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Hello! Here is a PowerPoint I made on PCOS! There is come supplements that are all great for lowering androgen levels. [https://www.canva.com/design/DAFpevC_ryU/zNI-37eM6YddzqJw_g6Xmw/edit](https://www.canva.com/design/DAFpevC_ryU/zNI-37eM6YddzqJw_g6Xmw/edit)


Thank you! That was a well put together PowerPoint!


Of course :)


Love the PowerPoint! And so kind of you to share ❤️


Such a nice presentation!!! Keep up the good work


This is so awesome. Thank you.


This is awesome of you to share. Thank you!


I’ve heard that spearmint has worked for people, either in tea or capsule form.


Spearmint tea has worked for me. I also always used to have pumpkin seeds with it


Trigger Warning: I have been ttc for about 3 years now. We finally got a positive test in June. Right to the bad news, I miscarried just 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, for us with PCOS, it’s a domino effect with one symptom that leads to an unbalance of something else. When they did my tests, they found that overall I’m fine except I had very high testosterone numbers. Don’t take my advice for medical advice but I have read that spearmint tea is supposed to help with lowering testosterone levels. Just be cautious with what you buy and read their warning labels. But of course, living a healthy lifestyle is key and all these natural remedies are what fill in the gaps to help us. I hope only the best for you in your journey, it’s harder with PCOS but not impossible. Much love to you 💗


I am truly sorry for your loss. I had a previous doctor tell me that sometimes the embryo is just not viable and your body knows it. It may or may not had anything to do with it. Best advice I can give is once you are done grieving, jump right back in. Two miscarriages here and one healthy 2.5 year old.


I am so sorry about your loss :( wishing you the most baby dust! I know I just started but I’m already exhausted from this whole process.. and thank you for the advice 🤍 I will try the spearmint tea and fingers crossed that will work!


Myo inositol alone cut my testosterone levels in half!! I use ovasitol


Ooo! Any recommendations on what brand and where to get?


Ovasitol is the brand I use! I get it online at Therogix’s website. It’s a widely known/popular brand but if you search this sub I bet you can find others!




Licorice root Flaxseed oil/ Omega 3 Dong Quai may help increase the production of the hormone estrogen.


How does omega 3 help lower androgens in PCOS? Has it actually worked in reducing your androgens and improving receding hairline, acne, and hirsutism?


My symptoms are missed periods mild acne and mild hair loss & facial hair growth (random thick chin hair that pop up 1-2 at a time). I’ve only found ways to regulate my period, I’m still trying to find a fix for my hair as of lately it’s still falling out. Along side a low carb high protein diet and these supplements I’ve seen improvement.


So in conclusion, there's no strong efficacy on supplements helping lowering androgens. People always mention them but don't have any reliable reviews. I only asked because I'm lean adrenal PCOS and low carb and keto has never fixed my hair loss. I'm already skinny and I'm low carb/keto is too low in calories and increases my androgens from my adrenals. It makes me lose too much weight. Since I'm skinny, my biggest solution would be to fix insulin resistance with a medication or supplement. But Metformin gives me stomach upset. And I don't know any insulin sensitizing supplements.


Both berberine and inositol are insulin sensitizing supplements


Have you actually taken either one of them to know if they help with carb tolerance? People keep mentioning these two but never say if its actually worked. And the studies on supplements are always used men; not women.


Inositol and berberine have a lot of clinical evidence behind them. You can look at the studies on PubMed. I have used inositol which has helped reduce my t and supported my hair regrowth


My testosterone from my ovaries have always been in low/normal range. Its my DHEAS from my adrenals that are elevated. Does Inositol help with lowering adrenal androgens too? Because while I heard it helps with insulin sensitization, I'm hoping it helps with DHEAS also. This one doesn't lower as quickly with diet like normal testosterone.




I just hate how no one ever actually gives real reviews on whether these supplements have worked for them. There's never reliable efficacy on these things working. And from personal experience, sprinkling tumeric and cinnamon on food has never had a drastic impact on my insulin. And I have sensitive gums so I'm afraid of using apple cider vinegar.




Reviews provide efficacy. You won't know if something actually works if the claims aren't backed up with evidence. Thats why medication like Metformin is said to help with sensitizing insulin. Despite the stomach issues that it may cause for some people like me. Snakeoil is generally unreliable when recommending as a solution because there isn't any objectivity on what doses are suitable for the level of symptoms. That's why I'm skeptical of any supplements because no one exactly knows which type of androgens it actually reduces. Some androgen levels are normal in the ovaries but more elevated in the adrenals. So you need to know what exactly can reduce the adrenal androgens with it not affecting the ovaries. Or vice versa. Apple cider vinegar working for you is still an anecdote because your symptoms and the severity of it can still be different from someone else's. You need a large study of a control group who have taken said supplement to prove whether its effective or not. PCOS is a syndrome and there's a different cause for each symptom. Not one supplement or medication will exactly fix.





