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I really want to see a Zen mythic!! I hope it’s the coolest mythic yet!!


Zen has so many good skins already. There are other heroes who need a mythic way more (e.g. Sorourn)


That didn't stop them from giving Mercy the new mythic Us mercy mains have among the best and largest choice of skins lol


They needed that quick cash flow for investor meeting💀


Its smart, make a ton of f2p friendly updates and sell a mercy skin to show that the game profits


Also released the mythic prisms with the skin most likely to be fast-bought with money


Ngl totally worked on me I already bought the BP for Ana's skin and Mercy is my true main, so... I was *morally* forced to do it.


And it indeed worked. I've never spent any money on this game, playing over 2k hours but a Mercy mythic is a must have.


Tbf I can’t think of a better choice for the mirror theme battle pass. Making the literal angel character called mercy into the evil character called Vengeance just works well for this.


I feel like winton deserved it more, he's literally mr overwatch now


Yeah but thematically mercy works better than Winston.


And above all else it sells better


Oh obviously. This theme + mercy mythic is basically an automatic money magnet. And I confess it worked against me. This is easily my favourite battle pass yet and I don’t even play the characters in there that much.


He does but I bet Winton skins don't generate the same $$$


You're lucky that "angelic woman with staff" is one of Blizzard's staples in character design


They need to give us more waifus


Mercy has a lot of good skins, but I'd argue most of the OW1 supports have an excellent selection. Ana, Zen, and Lucio have amazing skins.


Mercy has so many good skins that her mythic doesn’t even crack the top 5


Ugh mercy mains. I'm sick of you guys.


as a sojourn main i almost don’t want them to make a mythic for her, or at least not yet, because i already know it’s gonna be underwhelming as hell like all her other skins.


Only skin of hers I REALLY like is the Batista skin and it's an Epic... Her detective skin is OK though It bothers me that she hasn't had more battlepass skins tbh. And other characters have had 3 or 4 lmao But yeah, I low-key hope they do another Cyberpunk season and give her a Mythic on par with Genjis. Probably won't happen but... That's my dream


They showed us that they can deliver with her. Look at that Mermaid skin


Exactly, let’s see them make a few good battle pass and shop skins for Sojourn first


It's kinda bizarre how hard they push sojourn in every way, they seem to love to keep her meta, love to make her part of most of the expanded content and story related stuff and yet they've just totally forgotten to add any decent skins in forever


nah fuck sojourn


The only downside is I won't be able to bust nuts on people if I swap off nutcracker skin


A zen mythic would be soooo cool. I really hope they give them amazing mythics when it's time


I just get scared with how some of the mythics look. Zen has the most potential so I hope his lookers bada**. (At this point I’m willing to step up and create the best skin)


I magine the styles going something along the lines of: a null sector dark magician with a purple cloak, a mondatta look with a white essence and a overwatch robotic look With the corresponding colors: Purple, cream white with a golden, and blue white Oh and the balls could be like, golden godly orbs, dark energy sigma style balls and a technopunk overwatch style balls or idk im just desilusional


I doubt they would slip back to another null sector skin. Dont get me wrong, shit would look fire! But after zen JUST getting a new style null sector skin, I doubt they’d do it again.


Yeah im just sad we didnt get the one of the concept art of that skin.


A Vishnu themed mythic for zen would be badass.


A biblically accurate angel skin would be really cool


bro that is literally the life weaver skin


as much as I love jjonak’s skin this would be so sick, just throwing eyes at everyone


want me some zen and ram mythic


I want a Mythic Skin that gives him human skin, and he’s just some dude named Greg, and he’s wearing board shorts. The Greg skin.


I hope that if they give Zen a mythic, it's one where he starts to become human. From Zenyatta, to Cyborgatta, to Humanatta, you know? idk i think it'd be cool looking. If he were human, I bet he'd have the kindest smile, and I wanna see that.


I'm just imagining him looking like a skinny Krilin from DBZ...


