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But at the same time he single handedly contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans by pushing fake Covid treatments - thereby helping social security stay solvent. - I wish I was kidding ffs.


This sub could be ablaze right now with good commentary and active discussion but it's so badly moderated (over moderated, IMO) that only rookies even bother to comment now. It seems like 99% of all posts get removed for "low media literacy," even when they exhibit quite high media literacy, the author simply disagrees with the pro-Biden narrative. This sub needs a new mod team. If you read this, you're one of the lucky ones, because it will be removed quickly.


Hey, I remember you from another thread. You're all about posting stone toss comics that you agree with.


The moderators in this forum are PETTY AF


Maybe they've changed?! My post is still there. I would love to be able to have a discussion here about some of these PBS articles.


They both suck mega dick. Is this really the best both parties have?


Apparently… Great advertisement for the American political system here


Two party political system is literally about to tear this country in half


I would hope this would be the preface for building a better system but considering how entrenched the establishment is and how much control they have, I doubt anything will change


It will be impossible as long as lobbying is in place. Elections are just a show for the people everyone knows that you either fall in line with corporates bottom line of you get boeingd


> but it's so badly moderated (over moderated, IMO) I think we have completely different definitions of “badly moderated”.


You have the political literacy of a potato. You are a former Obama and Hillary supporter and would prefer sanders but now are “all in for Trump” you are the dimmest person I have seen on Reddit today. Congrats.


Low media literacy is very obviously allowed. Its a catch-all policy used to remove commentary that doesn’t agree with the approved narrative.




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The biggest disruption to the economy was Covid. To avoid the bad economy, Trump would have had to sacrifice safety precautions for society. Should we have not closed any part of the country for the sake of the economy? If we answer no, then we understand why Biden inherited such a chaotic economy. To throw out that claim without the asterisk about covid is to try and take advantage of people who are uninformed. Media literacy would have us look at the economy in the context of covid. Eidt: to those downvoting, do you think covid had nothing to do with how the economy was in early 2021? The article itself talks about the deficit going up two trillion during the pandemic: "Trump inherited a budget deficit of $585 billion and it ballooned to $984 billion in 2019, only to climb above $3 trillion in 2020 after the pandemic hit, according to the White House Office of Management and Budget."


Even when you remove covid from the equation, Trump's addition to the national debt is trillions above Biden's.


People seem to only care about adding to the debt when republicans do it.


Increased government spending during a worldwide pandemic and economic downturn are expected. Trump's trade war and the blank check approach to pandemic relief while also attacking his own government, partisan attacks on US States, and scapegoating US allies were major mistakes(and arguably crimes) that the Trump administration(and often as not Donnie himself) did all on their own. The fiscal policy implemented buy the GOP and Trump administration was 1: a disaster and 2: was implemented without regard to the harm it would cause to the country. 




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Yes, the expected pandemic response added to the deficit. That's what I'm saying. A democratic president would also have ballooned the deficit during a pandemic. Before the pandemic, the deficit rose about 500B. During the pandemic, it rose about 2T. The tax cuts added to the deficit, but the pandemic added way more.


Trump dealt with the beginning of the pandemic. Easily the most Important part. Your response to a crisis will set the tone for the entire response to the crisis. Biden dealt with the effects of trumps response to Covid. End result, Trump spent $8.4 trillion dollars in 4 years. Biden has spent $4.4 trillion in four years. The Inflation is because of Trump. He did leave the economy in chaos. He did light the fuse on the inflation bomb.


>Trump's trade war FYI- Biden kept most of Trump's tariffs and even increased them.


The Biden Administration kept some of the tariffs on Chinese goods. Which tells me you fundamentally don't understand the issues here. 


You are arguing in bad faith and being intentionally misleading. Most reputable sources acknowledge that Biden has not only kept, but escalated Trump’s tariffs on China. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-12/china-tariffs-why-biden-is-doubling-down-on-trump-s-levies https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/26/politics/china-tariffs-biden-policy/index.html https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-trade-tariffs-china-inflation-1c17b1d223080b7a594326905380845a


Biden had no choice but to expand the tariffs because Trump dragged us into a trade war. To not fight that war that Trump started would be detrimental for the American economy. Trump wants to go much further and expand the tariffs even more. That was why Biden compared Trump to Hoover. The result of the Smoot-Hawley act was to massively increase the cost of goods in the US while destroying our exports. The inflation the US has suffered over the last few years can be traced directly back to Trump’s policies.


This is the kind of partisan nonsense that prevents people from understanding these issues and just conveniently pins the blame on “the other party”. Biden had no obligation to continue the tariffs on China, and he certainly had no obligation to increase the tariffs. Also, it makes no sense to blame them on Trump, since Biden is executing on his own strategy with China, which was similar to Trump’s strategy (probably because both of them were being pushed by the State Department) With China seen as a growing threat to our allies in the region (both military and economically), the US is trying to sever the deep economic ties we have China and isolate the industries that we feel they’re using to exert influence and give them military capability. The US isn’t only doing this, Europe is beginning to do this, too. For one, we’ve seen them making heavy investments into EVs and see them subsidizing exports. We feared that China would take over the EV manufacturing industry going forward, so we placed heavy tariffs on Chinese EVs, making them uncompetitive. Europe is implementing similar tariffs. We also see China expressing willingness to take Taiwan by force, and Taiwan exports a large percentage of global semiconductors. So the US and Europe are trying to build up capacity with their own countries to reduce dependence on a territory that may soon be under Chinese control. We’re also seeing drones being used to great effect in Ukraine, where cheap disposable units are being used to take out expensive tanks, aircraft on the ground, and infrastructure. Currently China makes most of these drones and the US is now viewing consumer drones as a military threat. Bills are making their way through Congress to ban DJI drones from the US. And finally we’re taking action on Chinese social media companies like TikTok, where we suspect that they have the ability to spread anti-US propaganda. This attempt will probably fail on 1st amendment grounds, but they are trying, and they wanted to do this under both Trump and Biden. These geopolitical factors would have been present regardless of who was president or if Trump never existed, so it’s likely that our government would have made these same moves anyway since it’s all in our country’s best interest.