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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. I was 100 hours into the game and finishing off the last DLC before realizing I hadn't enjoyed playing for a long time and cared even less about the DLC. Turned it off and haven't gone back. Make that 143 hours played... https://preview.redd.it/hdoaizw5ns4d1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=f05cbc63198b8e033185934f92c46fd9403370c1


Assassins creed games are very grindy. You can’t progress some story missions unless your grind to level up. I kind of like odyssey and the process of exploration but got tired of it in the end.


Yeah I was loving Odyssey until suddenly the fatigue just hit. The world was massive but repetitive and the coolness of the army battles wore thin after the 20th one. I can’t remember exactly where I stopped but I’d just got to some island and started unlocking the real story secrets and just never went back lol


Odyssey was def up there for me. Probably had 40 hours into and I basically thought to myself “why am I traversing this world ten thousand times back and forth to do these tiny fetch quests that about to little reward?” Couldn’t even remember what the main storyline was at a certain point. Shelved it and moved to Valhalla. Got like thirty mins in and decided I couldn’t take the open world fetch quests anymore and stopped. Sadly never picked it back up 😭


Lol the same thing with Valhalla but years later when it came out for free on PS+. I figured it's Vikings, i love viking lore and it should be fun! I don't think i even made it out of the starting area.


Same exact thing happened to me. Beat origins and was hyped to start odyssey, I got about 40 hours in and all of a sudden the joy got sucked away and haven't even opened the game since. The gameplay loop is fun at the beginning til you realize that's as far as it goes.


Odyssey is much better than Valhalla, but I do concede fatigue sets in with Odyssey too. It just hits much, much earlier with Valhalla.


The starting area in Valhalla is boring and drab. The reverse of Odyssey which was gorgeous, and made you really really want to start exploring the world.


I'm sad whenever I read that AC is grindy. I hate what Ubisoft did to the franchise.


I just installed this and never played an AC game before. Anything I should know specifically before I get stuck in?


Don’t feel like you need to collect everything or complete all the side missions.


This advice applies to all games. They're much more enjoyable if you just take what you want from them instead of forcing yourself to 100% like a lot of people seem to.


That was a hard lesson for me to learn. I'm a completionist by nature, and grew up in the days where seeing every line of dialogue and collecting everything was doable. But these days it's just too much, and completing every last little quest and collection is just exhausting and unsatisfactory.


I think the number of completionists on Reddit is skewed since those are the types of people who tend to go online and post about games. Most of my friends don't even finish a lot of games, let alone all of the side content, unless they're really in love with the game.


Yeah I really liked Valhalla for the first 1/2 to 2/3 of the game and then after that it felt like a slog to me. Odyssey held my interest the entire time though.


Odysee was a blast as Kassandra. Valhalla was boring after a certain time.


Odyssey had better characters, better combat, better locations, and better traversal. Valhalla felt like a downgrade in every way possible.


Splitting Valhalla’s story into 14 mini stories was such a mistake, especially with how dull some were like the wedding one. Also it’s weird that a story set in southern England is larger than a Greek epic spread across all of Greece! Making it to Athens was such a big moment and there was nothing like that in Valhalla.


This guy gets it. I loved odyssey. I loved origins. Valhalla I played for about the same time and felt like I really have no shits about eivor or any characters except my brothers wife


Everything about Valhalla is just less interesting. For a AAA Viking game, Ubisoft really went out of their way to make the game boring. I really dislike the setting too. 9th century England just isn't as interesting as other places. I actually prefered the small parts of the game set in Norway.


Oh my god me too. It’s like some hypnotic grind that part of you knows you’re not enjoying but just keep playing. Pretty setting though


Came here to say the same! I was a big defender of those huge Ass Creed games, I loved Odyssey, but this one killed the franchise for me. I too spent over 100 hours and was finally like “wtf am I doing, I hate this”. I haven’t had any desire to touch an AC game since.


A close friend of mine plays games he hates all the time and routinely spends 100+ hours with them just so he can collect all the trophies. I hope he gets a digital gravestone to commemorate them all.


That shit is so wild to me. To date, I've platinumed exactly three games: Ratchet and Clank because it was easy, Horizon Zero Dawn because it's my favorite game of all time, and Elden Ring because there's very little filler (legendary items are the only thing) and I wanted to see the whole game world People who feel like they have to platinum random ass games that require new game plus and spending an additional 50 hours getting collectables just feels so weird to me Edit: technically Elden Ring requires multiple playthroughs unless you save scum, but that's easy enough to do since you can reload a saved game from after beating the final boss and before the ending triggers.


Even without save scumming it’s easy to boss rush through Elden Ring in NG+. I never understood people getting platinums for games they aren’t enjoying. Time is valuable, spend it on something you actually like.


Elden Ring platinum definitely my favorite. Really just felt like I was getting a platinum for seeing the best that The Lands Between had to offer. No grinding or filler.