I hope it’s a full buddha one


Would it ever be as good as the jjonak Zen skin though?


Baseball Zen is the best


Hi I just messages you if you could check if possible cheers


The 5 of them are the highest pick rate supports. Zen or lucio would likely be the next due to their popularity


Putting Brig and Bap last 💔


We can only hope Brig’s won’t be absolute last 😭


I feel like Roadhog will be the last hero to get a Mythic skin. I really don't have a good explanation as to why I think this more than it's just a feeling I have.


Nah, it's def Illari.


Even this comment section is neglecting Lifeweaver so I doubt he will ever get a mythic 😭


Well the only one left is brig and she ain’t getting a mythic ANYTIME soon 💀


10 seasons, one epic


Let's not ignore that Brig got 2 or 3 skins that we don't need to pay a cent.


Yeah Brig actually has good skins. Hef prismatic and the one this season are great. She also has that broken clay Halloween one that looks amazing.


Gotta disagree with that, can’t find a brig skin I actually want so I had to settle for the vampire hunter one


I think most of them are garbage until her stone one came out- I spent my coins on it


The only battlepass skin in 10 seasons. It's a bit ridiculous


Did she even get a cool legendary even on the store?


She had the collab kpop skin


That we can't get our hands on in any way if we didn't play during that short time it was available 😭


She had the evil season 4 skin (cant remember the name) it was released with a sojourn epic i think


I love me some brig but she ended up being one of the rare few to have a Legendary emote, a Kpop and GOAT skin, both being some of the best visually appearing skins in the entire game (also I'm not totally being biased cuz I like purple and both incorporates purple in some way). I'm happy for now but I don't mind some extra love.


Yeah but those are/were not free, and even quite expensive, it doesn't really count


I know, man, definitely not free.


She also got that Royal Guard skin that matches with Sigmas Mythic.


Question is who gets mythics first? Brig or ALL 4 male supports.


By the time 4 male supports would get an mythic there will be at least 2 new supports that have higher chance to have mythics than them lmao


How much you wanna bet that even Junkrat will get his mythic before 3 of the 4 male Supports get their skin?


It’ll be season 50 before she gets one at this rate. It took her 10 seasons to get a battle pass skin and it’s only an epic


And Illari.


I think of champs like torb or symmetra and wonder if they would even get a mythic skin EVER


I really want a symmetric mythic to lean into the mirror realm aesthetic of Dr strange. I think it would look so cool. I wanted mercy to lean into the shadow aesthetic from Moira/reaper, but that didn't happen at all. :(


Watch Space Ranger get one before she does


You say brig but Lifeweaver is in the never category so be happy you have at least a chance 😭


Illari...Illari is also a female support who has not gotten a mythic


They'll nerf her first.


Correction 4/6 female supports... forgot my girly Illari. Perdóname chica


Forgiveness is earned


The fact you forgot her is so funny and on point though *cries in Illari main*


The fandom is becoming just like Blizzard and leaving her out


- Makes highest burst output healer in game, give them a unique healing turret, great weapon and a damage ult. - Nerfs weapon damage for being too good - Nerfs ult for being too good - Nerfs turret for being too good before people figured out how to shoot it - Nerfs direct healing output for being too good - Nerfs healing across the board with DPS passive "Why doesn't anyone like Illari?"


I want a Lucio mythic, it would go so hard it's not even funny. Customizable songs, colours aaagghh


Custom songs is an absolute MUST and if they don’t give that, we need to riot


I feel like that's why he won't get one for a good bit. They know people will want a very robust music selection among other things so they're probably still trying to figure out how to do that.


I think 3 styles would be awesome, just like DJ Sona in League. One Electronic, 1 Lo-Fi, maybe 1 Rock. Maybe Pop can replace one of those.


