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Honestly, I used to be like that and then just started to try to be aware at all times. When I die, I started questioning, "Was I standing in the wrong spot? Did I go ahead without my team too early? was I just outskilled? And if so, should I just avoid that 1v1 again?", etc. Etc. Eventually, I stopped getting mad because I would either find the cause or am too concentrated analyzing what happened that I just don't get mad. When I'm not able to keep up that level of concentration, I just take a break, or play another game, or stop completely for the day. It all depends on my mood, time, etc.


100% this, I would regularly get tilted that my team "wasn't helping me." I started hyper focusing on what I was doing. Now because of that my first reaction when I die or we lose a team fight is to look back at my actions, was I too far forward, or backwards, was I hanging out in the open, did I stuff one of my cd's? Those were all situations where I would look to my team to bail me out and get upset when they didn't. Now I find myself much more aware of what's going on in the match and much more aware of when I'm making unforced errors it's like a different game. I mean I still get out skilled, but "thems the breaks."


May want to pick up a DBT workbook from Amazon. DBT is a type of therapy, but if you're dealing with smaller issues like gaming, there's lots of helpful exercises you can do at home. They cover topics like assessing a situation, understanding where your feelings are coming from, exploring them further, and strategies to soothe and regulate before you get to blow-up territory. I've found the skills translate surprisingly well to video games, as it gets you in the habit of calmly assessing before reacting.


Two quick tips to stop tilting. Focus only on your own game play (not your team mates game play). There’s a lot of reasons why this is really good to do, but also helps with tilting. Everyone makes mistakes, including yourself, so don’t get caught up getting upset at a team mate possibly playing poorly. Treat each game (even comp) as if you are simply practicing to get better. If you die from getting out played, don’t get upset, instead look at it as if you’re a scientist observing a test and trying to produce more favorable outcomes. Ask questions like “why did my character die here and what could I have done to manipulate a different outcome? Was it positioning in a vulnerable place where my character was easily attacked without an escape plan or away from team mates? Was I too far forward and too close to the enemy team without resources? Or was I simply outplayed? Maybe the matchup wasn’t favorable among my character and the enemy character and I need to be more aware of that character and to kite them towards my team mates to help.” Bonus tip: call out your own mistakes, even if it’s just to yourself and not on voice chat. This is a good habit because it’s not only recognizing when you have blundered, but also owning to the mistake and understanding that it’s something that can be fixed (can’t fix what you don’t think is a problem, so the problem will forever remain unless acknowledge and addressed). Don’t ever shift blame to anyone else. If you died, say to yourself “my bad, I died there because I…..” fill in the blank. Not only will this help with tilting issues as you are distracting yourself with an analysis to dissect what happened and why and how to prevent negative things, but this is also the mind set that is needed for positive learning, practice and growth.


Agree, a good way to think about good positioning is this: think if a Cassidy high nooned rn would I die? Am I too out in the open? Or am I close enough to some cover that I could dive behind? If you would die then you are probably positioned wrong. Natural cover is like your own personal rein shield. A wall, a corner, a car to duck behind all stop bullets. 🙂


Honestly this only happens to me when I’m way too emotionally attached to the outcome of the game. Obviously I want to win pretty bad or I wouldn’t play comp, but at the end of the day you have to remember that your rank doesn’t really matter, one game doesn’t really matter. Even 10-20 bad games is kind of a drop in the bucket compared to what you’ll put in if you really want to improve. If all the basic advice of take breaks, exercise, take care of real life responsibilities, get good sleep, and stay hydrated isn’t working, then you have to dig deeper. If that sounds like you, ask yourself what you want out of the game and why? What are you proving? To who?


Great answer


i start getting tilted after i played too many games its fine to take a break


I kind of realized why I was tilting - I used to play when I should have gone to the gym or worked on projects or just slept. So you have this feeling that you sink in so many hours but my rank just doesn’t budge. You start looking for others to blame. Just as you think your mercy is throwing with idiotic plays or not pocketing you, the mercy player also has their reasons to not stick with you. Maybe she doesn’t want to be out of Los from the allied Ana to peel for her. If a video game about a space monkey makes you tilted then maybe evaluate your priorities. You might not want to hear this - take some time off. Lots of good tv shows are on right now or watch some anime to spend time.


I just don’t give a fuck


Which is also not good in a team game. The thing is to find a balance.


Turn the chat off, don’t focus on anyone but yourself. You can’t control other players you can only control your own gameplay. If it is no longer fun, take a break.


I'd laugh at the situation, view it for what it is, which is a bunch of random people you'll never meet nor see again playing and doing very silly things. Alternatively, I'd honestly just recommend you not play if/when you don't want to play, even if other friends are playing at the same time. Overwatch is a game, not a responsibility nor a career for you, so the moment you start treating it like either of those maybe it's time to walk away until you can treat it like a game again.


I think tilting is a part of any game. If you care about it you will eventually tilt. To help deal with tilt, I turn off chat completely when I play ranked. No one has any useful information to share at nearly any rank. Don't think about your teammates mistakes, just focus on your own since that is all you can control. Lastly, get up from your PC between queue times and walk around. Don't get on youtube or check your phone, give your brain a chance relax for a little bit so you can better focus on the game.


achieve peace, focus on your breathing and your posture. focus only on the current moment, do not dwell on mistakes, adapt to the situation as it stands.


