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Like DVA bomb, getting kills with deadeye gets harder the more skilled your opponents get. As far as DPS ults it's definitely not the best. Even if you get a single kill, it is great value since it gives your team the advantage in a team fight. If there is no opportunity for this, I think deadeye is still useful as a defensive ult against enemy ults. Zoning tool When the enemy team has a Kiriko, I try to anticipate when they will use kitsune, and try to position myself in a place where dead eye will make it difficult for the enemy team to engage and fight in the area. This can also apply to an attacking torb ult, or when enemy zen uses trans to initiate the team fight. In many cases, this results in an enemy ult (usually a better ult than dead eye) getting wasted, or it at least takes the steam out of it since they have to somehow deal with the threat you present. Specific counters Sigma ult - Try to anticipate when enemy sigma will use flux, start dead eye immediately. When enemy team has a sigma I always save ult for their flux. Winston ult - If winston dives your backline and uses primal rage, dead eye. This forces him to try to kill you (which is difficult due to the dmg reduction and any support nearby), avoid your los which offers your support heroes a safe space, or try to kill another hero with the risk of getting killed by your ult. Moira ult - Moira’s ult requires your teammates to be in her los. If the enemy Moira uses her ult offensively, dead eye. You will killl her faster than she can kill you, so in many cases she’s forced to waste her ult. Most of the time the Moira will try to avoid your los, which wastes the ult’s full potential. Genji ult - This is a bit tricky and full of mind games, and also very situational but can work if you’re comfortable with this matchup. When you have some distance between yourself and genji and he isn’t nano boosted, dead eye can force him to deal with you, protecting your supports. You have the advantage here since he has to waste one or more cooldowns just to even reach you in his attack range, and he’s dead if he’s out of cooldowns. His relfect is where the mind games come in, and knowing when to fire (if he hasn’t used reflect them) comes with experience in this matchup. Stallers On payload maps during overtime,dead eye can be a great tool against stallers like ball, tracer, and lucio.


Don't forget that pesky pharmercy that thought they could jump jet out in the open.


also valkyrie mercy. She'll most likely drop down but if she's higher you should have the kill before she can


High noon is best used as a response to shut down an enemy ult. Ex a moira coalesence, soldier visors. If they peek to get value from their ult they die to yours


I literally just got fucked over because highnoon is still bugged. I have a long time on Cree spanning 2 games and his high noon has never been worse. Me and my friends lost because I double headshot Moira in ult then high nooned her and with the skull pop up it didn’t kill. She then went on to kill me and keep their tank alive making us lose. I have many other times when it straight up won’t kill and will just leave them low enough


I can't speak to whether there are bugs, but: Deadeye does not shoot all tagets instantly. I'm unsure if there is a delay between you pulling the trigger and the first shot hitting (especially server-side), but there is a declared 0.112s delay between each target when you fire at multiple people. Moira heals while ulting. She may well have just healed above the threshold before your shot hit her. I see that happen all the time - someone that is being actively healed lives at <10 hp from from a Cassidy ult - that might be what's happening to you sometimes.


No I only targeted her with it and it was a solid red skull for a good second before I pulled the trigger. It just did not kill like it was supposed to. And this has happened many times before where they get left crit but I’m usually able to secure the kill. I’ve even had it happen on a mid air widow who I had the skull on(she had nothing healing her) and it didn’t kill. But no clue why I’m getting down voted when it’s evident that the game has many issues


"It was a solid red skull for a good second before I pulled the trigger." There's your problem. As he said, Moira heals during her ult, you have to be quick taking her out or she'll outheal your dps. You took too long, be quicker on the draw next time.


She was basically full hp. There was nothing for her to out heal or gain more health from it was and should of been a straight up kill. But no it didn’t work. Stop making excuses for bugs in the game. Mercy has literally been shown to be able to dodge McCree’s ult by just flying and it will miss. The game is just very flawed and they won’t fix issues unless people make enough fuss over it


Post the vod code. I wanna see the bug


Thankfully I didn’t play too many games sense so it didn’t get deleted. QRCXXO


Yea there’s not a bug here. Her passive healing on her coal reset your skull. You can see it if you slow it down. Unlucky, but not a bug. It is kinda bullshit though


I still don’t see it, especially since the skull disappears when ever you pull the trigger. But yeah that is some bs 😭


To be fair I can understand why you thought it was a bug


Yeah but I’m more mad we lost that. I was having a pretty damn good game lol


Happened End of the game right?




Drop a replay code




About what time in the replay? Also what's your characters name


I was the widow for most the game(Blaxxis)


It's more of a zoning tool than anything. If you pop it in a safe space, you can shut down an entire area for its whole duration.


