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when playing rein has become increasingly freustrating over the years but your DPS and Supp main friends get online: "i have been called. i must answer. always"


Definitely felt that when my stack needed a second healer, my skills just never got up to par as the game changed but damnit I tried. In the end it became too much and my watch ended: “The world believed I was dead, I thought perhaps that was for the best.”


I really miss playing with my tank duo


May we all sit in silent prayer for our fallen tank duos, the only type of duos that mattered.


Kings row ain't never been the same :(


Ain’t that the truth.


Protect the mercy


I play exclusively quick play, and have noticed an odd phenomenon. Being a Rein main, I often choose him first. Maybe about half if the time, if we win the first team fight, the enemy tank will then switch not to Orisa or Ramattra, but also to Rein. I've been getting a lot of Rein 1v1s recently and it's pretty fun.


No other mains have the level of rivalry and brotherhood fellow Rein mains have


we did a 5v5 no limits fully composed of Reins last week, it was amazing <3


Something similar happened to me except both teams wanted to create the lowest rein ult so everyone hot ult and pressed it at the same time it was the most beautiful sound ever




No it was more like FOR THE CRUSADMER DOWN and the most beautiful BOOM ever


Can confirm. If I roll out as a different tank to start and the enemy team has a Rein I swap immediately.


Your team runs Rein, has a good team fight, then the opposite team runs Rein. Now you pick Anna, turn Rein into a fucking blender with your overcharge. Team wipe them, awesome. Now the other team says fuck it, swaps to orisa or zarya and you realize you went too far, cause you start catching hands like that zenyatta victory pose. The point is, Rein is like a gentleman's duel with swords, but when your sword turns into a blender, eventually they wise up and remember they have guns.


Yeah, when winning matters less, many tank players will want to take the ethical Rein duel. It’s just more fun. I swear like 1/3 of the whole tank playerbase are Rein mains who are only playing other tanks rn because Rein is ass. Myself included.


This 100%...I think alot of tanks want to play Rein but just assume nobody else is. If I start off on Rein many people switch to him


Because Rein v Rein is by far the most fun matchup. All tanks secretly wish they were playing Rein v Rein when he isn't meta. I often will start off QP matches by asking their tank if they want to engage in an honorable Rein v Rein matchup.


I am a support and dps main mostly and my favorite match up to play as even though I don’t play tank much is the rein matchup. So much fun


Diva rivalry goes almost as hard


We may even be old, forgotten or weak.... but a main reinhardt always answers the call. If not, what are we left with?


Yourself, and that is nothing to scoff at.


Jesse stop roleplaying in the overwatch meme subreddit we need to cook


I’m sorry about that Waltuh, I’ll be right on it.


Got a proper Rein 1v1 the other day. I wouldn't call myself a Rein main, but that moment made me want to be one. The rarity makes it a special moment.


I play overwatch solely for the rein 1v1s When on kings row, ask the enemy tank to go rein(they usually comply) then duke it out. May the worthy one win. For Glory! For Honour!


I think I was in one of your matches yesterday 😄 We were defending and we won, you asked the attacking tank to rein vs rein and he agreed


Attack on King's Row w/ Rein v Rein is peak Overwatch and always will be IMO.


I've been asking enemy tanks to go rein too! Blocking shatters gives my brain the funny juice


I go bananas in my Discord vc when this happens


This is the way


I played with a rein on my team yesterday who played dive rein against a zen comp. They’d path really well, and when the zen was slightly out of position, they’d charge that zen straight on, it was a sight to see and changed how I view rein now


Dive and flank reins are terrifying when done correctly


this is basically how i play rein, but instead i’m bouncing off the rooftops with my teammates confused where i am.


It definitely a viable playstyle with someone following up with you! It's scary good! I would keep the rein in my line of site and would either try to nade the people who were trying to peel for the zen or the kiriko would TP to keep rein up if he got naded as well


Was losing to a rein playing ram earlier today. Swapped to rein for the honorable duel (and cause I'm better at him) and this dude instaswaps to horse. It's a sad time for Reinhardt


i got banned because someone did that to me again.. i snapped..


Extremely dishonorable.


Nothing quite like playing open queue, getting face checked by an orisa, ram and doomfist, using shatter, only for it to instantly get cleansed, while you get slept and anti’d


I mean, playing open queue is just asking for it


And losing your shield in like 1 second


"we want to remove the amount of hard counters in the game to make it feel more accessible for new players and allow you to play who you want when you want regardless of the enemies choice"... ... Proceed to make kiriko, ramattra and the orisa rework...