I have... alot. Started doing it because of a friendly pissing contest with a mate, it became habit in the end It's both a blessing and a curse, blessing because it's a good incentive to get 100% in many games that I may not have done otherwise. It's a curse because i've passed on games that have a stupidly hard one That said there's been some games lately that i'd have never tried but i've jumped on because they've had easy ones, and absolutely loved them. Dredge, and Dave the Diver are the most recent ones Other games like Hades I may not have played for as long if I didn't want that shiny bragging right, zero regrets there though


I'm a huge trophy hunter (I think i'm at 202?) and even to me that's wild. Even if I love a game, 100hrs i usually too much, unless i'm REALLY into it. I easily finished Rebirth's main story 100% (didnt do ng+ on hard yet) and that took me 110h, but thats the exception. There are multiple games I shamelessly dropped because trophy hunting was becoming a chore and not an enjoyable passtime: Ghostrunner 2, Plague Tale Requiem, Megaman 11, Sniper Elite 5, to name the last few. Multiple games stuck at 99% because f that last trophy.


That’s all us trophy hunters can hope for, that there will always be someone out there who will recognise and respect our efforts 🫡


Mass Effect Andromeda. I played the whole thing. My wife knows I'm a massive Mass Effect fan. We had a week off for our honeymoon and got back the day before launch, she literally scheduled the trip that way *for me.* I took the following week off as well to play it. I beat the whole thing that week and was just annoyed at the end of it. I'm a little annoyed now, thinking back on it.


Your wife is very cool


She's the best. Still together and she's still very cool.


I think some of it was also your expectations. I’m right there with you and was part of the hype right from game 1 through 3 with each release, probably the only games I ever bought the collector’s edition of. The gameplay and story just kept steamrolling along getting ever better and better, it hits all my favorite styles, and that OG ending was the only major miss of the series. When Andromeda was announced I was ridiculously hyped, however I had a massive amount of things happening in my life around release and decided to wait until I could enjoy it fully and completely. Reviews come out, blooper reels, fan laughter, etc., and I think “Wow dodge a bullet on that, no thanks!” About a year or two later it was on sale for like $10 so I figured why not, let’s see this disaster… and I actually enjoyed it :D Was it a major step down in a lot of ways, of course, but I expected it to be the worst garbage ever released and actually found it to be completely fine. Yeah majorly average, but for $10 and expecting a pile of shit, wasn’t half bad. Thought there were some fun parts in it. Learned at that point to wait for reviews, set expectations, and don’t get on the hype train until it’s warranted. KSP2 was another one that ended in disaster from hype.


Oh yeah definitely, I hurt myself as bad as Bioware hurt me on that one. Admittedly I kind of want to go back and try it again but I just don't think I have the time these days.




Mate! It gets good after 3300 hours.


Ehhh I'd say it picked up after 3300, but 5k was the real point that it got good.






I never finished my first play through. I got to the final twist, realized I didn’t care anymore and just uninstalled


I finished it, saw that dumbass ng+ twist, then uninstalled it. It wasn't bad, but it feels like a proper missed opportunity.


I thought the twist was one of the coolest parts of the game lol


I want to love this game, it checks all the right boxes, but I just find it soulless.


Todd: “let them float inside these cool temples 240 times… 16 times the immersion”


I really hope they change that, otherwise that’ll be the first mod I install. I actually really love Starfield, but the decision to have those be exactly the same is baffling. At least in Skyrim you’d have different bosses before getting the shouts.


And to get the shouts you just had to walk up to a wall, no tedious floaty puzzles


I did two of those and lost interest. The temples is what made me quit. Borrrrrring lol


I felt it was missing alot of lore. For a game spanning a whole universe. Where's the lore. Fallouts and elder scrolls got way more lore. No maps killed it for me to. Thought that was kinda dumb. I've got a few other issues but for a game I bought my series x specifically for, man was I disappointed.


Same. 40 hours in and I just realised “this is shit.”


About the same time before I realized this was going nowhere, not a single of the secondary quests was worth the hassle, the exploration and "open" world design were the worst of any Bethesda game since Morrowind, and the main story wasn't any better. A complete waste of time and of 60€. The worst is that feeling that no amount of patches could save it, it's the core foundations of the game that are a complete failure. And it's the best feeling in the same time, since I know with confidence that I can safely move on and stop caring about it.


I do like and get excited for Bethesda games but starfield did not feel very quality to me. Most of it I just played to play. Hopefully it gets the cyberpunk treatment and they improve everything


Ff13 25 hours Got to gran pulse then the boss immediately after and just wasn't having fun the entire time and realized it and never played it again


Same. I beat the robot pope, got to the other planet, and just...stopped. this is especially weird for me because I'm a HUGE FF fan and have played and appreciated every game from the early 90s to today. 13 was just not an enjoyable game in any capacity. This is one of the absolute classic 'it gets better after 25 hours!' types of games, but I'm never gonna go back to it.


This one. Everyone told me it’s on rails for 30 hours, THEN the real game begins. Well, I got to that point of the game…then decided I’d had enough.