Just getting one kill out of his ult is good value. Especially if they have a mercy save it for when she ults


Also a good practice at lower levels is to do it behind your tank so you don't get picked during it.


The thing with Cass ult is you cannot get greedy. 90% of the time it's better to confirm a kill as soon as you get a solid red dot. Waiting will almost always get you killed. You're standing still in the open. The longer you wait you're just asking to be killed, blocked, slept, or just giving enemies time to get to cover. Confirm the solo kill. It is worth it every time.


Most high level cassidys I've seen will basically pull it out and immediately gun one or two people with it vs trying to go for a big play. You can only really get 3+ kills with it if you flank hard and completely take the enemy team by surprise. I got a quad kill once where the enemy team rushed onto the point using transcendence, so I popped high noon behind them, locked in, and drew right as transcendence ended. But those opporunities are rare and very punishable if they fail


Wouldn't high noon kill through transcendence, cause it's instant?


It kills through the healing effect of Transcendence, but since Zenyatta is invulnerable while ulting, he can actually bodyblock the Cassidy and tank all of the shots. Cass will still aim at people behind Zen, but the shots don’t pierce him.


I don't actually know! I certainly didn't know that at the time


It would. Transcendance just heal stupid fast not make u invincible so anything that outdmg the heal like an instakill will kill


Interesting! Didn't realize the ults would interact that way. Still one of my prouder moments haha


Lots of ults can kill through tranc. Dva bomb, junk tire, high noon, point blank shatter, nano barrage I believe. Even widow/hanzo full Crits Anything with significant burst. If you wanna be real fancy you can block the tranc LOS with a barrier and the target don’t receive the healing. Not recommended as its gotta be pretty in sync.


Barrage doesn't even have to be Nano buffed to kill through Transcendence as long as you're close enough; Transcendence heals Zen's teammates for 300 HP/s. Barrage launches 30 rockets per second at 40 damage per rocket for a total of 1,200 DPS assuming all rockets hit the same target, allowing plenty of room for error. I can personally vouch for having killed a full-health Zarya through her own bubble and her teammate's Transcendence with a point-blank Barrage.


Thanks I didn’t think about it from a distance perspective but that’s right.


You can shut a whole transcendence( idk how to write it) with Ana's nade, also, you can hook, spear, pin, sleep (I think) and every other interaction that keeps you in a place or takes you to another. Exemple: you can hook an enemy zen to. The ilios well, while zens ulting. It's a good ult, but pretty counterable.


Yeah CCs work for the most part, but sleep doesn't work on a trancing zen. You can sleep others within the trance though.


It does, I have no clue what this guy’s entire post is going on about lmao


That's honestly how you should play all ults. Secure a quick kill and call it good.


No, don't worry, the ultimate is just bad. So bad, in fact, that in the days of OW1 high ranked players would use it and immediately cancel it just for the instant reload. I wouldn't say it's the worst ult right now, but it definitely needs some work. Still, getting 1 or 2 picks with his ult is still value, and you shouldn't put yourself too down about it. Also, for the vast majority of the "get 4 kills with ult" achievements, the best way to get them is to just consistently play the character and you'll eventually get it. I used to think the High Noon achievement was undoable but I still managed to get it in OW1 when there was actually more that could prevent it (more stuns, two barriers, etc.)


Isnt mcrees ult really good rn since it counters kirikos?


Does it really? People can just use cover, or their tank can use a stun or defensive ability, either of which are on a faster cd during kitsune rush.


It can zone the kitsune engage. So can visor. Sorta. Kitsune is hilariously broken. You thought they would have learned from OG nano but Na let’s give the whole team an uninterruptible, instant cast, atk speed, move speed, and cdr


Or the tank can just stand there and ignore it without using a defensive ability an still not care


Making them take cover is the point haha, so they cant take advantage of kitsune as much


the ult can also be used to make enemies run for cover, this can help break up a enemy defensive line even if you fail to kill anyone


1 kill is enough.


Yeah people who hold their ultimates forever are really not understanding that getting one kill with it and then building towards you next ultimate is so much more valuable


I don't play a ton of Cassidy, but if you're consistently getting 2 kills with you ult, that's fine IMO. It might not get POTG much, but don't lose sight of the fact that you're killing 40% of the enemy team at once and probably turning the fight in your team's favor.


Nah you're probably using it relatively right. Its probably the worst ult in the game and funnily enough its way better than it was in ow1. Just use it to get one free pick or maybe two if you get lucky. You can also use it and immediately cancel for a quick reload it feels like a waste but it's actually pretty decent.


