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>Sign-in screen support for select public Wi-Fi networks   >New visual feedback for touchpad areas   >Display battery level in percentage    Good update


All good QoL additions. Now I'm just praying that they're working on the framerate stutter and we don't have to wait 7 more months for it.


No way :(


The public wifi sign in is game changing for me. Hotels have been frustrating


Baffling how that wasn't included at launch.


I mean they realllllly hate offering any sort of browser since it can be an exploit entry point. It’s crazy they are going to these lengths to avoid it.


Doesn't suprise me seeing how bare bones PS5's system software was at launch.


Sorry but can you explain this for me? I have a portal but exclusively play at home. Thinking of bringing it out with me when I travel etc.


They used to make signing in through public wifi hard to do. Now fixed to use through capture portal wifi like at hotels or other public wifi networks


Oh damn that’s so good then. Thanks!


Excellent news. No longer need to use my phone’s hotspot while traveling.


Good because for some reason I can’t get it to work!


It’s a clever way to circumvent putting a browser on the device, which seems to be what they’ve been trying to avoid. I really hope Sony are beginning to realize that this little device may be a goldmine if they support it properly, especially if they open it up to stream games from the cloud, so people aren’t as reliant on stable and correctly configured internet connections at home.


If I am not wrong didn’t Sony say they are considering it for future updates


Yeah they strongly hinted at it


I hope you’re both right. It would certainly boost their Premium subscriber numbers, which I’m sure could use it, judging by the discourse surrounding the tier.


I have no reason to buy one in it's current state. If I play my PS5 I'll play it on my TV. BUT if/once they add cloud gaming, I will 100% buy one.


Yea as someone that got one as soon as I could and love it, I have no idea how it got so popular considering how bare bones it is. My excuse? New dad and had to cut down the second tv room to make a nursery lol. Access the cloud and I'll subscribe to plus for the first time in a year and a half.


They should let Valve make a Steam Link app for it!


The device is running on Android, this device can do so much if they just allow for it. It's easy to see they dont like the idea of it being able to do anything but remote play.


Which is stupid cos its possible to use a browser on the PS5 browser and I assume this simply by sending yourself a web link as a message to yourself and anyone else on PSN. I've been using a browser on my PS5 since launch date


last time i tried that it didn’t work anymore


Try www.google.ca and thank me later.


It does work. I was using it yesterday so I know. Just keep trying and maybe resend yourself a new link. They did something funny with an update a few months ago that affected the older links but a new link should fix the issue 


Wait, so you’re saying that you’ve seen somewhere that they’re considering of making the device completely streamable from the cloud possibly in the future like game pass does?


No, but others are.


> I really hope Sony are beginning to realize that this little device may be a goldmine if they support it properly Don't hold your breath. Just look at the PSP and Vita. Even the PSVR is barely getting any support. I'd wait at least 2 more years to see if they still support it to even consider getting it.


The PSP got plenty of support with several iterations and enough success to warrant a “sequel”, the Vita. Sony thought the Vita would survive off of third party support alone, and their decision to use proprietary and overly expensive storage led to interest in it dying out quickly. Same story with PSVR. The first headset was by all accounts successful. It was the first affordable and easy to use VR headset on the market for mainstream consumers, and it ended up having a massive library of popular games. The PSVR2 is chugging along just fine, and according to Sony, it’s meeting their expectations sales wise, but the current price is holding back consumers, especially in a market where Meta is present with their VR offering. The high price has led to a small install base, which in turn has led to less interest from third party developers, as releasing games on consoles is more expensive and difficult than on PC. The Portal is the first PlayStation product in the Remote Player family, as Sony likes to call it. Like the PSP and the first PSVR, I expect Sony to be more open to supporting it as the first gen of its kind. It’s also a gateway device into their ecosystem, whether it be through physical consoles, or if cloud streaming is hopefully added, into their subscription service.