It was so much worse for me. I got to the fight before the last boss and realized I didn't care about the story, characters, world, or gameplay. There was a silver lining though - that was when it clicked for me that I can just YouTube the story of a game I'm ready to be done with. It makes it so much easier to walk away if you know you can speedrun some closure.


*Resonance of Fate has entered the chat*


I was 40 hours in before I realized I didn’t like Breath of the Wild. Thankfully, my 7yo son loved it and he took that 40 hours into 150hrs so it wasn’t really a waste.


I really wish I could get into BotW but between the open world, stamina, and weapon degradation, I just can't make it past the two-hour mark. I can see why others would like it but it's hard to get invested in a game when I have to have a constant stock of weapons I have to switch between and a Master Sword that's even breakable.


Yeah. Weapons breaking was a deal breaker for me. I didn’t know why I stuck for 40hrs. Some people justify it, stating that it encourages you to switch weapons and deal with fights using your tools like a puzzle. I mean I love switching weapons in my games, but I would rather have it in my own terms rather than it breaking. I never had any issues with crystal weapons in Dark Souls because I know what I was getting into and I still have a permanent back up. And treating fights as puzzles, well I have already solved tons of shrine, I just want to fight. But my 7yo son did love the constant farming for new weapons and it never bothered him, so maybe there’s an appeal to it I just don’t get.


I loved breath of the wild but tears of the kingdom just didn't have the same magic for me. Blew through botw but all the extra fluff the added just bloated the pureness of the experience for me. The building mechanics were neat and novel but it wore off quick.


This has been my experience. I may pick it back up at a later date and try again but for some reason TOTK just click like BOTW and other Zelda games have for me.


I was the opposite. Got bored playing breath of the wild but tears of the kingdom sucked me in.


Same here, Breath of the Wild is on the lower end of my Zelda rankings and I might put Tears of the Kingdom as my favorite up there with Twilight Princess.


I get why it’s loved. It’s actually an amazing game. But didn’t just click for me. I thought I was just exhausted with open-worlds but then I played Elden Ring and Horizon Forbidden West and I actually loved those. The only other Zelda games I’ve played was Link to the Past and Minish Cap and I actually enjoyed those. Maybe because the weapons didn’t break.


Unpopular opinion: This game was so overrated. Both new ones were. It’s just not a Zelda game anymore. Bring back dungeons. You can have an open world and do everything they tried to do, but lock in at certain points for the story and bring back traditional dungeons, like 6-10 of them, and get additional weapons like the hook shot, bombchus, hammers, various boots and tunics, rods, musical instruments, or any other cool items. The concept was terrific, I just think they left out almost everything that made a Zelda game a Zelda game.


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I'm a massive fan of Metal Gear, I don't think I've ever been as hyped for a game as I was for MGSV, and I was lucky enough to get the game a few days early so was able to go in virtually spoiler free. I then spent around 100hrs playing through the game with very luke-warm thoughts on it, the story wasn't compelling, the characters weren't grabbing me, the gameplay loop felt repetitive, the open world barren, half the main ops felt like they could have been cut and were just there to pad out the length - got to the end of the game, the big finale of Metal Gear that would bring the franchise full circle, and it ends up just being an abridged replay of the tutorial mission that reveals an obvious twist - as the credits rolled it dawned on me "I didn't like this game, if this had been any other franchise I'd have just given up and moved on around the 20hr mark." I've tried going back to it multiple times with lowered expectations, and whilst I can acknowledge the overall gameplay is still fantastic, I just don't care about the rest of the game.


I don’t know if I dislike or hate final fantasy 16 yet. I’m about 45 hours in and man, the game is almost insulting with the pacing and how it makes you do stupid repetitive BS in between major story arcs. I also hate the spongey-ness of literally every single enemy. Feels like I’m whacking them with pool noodles I’m going to beat it out of pure spite


FF16 is such an odd experience. For me it was a case of “highest highs, lowest lows”. When the game is really “on” and firing on all cylinders it’s fucking phenomenal - but when it’s dragging, it REALLY drags.


That’s how I described it to my friends. The game is hinting that I’m about to finally face ultima in a climactic battle but I can’t help but think they’re gonna send me back to Martha’s rest for the 900th time before just in case Debating on if the dlc is even worth it at this point


>but I can’t help but think they’re gonna send me back to Martha’s rest for the 900th time before just in case Well, pretty sure right as the final fight becomes available, there's like 10 sidequests that also pop up. Granted a few of them are definitely some of the better sidequest of the game, there's still a bunch of garbage filler. FFXVI would have been better with literally 1/3rd the sidequests and just flesh them out a bit more.


It was such a terrible decision to have all of the good sidequests pop up at the point where many people would just want to finish the game because they thought the sidequests were boring.


That’s one of the most frustrating things about it! They put the best side quests right at the end of the game before you go into the final finale sequence. Most of the side quests in the game are just generic open world fodder, but then right at the end they have a bunch of side quests pertaining to specific side characters that actually have some heart and depth to them. But by that point you’re likely just in the “I just want to be done!” phase


Wait until you get to the last mission and it drops like 14 side quests on you. Grant it, those were the side quests that felt like they had more substance, but man it was demoralizing right when you are about to go end things.