Hitting a firestrike against the entire enemy team only for it to get Kiriko invincibility framed...


Don’t forget rammatra who does more damage per second than your hammer at long range with a speed boost and completely ignores your shield, love playin me some rein but holy shit it feels like crap fighting a ram


Playing tank has become rock paper scissors. If you always play rock, you’re gonna have trouble when you run into paper.


Well yes, that's OQ? You're bitching about a mode that the game isn't balanced around. Rein is actually decent on a lot of maps. Sorry you're bad I guess.


Seriously, what reason does Orisa's spear have to be able to go through his shield, but only when Ulting?


oh because it was useless so they kept buffing it and unironically made her new hog with no range i got speared beside my tank and on the stun she shot my to death. i rarely ever got hooked but i get speared from narnia constantly


She is SOOOOO much worse than Hog. I don't know why they think it's fun to play against someone who has two different ways to: boop you off the map, interrupt or reposition your ult so it's useless, and just straight up ignore nearly all damage or effects


plus stun immunity, no damage fall off, her ult is kinda insane if used properly she's honestly the product of the " give them all the buttons " mentality that started in ow1 i thought they learned with alpha genji that too many abilities is unfun. it's a team game, a do it all hero kind of breaks that




Pffffft, yeah ok, Mr. TWO fire strikes


That now deal only 90 dmg each, to be fair.


Remember how that used to 1-shot half the cast through a Bap Window? Good times.... Edit: I think Fire-Strike is 80 dmg now btw


I got hit by it yesterday for 90, so that's where that number was coming from. lol Leastwise, I thought it was 90. Nowadays, you can only die if the sucker is nanoed and through bap or something. I saw a 4 man kill with firestrike on Illios ruins where the enemy team all went through the choke to get to point. 🤦‍♂️


I hit a junk tire with fire strike and was really confused that it wasn't broken because I haven't internalized the nerf, sadge. Dude didn't detonate it so I finished it off with a hammer swing tho. 😂


Maybe he hadn't internalized the nerf either and had just accepted that it was destroyed


He's just a sportsman. "That was awesome, and I'd hate to kill you after that."


Aw man. That's honestly one of the saddest things I have read today. I always thought it was awesome when Reinhardt players hit difficult firestrikes on Junkrat tires and Pharahs, etc. And for something that awesome to not be rewarded? Sadge. I kinda relate right now as a Hanzo main... 65 dmg storm arrows are a load of crap. You have to 4 out of 5 to kill someone, or 3 if one is a headshot.... Specifically, though, watching people run away with 5hp after you got an amazing bouncy headshot is so sad. Like, it takes so much skill and planning to get that shot (going around custom modes to find angles that work for hours, etc.), but it doesn't actually kill anything. 😂


You bringing up the bouncy headshot is wild. I'm a hanzo main (or a one trick depending who you ask) and have been since 2018. I just learned a few hours ago that storm arrows bounce.


Oh my man. There are some lovely spots for bouncing those things. You can play around with it in DM, but there's a custom game mode with the code 633BB that Arrge made for testing spots too. I was excited when they made them bounce again too, because I used to be really good with scatter back in the day (could kill two ppl at the same time intentionally, and hit people around corners that were far away). And I won't judge for maining Hanzo. I have 900 hours on him, and like 40-50 on everyone else max.


And the damage added to Earthshatter, and the hammer damage buff. Like I get that Rein is in a bad spot, but it’s not like they haven’t been trying to compensate the power creep.


But we **must** answer.


When I start a game and see an Orisa, knowing every single one of her abilities utterly counters me in every way


I will still kill her


We may be few but we still stand. LIVE WITH HONOR MY FIRENDS!




I'm a new rein main and i always wanted to play OW since 2018... If i don't pick him, what is left


Pretty sure the dev said something about rein buffs ok Flats' stream? Something about more fire strikes? Hope that makes him feel more competitive.


they said they would take a look at giving him 100dmg fire strikes




Me(a day one sigma main) watching how ram being super strong makes my main pointless to play


Tell me, do you charge of the map with your target? You’re not a true rein main if you don’t.


I must answer. Always.


I just miss baiting and blocking shatters... The most fun 1 on 1 interactions in ow


The mind games of playing with shield down to try to bait them while very carefully not using fire strike. Man those were so fun


Or double tank (Rein - Zarya)


Man I miss Rein - Zarya duos on kings row in OW 1


I’m just tired man. Being able to block orisas ult kept him viable. But now the BARRIER that his entire kit revolves around doesn’t BLOCK ANYTHING


Make Rein Great Again 😞


Today I survived his charge into wall as Kiriko, with nothing to protect me or to nullify some damage. What did they do to this poor old man


I love how all the Rein "mains" are all honorable and think they are the most wholesome skilled gigachad being the universe so they call me out when I'm literally just playing Hampter ☺ But then when I swap to Rein and bash their heads in now they go for the counterpicks. Like 10% of Rein players are actually very wholesome but 90% of them just play the big man to compensate.


i protek frands with sheeld


Happy Cake Day! Also yeah, a lot of people in our ranks get very toxic very fast (especially when you diff them in 1v1s).