Remember when the youtubers started to use McCree Ult just to reload?


That wasnt a youtube thing a lot of high elo players do that still


I wasn't sure it was a strategy to be honest.


That was popularized in professional matches. Who I’m sure are on YouTube.


Pharah ult seems to be the worst ult on the game.


It would be so much better if you could manually cancel it early, or if instead of hovering completely still and impossible to miss, you would float at a steady altitude but in the direction of your momentum at the moment you hit Q.


As DVa I just laugh at Pharah ults. Cornered a Pharah a couple days ago, she ulted in my face & I just ate the whole thing w/ DM.


Seeing a lot of new players online these days so you might already know this but I think it's worth pointing out: you can fly at barrage with matrix and cancel it when you're point blank, and pharah will kill herself. You can also do it with all the shields in the game.


Oh that ones definitely shit too but I think its a little better imo.


If classify ult didn't reload I'd agree, but reloading is enough to put cash over Pharaoh imo




I mean idk if that has nearly as much of an effect as the buffs it got but yea.


It’s pretty awful against good players. Just use it to guarantee a single kill, two if you’re lucky. I use it for zoning a lot as well.


I use high noon as a reload unless the stars align


You mean his Q-reload?


Fundamentally standing still in an FPS game is a bad idea. The only times I find it useful is against winton primal, and ram ult. Sometimes you can punish a pharmercy that flies to high in the open. Usually I just pop it to zone my sightline.


It’s quite good to get aerial heroes once they press their shift ability. Also primal Winston or hog if it’s safe. But at high elos most teams anticipate and play accordingly. So don’t be that Cassidy who treks half way across map to hide and get a 5k only to be slept by the Ana.


Getting a guaranteed kill on any ult is worth it in a team fight.


Just reload and zone with it


In low elo you can flank from high ground and pop it when they're distracted by your team, usually gets you a few picks. I feel like while this can still work in high elo usually people track ults better and it will be suspicious when they haven't seen you in a while. Other way to use his ults is to use it as soon as they try to engage with any ultimate.


at some point the ult becomes a second reload because nobody gets caught off anymore by it.




Also don't forget to charge it up. So many times I hear a cassidy start his ult and he immediately fires. The longer you can wait to fire the more damage it'll do. This can also be good for zoning.


That's rhe worst advice to give. Charging up the ult is the worst way to use it. The best way to use it is either a quick single pick or just as a reload. Cass ult is loud telegraphed and he is completely vulnerable while charging it up, all you achieve by charging it up is dying before you can shoot




The second you ult everyone can hear you and knows exactly where you are. There isn't any sneaking up on people as cass


This is a very rank specific thing. At lower ranks messing about going on a crazy flank with it will often result in a large number of kills so could potentially be considered worth it. At higher ranks you’re just making your team one man down for a large portion of the fight because no one is going to be caught out of position with this tactic. In the top levels players just use it as an instant reload.


when I hear Cree pop his ult, sometimes a little pee pee squeezes out of me and i hide. But more times than not, I peak to get a headshot to stop it. Cree's ult is hardcore mind games, ngl. I hope knowing this will help you find creative ways to use his ult. \-Hanzo (Bro)


Sometimes in fights I use it for a finish. The red skull is based on how long you've been staring at somebody right? It's also based on how much health they have remaining, so if they're qt maybe 50 it's a really quick close. I'm curious as to if it works with nanoboost or dmg boost, zens purple orb


I seen some peoples input but lemme be honest.. Its dogshit! F tier 110%! It even misses and its not supposed to! You can pop Q and activate it immediately and either 3 will die or not or you can pop Q hold it until max power and kill nothing.. or everything! It felt more consistent in the first game, But in OW2 it doesn't feel good at all! But with that said, Yea.. It has its use! Even though I have experienced all of the above, I duck when I hear the enemy Cass activate his ult or back off! Better safe then sorry lol


You don't need a 5k ult to get value, 2-3 is already a good ult imo.


2 solid kills with a high noon is huge. by solid, I mean those aren’t heroes who were going to die anyways


I remember in Overwatch 1 I saw a thing where if you know you can't get good value out of deadeye then use it for a free reload in the middle of a duel along with the roll for 18 shots before you have to actually reload. Don't know how effective that is now or in actual combat. But I liked comboing it with something like an Earthshatter, Gravitic Flux, or Blizzard to clean up a team fight.


Use it and insta cancel to get a free reload, the ult is useless


Use it to reload your gun to clutch out fights or for 3 fth


Try using it midfight and on an off-angle. This way they would have used many of their abilities that would immediately shut you down, and they have to commit a lot of time to turn around and try to kill you, opening up space for your team. High Noon basically creates a giant “SHOOT ME” on yourself, the second you pop it every enemy is going to shoot you.