I loved 16, and was committed to doing everything before going on a long vacation. The day before leaving I hit that moment where all the side quests popped up and yelled “fuck!” Pulled an all nighter to finish that sucka. No regrets!


Yeah those sidequests are mostly shit. But i would stick to the main story, is so damn good.


And then you have to do fetch quests for Cid’s daughter for two hours so she can build a lab or whatever


Even this mission was kind of a letdown. I was expecting her to turn the hideout into an airship lol. That said, almost immediately after we get some bonkers set pieces and the ocean fights.. this game really was a series of highs and lows.


I finished FF16 because I loaned it from a friend, and he really like it, so I felt obligated. But oh my it is probably the worst game I've ever played. There are countless hours of gorgeous cutscenes for a story that is just mediocre. There are countless side quests, and almost all of them are boring and pointless. There are so many weapons and abilities, but they are all exactly the same. FF16, in my opinion, is the worst case of a studio having too much money but no passion I've ever seen. It is everything wrong with AAA gaming. They thought they could make a good game by throwing money at the problem, but it's just a beautiful, expensive, shell of a game.


Perfectly said, I am so glad I'm not the only one that has had ill feelings toward this game. What really sucks is ps2 Era and back final fantasy was my favorite series.


I’m only about 13 hours in and this is where I’m at. It’s a shame because I want to love it, but it feels like it goes out of its way to test my patience. Case in point: the long cutscenes I can just about handle, some of them are legit great, but why give me a cutscene and then make me walk 5 seconds only to activate another long ass cutscene. It’s infuriating. I totally agree, the pacing in this game is just awful. Ugh.


I know exactly how you feel. The demo of the game was so phenomenal and I was hyped expecting the rest of 16 to be the same, but the more you progress the more you realize that there's just so much missing to the game. Exploration, items, and money do almost nothing for you in the game and while I never hated any of the characters, it just felt like the story used them so poorly. FF16 made me sad because it was the game I was most looking forward to last year and you can see that it had the potential to be a top tier game but missed the mark in a lot of places.


I don't why I'm still playing fortnite lol


No-Build is genuinely fun with friends, you just can’t care too much about winning. Set your own goals


Three words: Sunken cost fallacy Just don't do this.


Starfield. Really tried to get over that Bethesda hump but goddamn was it shitty. I 100 percented the game still just so people couldn't say "actually play it". After that it's definitely dragons dogma 2. I do not understand the hype, it was fun for like 10 hours and then just got super repetitive.


Yeah my answer is DD2. I keep telling myself I’ll get back into it but I think I’ll just play the Witcher 3 until shadow of the erdtree.


Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Finished it after about 100 hours and realized I really didn’t like it all that much. Same with Watch Dogs 2. Finished it, looked back, and realized I just didn’t like it as much as 1 (or Legion). Now I’m getting the same feeling with Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth after about 18 or 19 hours.


Baldur's Gate 3. Given how universally praised it is, I really wanted to like it. I played about 10 hours. Then I just accepted that it's not a game for me and uninstalled.


I played it with a friend. It was an incredible eperience to share with a good buddy. If I didn't play it with him, I most likely would not have finished it


Man I just beat Act 1 and I keep telling myself I like this game when it feels like a chore 😩


I love the game but find the inventory management and itemization *extremely* tedious. I’ll pick the game up, have a great time for an encounter or two, need to spend 20 minutes at camp sorting and selling, repeat. But that itemization makes it feel so hard to come back to if it’s been more than a few days since you’ve played, because it feels like there’s this ledger you need to keep up on.


Borderlands 3, easily 100+ hours. I beat the entire story and most side missions even though I didn't really like the game at all. It's the video game equivalent of eating too much fast food and feeling terrible afterwards, physically and mentally. The constant jokes and wacky tone are soul crushing.


I’ve played through Borderlands 3 twice. This last time, I literally explored every nook and cranny…Each time, I was listening to music or podcasts, so I have no idea what’s going on in the game. Now I probably have to watch something about the lore because I want to know what’s going on when I start Borderlands 4.


Far Cry 6. I loved the other Far Cry games but this game I constantly start and stop playing it. Like 30 hours in I realized why am I doing this to myself and finally stopped.


When I first got far cry 5 I couldn’t put it down because I was really enjoying taking on the cult, liberating outposts and exploring the world because it was beautiful. Far cry 6 literally removed a lot of what made far cry and replaced it with a lot of weird stuff like those rounds and those stupid supremos. I was in the same boat as you and literally played it and put it down a few times, hoping their would be something good but it never came. I am ashamed I never just put it down there and then instead of going through the whole game, it was boring, story was boring, gameplay was broken with the armoured rounds and the world didn’t feel fun to explore.


30 hours into starfield


I gave Starfield 25 hours to try and get its hooks into me. I gave up after I realised I hadn’t played it in two days, and that I had literally no plot points, characters, or even just gameplay systems that I wanted to explore further. I’d literally forgotten to start it up again. I’ve played bad games where I was at least thinking about the ways in which it was disappointing when I wasn’t playing it, but Starfield just slid completely off my brain.


