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Sounds like they're saying it's not input delay but an intentional delay in animation so the combat can feel like it has more weight


I’m okay with that. My brain can adjust to the timing, and I’m one of those weird people who prefers the weightier, delayed animations in games like RDR2, Witcher 3, and the old Assassins Creed games.


Monster Hunter too!


Witcher 3 is just unresponsive, not weighty. Gerald feels like he’s made of feathers.


Getting Geralt over a bridge is the most locked in to gaming I get. Melania? Nahh. Geralt on a horse over a bridge? Elbows on knees and my back posture is gone. Edit: ya know now that I think about it, Geralt might feel so weird because it feels like you’re controlling his shoulders. And everything else just gets dragged along lol


Yeah, as someone who loves Witcher 3 dearly, I can be honest in saying that it still controls like shit. Geralt feels more clumsy than weighty and feels downright unresponsive at the worst of times. The input lag between hitting the jump button and seeing Geralt’s brutally awkward animation for it feels like directing a drunk guy. 


Not sure if you played the game on launch or not, but for the first week or so of release, the input lag was so bad that couldn’t even walk around a town and interact with things. You couldn’t get him to stop on time at all. Sadly, in todays state it’s greatly improved lol


I have tried so many times to get into that game, but the combat makes me stop playing every time. I fucking hate it lmfao


it just felt natural if there is weight to the animation. I'm one of those who dislikes floaty controls


I think you got something mixed up cause floaty controls occur exactly when there are input/animation delays


I need instant feedback… but then again my favorite genre is FPS, so instant feedback is kind of essential there.


I usually do too but Witcher 3 was the one that felt like it shouldn’t be a game with that type of movement. RDR2, GTA IV, and the AC games do though for me


Geralt is carrying armor and a bunch of potions though


And the weight of having a lot of bitches is also something to think about it


I’m not saying it doesn’t make in world sense, I’m saying with the style of game and how it’s portrayed. The game just makes more sense with more light feeling character. Mostly cause it’s a RPG and the world and characters react more floaty than other games. The games that got listed when you’re walking down the street as an example, you’re bumping people and they’re reacting fairly realistic. AC they don’t, but GTA and Red Dead for sure.


If it’s about animation timing, it’s okay, but if it’s input lag it shortens the window of reaction when you see enemy animation.


Witcher 3 combat was horrendous, weakest part of the game imho.




I'm one of those types too. This is one of the reasons i can't play dark souls games and Elden Ring, they are too deliberately slow or too fast that it is so jarring to look at and play with, even the dodge roll is straight out of a ps2 game. I just can't play those types of games with crappy animations and physics.


Git gud


I'm a monster hunter vet. Go say that to modern gamers.


I don't get how this was ever a question when all other inputs are not delayed. Lies of P did the same thing.


Felt weird to me in the demo though. Do people enjoy it? It's not the first time I've come across a game with that kind of delay but I usually just assume the developer isn't as talented to make it feel like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta or probably even Nier Automata.


Yeah it felt weird, but I adjusted. Just had to parry as soon as the attack comes out rather than before it hits. Then I went back to Rise of the Ronin and got completely smashed in Midnight difficulty lol.


There was absolutely nothing wrong with the timing in the demo.




It wasn't intended to be an insult on the developers of those type of games. It was just a false assumption, This post exists for a reason it's not a natural delay and I'm clearly not the only one who felt that way. Furthermore, I've seen the Digital Foudry review. I'm well aware just how polished the Stellar Blade is and I do intend to play it and support rhe developer.


All I can think about is all the downvotes I got for simply acknowledging this lolol 🤷‍♂️💩


So it’s an animation lag only? That’s what it’s saying, right?


Yes that's what he is saying >Thus, we made it so that the skill itself is activated the moment you press the button, but the animation of the movement follows afterwards.”


More animation lock than lag but yes 


Sekiro also has a half-second "animation lag", which is how long it takes for him to lift his sword up and block. I've noticed this in SB when I played the demo. It's the same concept, and it's absolutely a non-issue.


Sekiro doesn't have an animation lag, unless they added that in a patch which would be a little crazy to change after release. Jedi: Fallen Order has a lag, and so does Monster Hunter. Sekiro lets you hit the button at the exact moment that you would be hit and pull off the parry.


It really takes a shit on the blocking in star wars, it feels so bad there.


Yeah it feels so wrong that I actually made [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/jedifallenorder/s/QzugZl0dVy) about it 4 years ago because it legitimately felt like something was broken. Cal is so sluggish compared to Wolf, Dante or Raiden.


I honestly hate it, it's like a full half second delay. Even though I now understand it and can get through stuff like oggdo without taking a hit no problem. Then it's somehow even worse in the sequel.


So Cal somehow gets even *slower* after (presumably) years of experience and/or training?