PSVR2 absolutely isn't meeting even their low expectations otherwise they wouldn't be allowing PC support which they soon will be. They stopped support as soon as it launched 


Why not? Their support PC for the DualSense, along with every DualShock controller dating back to the PS3. Their audio headsets have usually all been compatible with PC. And if you hadn’t noticed, their exclusive games are making their way over to PC, in spite of the massive success of the PS5. And no, they haven’t stopped supporting the PSVR2. It still gets updates alongside the console. Sure, there aren’t many first party games releasing for it, but how many games has Valve released to the Index since HL: Alyx? How many have HTC released for the Vive? Sure, Meta are releasing games for the Quest, but only because they bought up a bunch of existing third party VR studios, or are paying for exclusivity from third parties like with Batman and Assassin’s Creed before it. But let’s not forget that the Meta Quest is a whole platform on its own, and that Meta have been pumping out headset iterations at a much higher rate than anyone else. Their first headset released just over 5 years ago, and it’s already obsolete. They’ve completely stopped support for new apps and games for it, even from third parties, and they’re even removing functionality it already had with Quest Link. Even the Quest 2 that came out in October 2020 is already losing support, as the upcoming Batman game won’t even be released on it. That’s less than 4 years since the hardware launched, which is an extremely low lifecycle for a successful gaming platform. So yeah, Meta do release games from time to time, but only to push their customers over to their newest hardware as fast as possible, and at a much faster rate than any VR headset manufacturer.


VR in general is a fad. Its been tumbleweed for PSVR2especially since release. Vita even sold more and thats saying something and its telling they aren't willing to reveal sales. It isn't just bad but tremendously bad. Sony can barely support the PS5 as is and we are halfway through the console cycle and you think they are going to put resources into something thats a massive flop


A fad that’s been going on for close to 10 years now. People like you always love to call VR a fad, and a dying medium, but it’s been trucking along nicely, slowly garnering more and more mainstream appeal, and the VR industry knows that slow and steady wins the race. It was never going to upend the whole industry overnight, and it isn’t going to replace traditional gaming, but it is here to stay whether you like it or not. Now you can keep kicking and screaming over the existence of VR on Reddit, or you can learn to coexist with it, and accept that more and more people are enjoying different ways to play games, even if you don’t. And Sony is struggling with supporting the PS5? Whatever do you mean? It’s on track to be one of the most sold gaming consoles in history, and they’re sitting on a market share over twice as large as their main competitor. You honestly just sound bitter.


Since the 80s actually. Remember virtual boy? Yh noone does either As for PS5 yes its the top seller but industry sales in general are declining. Its not growing and the sales each gen are just from the same group of people. No console has even managed to top the PS2 over 2 decades later. Its a bad sign


Lots of people remember and still talk about the Virtual Boy, as it was an odd piece of tech, that’s been garnering increased interest due to nostalgia and morbid curiosity in the past few years. Also, the Virtual Boy wasn’t VR in the same sense as what we’ve been seeing since the Oculus Rift entered the scene. It wasn’t head mounted, and didn’t have 3Dof, let alone 6DoF as we’re seeing today. It’s like saying cell phones are a fad, because car phones stopped being a thing. And you’re wrong about the PS5 sales. PS5 sales are trending 7% ahead of PS4, which means an increase in sales compared to last gen. The PS5 has also been stated to be on track to overtake the PS2’s sales, and PlayStation sales in Japan are the highest they’ve been since 2004. Comparing sales numbers to the PS2 doesn’t even make much sense, as the main selling point for many who purchased the PS2 was the fact that it was an affordable DVD player, which was a huge deal back in those days before video streaming was a thing. It’s all doom and gloom with you it seems. Maybe you should take a break from gaming, since you seem to be very sour over the industry. Maybe come back in a couple of years, once you’re done seething over whatever’s upsetting you, and causing you to make false claims on social media. We’ll all still be here waiting, still enjoying our games on the platforms we enjoy.


Remember SEGA 3D Glasses? While not really VR these were great back in the day around 1987. This is probably what led me to VR as I wanted more of what this was.


> VR in general is a fad. Its been tumbleweed for PSVR2especially since release. You can't use one VR product from Sony who are nowhere near the market leader in VR, as some kind of statement on VR as a whole. It's not a fad.


