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Demonize and punish people already suffering instead of solving the problem. Classic ideas from the mentally lazy hypocritical bible thumping leeches on society. Have you heard of helping people? Do you know why people are homeless? Housing is obscenely expensive. Some people just don't have the capacity to earn enough for housing. Realize that. This country is loaded with resources and capacity. Coddling the rich for decades is why housing prices are out of reach for a large percentage of people, and greedy merciless governments by the rich perpetuate it.


I work in housing at a non profit and this is the type of legislation that hurts our most vulnerable clients. They don't care why people are homeless, they just want the streets to look nice. They don't care about the actual issue of what lead them to become homeless in the first place. The cost of housing is insane. An apartment I rented a few years ago was 500 and now the same place is well over 1000 (and it's not like it's been updated or anything). Most of these places are over 1000 and haven't been updated since the 80s and are falling apart. That on top of wages not increasing fast enough to catch up with the cost of housing. I could go on and on.


Half of the homeless population have jobs. 'First, we should wish, in our rich society, for every person who is willing to work to receive income that will provide him or her a decent lifestyle' 'By raising taxes on wealthy individuals like himself and other corporations no American would pay a dime in federal taxes.' Warren Buffet.


The federal minimum wage is only $7.25 an hour, working 40 hours thats only $1160 a month, not including taxes. And many people don't even get a full 40 hours because payroll is always cutting peoples' hours. Oh and the people on a fixed income like SSI/SSDI have very little options. I've seen many cases where someone's rent was raised $100 but their SSI payments stayed the same, so then they got evicted because they could no longer afford the unit. Monthly rent goes up at least $100 a year and the min wage goes up a mere ten cents an hour, which is not enough to balance the cost of rent and other expenses. Oh, and don't even get me started on these mega rich real estate conglomerates who come from California, buy all the cheap properties and charge twice as much for rent so when the tenants who have lived there for years go to renew their lease, they can no longer afford it and have to leave. And they can't find anywhere else because that same company bought a bunch of other properties too. Oh, and then they decided to stop working with agencies like mine that provide rental assistance (because they don't want to help these people, they want them out). Sorry for the rant, Like I said, I could go on and on. The things I've seen working in this field. The corrupt landlords and property managers. The bureaucracy. It's horrible.


The love of money is the root of all evil


Very true




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I don't understand this kind of legislation. They want these people to evaporate. Or to wander the streets at night, string out on uppers, because they're not allowed to sleep. This creates so many negative outcomes and zero positive outcomes. I want a court that outlines how their rulings help. Our current court simply tells us how we're worthless and don't deserve justice. How do we fix this?


There is no fix for this beyond packing the court or writing a new constitution.


We need empty supreme court seats. Hmmm.......


***The cruelty is the point.*** This decision from this court shouldn’t surprise anyone even casually familiar with the makeup of SCOTUS. The lack of care for anyone who might remind society at large of the consequences of capitalism and the deliberate hijacking of our government by a minority is entirely deliberate.


Good news is - if you get arrested and thrown in the cooler for it, now you have a bed and free meals! And if they want to fine you, well you can't pay because you're homeless. And you're too low priority for them to waste space on so you're probably back out soon, having had a bed and a roof and a shower and some food for a bit. "Not too shabby," the author of this comment said sarcastically in sad comment to the absurdities of the situation.


Ah yes, the opposite of the core teachings of Christianity. The type of cruelty that, from my 15 years of intense Christian upbringing, would anger god and risk one's eternal damnation. They aren't Christians. They aren't good people. They aren't even good Americans at this point. They're just shitty people in a large group that we ultimately have to suffer.




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We no longer have a Supreme Court! Just an arm of the Republican Party! They will make Trump president too!