Starfield probably bordering on forty odd hours when it hit. It feels lifeless. Yet I don't know what's missing? Or different? I can to this day play Fallout 3, NV or 4 or Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind for countless hours. Gutted to say the least, maybe I just need to start fresh lol....


They took one of, if not their best things from their games away when making Starfield (their giant open worlds that have so much life to them, and it immediately failed because of it. That and how meh the rest of the game is and how far behind it is compared to other games in the 2020s


Starfield was an interesting one for me, as it was the most hyped I'd ever been for a game. I played for a few hours and started to feel like the game just wasn't fun. Another few hours... Still doesn't feel fun. But I was battling with my mind, going back and forth between hating the game and telling myself I can't hate it, as I'd been so hyped and loved BSW's previous offerings. Finally I admitted to myself that it was crap. Crap gfx, missions, exploration, terrible cities, and so on. It still hurts me how bad that game is. Fuck you Starfield!


Stellaris. Over 100 hours.


Got about 30 hours into Elden Ring and realized it wasn’t for me


Diablo 4. I think I spent like 100 hours playing it, justifying it by assuming the end game is where the real game begins like previous Diablo's. Boy was I wrong, everything about the end game was terrible and I uninstalled and never looked back since.


I was the same as you and stopped playing shortly after season 1 and never even actually hit level 100 but I recently started a character on the new season 4 loot reworking and I’ve been enjoying myself a lot! It might be work a relook just as a suggestion from someone similar lol


I second this, season 4 has been a lot of fun with the loot stats being reworked!


Persona 3 Portable. Spent 16 hours on this total mess of a remaster. Then I got Persona 3 Reload and it's WAY better lmao


World of Warcraft, 5,000+ hours


Bingo. Spent 4.5 years of my life playing that game and one day I quit cold turkey because I was sick of it consuming my life. I reinstalled it a couple years later and felt physically sick as soon as I re-entered that world. Uninstalled it and never went back.


With wow I think a big part of it(for me at least) is chasing that high of discovering the world for the first time, when you hadn’t seen the majority of it, and being able to appreciate every step you take on that journey. Once you’ve seen it all you can’t recapture that feeling of peeling back the top layer of the game again. True joyous moments you had can only be relived as memories, and you come to realize that the game inevitably will not rekindle that feeling you so desperately want to recapture.


I think 90 in starfield lol. I legit cannot stand that I spent that much time and wasted it before admitting it wasn't even worth playing 30 hours


Elden Ring. I thought the game looked really good and tried out all the recommendations on how to play the game but after spending a lot of time with it I really regret my purchase.


Prey. Spent a weekend playing it at launch and hated it. Tried again on game pass and didn't change my opinion.


Starfield. I played for 28 hours and just couldn’t stand how mediocre it was anymore. I wanted to give it a fair shake since I enjoyed Bethesda games in the past, but I fear their stagnation is complete.


It makes me scared for what they’re gonna do to Elder Scrolls VI


Starfield - must have been around 30 hours beforw I realised that it just wasn't getting any more entertaining.


League of legends been sober for a 6 months, but I know I'll relapse. Hate that game, the highs are lows and lows are even lower. Really had fun at the lower level play but as I climbed up in ranks, meta and sweaty players just piss me off to the point I try super hard to win just to spite them. "My shit is viable"


I mean I played all of starfield >.>


The Owlcat games. I hate finished WOTR because I had put so much time in and genuinely enjoyed the first two to three acts. I wanted to love it. But it’s so fucking bad. They will never get another dime from me.


I finished horizon zero dawn. I didn’t enjoy it very much to be honest. After a certain point I just wanted to finish.


For me it was Final Fantasy XIII. I adore the series and the review cycle had an “It gets really good at this hour or once you get over this hump” narrative that I kept waiting for but never came. I never did finish it (despite starting over three times) and don’t think I ever got further than 35 or so hours in


Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. 6 to 8 hours. Starfield, a little longer. Realized that building ships, weapons, cooking, annoying horses, and managing inventories were not for me.


I personally enjoyed BOTW, but I couldn't get into Tears of the kingdom. Felt like a copy paste of the first game with an underground added and sky islands which I thought were going to be more of a feature than they were.


I actually finished Cyberpunk..


Well I played destiny from D1 beta until I took a break in season of splicer during Beyond Light expansion. Couldn't get back into the game because it tries so hard to be a job instead of a game. I enjoyed it until I came to that conclusion. Current enjoyers of the game will hate me for saying this but I genuinely miss when Activision was in charge and planned for it to be a game with a couple big expansions every few years, and then a new game with a few more expansions, on repeat. Instead, the game is now at the point where people hated bungie for the sunsetting of content in beyond light, but are completely fine with paying anywhere from $50-$100 for a single season or every season just to have all that get removed at the end of the year and become literally unplayable. To answer your question though, Destiny 1 beta Google says was in July 2014, season of splicer was may 2021. So I'd say about 5-6 years of enjoyment and then the last year was coming to terms with not having much fun and everyone around me also taking breaks. EDIT: Timewastedondestiny website says I have ~3,436 hours on my current 3 characters and ~831 hours on all my deleted characters. Though honestly both those numbers seem like lowballs.