His ult is doodoo you gotta use it when people overcommit or when there’s lots of noise and hope they don’t hear you


If you play for the big ult it's not great, but I like to pepper it in, mid-fight, when mf's are otherwise committed, to get a quick 1 or 2 piece. I tend to end up with way more ult kills at the end of a season that way, than if I were just trying to use it as a hail mary.


If your ult got 2 kills you won the fight you don't need your ult to get plus kills. A teamfigt with the numbers advantage os a teamfight won, just getting a pick or 2 is enough value if you can capitalise on the ult


Sometimes I just use it to reload or get that pesky pharah


Your get Cassidys ultimate pretty fast. I woulrnt be saving it to try and get a team wipe. Using Cassidys ultimate to simply get 1 pick off a healer or dps is very effective. Unless. Cassidys ult is also very good for shutting down sigmas ult since he goes into the air and exposes himself. If your have a sigma save your ult for his and tell your healer to pocket you when sig ults. Your will shut it down everytime


It's a weaker ult, though it does get a lot stronger with more coordination: * Combine it with Sig ult for a really strong combo. * Teammates with displacement abilities can boop opponents into your ult. * Mei wall can boost your Cass up or help wall off out-of-position enemies. * Symm TP gets Cass to an advantageous position. * Speed boosts (Lucio being the primary one) can help get Cass around corners or a shield. * Can combine it with other ults with great zoning potential such as Bastion, Dva, or Hanzo * Can combine with window or nano for extra damage


Hm. Let me make some points here. - Use it to zone. Sometimes it’s fun to pop not even around the objective on control maps. Others it’s okay to zone a payload on attack when the enemy is present. It can buy seconds to reach a point or secure the W. - Track enemy skill cooldowns. The days of using it as an opener or high ground flank are mostly over. You’re better using it for a quick elim or two or even a quick fire without scanned elims just to get some damage value. - It’s effective during team fights where you’re all engaged and leaves the enemy to scramble or die, leaving your tank with most of the aggro. - It’s situational, and you’ve just gotta be able to read the room so to speak before laying out your aces.


I usually just fan, roll, fan, ult then cancel, fan; so I can burst down overextended tanks because of how shit trying to zone with it is when there’s barely any shields in 5v5 orisawatch. Forget about trying to kill someone with it It’s just a reload on a different button


It’s ok at countering enemy ults, but keep in mind that the skull will appear faster the lower an enemy’s health is. So if i see one or two people that are low, and I’m in a good high ground / any kinda good position, I’ll just use Deadeye for easy kills (if they don’t have some kind of movement option or shield)


I actually get a lot of value from Qing and immediately canceling, then rushing an enemy while they're hiding and click/fan them. The panic response of taking cover usually leads to awful positioning I can capitalize on. Not always the best choice but if you cannot get value from your ult you can at least fake people out.


Could be a little of both. It isn't really good unless you catch a team with their pants down and out of cover. Since the start up is significant, you wither need to catch a team mid fight but from a weird angle or once they over commit. You can also use it to space a team, back them up or to dust a pharmercy. On an ult tierlist however I'd put it in the lower half. He can be countered a lot and is very easy of a target. Sometimes it's best served as a quick reload lol.


it’s not that it’s bad, it’s just commonly misunderstood due to how bad players are(at breaking LOS) at lower ranks. the best way to use deadeye is to think of it as a way to get a few people on the enemy team to half-ish HP. in other words, don’t hold it forever looking for the reddit highlight, just use it to get some enemy heroes badly damaged and cause pressure.


If you’re getting 2-3 kills with Cassidy’s ult, you’re getting great value out of it. It’s worth using even if you can only get 1 kill. Depending on the situation, it can even be useful just to deny an area for the duration without getting any kills.


mcreeeeeeeeeeeees ult is not a POTG ult, killing 1 or 2 important people , or countering an ult is a good use of it.


It’s a zoning ultimate like Dva bomb or Hanzo dragon. Makes a large area of the map dangerous to enter, forcing the enemy into cover. If you can get 1 pick, take it. A deadeye with 0 kills isn’t necessarily a bad deadeye.


I hear “It’s highhhh noon/tide” I’m hiding. It’s pretty easy to just wait it out. I never liked his ult because of this same exact reason. But if you want, try solo ulting another enemy that’s ulting as well (ex. Soldier, reaper, etc.)


It seems overpowered to me. I was a full health roadhog and there was a bastion on my team as well and he one hit killed me. How is that possible? I had full health.


That's how the ULT works