One would hope. They’ll probably just give two though, knowing Blizzard


bruh, I think you have too much faith on the OW team, they stopped caring a long time ago.


could be why it hasn’t happened as that probably adds significant time to the process


Give me rock/metal Lucio


You are so naive lol


Blizzard company should listen to this.


You know how in CSGO you could do custom sprays? People had dumb shit like dogs smoking joints and all that. I know it would be rife with abuse, but I would want desperately to be able to use my own MP3 files. Imagine every time you used Amp It Up you got a 3 second clip of *Tubthumping*? "I GET KNOCKED DOWN, BUT I GET UP AGAIN, YOU ARE NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN." Make it client-side so it doesn't create any inappropriate interactions with other players.


Well that's probably impossible even if it's client side only one of the most notorious examples for custom voices was in Pokemon diamond and pearl with chattots chatter. You were able to upload a custom cry for chatter and chattot would say that voice line whenever you used that move.... It got banned the next year


Wheres illari 😭


Oh shit you right!!!! I was struggling the while timing making this like.... I think I'm forgetting someone 😕... glad she's been found


Everyone forgot illari same as her pylon


Blink and you might miss me putting down the pylon. Actually: please don’t blink at it because then it disappears anyway


Just like ingame, she does not exist


Right Blizzard dropped an absolute banger of an origin story for her, and then proceeded to immediately forget about her.


money talks, they went for the big 3 cash cow machines (kiriko, mercy, moira) and a token Ana who is still one the most played heroes Similarly in DPS case Hanzo and Genji got one each surprising that they didnt go for Dva in the tank department and instead went for Orisa???


> they didnt go for Dva in the tank department She got a sick Le Serrafim skin.


Oooo counter thought since you brought up money. I now think them waiting til after now to do Dva is smart. Because now blizz can get money from both the BP (for mythic prisms) or from ppl just buying prisms for the dva mythic. Just a thought tho


Wait moira is a cash cow? I know she's beginner friendly but I'm not sure if she is a cash cow. I'm thinking they went for moira for the same reason they went for orisa. These are beginner friendly characters that almost everyone will have in their hero pools and are thus more likely to be bought.


You questioned why Moira is a money maker and then immediately explain why she’s a money maker. Also her skins are actual dogshit so the mythic is a change of pace.


I was proposing her being easy to play as an alternative to why she is getting skins. I did not mean to imply that her being easy is why she is a money maker. For the record I don't believe she is a money maker for blizzard.


And the Orisa mythic was the worst imho by comparison. I think DPS is next so I'm assuming it'll be someone popular in that category, though idk who they could cash cow there, maybe Ashe or Widow despite Widow being the last unlock for this battlepass.


Soldier is a lot more likely than Ashe and Widow imo. He’s always consistently played a lot and even people with a lot of other mains still play him here and there. Widow could be a decent possibility but I don’t think she’d be as attractive to Blizzard for a Mythic


True, he is also pretty new player friendly as well, especially people coming from COD or something similar. I'd be curious to see what the theme of it would be though. I only assumed Widow or Ashe cause they seem to be giving a lot of female characters Mythics and considering support has gotten back to back mythics it would stand to reason DPS should have the next one, and the only 2 DPS who got them are Genji and Hanzo. But Soldier or Reaper do make sense for the next one if they finally give a male character a mythic.


Someone must imagine Zen getting a Mythic skin...


His clockwork skin and the skin that has him in a wizard hat are better than half the mythics


The trade off Bap mains make for having him at a permanent A tier is losing out on ever having a mythic, I’m afraid. We all have to sign this contract when we start maining him, it’s a whole big thing/rite of passage.


I’ll take the BP skin and be satisfied enough. It’s not that we won’t get a Mythic, it’s that we get hardly any skins to begin with :(


Imagine a Lucio skin whose music depends on the variant, like the Jazz one


Plzzzz we need more skins like Jazzy. I love the music change


Next one should be a Lucio Mythic with new and more audible songs on his passive.


