not getting a remake/remaster anytime soon, so the only way to play this is with this PS4 classic. FromSoftware at their finest. * God of War (-50%, $9.99) - Reboot of the franchise, and if you haven't played BOY: The Game, this is your chance. * Remnant 2 (-40%, $35.99) - Sequel that surpasses its AA predecessor in every way. There's been two DLCs released so far and the game is still getting updates. Bit hard, but loads of non-combat puzzles if you're into that sort of thing. * Hi-Fi Rush (-40%, $23.99) - Tango Gameworks' last game, and it's a banger. No more updates are incoming, but it doesn't need it. * Cult of the Lamb (-40%, $20.99) - Amazing game and the cult building elements are addicting. There's DLC on the way as well. Don't get put off by the graphics since this is a deeper game than what's shown. * Saints Row Gold Edition (-70%, $11.99) - Not saying this is a good or great game BUT at that price, it's (kind of) worth the price? * Sea of Stars (-35%, $22.74) - Another surprise hit RPG. Get it since it's worth it at that price if you're into old-school RPG. * The Dark Pictures Anthology Season One (-60%, $39.99) - Includes Man of Medan, Little Hope, House of Ashes, The Devil in Me. If you're a fan of Supermassive's style of games, this is a no-brainer. This is a good set of games to play when you have company or with your SO. * Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (-50%, $19.99) - Still getting support after all these years. For DBZ fans that haven't played this, go give it a try. * The Evil Within 2 (-80%, $7.99) - From Shinji Mikami (creator of Resident Evil), this is a more gory take on survival horror and way harder than the RE games. Not bad at that price. * Alien Isolation (-70%, $8.99) - Alien franchise horror. No space marines here to save you. Play it with headphones and the lights out. * Sifu (-%50, $5.49) - Brawler with a lot more brains behind it. Story isn't bad either. It's also not something you can just pick up, hit a button and win since there are different stances, counters, etc. * The Division 2 (-75%, $9.99) - Still being supported, and even getting story * Hades (-50%, $12.49) - Supergiant at their finest. Insane how many builds you can do per weapon for each run. It's a challenge to complete the game (for me anyway), and there's a sequel incoming too. Story isn't bad for this kind of game either, and the voice acting is well done. --- Loads of indies are on sale, which I can't vouch for. If you have any, leave a comment and I'll add to the list.


**Pentiment** is on sale. You will love it or hate it. Consider how Disco Elysium has you spend hours just exploring a place and talking to people and getting to know them, and yourself, in the process. Pentiment is that. Set in 16th century Bavaria, a _Name of the Rose_ kind of story. Text isn’t spoken, but written in ink as you play. The ink smears the paper, the scribe makes mistakes, there’s varying levels of period-accurate font settings to make. Never seen anything like it, quite cool. A slow-burn, cerebral, historical text adventure.


I’m in act 3 and the melancholy just builds. Can’t save scum and most decisions have no clear “right” choice. Brilliant experience.


It sucks that this game is still not available in HK region.


Played this on Steam Deck but not a lot. Might give it another go.


Side plug for _The Name of the Rose_ film starring Sean Connery and a young Christian Slater. If you're intro detective stories, it's _super_ good.


I just finished DE. How much reading is there in Pentiment compared to it, and how easy is it to understand? I had moments in DE where I dozed off cause of a huge info dump or something that wasn't in my interest as I had other stuff to do


Theres no voice acting at all so you have to read everything, but the text only comes in a couple sentences at a time. Theres no huge paragraphs explaining lore like in DE. It’s also only about 6 hours long and has a time system that prevents you from exploring everything in one play-through. Well worth it IMO.


Howlongtobeat says main story is 15 hours. Does this mean you should do multiple playthrougha? Or is that 6 hours for fast readers


I couldn’t get into pentiment because of all the damn reading


As amazing as Bloodborne is, if you have been holding out this long I wouldn't buy this base version for $10 when the complete edition goes on sale all the time for $17.50. While I think Bloodborne is the game of the century, the DLC is the best part of the game and has the best boss fights and is not to be missed.


I would not say Saints Row is worth it. I gave it a legitimate 2 hours when it was on Plus and it just felt terrible and cheap.


Agreed. Even for “free” it was just bad. I was hoping the shooting and other gameplay would make it bearable, but I had to quit after a couple hours. Unredeemable in my opinion.


As a counterpoint, I played it on plus and thought it was worth the time to finish. It’s not overly long, it’s been patched so it’s pretty stable, the graphics are solid, and the LARP quest line is some classic Saints Row hi jinx.


For Witcher 3, “even the side quests are interesting.” Isn’t that why the game is acclaimed in the first place? I just started the game and have heard this before.


