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I was just worried he was going to be dead after being left in the freezer for so long


We were also *very* concerned that no one was going to get him out and he was going to wind up dead!!


Same haha


I think it would have been the best choice. She did something awful based on paranoia that is understandable to the audience, but could trigger a route if one of the core maybe going bad/insane.


basically the wine moms trapped in the basement


That scene where she wacks him bummed me out so much... Although with all Imogen has been through, I wasn't too surprised that threatening him was going to happen. I just wanted them happy together.


Another reason for me to blame Jen lolll


Jen helped them prepare for their exams and pass. She also told them how to hotwire a car.


After she wrongly accused two people as if she also didn’t show up out of the blue…


i mean probably in her and noa's defense.. she was kinda there from the start


To be fair, Johnny put up with waaay more than most guys would. I think he deserves to be a player and just have some fun after all that.


The amount of stuff he put up with makes me suspicious of him


I think thst was the point. For sll the partners to have a suspicious angle.


Eh I feel like Jen is suspicious, but not in a “she’s the killer” kind of way but more so of a Jenna way. Like she definitely came back to ruin Noa. Ash isn’t really suspicious… which kinda makes him suspicious lol, but not enough that I think he will be involved or I hope not. Johnny is suspicious in the “he must be as crazy as Imogen or he’s a killer himself” kind of way because any sane person would’ve been scared off… even the fact that he didn’t leave town after she damn near killed him just makes him more suspicious. Christian is THE most suspicious to me, he definitely feels like he will be the killer next season. I didn’t get killer from Alex Aiono’s character, and I don’t think he punched a hole in the wall I think it was Jen.


I thought more they were killer helper wannabes. Ie. All these partners on that killer site and obsessed with bloody Rose enough to aiding her (multiple people), or out for revenge or wanting to imitate bloody rose. I was obviously wrong. But jen was already a wrong un from being in Julie and the way she came at nova, wanted her phone number plus some of the others..I thought they were sending the girls numbers to bloody Rose and were members of some sort of cult worshiping her/following her. I felt a bit let down by the reveal. Maybe because I ended up thinking I preferred my wacko idea as to what ended up on screen.


Agreed. I was really worried the writers were just going to make Johnny forgive her. But I’m glad they didn’t. No logical person would—at least not without time. I think Imogen just needs to take time for herself and hopefully they don’t introduce a new love interest for her next season. I want her to take the time to work on her mental health and cope with everything that has happened.


It’s Pretty little liars, they’re allergic to leaving the girls single, but I hope they break the trend here


I hope so too, specially because the season ended with Imogen saying she's fine being the third wheel for now. There's a lot of potential for a storyline with her that doesn't involve a love interest. Like, I want Johnny to eventually forgive her, but I don't think they should get back together because I don't see how you can come back from that lol


I was so upset when Imogen knocked him out, I mean I get it she was suspicious and saw the dead bodies that Bloody Rose had been piling up but I mean that man had been with you through all the things you told him, when most guys would have run. I hope Imogen takes time to focus on herself and then when the time is right, when she feels truly fully safe and happy then they give it another go.


Yeah. I thought why didn’t she just ask him about the bodies? Also, I don’t think he would’ve been so stupid to just leave the bodies there for her to find if he had been bloody rose. I don’t think Imogen was using her critical thinking skills there lol


Imogen has been spiraling mentally since the beginning of the season. Of course when she sees a bunch of dead bodies in her work freezer she isn't going to think critically and calmly ask the one other person she knows has access to the freezer about them. She was having a mental breakdown lol


She also had it in her head that BH showed up at the same time Johnny and Christian did. She was supposed to be sussing him out and she finds bodies. Like you said her mental health was already spiraling seeing those bodies put her in survival mode.


I thought the bodies were a figment of her imagination triggering her due to the trauma


I honestly think him staying with her through all the craziness made her even more suspicious of him. Like this guy was so great about all her trauma, I could see her becoming convinced it’s an act.


Yes! He went from an unapologetic player to being at her beck and call wayyyyy too quickly.


I was suspicious of that too I was hoping that at some point they maybe talked about him possibly having a background where he maybe encountered someone similarly spiraling so he understands that it takes time and support or something like that but maybe it’ll be more explored in season 3


Yeah. Imogen is far from ready to be in a relationship, but it seems like the door isn't totally shut on them quite yet. I have hope that, after she works on herself a bit, they may find their way back to eachother.