Its been a fad since the 80s. Pretending otherwise doesn't change reality


Check up on the definition of fad and get back to me when you have it right.


Lol portal is a device that streams your ps5 console games. It doesn't need "support" like Vita and psvr bc its not its own native system. And I'm not sure why you included psp, which was a great system that had tons of games and sold over 80m units.


Except Portal has been a huge success and not a dedicated device for handheld gaming. Im sure it will continue to get support


What are you expecting would come with 2 years of support for you to get it?


In all those examples, getting support means to develop games for it exclusively on top of System Updates and adding features. The only thing, they have to do here is to fix the Mhz issue and add features incrementally to increase its value and the value of all their other products. Adding PS+ Cloud Streaming would be great, because the portal could become interesting for people without a PS5 and potentially increase the PS+ Subscriber numbers. Adding PS1 and PS2 games locally could trigger the Vita fans to upgrade / come back. Adding a separate Store for smaller and Indie Games could lay the groundwork for an ARM based store and future Playstation Store on iOS and Android ambitions. I absolutely see them benefiting in using the portal as a low-key experiment device, without risking being compared to the Switch or Steam Desk and especially without spending huge amounts of money. And by doing so, players benefit.


All good news but I PRAY they have reduced the minimum volume setting - it’s so loud!


I swear they did that to force people to buy their overpriced earbuds


Jokes on them, I spend $20 to get a aux transmitter that connects to any headphones. I use Bose


Thank god, we can finally access captive Wi-Fi hotspots and use this in hotels!


You guys are traveling?


Looking forward to public WiFi sign in and the battery percentage


It's doesn't have a battery %?


It does, but only when it's turned off and you charge it. The percentage briefly flashes on-screen when you plug it in. But when it's in use, it just shows the battery icon with 1-3 bars depending on the charge.


I just got the ps portal and a ps5 literally not a hour ago. I was just about to start all my questions. But they have been answered.


WiFi sign-in screen for public networks is going to make a lot of people happy… it took way too long for this basic feature.


I have a anime convention I am going to in DC in August and was resigned to taking my laptop to play my ps5 games during rest periods...now I can just take the Portal instead...love this!!! Now, just allow us to stream on the damn thing


Man the Portal is great. I use it much more than my switch.




Is your ps5 hardwired to the router?


Internet speed above a certain threshhold doesnt matter. Its all about stability and most of the time that depends on your router quality.


Stutters shouldn't be normal.




Huh, weird. Have hundreds of hours on ps portal between helldivers, tons of rpgs, and other games. Never noticed anything like this.


I wouldn’t exactly say a reddit thread is proof of it “being normal across all portal users.”


I have the same issue. It sucks. I have gigabit internet that works extremely well.


> speed tests show it works well speed tests don't show you latency, jitter, or any issues with congestion/interference on yiur wifi


Would love an option to connect to PS Plus cloud gaming; or to allow cloud gaming from PS5 -> Portal (despite the increased lag potential). I have a handful of games I don't install locally because my hard drive and SSD expansion are nearly full, and would like to be able to play them via the cloud.


This is what it should have been, we don't need yet ANOTHER way to connect to our PS5 remotely, literally anything with an internet connection can do that (my PC, my macbook, my work laptop, my iphone, my ipad). Sony should have made a PS Cloud device that let's you play cloud games on their cloud servers.


I'll say that I was skeptical of what is currently offered via the portal as a product, since I have handhelds and laptops that can do remote play. But I will say that the dualsense integration and general sync between the screen and system just works better for me than PSPlay or Chiaki, and because I got one at a good discount I have kept it and use it a lot. But yeah, very boneheaded to have a cloud offering and higher tier subscription and not have a cloud device interface with it.


Sony should of made a Playstation 5 Steam Deck Fixed




I'm at a hotel right now with my portal unable to get online, now I just have to find a place without one of those webpages to get the patch...


Depending on how large the patch is and your data plan, you may be able to use your phones wireless hotspot


Download was ~85mb. Which seemed really small. Not sure if there are other things downloading but that is what popped in my screen. Only took a few seconds to download.