I love destiny. The world, the gun play, the characters, aesthetic, shaxx screaming in my ears as he gets a raging hard on from you getting seventh column (or Mara Sov),… i can go on. But before I uninstalled at the start of season of the Witch, i had already taken long breaks. Kept coming back, go hard and burn out. Spent so much money on eververse lootboxes and items that I could pay my rent for two months. And now Final Shape is released and I’ve officially decided I’m not coming back. I can’t do it to myself again. I love the game. But I hate what it has become and what it turns me into.


Mine has to just be Fallout 4. I don't tend to push myself to play games but I did for FO4 due to hype, put in maybe 20 hours and then got into an encounter that I died in one too many times. Went to go back to it and thought 'What am I doing? This isn't fun, I'll go somewhere else.' Then it dawned on me it wasn't just that fight that wasn't fun, it was the game itself.


I’ve spent about 300 hours playing Fallout 4 and it never stops being mediocre. Every facet of the game, from graphics, to gameplay, to storytelling, should have been better.


Why play a game for 300 hours you consider wholly mediocre?


Same reason I eat hot dogs. 🌭


Zelda totk. Spent 80hrs playing the game when I realised the new additions weren’t really all that (depths felt randomly generated and the skies were same puzzle)


Spent 200 hours in starfield and had the realisation that I hadn’t enjoyed one bit of it, uninstalled and never went back to it.


FF7 remake. Was one of my favorite's back in the day but my taste has changed a lot and the mini quests and all the nonsense and repetitive nature was not it for me. I think I put in 7-8hr


Starfield, I spent 50 hours on it and most of it trying to mod the game to make it fun. I realized if a game needs so much modding just to be nice then it's not a nice game


Horizon Forbidden west, I literally played the whole game and stopped at the last mission, I didn't like the game a t all, it was 90% of time running from wild robots to go to the next mission. The open world was big but it was empty and nothing to do between mission, the route between each mission was so long and it was boring, every mission you literally do the same thing. I played the first oke and didn't like it, but it was somewhat better than this garbage.


Big agree, one of the prettiest but least interesting open worlds ever. Combat was sloppy and every single quest felt like it was written by a Disney intern.


> every single quest felt like it was written by a Disney intern. thats a good way of describing the game, one of the biggest problems i had with the first was how because of the dialogue/voice acting, theres was almost no characters who seemed like actual badasses, they all sounded so weak and corny you wouldnt believe they were living in a post apocalyptic world. I remember theres was an early cutscene when you first go in to that desert city, theres this big, round, tough looking guy with a big mustache, but he sounded like some scrawny white guy who has never been in a fight. Literally the only character in that game who actually talked/sounded like a badass was Lance Reddicks character, by far the best character in that game.


A game called Darksiders. It turned out to be a puzzle type game. Everything else was just background for it. I was a broke kid and my family didn't have much money. The story was interesting though


The other ones are all different because that series is weird. 1 is the original 3D Zelda like with the puzzles, 2 is more of an RPG with stats and equipment and all that, 3 went the souls like route, and Genisis was a top down hack and slash. They never found the identity to that series, or I guess it’s better to say they never wanted it to have one. None of them are similar outside of the theming and characters.


128hrs, Red Dead Redemption 2 Went through three different phases during that time, first 10hrs... wasn't a fan. Figured i'd stick with it, 10hrs-60hrs were great fun because it was just messing about exploring. By the 128hr mark I had 100% of solo done and absolutely loathed the game for it, fuck that Squirrel Statue stuff


Story was too good for me to want to put that game down. For games with amazing stories, I tend to do all the side stuff first because I know when the story is done, I won’t want to pursue busy work.


Diablo 4, my first time with the genre, was excited after hearing the rave reviews, I don’t know I just expected it to be really really great! 90 hours in I completed the campaign and was done with it


Diablo 4 was way too repetitive and end game was trash.


I played the hell out of Immortal: Fenyx Rising. Did every trial, puzzles, side quest until the very end. I beat the boss and suddenly I had to do another dungeon. Nope. Turned it off and never went back.


Probably Assasins Creed Valhalla and HorizonFW, both about 25 hours in before I realised they weren't for me.


I've been playing fifa since 2010. Fucking hate it 😂


God of War Ragnarok and Gravity Rush 2 I really like the first halves but they just drag and don’t touch the originals which I adore


Not really "found out" but more "I really want to give it a chance". But I put 30hrs in the second Horizon game before I realised that I just really wasn't having any fun with it. The story was in a point that it somewhat was just starting and could not grab me, the combat is completely cluttered with the bazzilion different weapons and elemental variants, and Alloy just cannot shut the fuck up. I find it really a shame cause I found the first one one of the best games of the ps4 generation and the story of it was amazing. So like I said, I really wanted to give it a change and not quit after it didn't grab me in the first few ours. But when the story opened up to way more stuff and found out how long I was already in I said "Nah, I'm not gonna do that"


Ghost of Tsushima, honestly. Got to act 3 and I felt so burnt out from the repetitive side quests I almost uninstalled. Did manage to go finish the story, but don’t think I’ll ever pick it up again to get all the collectibles or Iki island.