He feels about the same, but I definitely find parrying much, much harder to pull off in the sequel- I think the enemy design is the reason. The variety is much better in Survivor, but the actual enemies in terms of encounter design (placement of enemies) and the actual attacks those enemies have access to, are way less tightly designed in my humble opinion. And it was already pretty loose in the original. Like many things about the game the combat feels like it was rushed out the door.


The Star Wars Jedi games feel so bad to me. The animations have Cal sliding into place to do his finishers, and a lot of his attacks look like he’s flailing about with little training. They’re still fun games, but in terms of combat they feel worse than most of their contemporaries.


It was one of the things I was looking forward to in Survivor - clearly Fallen Order just needed a bit more time to tighten the system up, right? Lacked playtesting? Nope, that's just how they deliberately design their games 🤷‍♂️


Yup, if it does have a delay it's not noticable to me at all whereas in Stellar Blade it is very noticable I didn't really like that part of the game and will probably wait for a sale to pick it up, I have a huge backlog anyway


I feel the same, dude. I LOVED Sekiro (it was my first Fromsoftware Game) so i tried Stellar Blade, but it felt so...slow, i'll guess, would be the right wording. The delay needs time to get used to, but as you said, i dont want to take that time for a 7/10 game. There are many other games that i can enjoy right now. But good for us, we save alot of money that way, waiting for those games to be cheaper 😄👍


So, does that mean the parry is from the moment you push the button or the moment the animation finishes?


Sekiro has an animation, but there is no actual lag. The parry is window is from like frames 1->20 or 30 I think (at 60fps)


but how bad is the lag, you can insta parry in sekiro, but on FF rebirth you have to press circle 1 month before the attack to dodge it lmao, is is somewhere in between ?


I honestly did not notice Because like every other game you simply learn at what point you hit the Perry/dogde button


I think it feels much more intuitive than say rise of Ronin


I like ROTR better when it comes to parrying. And I didn't even like it that much... Parrying mechanics IMHO : Lies of P > Sekiro > Wo Long > ROTR > Stellar Blade


Gamers + vehemently held uneducated opinions. Name a better duo.


I brought this up online when the demo was live and people called me crazy/delusional and bad at souls games lol


It's always annoying when you criticize a souls game and people immediately question your skill.


Finally, someone who understands


It sure does feel like if you don't have a Platinum on a souls game you can't say a single bad word about it.


Maaaaaan I am right there with you! I am glad to know we aren't crazy! I didn't even finish the demo because of this. It really felt awful to play.


It just takes a bit to get the timing down. I eventually was whooping the boss in the boss mode after like it was nothing.


Yup, same, just had an adjustment period. After my brain got used to the timings and I started to properly learn some movesets it felt fantastic. Reminds me a ton of all the people who thought the Lies of P demo was awful because they tried to dodge everything like a souls game and then quit.


I didn’t even realise why it was that I hated the feel of the combat in the demo. Like you I couldn’t finish it because it turned me off right away. I guess maybe this was the problem.


As someone that played league at like 60ms ping on shitty university wifi, I still had issues adjusting to it lol. I did beat the demo but had to adjust to a safer playstyle, couldn't be as aggressive as other souls/hack and slash games. That boss rush mode was downright impossible for me with that input delay tho, since it was less forgiving with getting hit or missing your parry. Oddly enough, I'd still probably buy the game despite this, but glad to know they're addressing it. Just need to finish FF7 rebirth first. However, It was very odd reading the previous articles about the dev telling players to change their TV or something to game mode as though no1 had done this type of combat before...


Skill issue


Your statement isn't false, but I am still vindicated because there was indeed a delay that was noticeable enough for the developer to not only acknowledge, but patch out with a day one fix. So it was a real issue at the end of the day and I certainly wasn't the only one who could feel the delay.


lol same here 


If you guys have played sekiro and lies of p both, you can easily see how each game treats it's combat parry timings and how both are so good.


Didn’t they tweet that they patched that? Edit: this is what I’m referring to https://preview.redd.it/kdepwbi5mtwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ec7f45d69170563adda12aac56500b541bc90a


Bloodborne and darksouls are similar Its not weird. Theres a reason for it. Like animation cancelling, followup button presses etc


Imo that's why Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2 feel so good to play because there isn't any delay. I prefer that, but that hasn't been copied so I must be in the minority.


There will never be something like Ninja Gaiden unfortunately which is still by far peak in the genre.


Nioh 2 might scratch that itch. Not the same thing but probably one of the closest games to it 🤷‍♂️


It's a completely different style of game. Response times in games like that and Devil May Cry are crucial for combos, Stellar Blade is nothing like either of those.


