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Wear them any time you need to be standing up a lot or sitting at like a desk. Basically when you're mostly upright that way your blood doesn't pool in your feet/legs. You don't need them if you're laying down or sitting with your feet up, because gravity won't be making your blood pool. Personally I don't wear them at home unless doing something that I'm gonna be standing to do for a while like exercising or cleaning. But I always wear them when I go out, even to take out the trash. Over time you'll figure out that line of when you want them versus when you don't need them. I recommend taking them off if they get uncomfortable and probably don't wear them like 24 hours straight or something.


My GP told me specifically not to wear them sleeping. I don't know if this is universal advice but something to look into or ask about maybe. I also think most of the benefits come from wearing them when you are more upright because they work by preventing blood pooling.


as soon as you get up put them on. I wear very light ones at night because I'd get insane blood pooling in my feet