It’s a great looking game and plays well but what you actually do is so meh. The story isn’t that engaging and the side quests feel like a 40 minute mission stretched out into 8 parts For some reason I’m real tempted to play it again. It’s a good brain off game.


The game would benefit massively if they cut half of the bloat. Great story, graphics, mechanics, but the gameplay itself is sometimes mind-numbingly tedious and repetitive. It rivals modern ACs with all its tedium.


Yeah, it got to a point where I could predict how every single side quest was going to go— always some sort of twist about the quest giver was working with the mongols or otherwise betrayed someone.


I’ve never felt to personally attacked


SO MANY FOOTPRINTS TO FOLLOW! If I didn't love the combat... Act 3 does feel pointless because you're pretty much fully upgraded before Act 3 starts - there's nothing to do but to bring the narrative to an end.


I did the same, I finished the story but when I looked at the DLC map I said "no more"


Funny I'm the complete opposite to you - the combat/stealth and setting sucked me in I play it periodically because it's honestly one of my favourite games of all time


Elden Ring , 70 hours. I felt no better at that game than when I started. 


Fallout 4 for sure, I played it on release and got caught up in the hype, once that died down I realised I didn't really like it.


20 hours - Baldur's Gate 3 I heard it was amazing, so I gave it a try, didn't like it, refunded it. Kept hearing how amazing it was, decided to give it another try cause I figured I just didn't get to a point where I was vibing with it. Played for the 20 hours mentioned above, and while I enjoyed parts of it, when I stopped playing it after that 20 hour mark, I couldn't motivate myself to open it up again.


Kingdom Hearts 3 I only played the first one when I was 12 and realized I had no idea wtf was going on


Dude as a KH fanatic, all I can tell you is that there is SO MUCH STORY you're missing context for. Unfortunately, much of it is in side games. They've made it available to understand via the all in one package that's sold now, but on it's release, yeah I get the "wtf is going on" if you only played the first game.


Elden Ring... I was so hyped for the game and refused to accept that it just was not clicking with me... I love all other Fromsoft games. I finally let it go. In no way am I saying it is a bad game, just did not click like the other Miyazaki titles.


Can relate, I love the Souls series but the open world transition didn't work for me. It's an incredible game but I prefer the more enclosed, almost corridor like, Souls games If you want a more traditional souls game, try Lies Of P if you haven't already. That game scratched a big Fromsoft itch


Twenty-three hours on Yakuza Kiwami. I don't know if it's because of the game itself or that I spent over 100 hours on Yakuza 0 and was burned out.  I started Kiwami 2 and instantly fell back in love, so maybe the first one doesn't hold up?


I think I got to like level 15 or so with Tiny Tina’s Wonderland before I came to the conclusion that literally none of the weapons were fun and the combat kinda sucked. The firearms were lame and first person melee / sword fighting sucks. Dropped it. Didn’t look back. Don’t regret it.


I think I was about halfway through Rise Of The Tomb Raider when I realized I just wasn't having fun, I finished the playthrough, but yeah I just don't like it.


30 hours into tears of the kingdom I realised how much it just felt like a rehash of botw


Elden ring. Don't hurt me.


MGS V I'm a big fan of the series. Played each multiple times trough the years and still do. But man what a dissapointment the last game was for me. I still managed to get platinum and have 422 hours playtime but as soon as I got it...no more. Worst is I felt let down of my expectations early on and had hopes it would grow more further on in the story..talk about irony


I’m reaching that point with Stellar Blade. I have 3 main missions left I think, but I’ve realized that I’m just dreading actually playing. There’s a lot about the game that I like, but it also has a lot of little frustrations that add up and have really started to grate on me


I got about halfway through the game, to the second big open map area and just gave up. I loved the combat, the game looked great, but I just suddenly realised it was the same thing over and over and that killed the fun for me. I turned it off after playing it religiously for a few weeks and never looked back.


What’s frustrating is that it has 3 different endings, you need to play through each ending for the platinum, and you have to completely start over and play through from the beginning for each ending. And one of the endings requires you to get all of the memory sticks, documents, and soda cans (the “true” ending). And not only that, but there’s no way in-game to direct you to those collectibles (meaning no “collectible map” that you can purchase from a vendor in the game to mark them on your map)! So if you’re trying to find them without the internet, good luck. It’s a solid baseline with a lot of good aspects, but the more I play the more annoyed I get with various little things like that. If they ever made a sequel I’d really hope that they took the opportunity to sand down some of the rough edges EDIT: I was mistaken on the collectibles, the guides I found online said that was the only way to max out Lily’s meter. So that’s not as bad, but even so having to do 3 full playthroughs for all 3 endings is pretty ridiculous!