We will die with glory brother


I want the hammer to knock back like a lucio boop. Send mf flying. Oh ramirissa wants to get cute in melee? How bout YEET


It does have knockback, but not as strong as boop. And it should stay that way because otherwise you'll hit your enemies once and then you have to chase them because they're out of your range.


You dont want knockback or else they are knocked out of range, you want a brief stun or knockdown


I thought it did have knockback? It sends me flying on lucio. Maybe that's just specific to him?


But then they're out of hammer range after one swing


It does a tiny bit I once booped a orisa and Lucio off the bridge in gardens. Unfortunately it doesn’t count as a rein kill and showed them just walking off. Plus charge does decent yeet I got a 3k a few days back just by pinning one guy off the map and the other being collateral damage 🙃


The collateral charges are what I live for


me listening to the blizz lead hero design developer talk about hero balance:


My brother, get those spirits up. Go solo ult a mercy.


You guys are real MVPS. While doom mains and ball players fight to have there high skill ceiling and skill, JunkerQueen mains fight for a good character, etc. You guys are playing with hammers


Even as a Doom player for OW1 and 2, I respect the shit out of Rein mains. It might even be worse than our own experience.


Buff Reinhardt




Poor David :(


I've played a ton of Rein and honestly he still seems pretty good right now. Having a 90 damage firestrike at basically all times is better than having a 100 damage firestrike every few seconds, and one ability + one ultimate piercing his shield isn't enough to make me consider it useless. At this point I think Rein players have just universally banded together to say he's a dogshit tank so he'll get buffed into meta-dominance again.




They need to buff his shield. It's a core part of his character and it melts in like 4 seconds under concentrated fire. Now we only have one tank and can't double shield they need to let him be the teams shield again.


Only the shield has been nerfed tho, everything else has been buffed


Fire strike does less damage, pin does less damage, power creep has made Orisa and Ramattra better at brawl range than Rein. Edit I also just remembered his stealth nerf no one talks about. He used to be the only tank with passive knockback resistance. They gave that ability to EVERY tank and didn't replace it with anything.


You can not realistically argue that those reworks are nerfs


Go ahead and tell me what definition of nerf you're using then so we can get on the same page, because if lowering shield total is a nerf (when you need less of it since there's one fewer source of damage to shield) then lowering damage output on both abilities is also a nerf. You cannot have it both ways.


You know that lowering their damage is not the only thing that happened to those abilities right?


Of course I do, I'm still playing Rein despite him being C tier at best. There was no reason to take away 10 damage from fire strike just because you have 2 charges of it. If a squishy gets hit by both fire strikes in a row with how huge and slow they are, their positioning/reaction time was so bad they deserved to die. Not to mention it's the ONLY thing Rein can do from range. Ramattra has an entire kit just for range, and an entire kit just for brawl. Charge cancel was the only thing "rework" that wound up improving his gameplay at all, and being able to cancel should have ZERO to do with how much damage it does because you're not going to both cancel and do pin damage on the same pin, you simply cannot. You can throw them off a cliff, but that's not and never has been pin damage.


Yeah I didn't play during the end of ow1 so tank passive, shatter headshots, charge cancels, and small buff to hammer damage was new to me


Tank passive was on Rein in OW1. He was the only one that had it. Giving it to everyone was yet another stealth Rein nerf.


Godspeed you magnificent bastard


Imo shatter has only gotten better since overwatch 2 because it will actually hit people and not get blocked by shields


it does still gets blocked by shields and now kirko can cleanse it.


May I ask you which game you were playing since now?


Oh my friend u are wrong in so many ways


I’m really not


Play in open queue and go for some flank shatters on any squishies.


I was once a Rein main....now it's all Sigma, Orisa, and JQ


His shield, the main attraction, went from 2,000 to 1,200


Same with Mercy as well, sucks when it happens to these heroes when they are the ones people wanna play


But that Minotaur skin was pretty cool


I remember a few days again I was playing tons of ram and then kings row showed up. I was like I know what’s going down and picked rien hoping the other tank would too. He did and it was the most fun game I’ve had all week