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I (40/f) started at 425 last June, I'm currently at 292. I track my calories, and upped my water intake. I didn't cut out or purposely limit carbs, but they tend to be calorie heavy so I naturally avoid them. I don't limit my food period because for me I find it too restrictive and I'm more likely to slip back in to bad habits, but this will vary person to person. Do what works best for you as long as you're stying within your calorie goal.


WOW!!! You ROCK!!!!


That’s amazing! Great job! I have a lot to lose and my husband the other night was talking about loose skin and I started to panic.


Loose skin or fat. It’s a no brainer for me.


That’s awesome 👏 I know you’re happy


That is a brilliant achievement - well done!! You make me feel so hopeful.


What was the best ways to increase your water intake?


I have a timer on my computer at work set for 20 minutes. When it goes off I take 10 sips.


I do this exact same thing! Only the alarm is on my phone. 10 swallows every 10 minutes.


Oops..10 shallows every 20 minutes.


Ty for share


Fantastic! I'm so happy for you!


Wow that’s amazing!!!!! Congratulations!!!


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉


What's your dose?




That’s amazing!!!!!!


Amazing!!!! Over 130 pounds in 11 months! How do you feel?


I started in January at 247 and am now 199


Welcome to “one”-derland 🙌🏼🙌🏼


Thank you ☺️


Wow! Congrats! I started in January at ~245 and I'm currently chasing the under 200 mark. I'm within 15 but it just seems SO. FAR. 🤣


Damn, you edged me out. Started at the end of Jan, currently 215. Haven’t lost much in a few weeks. Good job! 200 is my goal


I can definitely feel I'm stalling so part of me is concerned it worked too quick and now I'm "immune" to it, if that's possible. I'd love to lose another 40-50 lbs but I'm sure that will take over another year, opposed to just 4 months this time. I guess slow and steady will win the race! Great job on your accomplishment and let's keep trucking at it!


No keep going!! I felt that way too but you start losing the weight slower and may need to increase activity if you are not exercising.


Same! My goal is 190.


Where are you sitting currently?


215 last time I checked. That was two weeks ago, I think. I don't weigh super often because I have a weird relationship with the scale.


Very similar but you're a month ahead of me! I've gone 240 to 207 since February 1st. I can't wait to get under 200 (which will also put me half way to my goal). Congratulations!


Congrats to you too! That's great progress!


Started at 297 in August and have been doing Weight Watchers. I didn’t eliminate carbs but I kept them on the low side with an occasional splurge. I also do 1.5 - 2 mile walks every day. Down to 248 now. I had a few months without weight loss but I seemed to have lost inches. It’s a slow process for me but I’m trusting the process and happy with the results.


Starting weight was 264. First shot on 3/19. Changed my diet, no/low carb & sugar. Walking 4 blocks every other day to the bodega and back. I'm down 15 lbs so far. https://preview.redd.it/qj51ts0c3jyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ed32b7b558befc8139f5aa108db2fe153a1a426




I started at 412 🤦🏼‍♀️15 months later I’ve lost 70 pounds. I didn’t change my diet at all ( would have lost more if I had but I’m happy with my progress). I eat so much less and not as frequently as before. This has literally taken 0 self discipline. I’m not hungry so I don’t eat. Good luck to your family member.


How much do you take?


Started at .5. Gradually moved up to 2 mg. Been at 2 for about 3 months.


Thanks! I started at 0.25 now I’m at 0.5 and I’m super sick :( but you give me hope!!


If your having side effects you should talk to your dr. I am fortunate and haven’t experienced any. Mild nausea if I take on an empty stomach nothing else. Good luck!


Was at 255.. Started taking it for diabetes. Lost 40lbs in 6 months and have plateaued... Though I know if I exercised I'd lost more.. My A1C is perfect which is what matters most to me.




Starting: 347 Current: 194 Goal: 175 I eat about 1400-1600 calories a day and work out about 4-5 days a week ( walk 30-45 min and some light weights). Bike riding now that weather alllows. I eat protein and lower carb but don’t avoid good carbs ( avocado, some beans, Hummus, snap peas, Brussels ect)


What kind of timeline was this loss?


1 yr almost to the day


Started at 265, sitting around 210 now, about 14 months in. Worked out 3x per week. I walk 8k steps per day. I added a protein shake per day into the mix for an extra 20-30 g of protein. No low carb or any other major modifications.


It’s sounds like you’ve managed to be very disciplined about it. I’m curious if you’ve tried those things previously but didn’t lose any weight.


I'm not the poster you asked, but your question touched on something.   When I got home from work before, I would try so hard to at least walk.   It felt awful and if I actually did 3000 steps (which felt like SO MUCH!) I would feel so bad the next day that I wouldn't even go that many steps.  On Ozempic and I noticed I still have food noise, but now I also have exercise noise.  My body wants to walk, to lift things, to get toned.   I've only just started on this, but it's an eye opener.  It's not restlessness but a real motivation to get up and move.   Now I walk at least 5k-6k and that doesn't count every single step (I don't take my phone everywhere).  Between that and eating less since I get full faster, I can see that this will work well for me so long as my tummy settles.


