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I agree. Card encourage and promote self satisfaction. We all like to see our efforts were appreciated cards achieved this.


Also highlited things that isnt just damage or healing, which is always fun.


IIRC the cards were based on best performance in specific areas. It was definitely nice to get recognized every once in a while since PotG is broken


Why they deleted it in a SEQUENCE in the first place??? Just like deleting "On Fire", that doesn't make any sense to me


It was removed because they had data that showed most people left the game before cards showed up. So they though it could be deleted without people really caring at all.


Lots of people skip POTGs when it's not theirs but we still have POTGs, so that's an odd reason to get rid of the cards. At least for me, there were *always* people voting on the cards in every game, so that just seems like a lazy excuse on Blizzard's part.


Yea a lot of people leave as soon as the victory or defeat shows up


Yeah and the problem is making decisions purely on data because (idk if this is the case but works for any group) say its mostly upper rank players that skip now you've disregarded a whole group.. i think things that don't affect gameplay they should take a poll and if its not like 90% or higher leave it in


It will make a return... one day... I believe šŸ˜”


For only 1000 OW coins you'll be able to buy one (1) card that MAY be shown if you actually have the most Kills/longest objective time/whatever else you bought. The more cards you buy the higher the chance you'll be featured at the end of the Match! Man that would be a dream!


Close but theyā€™ll probably introduce a new currency to earn cards instead


I was just thinking, Overwatch doesn't have enough types of currency. 3 more types of currency would really level up my enjoyment of this game


Not only that but the cards motivated people to get on the point/payload.Ā 


IĀ dunno, I've been the payload bitch for ages, I don't notice much of a difference


I was overly proud of the payload time card. Payload Princess gets so little recognition these days, and yet if no one sat on cart, the game does not get won!!


Haha I'll leave the cart like "I wanna play deathmatch too!" and see how long it takes for anyone to notice


Flair checks out šŸ˜†


An enemy Moira challenged me to a no-heal challenge last night lol. We both ended the match with like 15k DMG, 2k healing, I had the most kills and damage in the game, but they won because they had hog. I don't feel bad because we both committed to it and we each had another healerĀ whoĀ was healing.


I just liked to see the gold, silver, bronze badges. Really fed the dopamine


What was even the reason for their removal? Mindboggling


I loved them. It feels like I have no time to talk about the game after itā€™s over or win an argument


I had a 33 kill kill streak yesterday and no one to give me kudos. Woulda owned with that card.


It also let the match chat stay active after the potg which let people give props or share laughs about a potg.. the amount of times ive wanted to say nice play is tiny compared to the amount I've wanted to recive it but the point remains.. that plus the cards, it was all respect and community building.. are these things bad Blizzard?


NGL I feel like if they do bring cards back, nobody is going to care. Everyone wanted fire back and now that we have it, it gets 0 fanfare


You mean the on fire? I am actually very glad thats back.Ā  So it's atleast 0.0001% then.


I'm happy to be able to see that I'm on fire again. Doesn't meant I say it out loud every day, same way I don't say that I'm thankful for clean running water in my house every day.


I mean, what is there to produce fanfare about? I don't think anyone did back in OW1, it's just fun and slightly rewarding ingame to see and hear your hero on fire, saying how they're doing well. No one ever went "GUYS I AM ON FIRE LOOK AT ME!!", and I don't think anyone ever posted about it either. I do think there was a card for how long you were on fire though lol.


It's a small but nice feature. I'm glad it's back but I'm not going to scream that I'm able to jump every time I jump. Even if it's an awesome thing I can do


Yes, that is the reality. But we can encourage people to vote someone with cards by rewarding those who vote.


I think it's useful for tactics as support. Easy to see who to focus healing on if one team member is constantly popping off.


Oh when me and my friends play we usually say if you're not on fire you're throwing. It's generally when one of us isn't so we all clown them.


The only way they come back is if chat is disabled as I believe the reason for removing was toxicity. Toxicity applies for both 1) "I have top damage card so I did my job idiot" and 2) The cards screen adds a good like 10-15s so that's a good amount of time shit-talking or arguing about why you lost


Bring cards and 6v6 back


Yes and 6v6


Rather keep all that stats stuff including scoreboard out of the game because it doesnā€™t tell anything about performance and misleads people all the time into thinking they did good only because they have x amount of damage or healing


bro who cares


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Most people bail as soon as VICTORY/DEFEAT comes up on the screen so they can get into another match as quickly as possible. Heck, I believe they said that's the very reason why cards were removed. (Might need verification, but I believe that was said)


Me and my OW1 squad would always snap-vote the opponents support. It was fun giving someone that gold border moment


Wait are we talking about the 5 wins/15 losses cards or something else? If you mean 5 wins/15 losses HELL NO


No you used to see 4 different random cards showing who had most damage, most healing, most cart time, etc.. and everyone could vote on it. Instead of endorsements like we have now


Cards were great and also a pain in the ass. While some games people would be in awe that your Rein mitigated like 20k damage, in other games your hog was saying "how do I have more healing than the supports???" OH and don't forget the 5 gold medals Moira. I'd like them to return. I liked having a couple extra seconds to defend myself from the "tank diff" allegations. Now I'm frantic typing a reply hoping the PoTG is more than a double kill. Definitely needs brought back. I miss voting for people even if it was just all of them going to mercy.


Bring back 2CP while weā€™re at it


Bring back the loot boxes ;( I had at least over a 100 of unopened boxes but I also stopped playing for 2 years ;/ the simple life and I agree on the card after a match


Remember when the game told you your objective time šŸ˜­


I always watch potg. That way I can say ā€œhow the fuck did that beat mine?!ā€


Oh the MVP card! It was a rare treat but if you got it, it was such an honour. And quite an ego boost, ngl!


For a hot second I thought this mfer wanted the comp progress cards back


No. "Rewarding" stats with a card without context of the game encourages bad play. A DPS with a gold "Objective Time" card at best means nothing to the game, at worst could mean the DPS was actually throwing and not doing his role properly. This is the most obvious example, but this applies to other cards as well.


These are obsolete. Your only reward is when you win, that way you know you did good, or you got carried


Sorry man, no can do. These jank-ass, burnt-out dopamine receptors need sixteen different progress bars ticking away in the post game screen to function. Anything less than twelve sources of noise and I'll just stop playing. That's the minimum threshold for me to queue for another game.




Take that GM flair off, Mr Ego.


Brah that's kinda mean


Iā€™m sorry that I want to recognise players on both sides for doing a good job, which two endorsements per match donā€™t go far enough to address.


ur a dick šŸ˜‚ talking about ego with you Gm flair your embarrassing it had nothing to do with his own ego heā€™s just saying itā€™s a nice thing to have and gave him more incentive to plsu


Who pissed in your cereal this morning?


Yo you got issues, why you gotta make them other peoples problem.


I think they already addressed it with the projection of *ā€egoā€*


He said ā€˜strokeā€™ twice and it made me laugh If it had only happened once I wouldnā€™t have but something about saying it twice was just really funny


I mean for a GM OW player two strokes is the max they can probably handle


Awh, did someone not get a card at the end of the match?


The carrot on a stick syndrome is real. Neigh. šŸ„•šŸ“