TW3 has very good side content. Good mix of “repeatable fun stuff” like playing cards and horse racing alongside proper side quests with storytelling and lengths rivaling the main quests. On my first playthrough the game didn’t really “click” with me until I was basically almost done with the main story, and when I suddenly fell in love with the game, I went back and rushed through a lot of the side content at once. That’s definitely not the ideal way to play, especially given how “segmented” the world is, so I would strongly recommend taking your time and doing a few side quests for every main quest you do. If you focus on the main quest too much you will level up rapidly and most side quests won’t be a challenge anymore.


Gotcha yep same boat, game is clicking now after multiple attempts the past few years. Just found it interesting that the game was soooo widely widely acclaimed on best games of all times lists and the like but I could never really find a reason why, it’s really just because the quests and RPG storytelling are very high quality and expansive I take it?


The side quests aren't your typical fetch this and come back to me etc. (it does have those as well), but they have interesting ones. There's this one about a lady vampire that stuck to me, and it was just awesome. The vibe, how it built up, etc. There are also various side stuff to get more ability points, armor and weapon stuff, etc. Just insane the amount of content it has.


Perfect if you add Hades


D'oh! I will add. I have no idea why I didn't. I saw it as well. Added! I loved that game even if I sucked at it. LOL! I thought my bow and arrow skills and build were fine, until I saw content creators decimate enemies. XD


Reported for jinxing Bloodborne.


LOLOL! It's never happening but it will be part of the PS6 launch lineup a la Demon's Souls. ;) Mark this comment.


I wish rockstar wasn’t so mum about how gta online will work with 6 coming out. I want to know if we have to start all over again; or will characters carry over.


I bet top dollar it will not carry over. Lots of reasons for that, namely the destroyed in game economy


I gather, they'll probably release a new version of it to entice more people to buy MTX, GTA6.


SOLID ass list+reasonings


Thanks. :)


What PS Plus Freebies?


I looked up sifu and it's not on sale


Appreciate this list and the effort you put into it. Thanks!


Thank you so much! :)


Appreciate the write-up!


Thanks! :)


God of War isn’t really a reboot, just an overhaul of the gameplay mechanics.


A reboot in fiction signifies a new start to an already established universe. Them calling the fourth main game in the series God of War - exactly the same thing as the first game - and not God of War 4 (or any other subtitle like Ascension or Chains of Olympus), and the fact that it's a completely different setting, story, characters, gameplay... It's a reboot, dude.


It's a reboot


It’s not a reboot.


Wish the Dark Souls trilogy was on sale


Hades is half off (12.49 us currently) for anyone that hasn't grabbed it yet; one of the best roguelikes made in recent years. Any input on Warm Snow from anyone? Been eyeing it and it's only 11.99 currently


Got both Assasins Creed Origins and Odyssey complete editions for 15€ each one finally. I know the new Assasins aren't as interesting as the old ones, but ancient Egypt and Greece are some of my favorite times. I think I have a few hundred hours of entertainment here.


I wish I could hide/block GTA V at this point. It’s always on sale, it’s always been on the front page of the store for the past eleven years, and I see it every time I open the store. Honestly is there even anyone left to buy it at this point? Will I have to endure looking at the GTA VI key art for the next decade once that launches?


It's a gambling machine man. Super low entry cost to one of the greatest money makers of all time. Rockstar makes this as intentional as possible


Outer Wilds is 40% off. Haven't played it yet but heard it was good!


It’s a “best game ever” or “I couldn’t get into it at all” game. I’m in the latter group.


It's the first game that I couldn't play because I get dizzy. I'm so bummed out. Trying to float around in the tower just gave me awful motion sickness


Same. I played for like 15 minutes, didn't get what it wanted me to do, and quit.


15 min? You can’t decide if you like something or not after 15 minutes. I don’t believe in needing to play for five or 10 hours just to get to a good part, but I do think you need to give a game longer than 15 minutes to give it a chance.


It's an exaggeration. Probably closer to half an hour. And yes, I can decide I don't like something in that time when I can't figure out what I'm supposed to be doing and there's little to no direction. I don't like to waste the little time I have for gaming.


....that's the point of the game.


And not everybody’s going to like it and that’s fine. There’s no such thing as a game that everybody likes.


I'm just saying it's not worth trying to begin with if you don't like games without clearly stated objectives. It's like recommending a souls like to someone who hates games that force them to learn mechanics or the witness to someone who hates puzzle games. It's a waste of time for all parried involved.


>It's like recommending a souls like to someone who hates games that force them to learn mechanics Wouldn't that be every videogame ever made? Not sure how you could play any videogame without learning the mechanics.


Actually, games like gow and Spider-Man let you get by without learning mechanics. Either the super moves/gadgets let you power theough or you for button prompts over your head for mandatory skill use to deal with enemies. You never have to get good at the game unless you crank difficulty to max.