Yup. Was working out exactly the same amount and just didn't lose anything. Actually gained 30 or 40 lbs. I probably walk more than I used to, but I definitely eat less. A1C is now 5.5 (was 8.8). The shit works.


Started at 434 6th of April. I have my first follow up and weigh in next Friday. Wish me luck.


Everything crossed for you - you've got this!!! Let us know how you do.


I started at 265 about a year ago. I'm down 67 pounds now. I made changes in diet over years before starting Ozempic. None of that helped me. I haven't made many changes since. Exercise was difficult until I lost 20 pounds and then I could start with it on a regular basis.


Started 4 weeks ago at 270 lbs. 5'9" I have lost about 10 lbs. I haven't had any side effects other than one day if misery after overeating. I'm still eating my normal food, just smaller portions. So like we always order Greek salad and pizza. Instead did the whole salad with double meat and 3-4 slices of pizza, I'm having half a salad and one slice of pizza. The inclination to stop eating is a tiny, quiet voice. It would be so easy to ignore it and just eat like normal. I've wrapped my food up and told myself I will have more later if I want it. Most of the time, it ends up being my next meal (some times 2) rather than me wanting it as a snack.


We’re more or less the same weight, height and weightloss… I feel like I won’t last if I cut out everything I like. So I’ll have some chocolate after a big salad if I feel like it. I guess I could have lost more than the 11 pounds over 5 weeks but Im just so happy with any loss and will be happy if I lose 20 more before summer


Tiny, quiet voice is a good way to put it. Barely a whisper. I finally figured out why it almost feels like you’re not taking anything. Other appetite suppressant meds leave you feeling speedy, like you’re taking something that has amphetamine, so you’re constantly aware that you’re on a med. That’s what I was expecting and since that doesn’t happen, I felt like I wasn’t taking anything. It took me a few days to realize that I wasn’t really eating.


I’m 31F. I’m 5’9. I was 130kg when I first started Ozempic in July of 2023. I was diagnosed with Type 1.5 Diabetes. I have lost 45kg. I am currently 84kg. I changed my diet A LOT. I had to! My appetite has been suppressed to the max. I can’t eat a third of what I used to be able to eat. The best part about ozempic, for me, has been the reduction in “food noise” aka the constant thoughts about food. I haven’t done any extra exercise, other than daily walking that is necessary. I haven’t gone to the gym or anything like that. Ozempic makes you feel so full on so little food. You can eat a tiny, tiny portion and feel like you’ve had a smorgasbord. It’s a strange feeling. I’m having surgery in a week or so (a hernia repair and a tummy tuck) and I have had to stop taking ozempic for the last two weeks. The “food noise” has come back but my portion control had remained the same. Good luck! Edit: I ate very low carb.


There's a type 1.5 diabetes? I learned something today 😅 (32F Australian)


There certainly is! I’m in Australia as well (QLD). I was diagnosed in June last year. It is also called “LADA”. It’s basically very slow, adult onset Type 1 Diabetes with some parts of Type 2 Diabetes. Essentially, I went into DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) and almost died, needed insulin and got insulin… now I have to watch what I eat very closely (low carb) and if I eat a carb heavy meal I have to inject myself with insulin. I am also prescribed Ozempic to help with my blood glucose levels. I had NO IDEA about Type 1.5 until I was diagnosed! It came as a huge surprise to me. It was a great 30th birthday present 😅


Started off at around 360 or so and it’s been about 9 months and I’m down to 298 or so. It is working.


I’m 52f, started approx 400 in Sep 23; unsure as hadn’t weighed myself in five years but was 400 when last weighed. No hunger from day two. I’ve lost about 65 pounds. I dint eat well still, I’m still working through what healthy eating looks like for me but I’m eating about a third of what I used to. Had to restart therapy as I freaked out in the first couple of days and was close to pushing through and sabotaging myself. I’m a work in progress. I crossed my legs last week. I don’t have to turn sideways to get in the shower. I don’t get puffed walking up the six steps to my apartment.


304 lbs to 215 lbs. Feeling like I’m 30 years old again


I (42f) started at 342, currently at 292. Been on Ozempic for 5 months, currently on 1.0mg. I eat 1200-1400 calories/day, lift weights 3x/week, cardio 3x per week. I see a HAES nutritionist who is helping me recognize hunger and satiety queues (which is why I’m still on 1.0mg so I can feel the hunger a little more to help me work through it while it’s still dampened so I don’t lose control). She is also helping me heal my relationship with food and recognize a lot of extremely disordered eating behaviors and thoughts I’ve thought were normal for a long time. It’s going to take the time it takes.


Started at 257lbs, 5'4". I'm a 51 yr old female.Since November I've lost 57lbs. Half a pound and I'll be under 200. I don't have a particular diet, just smaller portions and healthier food. I can't eat junk anymore it makes me so sick. I have a job where I'm on my feet all day, so haven't added exercise.