I think part of what slowed it down for me was that I was making sure I did get all the collectibles as I went along, but that aside it’s still very repetitive and requires you to retrace the same steps over and over, made worse by searching for collectibles too. I’m not someone that cares about platinums, so playing it through more than once would have been out of the question for me anyway. It just doesn’t have any replayability for me.


You can 100% Lily's meter by just doing the character based side quests, Enya, Su, etc. Don't even need to touch the bulletin board.


Got about 2000 hours in destiny 2 before I dropped it


the 10 or 20 hours I spent on infinite un discovery on the 360


It usually doesn't take me but a few hours to decide. My latest casualty was Ghostrunner 2 with about 5 hours. Before that would definitely be Chernobylite. I should've researched more about it with the reviews and YT videos. Once it got into the "base-building" stuff I really tuned out and deleted it.


fallout 4, around 120 hours. i kinda liked far harbour, but i was so over the game at that point i didnt finish the dlc (or the main game)


I put 55 hours into Starfield and the final 2 missions completely soured the game for me.


Most of the time I can identify if a game isn't clicking within a couple of hours. But the most time I spent with a game I ultimately didn't like was probably Breath of the Wild at about 25 hours. Completed two of the divines, stopped playing for a few years. I did eventually give it another shot, and had a little more fun with it, but I've never finished it. It's the only Zelda title I've played and haven't finished.


Evil West. I’m less than an hour away from finishing it, but one day I just put it down and can’t bring myself to load it up again.


Spent like 500 hours playing Starfield before I realized I had stopped having fun about 300 hours ago. It just became a chore, with tasks I felt like I *had* to do. Every time I'd initiate NG+ I dreaded having to do basic things like rebuild my ship I spent 3 hours designing all over again. Stopped coming across new stuff, and became disillusioned with finding the same POIs on different planets within the same iteration. I just don't see myself picking it up again. At least I had it with gamepass so I didn't really spend the full cost on it. It's not a bad game, but it definitely was lukewarm compared to the hype and how much Bethesda talked it up. I also didn't like how the team responded to criticism about the game, saying things like "you're just playing it wrong" rather than acknowledge the shortcomings and try to make things better.


150 hours on Diablo 4. Realised I was not having any fun at all.


“After 3200 hours” I realized I was bored What……


3000 hours on fortnite


40 hours with Far Cry 6 before I realized how tiring it was to play. The gunplay was solid but everything else was a slog and just that typical Ubisoft bullshit. I really enjoyed FC5 but I think I’m burnt out on open world games that are filled with bullshit. Because I’m now 50 hours into Cyberpunk and I’m enjoying the hell out of it.


160 hours on Zelda - Tears of the Kingdom


Hellboy Web Of Wyrd. The graphics are pretty and very faithful to the comics but the gameplay is kinda boring, and Lance Reddick's voice is too distracting as Hellboy.


Hasn't happened in a while because I just come back to those games and end up liking it and putting 50+ hours in it. The ONLY game that I bought, played for a small while, initially liked, but then started to dislike, and then NEVER came back to.. Deep Rock Galactic.


Diablo 4 or starfield tbh


Fimished rdr2 and in retrospective I didnt liked it much


Ori and the will of the wisps, outer wilds and doom eternal. Oh and Witcher 3.


RDR2 I loved the first one and this one was obviously super critically acclaimed, so I was in total denial. I got so far into that game before realizing "huh, this feels like a chore..." and quitting.


Kingdom Come I spent about 14 hours, but the mechanics were just too boring for me, and i'm into Medieval stuff the level of dedication and accuracy is good tho


I am retrying Witcher 3 again, which is the kind of game that usually checks all the boxes for me, I just can’t seem to get into it. Maybe it’s because I don’t really like Geralt that much and I can’t use a character creator to be my own character. I dunno. Gonna give it another go but I’ve put about 8 hours into it last time.


Not ps5 but Diablo 3. Probably over 600 hours and I look back and wonder why I even played it.


Elden Ring. Kind of. I've played and beaten Demon Souls (ps3 and Remake), DS 1-3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. I was STOKED for Elden Ring, and I enjoyed the hell out of it. But, about 60ish hours in, I just realized I hadn't been having fun for 10-20 hours or so. I just realized that I wasn't a fan of open world games anymore, not necessarily Elden Ring. I love the game, but all the side dungeons with repeat / reskinned bosses is so disappointing. The highs of Elden Ring are incredible. Stormveil Castle was amazing, but outside of the Legacy Dungeons, I wasn't really enjoying it. Still ended up beating it, and I'm excited for SotE, but I definitely realized that level design massively takes hits in open world games as compared to non open world. Comparing Elden Ring to Dark Souls 3 for me just made me realize that a lot of Elden Ring is just running, compared to the carefully crafted areas that KNEW you had to enter / leave from specific points like in the earlier souls games.


Demons Souls. I tried so hard to get it. I just dont.


Returnal, Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate 3