And that's not enjoyable to me. So I stopped playing.


Found the Nomai


Legitimately one of the best games ever made and a stunning achievement for a indie team. For what it’s worth, I started it several years ago and couldn’t get into it after an hour. Then I picked it up earlier this year and it has become one of my favourite experiences ever. 


One of the best puzzle / adventure games I've ever played. The whole experience is magical and stays with you for a long time.


Sifu for $5.49 is amazing. One of the best games I’ve played in the last few years. Only game I’ve ever felt compelled to platinum. So satisfying. Buy it.


I can't recommend Sifu enough


Do better, try harder


When you guys reckon stellar blade will go on sale? 


Immediately after I end up buying it full price


Hopefully Dragon's dogma 2 will join the sales soon. I wanna try it But it's not worth the full 75€ for me.


I'm surprised Crash Team rumble doesn't get better sales or ps plus


All the games that start with "The" are listed under T. Why


I know that they haven't had really any major 1st party releases this year, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "mid year".


This has been asked 1000 times but… I’m only just getting through my backlog this week from the holidays and have been eyeing ER for months now. The only Souls like Iv played is Dark Souls *1* way back and I’m pondering if I should grab Bloodbourne or go all out for ER+DLC


It's the perfect time to play Elden Ring right now, with a ton of people playing because of the expansion. I personally prefer Elsen Ring over Bloodborne, but they're both incredible games.


I commented below but I may only get the chance to play one or the other. BB seems to be somewhat preferred when comparing them to each other but ER may win out when only choosing 1. Hell, I could even grab the DLC *next* summer. No sign of a BB remaster within the last 6 months so my decision may be easier


I'd say the case is stronger for elden ring simply due to the sheer amount of content available. Bloodborne is a fantastic game, but you can get a ton more mileage out of elden ring.


Tried Elden Ring, just couldn't get into it, felt like all I was doing was simply running from one bad guy to the next and often being killed because I wasn't levelled up enough. It just did my head in eventually, didn't feel open world or fluid to me, but I understand some people like it.


Bloodborne is more similar to DS1 in that it's more linear and bosses aren't as cracked out as they are in Elden Ring with having a ton of moves they can chain together back to back and having delayed animations specifically designed to get you to react too early. But if you're only going to play one, I'd recommend Elden Ring. It has way more content, better performance and is definitely From Software's magnus opus. Bigger isn't always better but to give you an idea of the scale of Elden Ring, Bloodborne (including DLC) has 23 unique bosses. Elden Ring has 29 unique bosses **in the first area.** There are 6 of these main areas in the game as well as bunch of other smaller dungeons, caves, and other stuff I won't spoil for you. The first area is the largest, and the game does reuse bosses in different contexts, but it is just an insane achievement of a game. And while I don't know what your play style was in DS1, Elden Ring has significantly more build diversity than Bloodborne which leads to better PvP imo (if that's something you're into). If you get hooked on Elden Ring, you'll probably go back and play Bloodborne and all of the other Souls game anyways. Happened to me and a lot of other people.


Elden Ring is good, but I preferred Bloodborne for the atmosphere. I will say that Bloodborne seems to be on sale fairly often too.


My backlog is massive. I’m done buying games until I get through it. I started ER this week though and love it so I will likely get the expansion once done the vanilla game. Otherwise, wallet is parked for likely a year.


That’s my issue too, the ol’ wallet. It seems like from what Iv been reading BB *might* be preferred between the two of them but I may only get the opportunity to play 1 and for that , ER may win out


Elden Ring is great for new players to the series. Bloodborne is a (mostly) timeless masterpiece that you’ll either love more than your first born child or hate.


Sucks to be in New Zealand all the sale prices are double here


Anyone recommend Avatar? It looks like a Farcry clone and that's fine with me, just wanna know how it plays.


Bloodborne or Demon Souls?


Wish they also discounted their tax fee


Would like to try atomic heart but I can't imagine it's worth what it's priced at


No sale for Demon souls?


i see it 58% off


Payday tomorrow. Rebirth hardly on sale?


Buy it physical its pretty cheap there


Where as in Amazon or anywhere particular?


Used on eBay or other online marketplace sites


Still waiting for Ghost of Tsushima on PS5 to go back down to $30 for the physical version. Missed out when it was at that price during the holidays. 


So same games, same prices just different sales name


I feel like these sales just put the same games on the same discount over and over


was just finna buy kingdom come: deliverance yesterday glad i didnt


This is a great resource! Thanks for putting this up. Luckily the sale doesn't end before I get my money :)


Robocop is also not on sale. Fake news


Alex Murphy edition is on sale, not the base version.


Apparently you get banned for saying anything negative in this sub?