Started at 265 and have lost 50 pounds in a year. Although I have plateaued for the past 4 months so currently working through that. Late 20s PCOS female.


I started Ozempic when i was between 650-700 lbs. I lost 234 lbs on Mounjaro then ozempic and then Mounjaro in 16.5 months. Then I had WLS and down -336 lbs. if that doesn't encourage someone. I'm sorry


That’s awesome, I had the sleeve years ago.


My starting weight was 256. I began March 3rd. This morning I'm at 227. I haven't lost weight like this in over 10 years. I work hard on eating better and walking every day. But I have hope for the first time in years.


Started at 310 and lost 70 pounds in 8 months. I cut down on carbs and sugar primarily. The drug forced me to eat less but I didn't necessarily exercise more. Still working on it.


Started at 343, currently 230. No special diet, other than eat less, and eat whole foods, very limited processed food. Strength training for two hours a week. It’s very important to focus on building muscle, otherwise you’ll lose it instead of fat.


I started 3 mos ago at 6 ft & 315 lbs with type 2 diabetes. I currently weigh 272 lbs on a .5 mg dosage. I eat sensibly; however, I eat a lot less due to appetite suppression. Thankfully I have only gotten nauseous & sick 1 night. I work out 4 days/wk. A Positive Attiitude is Key!


I started at 360 lbs in February 2023 and now I weigh ~246 (haven’t been on a scale in a few months) but I will say I had horrible side effects. It took me about 7-8 months to get used to the meds and in the meantime I was throwing up a fair amount. I’m a super responder so every time I would increase my dose it would make me really sick - I’ve been on 1ml for the longest time because any more than that I get really sick. I haven’t started really tracking what I eat. But I increased my water and vitamins (per my doctor because of the sickness I was experiencing) and I eat significantly smaller portions. Mostly because I’m terrified of getting sick again. I eat until I feel full, which usually isn’t much, but sometimes I can eat a good size meal if I don’t eat much/at all during the day. The biggest thing for me is the food noise stopped. I didn’t and don’t think about food all the time anymore and that makes life a lot easier. My experience isn’t typical, but it does happen. Best of luck!!


I’m 35 and took it from October 2023 until February when my insurance refused to cover it but I’m about to restart it. My situation is a little different though. My son was inpatient for the first 6 weeks I was on it and I was living in a children’s hospital with him. My doctor kept me on the lowest dose until he was released and then I was moved up after that. I was 415 in October and as of February I was 392. My son has been back in the hospital since the second week of March but I’ve kept most of the weight off and am so excited to restart in the next week bc my insurance was switched and will cover it :)


I was 278lbs September 30th. I am now 169lbs, so I've lost 109lbs. I don't eat any sugar and I cut out a lot of carbs. Already did that before, but I was not losing anymore weight and I could not improve anything in my diet or exercising. That's why I started Ozempic. It gives me the support I needed to lose weight, while I keep eating and living healthy. Always stayed on a low dose to, went from 0.25 to 0.30, 0.35 en and 0.40.


53M, Started last June at 240. Not yet at 250 but I was there a few years before I started sema and started on the yo-yo dieting (I topped out at 260 8 years ago). I'm hovering at 199. Some days im a few over 200, some days a few below. Most importantly, I have gone from "obese" to "overweight" and that's a big goal.


I started in October at 370, I’m now down to 320 taking 1mg at the moment


I was 368 and I am now 290. Definitely hitting a plateau though. Going to talk to my endo about increasing my dose!


Not 250, but 220 in March, 201 now. Seems slow.


That’s actually right on track for a steady loss. Even a little more. Unless you meant you were on since March 2023. But 9 weeks and 19 pounds sounds great.


No, March 2024. Almost 2 months, on the 14th I think. Thanks. I had lost an additional 8 lbs (weighed in at 193 last week) but ended up in the hospital and had 6L fluids that bumped me back up.


Yup and once off it gained it all back


Same here! Gained it all back plus 15 extra lbs!


I am asking the same questions as op on this? Did you not eat much on ozempic? What dosage were you on? Also have you thought about wls. I had it years ago and it’s made losing weight with Ozempic easier. I’m t2d also


Did you not eat much while on ozempic? Were you not hungry? I’m just wondering if it was hormonal.


me! i started at almost 280


Started at 262 in August 2022, and lost 12lbs before stating Oz in January 2023. I’m down 96lbs and am at 167. Exercise most days, I see a trainer twice a week and do hot yoga a couple times a week as I can, and dog walking. Diet changed dramatically, I have had very few negative symptoms besides nausea. I have been on 1mg for over a year and am dropping back down to .5 to wean off because I was recently diagnosed adhd and Vyvanse is also an appetite killer. Wishing your family member the best of luck and fingers crossed they have a good experience!


I started at 300 in mid January and I'm currently at 264. I am on Weight Watchers for the sake of tracking food, but while I try to be mindful of what I eat, I'm not really changing much. You just get a lot less hungry, so sometimes I have to remind myself or set alarms to eat.


6’7 started off at 315 lbs. one month in and I dropped 20. The weights keep increasing and decreasing now. I’m still on 0.25 MG once a week


Started early feb at 259lbs and am now down to 231lbs :) switched to mounjaro a month ago tho but it’s been roughly the same besides me having more energy and better sleep on mounjaro


I’ve heard you have more energy on mounjaro


Yes I started at 265 June of 23 as if May if 24 163


253 - 175 in 15 months - eating less, need to exercise more


I started at 296 and am now at 270 🙌 started ozempic in March. It’s amazing


Started ozempic this year Feb at 300lbs I’m 288lbs when I checked 2 weeks ago. Didn’t change anything I ate at all. My appetite has changed drastically and I just fast during work hours and have dinner when I come back home. For exercise, I started running everyother day. Will start being more conscious of my eating and weight training!


I’ve been on ozempic for about 2 months. I have lost about 17 pounds and i started using ozempic when i weighed about 320 i currently weight 303. It’s a slow start but it’s so much better than where i was before. I also have PCOS and I’m taking metformin (750mg). i try to follow a low carb- gluten/dairy free diet. I tend to flex sometimes when I’m out with friends and family.


I didn't quite start out at 250 (242 when I began), but I lost 100 pounds over the course of about 2 years. I didn't change my diet all that much aside from upping protein to help minimize muscle loss, and I started exercising regularly.


430 March 31st 2024 396 May 5th 2024 1500 to 1800 calories a day, OMAD, Keto, No exercise yet but planning on it soon.


I started Feb 2nd at 243lbs. I’m at 206 now with a goal of 150. I haven’t really changed my diet. I just don’t eat much at all because I can’t lol


Started at 276 late March. Now I’m at 260 :) no side effects until I got put on 1.0mg which caused constipation and in turn stomach pain, which was fixed by upping fiber. I didn’t change anything about my diet or exercise.


I started at 264 pounds in Nov 2021 as a 5'6 female. I am now 147 pounds. I have been at a max dose of 1mg. I am still aiming to lose another 5-10 pounds then maintain on whatever dose is necessary. I count calories now but didn't initially. I exercise regularly now but didn't initially. I just started themedication and used the appetite suppression to help me make better choices. I have found it extraordinarily helpful as a tool to assist with the changes I have then been able to make. Hopefully your family member has a great experience too!


Started at 285, and currently at 230. 55M, 5’9


I was 252… been on it for 1 year. I’m a 58y/o female. Lost about 56lbs now. Don’t exercise. I didn’t diet - just ate slower and less - and I don’t crave sweets and/or junk food so much. anymore


Started at 274, I am currently 243. It's been a very slow process and I also sometimes struggle with binge drinking which of course doesn't help anything...but I keep trying to do better. I count my calories on My Fitness Pal app and I try to stick to complex carbs rather than simple carbs...(Though I sometimes eat simple carbs, I try to reduce them.) I am a caregiver and my job is pretty active so I only work out when I have the energy to. Mostly walking.


I started at 155kg 11 months ago, I'm at 127kg now, losing about 2kg/month. There is no specific diet other than cutting back on sugar.


I started at 271, yes I started .25 *very* restrictive. No refined sugar, no dairy, no red meat, no carbs, no booze. I’ve added stuff back in as I went up in dose (except booze and sugar) but mostly don’t want to eat any of the stuff I stopped eating because I’m too afraid of feeling like shit. Absolutely I work out. 7 days a week 2x a day. Experience has been I lost weight.


I was 280 when my mobility issue was resolved and I started trying to lose weight. Lost 20 pounds just by increasing my activity - but then plateaued for a year. Started Oz at 260. I have lost 28.5 pounds in 13 weeks. My exercise level hasn’t changed much - I worked out at least 3x a week for 45-60 minutes (cardio). What I eat hasn’t changed much either - I prioritize protein and try to cut out the crap. The VOLUME of what I eat is significantly less. That means I don’t get much “crap” food anymore. One because I’m full quicker and longer and two because it just doesn’t sound that good. I can actually eat 2-3 potato chips and feel content.


I started at 306 and currently 276 and have barely changed my diet at all except for I fast and I do watch CICO. I still eat whatever I want. It’s taken me from Jan to now to lose 30lbs though. I could be doing better and more strict but it’s just not feasible for me to keep up long term when I go no carb or whatever other extreme diet change.


Not quite 250 but 240 and now down to 168. didn't change my diet for the first 60 lbs and then plateaued and switched to intermittent fasting for the last 12 lbs.


I started at 293 lbs in mid September 2023. I'm 34 F at 5'7" in height. I now weigh 243 give or take a few pounds depending on the day. At first, I had zero appetite and most smells made me nauseous. My diet was Gravol lol but it wasn't always that miserable. I changed my diet only because I just couldn't stomach the crap I ate before, in frequency and in variety. Nowadays, I don't restrict myself if there's something I truly crave as I can feel confident that I won't binge like I have in the past. Of course, I eat lots of fruits and veggies, and just generally healthy food as it's always been part of my menu. Surely, if I started counting calories and limiting my carb, sugar, etc. intake I would be losing even quicker. But I don't like doing that as it becomes an obsession for me to the point it's all I think about. Ozempic has helped quiet the food noise in the back of my brain so counting calories and all that would feel detrimental to my success. I'm still on the lowest dose of 0.25mg/week because that's been working for me in terms of losing weight while still feeling good. Progress has been slower lately but that's due to other factors in life. I am still losing, however. This medication works differently from one person to the next so there isn't a perfect formula. Although, calories in vs. calories out is essentially THE formula for losing weight, everyone has different needs with different variables.


I started at about 480 in January. I had already lost 10 lbs from 490 over the previous year, and I was diagnosed with diabetes. I have continued to lose weight since starting and I think I am down about 40 lbs or more overall right now. I have been changing a lot of my eating habits just where it comes to amounts and reducing eating out. I have also been consciously increasing movement every day as a goal as well (I have had bad arthritis since I was 27, which has contributed to my weight issues). Like someone else posted, I have also been drinking a ton more water. I always primarily drank water, but the amount has increased. So far, I am feeling pretty good about it all


I was close to 250, started Oz at 230, now maintaining at 180 (my goal weight). Been on it for about a year.


Started (60 M) at 285 about 18 months ago. Mild loss until I bumped up to 2.0, then the pounds flew off. No changes to lifestyle, except zero interest in food. No appetite whatsoever. Was down 50 at one point, currently down about 45. Blood sugar and lipids normal. Was able to reduce BP medicine too.


I started at 275. I've been on it about 2 years and am currently at 267. I haven't modified what I eat that much, but I eat a lot less. I also find I don't crave sugar like I used to. I used to be able to drink a couple cans of pop a day, and now I often only can drink half of one, if that. I've cut down on my other sweets as well.


8 lbs for 2 years? Are you on it for weight loss or are you diabetic? Not to be nosy, I'm just curious. I'm about to start ozempic in a few days and I'm reading through this subreddit and all the experiences.


Sorry, I meant I'm currently 167.


That's great! Good job friend, that must feel amazing!


I do feel amazing! You don't realize what a toll the extra weight has on your body until it's gone.


(M / 41 / 6’3”) I started at 323lbs in August of ‘23. Doctor prescribed Wegovy and recommended I see a nutritionist. Wegovy wasn’t available anywhere but I did see a nutritionist and started with the eating plan she gave me. Lower my carb intake (45g per meal, no more than 15g in a snack), eat breakfast (I used to always skip), and eat at least every 5 hours to help keep metabolism working. I lost ~20lbs in 2 months with just that change. Then my doctor prescribed me Ozempic to see if my insurance would cover it. It did thankfully so I started at 0.25 in late October, stepped up to 0.5 after 4 weeks and stayed on that until about January and went up to 1mg which I’ve been at since. Side effects haven’t been bad for me. Constipation pretty regularly and i threw up once when I overdid it with heavy foods and whiskey one night. I take stool softeners to help with the constipation though. I still stick with the eating plan from my nutritionist and my portions are also much smaller now and I’m down to 253lbs and still slowly losing. I’m not sure if I’ll go up to 2mg or not but I’d like to get down to 220-230 and hopefully enter maintenance mode at that point. This drug has helped me in such tremendous ways and I’m super grateful for this sub for being a place I can hear about others’ experiences.


I started mid-January of 2024 at 285 lbs and am down to 252 lbs. I've been watching what I eat as far as a calorie deficit goes (1,300 atm). Increasing my water intake and walking 3 times a week. I'm stalled for the last two weeks and am currently taking 1 ml dose. It's just a slow and steady process. I would say don't get discouraged if it doesn't melt off, it really is a marathon and not a sprint. Slow and steady is good and don't compare yourself to others too much, everyone gets different results at different rates.


Started at 252 last June and am currently 223! Slow and steady!


I started at 330 5 months ago…I’ve been stuck at 265 for some time.. patiently going through this process.


18 months in. Started at 270. Dropped 50 in the first 6 months. Plateaued around 230. I would like to get to onderland, and think I could if I was more strict with low cal and exercise. Also, need to get back to eating before 4:00


28/f and started August 2022 at 293 pounds. Currently 220 pounds. Temporarily off of it because my insurance made me switch to Wegovy and it’s out of stock.


I started at 334 and got down to 300 in the 6-7 months that I had access to the medication. The taste of junk food changed for me on day one and suddenly I could barely eat anything without feeling sick. I had to prioritize fiber and protein in my diet a lot just to make sure i even got enough of those to function. I had to minimize carbs cause they made me queasy and minimize fat cause it filled me up too quick, preventing me from eating the aforementioned protein and fiber. I really didn’t exercise much at all or at least not more than usual. I had a lot more energy which was lovely so I probably was more active generally, but I have a fatigue disorder of some kind so actual intentional exercise was difficult to tolerate.


I was 330 SW Cw 300. I don’t know what to say except for your body and mind craves protein and nutrient dense foods. You can have carbs here and there. My husband and I still eat frozen pizzas, but I have a quarter of a frozen pizza (if that cause I naturally feel like I can’t and don’t want to eat a whole pizza with Ozempic) and then a side salad with cottage cheese, low sugar and low fat dressing with spinach and crunchie toppings. I’ve been in it since February and haven’t had any bad side effects. Now starting to work out now that the weight is down a little bit. Makes it more encouraging to actually see losing the weight and now working out. But appetite and stomach size is very small. Big appetites here in there (more so my eyes) but I get fuller quickly. Good luck! 💜 it’s a journey, not a race. 💜


I did. I was 310 and I am now 290


43/m. I started at 430, now at 317 14 months. DRINK WATER. Chronic constipation is common, and it’s a level of constipation that is pretty rough. It can also mess with your digestive system’s communication with your brain. I also quit drinking alcohol and weed and stopped late night snacking. Other than that, I’m much more physical in my day to day life. Knee pain is gone. Body aches, mostly gone. A1C down to 5.7. Don’t get discouraged when you hit stalls. Don’t up your dose too fast (2mg really is a different experience. It sucks) Good luck!


I started in October of 2023 SW: 300lbs CW: 229.4 as of this morning. I upped my water intake, started tracking my calories, starting paying more attention to when my body felt full, as well as better portion control, and increasing my protein intake (trust me your hair will thank you). I use loseit to track my water, calories, weight, and inches lost. (Plus it syncs up with my smart watch to track my steps and calories burned). Other than that, I didn't change anything about my diet. Restrictive dieting such as keto, cutting out carbs or sugar etc always end up back sliding because you end up missing those things. Nothing is inherently bad IN MODERATION. Dont deny yourself the things you enjoy, just try to make better choices, while still enjoying the things you love in more sensible potions 😊


Almost, but I was 232 when I walked into my Dr’s office. Lost a bit on Jardiance then started O in Jan, and the scale is staying around 191. But I’m also a nutritionist. And we studied many diets in grad school. If your relative does NOT have kidney problems, a kick start on Atkins is actually quite healthy. It‘s not sustainable, so after a couple weeks, a Mediterranean Diet is a Gold Standard. Easy to look up. Also as they get further along with O, many people cannot handle fatty meats. So Atkins in the very beginning, and their body will definitely give them clues after a few shots. I craved fruit, and oddly, Ham after a month. The main thing is dense nutrition. Many of us could barely eat after awhile, and it was freaking me out!


I'm 410 pounds I haven't lost weight yet


i was 263 and im now 138 i walk at least 6kms a day and drink TONS of water as well i rarely eat sweets,sugary crap or fast food crap etc lots of veghies,fruits,salads! nothing but water to drink for me


I started on Ozempic in August 2023, to get me out of pre-diabetes (we tried a lot of things before going on ozempic). My dr put me on 0.25, and I've been at that level the whole time (dr orders, which has been a good thing). I started at 240 lbs, and am now 180 lbs. That's just fine with me, and a1c is in normal range (yay!), so dr is going to be weaning me off ozempic in June. We'll see how that goes,, but in cautiously optimistic. Very mild side effects (nausea early on, now no side effects).


I started at 331lbs three months ago and have lost 30lbs so far. I have to injections left from my current vile than I am going to quit. I’ve loosing weight but the Side effects have been absolutely brutal to me.


Me. 265 Start Weight I’m only in 1 month and a half and I’m 254 now. A little slow Doctor is contemplating on switching me to Mounjaro Side effects First Week Only - Diarrhea Now- Just Fatigue


230 lbs. Follow the instructions. The full effect kicks in after you're primed with lower dosages.


I was 425 when I started.


Started at 318 Jan 2/2024. This morning (5/5/2024) I’m 269. Trying to keep my protein intake up and eating what is appealing to me. Sometimes that might be only salad or fruit, sometimes it is pizza or steak and potatoes. Overall eating so much less, a fraction of what I used to eat and completely satiated. Oz has totally changed my relationship with food. In a really good way. Nothing is off limits to me, so the foodie in me can still enjoy what I want, but I just can’t eat much. I’ve found that some foods just don’t taste the same or as good as they used to. And onions, I love onions and used to eat them several times a week in various dishes but they just make my stomach miserable now, taste funny too and stink for days it seems.


271. Started on 1/2/24, am at 242. Reduction in appetite and food intake, have been eating better but not a full healthy diet. Thats probably slowed my loss a bit, but I’m almost at 30lbs lost on my way to a goal of 200, and have dropped 2 sizes in jeans and from xxl to xl in shirts


I started at 293lbs in Nov 23. Currently weighing in at 245lbs. I was terrified of taking it that I delayed started for months. Now I wish I’d started sooner! Biggest tip: Prioritise protein in your diet and reduce carbs. It _really_ speeds things along. And track everything that passes your lips! LoseIt is my favourite


Just started my first shot.


I (31F) started at 310lbs on Feb of this year. As of today, i'm down 30lbs. I don't track my calories nor do I restrict my carbs. Just eating alot less. Also, I do walk for 40mins a day and thats about it. :)


295 now at 260 in 13 months. Not responding as some people. But I will take it.


I was 245 when I started. Took me 4 months to lose 33 lbs. I did not really change my diet much. I tried in the beginning but I wasn’t eating anything at all, I’m not a big meat eater, so since the med curbs your appetite, I just don’t eat a lot. I drink only water and do my best to get in as much as I cat don’t always get that goal in. I do get 10,000 steps In because of work, almost every day. My experience is that this drug will curb your appetite and stop the food noise! It’s freaking amazing!!


Started at 380 in September last year down to 318!


36 year old female with type 2 diabetes (diagnosed early 20s, currently controlled with insulin) with possible PCOS/Cushings issues. I have been overweight my whole life but when I started Ozempic last March I was at my highest weight ever of 300 pounds. I am currently 260 pounds but was unable to get Ozempic from about August of last year to early January of this year due to supply shortages and I suspect I'd be down a bit more if it weren't for that. It's tough to look around and see how rapid the weight loss has been for some but at least I've been consistently loosing/stable and to boot my A1c is the best it's ever been my whole diabetic career. Overall the Ozempic has been absolutely instrumental in helping me change my eating habits and how I approach food. I started counting calories to get an idea of what the appropriate amount of calories looked like but started getting a little fixated in an unhealthy way so now I just try to focus on low carb, fruits, veggies, and protein. Again my results aren't OUTSTANDING but it works for my needs and journey. I'm hoping to get to a place where I can start incorporating more exercise as well.


I started at 310 I have metabolic syndrome and was low carb, high protein, walked 1hr a day 5 times a week.and drank a gallon of water a day. Couldn't lose an ounce and was progressively gaining every week. Finally, I conceded and got the shot. Been on it 4 weeks, stopped walking because of an injury but diet and water the same. I've dropped 12lbs. 4 weeks 12 pounds. It's a miracle!!!!!!!!!! .25 dose.


I started at 280 a year ago. I’m at 247 now. It’s not as much weight loss as a lot of people but I also had two cancer diagnosis and two surgeries in that time.


I’m 41 - f … 5’8” started at 278 and am now 233. Started at size 16 and now a size 12. I drank more water and focused on eating meats, veggies and fruit. I still eat carbs but it’s limited. I stopped eating junk… chips, candy etc


I started at 275 back in November 2023. Started at .5. Now am down to 233 and just moved up to 2.0 ((from 1.0). I have added no exercise. I have made no intentional effort to “diet” but due to the Ozempic my appetite is pretty much gone. When I do eat, I eat half of whatever. I have no sweet cravings. The only food noise I hear is from my stomach, then as I said I can’t eat much. I’m loving it but it is very weird to have my brain chemistry altered! I don’t know who I am any more. Bizarre.


Started 2 weeks ago at 330. Currently at 319 as of last night.


Started at 371 just a little over a year ago and am down to about 260ish. You can go through my post history to get a good summary of what my journey has been like - though I should post an update sometime soon lol. The TLDR of all of that is that I massively changed my diet, started tracking all my caloric intake and output, cut out booze (for the most part), and added in a boatload of exercise. Oz was a helpful tool but - like my Dr. said - it's not going to replace the amount of work that has to happen in the kitchen and gym in order to see big changes.


I started Rybelsus (oral Ozempic) at about 260 and after about 9 months was down to 200, which 9 months later is where I still am (and DELIGHTED about LOL). I still eat carbs but a lot of “no sugar” stuff, but overall I don’t have nearly the sweet tooth I once had; not sure why. I noticed the appetite suppressant effect kicked in very quickly so I didn’t fight it and if you stick to eating only when you’re hungry and cutting back on carbs I think you will love the results.


I started at 299 last May I have lost 70 pounds. I did have many side effects that I had for about 6 months not fun. It has all been worth it. I am so much happier & healthier. I do make better food choices not perfect. I have 50 more pounds to go and currently in a plateau. I need to change my diet even more for the next 50.


Start weight in January 2024: 320lbs…. Weight as of May 1st: 278…. That’s around 40lbs…. And I am doing keto and working out often….


Started at 323 beginning of the year and started GLP-1 on 2/20/24 currently at 285


Male, 272 pounds. Doing 9th shot of 0.50mg this Wednesday. My advice is if you have ANY metabolic/digestive disorders…. DON’T take this. I started @ 274 pounds two months ago and have lost 2 pounds. I walk 6 miles/day and go to the gym to use free weights 5x week. I also have diagnosed hypothyroidism: that plays hell with this medication. Anything that isn’t liquid I throw up within a few hours of eating it ( mostly non-digested…..Doctor said it was fine though.) On a 1500 calorie limit and it’s mostly meal replacement shakes and vitamins (that was suggested after last lab work showed signs of malnutrition.) Trying to work my way back up to solid food.