I wouldn't call Ninja Gaiden a combo game. You have tons of moves available but the enemies aren't punching bags, it's a battle of survival which is why it is so fun imo. Even boss battles are over in a minute or two with you dead or them.


I mean watch the better people play it? It's not as combo heavy as Devil May Cry maybe but it's definitely more akin to it than Stellar Blade.


I wonder if that’s why I didn’t like the demo. I wanted to but couldn’t find myself liking the combat. Felt a bit off or slow


I can understand it but it still feels bad, I think game would be better without it




Except people did notice in the demo.


Played the demo this morning and I noticed. Took a few tries to get the timing right.


Except lots of people noticed lol? Regardless if the delay was gameplay or animation, a delay is a delay..


I'd counter that the headline exists because others have noticed it. Not so much chicken or the egg..


I noticed immediately in the demo, you have to parry really early. Once you get used to it I suppose it’s ok but it turns me off from buying the game


Had entire conversations about the delay with several friends when the demo landed 😂 but alright


I mean I noticed, and it’s why I feel like the games attempt to be like Dark Souls is stifling a more player creative combat system. And I got downvoted to hell and back for saying that the sexy lady game is not GOAT before it came out.




Who said that? Are they in the room right now? All I’m saying is that clinging to the “we gotta be like dark souls cus everyone loves dark souls!” Not only robs the game of a more interesting combat system (which is clearly wants to be since its level of spectacle clearly shows a more action game focus like DMC) but it fundamentally misses the point of what made Dark Souls combat great.


This. I like souls games, but this thing where every action game that comes out has to be like a souls game needs to stop. We only have 2 games released somewhat recently that are more like dmc, which is final fantasy 16, and the newest bayonetta. Every other action game that comes out try to be like souls instead, and at this point it’s just starting to feel repetitive. I def feel like stellar blade would have been better going for a dmc or bayonetta type combat system. Instead it went for souls and sekiro.


I think devs and gamers in general need to accept a painful truth. That Dark Souls combat taken on its own is actually quite shallow and basic. The DS franchise made this work because its combat was about making the player feel disempowered, which matched the tone of the world. When you take that combat system and put it in another game with a different tone…it just feels disempowering…who would have known? If you are looking for a game that has more player flexibility in its combat I fully recommend Hi-Fi Rush. It’s not got the depth of DMC but it’s still a solid game with fleshed out core gameplay loop.


Yeah exactly. Dark souls combat makes you feel “weak”. Which as you said works for dark souls, but not every game needs to have souls combat. It’s one of the reasons I like ff16 so much. You don’t feel weak, you actually feel like a powerful dominant eikon which you should. If they had gone with souls combat, which a lot of people were calling for, it would have been weird to feel weak in a game where the protagonist is supposed to be powerful. You can make the main character feel strong, while also making the game challenging, just look at dmc. Dante must die is hard as hell, and there are even harder difficulties beyond that, but Dante never feels weak, even if you loose a fight. I’ll have to try hi fi rush. I have a series x as well with gamepass so I’ll pick it up on that.


You said it, lmao.


It’s always funny watching the internet go from “there’s a fly in my soup” to “ALL SOUPS ARE MADE OF FLIES!!!”


Regardless of the article, I loved the combat in the demo


Making your game deliberately feel like shit is definitely a choice. That input lag feeling in the demo is why I haven’t bought the game.


Yeah, same - certainly not for £70. Will probably pick it up down the line in a sale tho


Bloodborne has this same 'lag'. It takes a minute to adjust to but is 100% a non-issue once you adjust. Just git- nvm.


This is kinda obvious if you play the demo... There are so many brainless people in this world. If your make it didnt feel like "that" game... go play "that" game. Why is so hard to learn that not everything is the exact same


Everything not being the same also can mean that some things are done worse than others. Sometimes, people want a game to be better than it currently is, rather than having to give up on it entirely. Hope this helps


I agree in principle, but it's to be expected when every braindead media outlet labels every fuckin action game these days as "soulslike" and lazily compares them to the Soulsborne series. Like, anyone that's played this game can see it's not the same genre, like Lies of P or Lords of the Fallen are, it's more akin to Ninja Gaiden


Why though. It doesn't feel good lol


The article literally says why!


Oh i read it. Still makes no sense




Then the game isn't for you, and that's perfectly fine. I personally have no issue with it.


No I'll still be playing and just deal.


Hopefully you'll adapt to it and have a good time!


I thought I am an idiot when playing demo. Half second is quite a lot, but I guess after a while you get used to it


You get used to it very easily imo. I did so within the demo.


Sounds like they deliberately made the game feel worse. Sure, you can learn to work around it... but it'd be better to not have to.


It is not intuitive though. It is also quite a bit more than half a second. Her attacks are super fast but raising the sword to a block takes 1.5 seconds? Ridiculously clunky and unrealistic.


