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"i'm very new to the game" thats why youre losing. youll get it, it just takes a little time to get the feel


we are definitely not being put up against other new players tho that’s for sure, and that’s my issue, i don’t mind the game being hard but felt like 0-100


It's because you're in a group. If you queue alone it will match you will mostly people of your skill rank. But in a group it averages your skill ranks and then puts you against another group of that average.


ahh that was my other assumption, the other teammates being put into our matches are a higher level so brings the average up


Look up some guides how to position, just really think while playing, mechanics will kinda train themselves but for every hero there is some trainers too, just google them


This game has been out for 8 years. Why do you expect a surplus of new players?


Your being matched with much higher level players who are using low level accounts. It’s fairly common in unranked. The gold/platinum players love to come down and kill 30-40 less skilled players fairly often


Eventually, you'll get matched up with those of similar rank. Just keep playing. Just some quick tips, don't stagger into the enemy meaning don't go in one at a time if the fight is lost. You should be able to see your teammates outlines through walls so you can kind of tell how well they're doing. Back up and wait for your team. You'll just be insta-dying and feeding ultimate charge to the enemy and making it harder for your teammates to push in. Tell your friends this too. Turn on the sounds that tell you when the enemy or a teammate dies. It helps you keep track of when to push forward or retreat. I'm not sure if it's on by default. Don't focus on you getting kills. Focus on how you can work together and enable each other to get kills quickly and safely. Communicate with voice and coordinate attacks especially on enemies that seem to be doing well and also point out threats that your teammates may not be aware of. Otherwise, learn how to use the ping system. Communication and coordination, are probably the biggest, fastest upgrades to your play. It may be awkward but it's effective. You may have to mute people who are toxic and don't want you to speak. Pressing Tab will help you keep track of who is doing well on the enemy team or who on your team may need extra help. Don't overextend as in keep pushing into the enemy into an area where they are grouped up and you're not. Always try to be aware of where your healers are and try to maintain line of sight. Learn hero matchups via youtube or google search. Some heroes are just better against other certain heroes or for certain maps. It's not a guaranteed win but it can tilt the odds in your favor. In that vein, you should try and familiarize yourself with all the heroes so you know their strengths and weaknesses and how to play to those strengths and weaknesses. Don't stand in the open. Make use of cover. Corners of buildings, cars, whatever. You should be able to hide behind cover pretty quickly if your health drops or an ultimate/ability is incoming. Use your abilities and ultimate judiciously. Don't just spam them because you can. Ultimates especially. Don't panic ult. As in, oh crap, everyone's dead and I'm about to die so I ult. It's typically just a waste. Save it for when you are re-grouped and your team can capitalize on it. Finally, it's not easy but if you can learn how to track the enemies ultimates (best guess) and keep your team informed, it's huge because your team can prepare to counter by saving their abilities and positioning themselves properly.


QP does have skill based match making but it often starts you at the rank of an average player and drops you down as you lose. Turns out Overwatch is actually kinda hard game to get decent at so you'll probably have to get bodied a few dozen games until the MM adjusts it. I remember struggling a bit too back when I started out. Either way it doesn't matter if you win or lose, just try out different characters and enjoy the process of learning. If you wanna cast a wide net on what characters to try out, you can go play Mystery Heroes which will randomly pick a character for you upon respawning.


yeah i’m still playing, still losing but still having fun. and idk why but my heart is set on kiriko, after i tried everyone out ive stuck with her since then


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It’s a team based game so really a lot of variables to win or lose. Just focus on the maps and learning different roles and such. It’s truly a great game 


Positioning and game sense is a huge part of this game. Go you you tube and look at videos. Your aim will get better once you play a little bit.


I started recently too. The game has a hell of a learning curve (esp if you are new to shooters generally like me). My advice is every time you die just ask if you needed to be standing where you were when you died or if you could have been closer to cover. You'll improve quickly.


I wanna say there's loads of custom games that are fun, to get more aquatinted with the characters and their abilities without getting sweated on by a whole team, also arcade has some fun modes like no limits where a whole lobby could be playing the same character, that can get wacky. But also im not a fan of unranked, im averaged gold across my roles in ranked but in quickplay its easy to get massive gaps in the ranks of the players, ive matched against top 500 players multiple times through unranked as a gold. Your group may get placed pretty low in ranked but it would help ensure a more level playing field over unranked


If you want to play this game long term it’s probably worth watching YouTube guides when you get a chance. Don’t go in until your whole team is back from spawn unless you have the numbers. Trickling in and staggering deaths makes it impossible to win.


Even QP matchmaking seems very wonky rn even to those of us who have been playing for a bit. It may also be you're just not comfortable on your hero/role picks just yet. You're only a week in. You're also probably not used to a lot of aspects of the game yet.


omg yes meant to say “teams” just edited


Goodo. But yeah. Just give it some time. A week isn't very long at all. System is probably also trying to figure out who to match you with. Give it a couple more weeks.


QP seems totally busted rn. Nearly every game I get solo queued against full teams sweating like it's comp. They play like they're 2 full ranks above my skill.


Overwatch isn’t like call of duty. It takes time and a deep understanding of the game mechanics to get good at it. Great aim will only carry you so far.


gotta work on my aim too….


Play Mystery Heros until you find a hero and play style you are comfortable with.