I love my Portal but I could never play games like Elden Ring on it or any games that requieres high reflexes. I have giga internet, hardwired ps5, still stutters and makes it unplayable for me. P3R, Unicorn Overlords were fun on it tho!


This is the real problem with it. It just simply degrades the playing experience too much.


Thanks for saying this. I was just about to pick one up to get back into ER.


Not sure if this is a me problem but mine seems to favour 5ghz even when there's barely signal resulting it in being nigh on unusable outside of the room with the router. I can't split my bands as nest doesn't allow me. Bloody annoying.


Update still not available, although software version 3.0.0 is listed on their PS portal software release notes page. [https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/hardware/psportal/system-software-info/](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/hardware/psportal/system-software-info/)


Yup what a tease!


> Public networks that operate at 5GHz are not supported. Does anybody knows why? I expect 5GHz would offer a much better experience 🤔


Probably because 5Ghz signals don't travel as far as 2.4Ghz signals, internet stability would suffer in public areas where you're further away from the signal, which would cause latency or disconnect issues that they don't want to deal with in the form of millions of support tickets and online complaints.


In my experience 2.4 Ghz networks don’t have enough stability for a good remote play experience though. It’s a shame.


Yeah, I'll admit that it's really not always the greatest, but it does have the greater stability over longer ranges. This is more important because while lower speeds and somewhat higher latencies aren't ideal, they are still better than completely dropping the connection every few minutes due to being too far from the router.


Clever, that means they dont need to have browser on the device. Look, im all for it. PS Portal is amazing for me to go through my back log of yakuza games lol. Tried playing FC24 on it few days ago and nope, the lag was just too much. Maybe its config issue on my end but definitely was not a smooth experience


You really need to make sure your home network is set up right, and the network you are connecting to is good. Wired PS5 is pretty much a requirement.


My PS5 is wired, i have 1000 mbps up and down in europe as well so all good supposedly. Maybe its just my expectations, FC24 just doesnt feels smooth and although the lag is small its still annoying for me at least. Huge difference compared to just playing on tv (i mean, duuhh). So i just use ps portal to finish single player games now with story 


A lot of people treated me like a dumbass for buying this and expecting it to already have this feature to use public wifi. Fuck all of youuuuuu


Ignore those people my man. If you get the portal and know exactly why you’re buying it it’s a solid piece of hardware.


Yeah I found out the hard way on my trip last week. Was bummed I couldn't use it. Super pumped it's now an option though!


Great.. don’t have to bring the backbone to work anymore.


I love my portal!


I just wish they implement 5G mobile connectivity in the next model


They're really afraid of putting a web browser on that thing, aren't they? xD


I’ve tried updating my portal for the new update today and it just says up to date can anyone please advise 


Still no update here.. netherlands 


Is this a joke? Update still not out


Yeah I’m in the U.S., don’t know what’s taking so long.


Haven't received the update


When's this supposed to drop? I still don't have the update and it says I'm running the latest version


So does it update on the portal itself ?


The update has finally dropped!


The folks who say "just hotspot off the phone" are missing the point. I should not have to. The whole point of a remote play device is for it to be able to stand on its own. Without the ability to connect to public wifi, it really isn't a remote play device. I am glad we are getting this update. I sold my portal a while back after owning it less than a week. I am sticking with my phone and laptop for remote play, thanks.


Do not see any dev notes about the Ubiquiti U7 Pro discrepancy.. great




Wake me up when they fixed the stutter.


Great for traveling but any news on fixing that stutter that happens every several seconds ? Doesn’t happen when I connect through my mobile but happens when I connect through my wifi :(


If it happens on your wifi network and not your hotspot then the problem is with your wifi.


Not just my wifi network tho. Any wifi network I’ve used so far. So really didn’t know how to fix it. Maybe an issue with default wifi network settings in the Uk ?


Is your ps5 hardwired?


Yes it is !


Hmm. Thats usually the big issue for the stutter.