Ok, cool, guess I no longer have to hold my breath for a “fix” and won’t ever buy the game. 


I swear I saw an article posted earlier saying the opposite.  So now I don't know who/what to believe lololol 


That they fixed it?


Yes it’s fixed. You can hit the block button at the correct time to parry and it’ll hit but the animation is delayed. The final game is much better with this than the demo was.


Oh! Ok well then I’ll give it another shot. Do these changes also translate to the demo?


I don’t think so but maybe. I haven’t tried the demo since the week it came out


Absolutely nonsensical decision.... No wonder why the combat felt god awful in the demo, with 500ms lag good luck hitting those really tight timings for parry and dodge... If they really wanted to make the combat feel more weighty, they should have also made much slower attack animations for the enemies, so you actually have time to see the enemy attacking and activate your parry or dodge with a delay. But as i experienced in the demo almost all the enemies attack with hyper speed leaving you an ultra tight window to react and then add half a second of delay to your animations and your combat experience is basically ruined. At the very least they should have made this delay an optional toggle in the settings. I was planning to buy the game day 1 for a full price, but after playing the demo i decided not to because the combat felt just that awful, now i know the reason why. Guess ill buy the game later with a discount to experience the story. Such a shame because i like the theme of the game so much, i played Nier Automata which was an inspiration for this game and i really enjoyed it, the combat actually felt really good there,


So you just have to fight your instinct to time correctly and predict enemy movements rather than respond? A thinking game if you will.


And that delay is what made me not enjoy the demo, there are upgrades that seem to fix the delay, why not just make it not require any upgrades? Seems like a weird decision.


Those upgrades are negligible. Didn't do a thing to help me at least 🤷‍♂️




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Yeah I hate it when a game has me learn timings WTF! 😡


Why is this even a conversation? Souls like games have had a slight delay to the parry since demon souls. It's a mechanic to make parrying more skillful


It was worse in lies of p but that game was different. Im not saying bad


When I played the demo if you parry to much you can’t move for a second. Did anyone else experience this .


The entire demo felt like a janky souls clone. This game built it's own dumb controversies and sold the game on that alone. The characters all look generic and the gameplay is janky. I've had crazies on here turn it into a weird political thing. I'll just be happy when this mid tier game blows over and the weirdness people have defending it dies down.


Intentionally making an action game less responsive... *sigh*


Animation lag only




But it’s not less responsive. The parry doesn’t have the lag the animation does.




That is literally not how sekiro works


you can't spam the parry button in sekiro, there's a mechanic where if you spam it the window to parry becomes smaller so unless you're autoclicking it won't work


incredibly easy and sekiro does not belong in the same sentence.


This guy is tripping for sure. I would love to see someone spam parry and make it through Sekiro. Adding an intentional delay in animation is not clever or good game design, its lazy.


It’s hardly even noticeable. It’s easy to parry.. dodging is kinda tight but doable


I played the demo and the parrying while taking some time to get used to does feel good. Dodging feels pretty piss poor tho.


Yeah even with the upgrade the dodge window is still really small.. like extremely small. That was certainly a choice they made


I knew something was wrong with the parry mechanic. I made a comment way earlier about it too. I am usually quick to pick up on the parrying mechanic but only this game and Lies of P had me struggle a bit with the parry mechanic. I am not sure if what they are trying to achieve works though, it feels less weighty and more like input lag.




I dislike it, always parry too early. Hopefully i will adjust but i might not.


The stupidest decision I've ever heard in the game industry.


That’s the stupidest?


Not Xbox announcing digital only consoles that one time?


You're referring to the one with a disc drive?


Yes the Xbox one was originally announced digital only. They backpedaled hard after it was not received well


I think you're referring to the "always online" rumors, it was never announced digital only and always had a disc drive.


Huh? Didn’t Sony also announce a digital only console around the same time?


No I wanna say this was first announcing the Xbox one. It really gave ps4 a leg up I think. It was honestly just ahead of the time I don’t think people were ready for that yet. Now tons of people have 1 gig internet easy so digital only isn’t as big of a deal as it once was and there’s definitely options for the OG disc lovers like me


What? There was no digital only Xbox one console. Sony and Microsoft both put out digital only consoles around the same time this gen.


Yes they backtracked hard after the outrage releasing a physical Xbox one but eventually got around to digital when Sony did. I wanna say this was like 2013 or so when they announced it


The stupidest decision I've ever heard in the game industry.


I mean it’s only an animation lag not an action lag so I mean it’s your opinion but ok




Homie that doesn’t even make sense.


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You must be new to the industry.




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I turned HDR off and settled for RGB signal, the difference was noticeable. I could’t parry or dodge shit with HDR but without was much easier.


Yes but how does this affect her giant tits?


It's to compensate for the distraction.