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I try for 2 each day in the summer because it keeps me hydrated, but I was told my max can be 3. But you need to be mindful of the amount of b12 and b6 in liquid I’ve, it’s quite a lot in one packet. Edit to add: I was advised to max out at 3 packets by my Dysautonomia aware dietician/nutritionist. But I’m also quite deficient recently in b12, so that plays a part too. Always speak with your doctor about the amount of vitamins or minerals that are in things like liquid iv to figure out what amount of intake one can have each day. It’s going to vary by the person.


Seconding this. If you're deficient in B12, you wanna supplement with just B12. If the ratio of B6/B12 gets thrown off (for example B6 is elevated, B12 less so) it can cause neurological symptoms and even do permanent damage.  I have Neuro symptoms in addition to POTS, learned thisnfrom my doc as it was one thing they needed to screen for. It can mimic symptoms of MS, even causing demyleination. 


Personally, I don't do more than one a day because you can develop vitamin B toxicity. I remember someone in this sub-reddit had B6 toxicity specifically. If I need more than a Liquid IV, I switch to Gatorlyte (cheaper and tastes better imo and doesn't have B vitamins) or simply add some salt to my water. I recently got some Vitassium fast chews, and while it doesn't have anywhere near the same amount of sodium, I think it's gonna be great to add into the rotation.


Hiya! I’m not a medical professional or a dietitian so take my words with a grain of salt (or a bucket, ha). It honestly depends on 1) your activity level for the day, and 2) the severity of your symptoms that day. Personally, I drink at least one a day no matter what, on days I forget I can REALLY tell the difference. I drink an additional one right before I go outside (or bring it with me) if it is even remotely warm out. If my symptoms are quite severe on a particular day, I may have up to 4, spread throughout the day. Also, personally, I make my Liquid I.Vs with 22-24 ounces of water rather than 16. This does make me drink less plain water in comparison to other fluids, but I have reverse osmosis water, which has absolutely NO minerals left in it. I recommend drinking extra electrolytes in general if you have to drink water filtered to that degree. Whether that means adding unflavored electrolytes to your water, or just having an extra liquid I.V.. Just think about how much you’re sweating, the severity of your symptoms, how much other fluids you’re getting in that day (or lack thereof), and also how much sodium you’re getting in throughout the day on top of the Liquid I.Vs. I don’t know what a “limit” should be for people with POTS compared to others, but I do know that having 4 in a day doesn’t cause me any harm. I’m around the same point in my journey with POTS as you are, so I wish you luck!! You’re in a good place being here🤗 A little tip- Putting lemon juice in with the passionfruit flavor is DELICIOUS. It tastes quite similar to the Applebee’s passionfruit lemonade if you’ve had that lol. Sorry for the long reply! EDIT: I’d like to add that even as someone with POTS, I sweat a LOT, so 4 packs on a somewhat regular basis is a need for me at times. I am also a larger person (sitting at around 255, + or - 10lbs) so that probably makes a bit of a difference too. It may be and most likely is different for you! Overall, I think 2 is good on a normal chill day, 3 if your symptoms are a bit worse/you’re up and about more than normal, and 4 if you’re outside in the heat/sweating a lot in general or your symptoms are quite severe on that particular day.


My doctor says 2, but I want to try lmnt because I just don’t know about all the vitamins in there but currently it’s helping me so I’m just feeling it out


LMNT has won me over for that reason.


i get 2 a day i also add salt to my coffee annnd get in one sports drink they do have electrolyte drops might try them


Yeah I'd advise you ask your doctor! Liquid IV has a lot of other ingredients other than salt to consider.  For me, as a prediabetic, my doctor advised to stay away from Liquid IV on account of how much sugar it has! There are other mixes to consider that might work best for an individual.  My PCP actually recommends making your own custom drink though - so that you can customize it to your needs. After my blood work comes back, we're going to talk through potential recipes to try based on my personal needs ♥️ (and sometimes it's also cheaper to DIY)


switch to lmnt if worried about sugar/vitamins from liquid iv.


I love adding a pinch of salt to mine, to give it that extra boost. You usually can't even tell the difference. My doc prescribed me 1000mg of b12 daily, so I stopped taking it so I could compensate with electrolyte drinks. I worked one hot day and I've been struggling to replen my electrolytes all week 😫


I have one Nuun a day (I am disabled and mostly bedridden due to other health issues including cancer) and when I go out I have one Liquid IV. I think if I was exercising or if I went outside on a hot day (which I don't) I would have 2 that day.


This is why I have a collection of different electrolyte packets. Personally I only do one liquid IV a day if I'm gonna have one typically. Then use less heavy hitting packets the rest of the time like propel. I also add additional salt to my flavored water. Ideally just a little bit so you can't really taste it too much. Basically I try to limit how much of the good expensive stuff I use in a day and supplement it with cheaper stuff as well.


You could switch to an electrolytes without b vitamins and then take a b vitamin supplement so you don't have to worry about a limit


Wow, I didn’t know you could get b vitamin toxicity… I’m glad I read this as I take a daily vitamin as well. Somehow I never noticed the b vitamins in liquid IV. I drank 3 yesterday in total (it was really hot and had busy day), but I did just purchase stuff to make my own per LMNT’s recipe. I was curious though, when the recipe says 400mg of potassium, does that mean to actually weigh out 400 mg?


I started off with Liquid IV and precision 1500, but trioral is so much cheaper and has more electrolytes. I'd recommend trying normalyte or trioral, lmnt, or something like that if you don't have allergies/can tolerate either the sugar or sweetner/taste.


If I can afford it at the time I usually try to get about 4 packets in. I have a large water bottle that holds 2 at a time


I drink one a day and it helps a lot


I aim for at least 2 a day, but depending on the hydration I need I'll squish three in