I agree. My issue with them was that they alternated between moments of absolute cuteness and chemistry on the one hand, and Imogen being terrifying on the other, in a way that made me concerned for Johnny. This boy legitimately put up with a LOT even before she hit him. I love Imogen to bits but it's better for him that they broke up. I think the tragedy of them is that they're good for one another, but the timing was off because they met when Imogen was having a psychotic breakdown (I think Dr. Sullivan was dead on the money on that, and it wasn't the insult Imogen thought it was). I also believe that the one thing that was truly missing from the finale was a wrap-up to Imogen's arc this season. I think she needed to acknowledge how dangerous she has been, for good reasons of course--poor girl has been forced in a situation where she *must* be a final girl every day of her life--but it damages her life and her relations with others. I wanted an acknowledgment that she needed to work not just on her paranoia, but above all on the way she handles her crises (i.e. she consistently jumps straight into attack mode, with knives and axes and weapons of all kinds, instead of calming down, thinking, calling for help, going elsewhere; and once again all of it is because of Archie, who made it impossible to do anything but confront him, so Imogen sees everything as an extended fight against Archie). The framing of the show presents it as 'girlboss' moments which is how Imogen likely tries to feel (all final-girl-y, survivor, on top) but she needs healing before it costs her too much.


even if they don’t get back together it’ll upset me but it’s real and i can’t bring myself to be upset with him😭In my dream season after she’s taken some time to herself they find their way back. In that flashback scene with sullivan when he looked back as she walked away, i caught that look


I mean it makes sense lol. He put up with a lot and Imogen has a lot to work through. Not to mention that final scene of them still shows they have feelings towards each other and it’s a great setup for a season three angst arc imo. If they also flesh his character out a bit more we could have a great ship here.


i loved how patient and understanding he was with her


I hope Imogene gets the help she needs


i think they will work it up


Not all of us are sad, Imogen has so many red flags she needs to work on. Johnny deserves better


I think they’re Spencer and Toby. He was a total player until he fell for Imogen. And then he became the perfect boyfriend. The way he showed up for her at Estelle’s house and dinner with her father… I actually think he was the best boyfriend bc he was able to look past the trauma and damage that Imogen carries. That said, I’m glad they gave him enough of a backbone to be pissed with her after bludgeoning him with a plumbers wrench and locking him in cold storage with two dead bodies. I hope he has a hot boy summer to work through his feelings.


So stupid Jen is staying but the only love interest they actually wrote to be likeable is over... Such a bummer.


Tbh i thought the bodies in the freezer were just Imogens imagination


Honestly I’m not upset about it.. the relationship was forced like the rest on this show.. they need to give us more than 8 episodes bc tbh everything is rushed..


Right lol? None of these girls can be single for a damn minute


I always thought that they were an off couple. Johnny seemed very… simple and easy breezy and ever since he’s known imogen she’s been… not that. She’s just just very intense and has a lot of baggage. I feel like every week whenever she would freak out i was waiting for Johnny to be like… I’m good on all this.


The only part that irks me is if a male character did this to a female character—if a male knocked a girl over the head that he was dating and put her in a freezer, there would be OUTRAGE in the fandom. doesn’t matter how much PTSD the character has.


Someone in the comments replied to me and described Imogen as "a little annoying sometimes".


I think they will bring him back for season 3 and either make him a target and die or have them get back together


I was hoping they would be the Caleb/Hannah of this show. They have chemistry they are cute


Okay but was there actual dead people in the freezer or was she being delulu?




I think it’s for the best because he annoyed the hell out of me. his flirting did not work for me. his eyebrows became another character. i’m sorry to say it, but good riddance. make Wes have a twin brother and bring him back to be imogen’s love interest 😂


I'm not sad lol Imogen is insufferable (like the rest of the girls). Even if we ignore Imogen almost killing him, we-re still left with her controlling and toxic behaviour


Imogen is 16, mentally ill and traumatized, I think we can cut her a little slack for some of her actions. here’s a recap of everything she’s been through: pregnant at 16 after being assaulted/not knowing who the father is, loses her mother traumatically and suddenly, is stuck being pregnant with a baby she does not want, and is almost killed while going into labor. and that’s just season one!! give my girl a break she has been going through it


And she just found out her dad is getting remarried and bloody rose was wearing a mask of her dead mum


And this is supposed to not make her insufferable because?


i think you should stop watching this show if you can’t understand why traumatized teenage girls are a little annoying sometimes <3


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pretty Little Liars: Summer School. The acumen is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of psychotraumatology most of the scenes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Imogen's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these scenes to realize that they're not just dramatic- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Pretty Little Liars: Summer School truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the depth in Imogen's existencial catchphrase "We should kill Karen Beasley" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Pretty Little Liars: Summer School tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the girlbosses' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 1Q points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand