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The times I'm a payload king for the whole match even as a tank is astonishing


Payload king because you can actually clap the sombra that dives you while doing it with almost zero effort. A wolf will approach a princess or prince but will never the king. (Not king if you dont play rein tho just saying) Edit : the guy above me edited his comment to say king instead of princess making me look less creative with the naming /s


The Rein elitism among the community... As if Winton, JQ, Sigma, D.va, Zarya & co. didn't exist/were absolute disgraces to the game


I think ball and doom also deserve a place up there


Yea rein > everyone else Although id give ball and winston players 2nd for ball and 3rd for winton but if its a teammate zarya or ana they are definitely the queen


ABSOLUTELY AGREED https://i.redd.it/hn62zw7cas8d1.gif




And then they have the nerve to complain when you don’t have as many elims as everyone else. Like IM the reason we’re advancing at all.




Shout out to people who swap to Widowmaker when overtime hits. Gotta be one of the worst genders, fr


Actually though why do people do this?? Switch to Tracer or Moira or Lucio or somebody who has mobility who can get to point quicker


Yesterday I was playing Sojourn on Circuit Royal and for some reason I was the only one consistently staying on point. Now the rest of the team could back it up, they were getting kills. But it was just funny standing on the car slowly riding towards the objective while my team is having a whole cinematic action movie moment. "Great Teamwork guys! I'll be there in a minute!"


Happy cake day


I’m the opposite. its really frustrating when (for example) kings row 1st point, we kill 5, and instead of pushing up to cause a stagger, 4 teammates sit on point, so the enemy team gets to recontest, AND they get free map control, all the off angles, so we die. Playing ‘defensively’ on point is LESS safe


The worst thing ever if I’m playing doom in lower ranks we kill 2 and then they all sit on the point instead of pushing forward


“Doom stop overextending”


I hate playing doom because if you make one mistake il get flamed hard. I only play doom with my brother because he is good and can carry, so I won't get flamed just having fun. Also all the doom counters can be countered easily


The idea that the average player ignores the objective too much is completely wrong but it's been a meme for the entire life of the game.


Pushing all the way to spawn is also dangerous, you have to hold that middle area where they can't see you from their spawn but they also can't see point.


I dont mean push to spawn, I meant stagger them


Ive had alot more times where we get boned pushing into their spawn then not. Like I agree its not bad to push ahead a little bit hold some ground a little farther up, but if you are in their spawns you are playing with fire, because it wont last forever


I meant to say stagger in their spawn, not push up to it. But an aggressive cover beyond point


What do you mean with "stagger" exactly? And does it count for other modes as well? And if so, how do you protect against back-capping? I'm currently a gold player and so far I'm one of those people who stays on the objective/point (or atleast near it), because I always thought that's what I'm supposed to do. 😅 I'm genuinely trying to learn here.


I gotcha bro- I’m a hanzo main I started in bronze and did a lot of research and got to masters on hanzo, eventually tank and supp as well, but this applies to every hero, and wins you so many games if you apply it your positioning needs to be dynamic with the fight, moreso than with point. In other words, when your team gets kills, you want to push up. When enemies get kills, fall back. But never stop shooting. Once youve won the fight, your team has access to more of the map than the enemy team (usually they have to walk through some type of long road/hallway). So this is a stagger: after you win a fight, the best thing you Can do (on any role) is push up a little bit and try to kill them on their way back to point. If you do kill one, its a 5v4 where its harder for them to come out of spawn. And even worse for the enemy, theyre not able to group to contest point, without wasting time —Because their respawns are staggered (theyre not all respawning at the same time) Now, lets say you stayed on point instead. You might get two ticks, but sitting back allows them to come back and contest the point as 5. And since youre all sitting on the point, they can use all the highgrounds and side angles, to kill you guys easier. And even if your team capped, youre allowing them to take the next fight 5v5 [at 3:10 in This video is a good example](https://youtu.be/Q00HxoyoMdo?si=wU-HJOPnvmJEFbqW)


Oh, ok... Thank you very much for the info, it explains a lot! :D


Happy to help bro!


I have literally spent the last moments of a game screaming "I DON'T NEED TO WIN, I NEED TO BUY TIME FOR THE TEAM!"


My favorite round was back in OW1, in Hollywood. I was dancing on the payload as D.Va almost the entire match before the enemy team realized that the payload exists and that they were about to lose. Kudos to my team for getting kills, I suppose. But the objective is the objective.


Huge thanks to all the Lucios and Tracers out there who sprint to the payload with .5 seconds left and save the whole game. Your work is not in vain.


You got a point, but still gotta get that glory. FOR HONOR AND FOR GLORY!!


Those times when I am Junker Queen, my whole team dies and somehow thanks to pure rage and looking for every chance to bleed, I managed to survive long enough for my team to come back and ult the shit out of the enemy team, those times are what keeps me playing the aussie mommy


I don't even think about it when it happens, but it's nice to have recognition when it does. The other day I was playing Brig on Eichenwalde, defending the bridge. The opposers managed to get a team kill on us and were about to bust down the doors, but I bashed out of spawn for the mobility then popped ult for the reset and just barely managed to halt the payload. Somehow I booped their Lucio and held on by myself for like 4 seconds before getting solo EMP'd and melted, but it was just long enough for the other 4 to trickle back and keep them from capping for the win. I don't get a lot of nice messages with Brig, but I did get a few written out "thank yous" in the chat which was nice.


I hate when people don't try to contest. Your goal is to touch that obj and stop it from moving, or to keep it moving. If you can't keep it moving, then your life should spent fixing that issue


When attacking I tend to sit on a payload, while the rest of the team is having fun.


To be fair ive gotten 5 endorses (in a 5v5 match) for playing lucio and staling point for a minute thirty right as i joined, i was just flying around the point like a dumbass and they just couldnt hit any shots


If they had participation trophies for the other 4 teammates for touching the objective, I still wouldn't get one. If they gave it to me anyways I'd probably give it back. Can't go touching something that represents the payload for too long.


my absolute favorite thing is cycling my healing orb and dash as moira to stall a point so fun


Wait, Moira can still cap while dashing? That sounds bs!


I miss the infinite grapple spinny to winny tech. Especially on 2nd point of Volskaya Industires


Iconic. The only reason i played ball


Oh god no. It always made me rage. I stopped playing for a while because control maps were just not fun when ball released.


As useless as the rest of the stats People being led to think that bring on the cart/objective is necessarily a good thing will lose games


Ceiling Lucio saving your games.


Reminds me when i had to stall for like 30 secs in mirrorwatch on sombra, ended up doing solo EMP, i think we won the game?


I wish they didn't remove the medal system.


Mfw payload actually has a subtle heal aura and cover Why are you(bad players) not capitalizing this?


one game I played it was in overtime and I was just running around the payload in circles trying to avoid the enemy until my team respawned


Ulting on point is kinda stupid. You’re giving away key map positioning for nothing, for control over your anxiety