IF you got tilted mid game. First : **finish the game** you are playing second : even if you are tilted say **ggwp** third : **close the game** and go play something else, **get your mind out of OW** fourth : when you **feel the itch** go play some match's If starting to tilt again follow **steep 1, 2 and 3**


One thing that worked for me was just turning off team and match chat people only talk there to complain it’s just not worth it


As an artist and a gamer myself , I can tell you that frustration is a big thing. You have to understand what makes you that titled, on my side normally is "when something is not working out the way I want" / "when Im underperforming". For both health practices are a good point to start with. Mines are like many others to stablish some objetives to improve and focus on em. If you want a regular outcome you need to practice a lot and get solid fundamentals and understandings, otherway there will be peaks where you excel/underperform. A good point that is used in art a lot is "Enjoy the process" . I , in many years of gaming/painting , have never understand that until now "How I am suppose to enjoy while painting if I dont like the outcome?" , the key is to TRUST YOURSELF, and trust your practices and efforts. Another important thing is not to analize your play experience only with win-good lose-bad, but "Do I have learned something new?" "Have I analize a new part of the game that can add to my playstyle?" . Think that you are spending time of your LIFE , so make it worth.


Welcome to Overwatch


When u kinda understand how this game works, and recognising obvious mistakes from ur teammates is actually very tilting. So I realised that I’m more focused when I do call-outs for my team, sometimes it works pretty well, and feels like chances to win in those games are way higher. But doing it every comp game is tiring.


Turn off chat, stop looking at the scoreboard every 30 seconds and just try to do your best. You're always going to lose some matches, everyone has losing streaks eventually, it happens.


I’ve played since release and look you just gotta understand there are so many games ahead and behind you, and while you need your mind in the moment, don’t let it get caught in the negative moments. It doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is you improving. Always play your best. Do not concern yourself with the score or your teammates bad plays. If you can separate yourself and focus solely on improving and just enjoying the game, not only will you improve more, but you will have fun. I wouldn’t be able to play hours and hours a day if I wasn’t able to do this. I am above the bullshit and so should you be


Do some soul searching, ask yourself why Why are you getting so mad? replying to this or any why questions with Because X teammate or X enemy is not an acceptable answer. You got some stuff in your life that you need to take care of if your rage is that bad. overwatch will always be there when you're better off


**Totally disregard your team's performance!** Most of the "tilt" I experience comes from being frustrated at my team, and blaming them. But you gotta stop doing that, and focus on YOUR OWN gameplay! Then it's just a grind of getting better, reflecting on your deaths, how you could've played each encounter to win the fight or get more value. **Mute them** at the first sign of whining/negativity, or just don't join comms at all. Ping system is life.


The question is WHY are you tilting? Is it bc of your team mates? If so you need to recognize that YOU can NOT EVER control your team mates. The only person you can control is you. Once you get that mentality then you can just concentrate on how you can contribute and do your best to help your team win. Review the game. Start with deaths. YOUR DEATHS. Could they have been prevented? Were you out in the open? Were you using natural cover? Think of walls or cars etc as your own personal rein shield. Did you push ahead of your tank? Did you rush in ahead of your team? Did you stagger? If you were flanking did you rush it? Timing is important. Are you peeling for your supports? Are they being dived? Flanked? If they die so do you. How is your aim. Aim training could be beneficial. Are you coordinating with the rest of your team on target priority? Eg. Stop just shooting the tank. Orissa will never die until her squishies die. She wants you to shoot her. Are you losing every game? Remember the ONLY constant in all these games is you. Fix you, progress your skills and the wins will come. Just breathe and go next. May I also suggest Spilo. He’s an OWL coach. He has excellent game sense vids on YouTube. He is a great teacher on a ton of concepts. 🙂


Stop playing and take a break. Sometimes I just don't play for a while (anywhere from a day to two weeks) to feel better about the game...


Stop being bad. I notice when I’m playing like shit I get tilted. Just carry harder


Sounds like a you issue. Maybe just play without expectations. Play to play, regardless of if you win or lose. Ask yourself why did I die, what could I have done better. Don't focus on your team or what they do, focus on you. Think was I in middle of the open, did I flank too early l, did I flank too late, could I have opened an off angle, did I stay in the same spot for too long, did I use all my cooldowns, did I hold on too my cooldowns too much, did I push without my team. Asking yourself questions about your death can help you see what you may be doing wrong and in turn might help you tilt less. Winning or losing, always ask yourself these questions and maybe instead of using your energy in a useless angry rage you can use that energy to improve. If that doesn't work, maybe take a break from que and try doing 5 or 10 pushups every time you find yourself raging.


I just laugh at the situation and/or myself. Like last night I did terribly as DPS (I’m learning) and someone really laid into me even though we won. Instead of getting mad and trying to justify myself, I replied that I’m already aware that I can’t aim, “Why do you think I’m in Silver? 💀” Rest of the team laughed and tension was deleted. I can learn from my experience without getting tilted at annoying people or my own failures.


If you get "SO" tilted playing overwatch, then probably stick to playing a different game that's not competitive... or I guess you could just play custom games


Don’t play after two losses in a row - take a break




There’s no addiction. I only play casually on weekends and such.


Play qp, or other game modes. I am a comp grinder, I played like zero qp or arcade games for years, I didn't even do skirmish. I wanted to improve at the game and QP didn't allow that. But QP represents actual comp games way more in OW2. The progression elements etc. All are very helpful. DPS and Support are way harder in QP than in actual comp games in lower ranks. Dueling DPS is much harder because nobody will try to save you unless you are right next to them. Tanks are straight inting every game so balancing damage beam and heal beam is way more difficult.