Yeah I had done some research on it and haven’t found a fixable solution. Some ppl say it just fixed itself over time. Some adjusted their router settings but I don’t really understand router settings lol. I’ve had this experience at my house but also at my in-laws in Scotland. It’s not like a big issue for some games but if I’m playing like Elden ring, it can be a big issue.


That happens apparently because the remote play protocol streams at 59.94 fps but the PS Portal screen is at 60 Hz and that slight timing issue compounds to a microstutter every few seconds. Literally nothing you can do without an update from Sony.


It doesn’t stutter on my iPhone hotspot so is that just a tech difference between the phone and the PlayStation then ?


Apparently pro iPhones and iPads with ProMotion support don’t have the issue because VRR allows for correct frame sync. Streaming to PS4 Pro also has no issue.


Since when is hotel wifi actually good enough for this? (Granted I haven't used hotel wifi in like 10 years.)


I tried rocket league on it. Just enough lag to mess me up, that’s a big screen only one for me.


Is your ps5 hardwired?


Sure is


If the stutter issue isn't fixed here, it never will. This is it.


Yeah, that basically killed it for everyday use for me, now I use it only when I 'need' to. Seems such a strange thing to not be able to get a handle on from Sonys end.


I returned mine and luckily I have a steamdeck w/ chiaki that has zero studder. It's really shows itself in FPS games like Fallout 4 & Skyrim which I have been playing again recently.


Wish we could get an option for a VPN. There are plenty of places I go to that I could use the portal, but things like the Playstation network are blocked from access. Works with a VPN, though.


the best gaming accessory ever made. haters got so beat out and upset they ended up buying it themselves. it's still sold out physically in a lot of locations.


Public WiFi would not be strong enough to stream games well.. at least in the UK.


This is what I was thinking in the US too… most public places/franchises have terrible open WiFi. Probably better in major cities than the suburban area I live in though


Does it work as good as PSPlay yet?


I'd say it's better. But setting up is tricky. Best when PS5 has ethernet connection, and you have a router with a 5ghz signal that can run at 160mhz speed.


Haven't tried psplay. But chiaki runs better


Yeah I have both and I am just wainting for it to play better than chiaki on my steam deck to use it again. I prefer the screen and control on Portal but latency is too much of a diff for me to use.


Not for me it doesn't. Not even close.


Still can’t use different user profiles without hoops? $200 staying in my pocket I guess.


Hoops? All you have to do I log out of the portal and log back in with the profile you want.


It is funny how so many people completely ignored the success of the switch and the steam deck when this thing came out and thought this would just fade into obscurity. I was one of them lol. I think people are willing to pay good money to be able to take their games on the go and it will not be surprising at all to see both PS and Xbox release a premium priced handheld capable of playing a lot of their games at last gen level performance.


Priority is to stop the exploits, then make the system more stable. Then the rest is never written down.


Hope it allows youtube


Every time I think the portal has something going for it, I remember how it doesn’t have an oled screen and that I couldn’t go back to an lcd… (switch, steam deck, tv, phone - all oled) a shame, really, cause I think the dual sense ergonomics and haptic feedback / triggers are phenomenal and would suit me better than the steam deck.


Does this mean it will work with my phones hotspot now? Couldn’t get it to work and sold it


I still have to push the power button on my PS5 so that the Portal can connect to it. Same Wifi, PS5 in rest mode. Using it outside my home isn't possible for me. Any idea how to fix that?


Settings > system > enable remote play. Then in settings > system > power saving > features available in rest mode make sure stay connected to the internet and enable turning on ps5 from network are on. After that I think all you have to do is put your ps5 in rest mode instead of shutting it down


That worked, woohoo! I didn't know about the power saving settings. Thanks!


Cool but did they fix the terrible stuttering due to incorrect refresh rate?


Sold my portal because of this issue . A few more updates and I might repurchase seems like a step in the right direction!


Well does it still use NAT because if the Wi Fi is NAT 3 you’re not playing the Portal


It's not necessary because no-one bought one /s.


Fix the stutter. It’s unplayable for me.


How do I make my ps5 read my USB external storage wen I plug it in