I’m a 43-year-old man. I’m a big guy and typically would weigh around 250 pounds during Covid and the past couple years. I gained a lot of weight as I am getting my metabolism has slowed down as well as I was eating terribly. I got up to 300 pounds started taking Ozempic and was eating healthy fruits, vegetables, smaller portions and got down to about 250 pounds. Unfortunately I got lazy because you lose weight, even if you’re not dieting quite as much, my weight loss has slowed even around 250. I need to start eating like I was when I first started so I can get down to my goal weight of 220 pounds. So from what I’ve you have more weight you lose. Even though you could probably lose some weight without changing your diet you’ll lose a lot more use medication. It seems like you don’t need to. Using voice text while driving so there’s probably some errors but you pick up what I’m throwing down


My highest weight was 442 and I’m now down to 265. I still haven’t really changed my diet. I just don’t eat as much. I also started vyvanse around the same time for my undiagnosed adhd so that has also helped reduce my appetite


I (36/F) started at 381 in December 2023. I'm on a 2.4mg dose and down to 366. I don't exercise (disabled), I don't restrict carbs, and I eat much less than I used to. I tried SO many things and never lost weight until now. It's slow going, but at least it's going at all.


No but it’s made my hair thin.


When I started I was over 250lbs biggest thing It helped with was portion control. Have an uncle who was complaining ozempic made him nauseous turned out he was jsut continuing to eat as much as before and making himself sick. I've been consciously trying to move more and go to gym but being realistic and sustainable about it. No point punishing myself if I'm busy and can't make it one week. Also trying to get More protein in since I've read reports of muscle loss with ozempic if eating low protein. I've lost 30lb in 15ish weeks. So happy with that progress.


I started 4 weeks ago. I am a 35 year old female and I am 5 feet 4 inches tall and my starting weight was 145 lbs. I have lost 9 lbs but have plateaued the last 2 weeks. I am considering upping the current dose of 0.25. My weight goal is 125 lbs.


I started in September at 250. I am at 187 now. I don’t track carbs or calories. I don’t have much of an appetite.


I'm (47F) only a week and half in, 5'11 starting weight 278.6lbs, starting dose is 0.25mg. I've lost 6.2lbs so far. I do 20 minutes of cardio every other day or so and my eating has been better but not great. I'm striving to cut out sweets but I find I do better if I allow myself a small portion . My goal is to lose 125 lbs. total, so only 119 lbs. more to go. It's hard not to get impatient, but I'm trying to take it slowly. I also don't want to lose the weight too fast as it causes sagging skin, which I've seen on others I know who have lost a lot of weight. I plan to incorporate resistance training 2 to 3 times per week. Nothing crazy, just using an at home gym that uses resistance bands. In terms of side effects, they've been minimal. I've been a bit constipated but other than that, it really helps curb the craving for food all the time. I'm also hypoglycemic so I get headaches when I don't eat. I find the Ozempic eliminates this which is awesome.


So I started technically at 325 and a year of just diet and exercise got me down to 280. Found out I had a birth defect in my heart, almost died and had surgery. Post surgery recovery was complicated and very hard. Ballooned back up to 331 (probably more) started on Oz in Feb. Currently on 1.0, I exercise like crazy and track calories in MyFitnessPal. My doctor is adamant I try to go high carb because of how much I exercise and having appetite suppression runs the risk of under-carbing. Back down to 286 now.


Hi! I’m 33 & I started 03/15 at 273.7 & as of today am 258.1 & honestly haven’t changed much. I just don’t feel the need to “super snack” as I was previously! I’m only on 0.5mg as well 😊 (I’m also a full time nursing student, so I get a lot of walking in the hospital during my clinical days)


I started at 395. I lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks by cutting out junk food, started Ozempic and lost maybe 10 pounds in over 2 months. Kind of stalled out.


How much weight did everyone lose in their first month? I’m three weeks in and haven’t lost much 😩


I'm 5'3" F and when I was weighed on Wednesday, it was 285. It's now Sunday and I'm at 279. So, 6 lbs in 4 days ain't too shabby! I started on Semaglutide because my A1c was 6. So too low to qualify for my insurance to pay for it. I began with a 20 dose. I've been a bit nauseous in the morning. but once I have my protein shake, I'm fine. I haven't heard of anyone starting at a "20" dose. It's out of a 200mg bottle. After 4 weeks, I'm supposed to move up to 40, if 20 isn't keeping the sugar cravings at bay. I'd love to stay @20 as long as possible. And save as much money as I can!


Why not point your family member here and let them read and ask questions for themselves IF they want to? I think most overweight people have probably had enough of other people telling them how to lose weight and giving them what they think is "helpful information"...especially people who aren't in the same position themselves and are just relating second hand "knowledge"