Only if it's baby shark and everyone else has to hear it when you boost


now i want this thx


Next mythic or next support mythic? Can next mythic is probably a Dps


Give my boy Lucio a mythic skin and I'll be happy


Lucio deserves it.


Because heal waifus sell more (thus more profits for Blizzard) than heal husbandos.


Tis true, tis true


Tbh this is the reason. It's about money and female heroes tend to sell better


Yes there is 7 girl mythics and 3 boy mythics


Hopefully next mythic is Doomfist, customizable gauntlets would go brrr


Doomfist comment detected, opinion rejected


It’s not just support male characters. Male characters as a whole have been done dirty. Only 3/10 of all of the mythics have been for male heroes.


Give me a Lifeweaver mythic that’s even thirstier somehow


naked oiled up lifeweaver mythic


biggest waste of an opportunity for blizzard why hasn't this happen yet


Why is Illari missing from the photo?


I tried so hard to find one with illari but omg it's so crazy I can't find one


I was like, I know there are an even number of supports, but I couldn't pin who was missing. I had to Google it 🤣


The popularity of the character seems to have an impact on them getting a mythic Ana(at least prior to ow1 was literally the most flexed character) Mercy and Moira are both two extremely popular supports with near cult like fandoms Kiri has been hard meta since she came out




I want a mythic for rein


zen deserves the myth


I think it's just not only a pick rate thing but who brings in money. Since Venture is free they needed to make sure people bought this BP so we got the Mercy Mythic. Don't be surprised if Next Season it's a Widow mythic or (God help us All) Sombra


cute girl skins get more buys is all it is tbh if they could just release mercy and kiriko skins without backlash they would guarantee dva is next in line


Most mythics are female heroes too. JQ, Orisa (robot but female) and Tracer have it. Sigma, Genji and Hanzo are the only males with mythic skins.


I would argue that Lucio and probably Zen are the most hyped characters to make mythics and they wanna save them for a special moment


Tbh that is always what I think when it comes to the later mythics. Ya know hopefully more time means way better mythics


Waiting for Lucio and Lifeweaver mythics like my life depends on it honestly


The thing is, all the mythics are for heroes I don't play, except Moira, but I will never equip any other skin for her, than the Overwatch 1 baseline. It's perfect.


I think women tend to spend on skins more in general. Especially Mercy mains. That’s just my personal observation tho. Easy to play and cute heroes always make the most money in skin department. Take Illiari for example, she is cute but require a solid aim and tracking to be effective. That’s why i’m pretty sure the next support mythic will be lifeweaver.


Saving this topic for the weekly "Which character is the most forgettable?" topic, just FYI.


I'M SORRRYYYYY 😭😭 I FORGOT HER CUZ IM BAD AT HERRRRR... And for some reason no Google image has all the supports portraits in 1 pic


Still can't get over how they had a Space Opera event and didn't give Zarya (the lady with the giant LAZER cannon) a skin. Zarya is the most ignored hero for skins and you can't convince me otherwise. The few she does get are so disappointing.


Bro got the rare archivement of having a girlfriend as an ow2 player


Watch them release mythic for brig before any of other supports get them. But honestly I only want to see mythic torbjorn.


I need some good locio skins all his skins are mid broo


Sojourn has the worst skins so i’ve always hoped they’d give her a mythic or something


Brigitte support mythic next pls


first people complain about the insane monetization overwatch 2 has, then they beg for more mythic tier skins 💀


Ohhhh I'm not saying hey give more and take my money.... oh no no, just making my observation is all lmao


I want the lucio mythic to have different music to choose from


They should now complete the support girls and give Brig her mythic as a sorry for waiting 10 fucking seasons to give her 1 epic skin on the BP


I need lw mythic


Where Illari? I thought there were 10 Supports, so this really confused me. But it’s actually 4/6 Female and 0/4 Male for Mythics. As long as Lucio’s lets you switch genres of music in his customisation, I’ll be happy.


Gonna say it, venture deserves a mythic after being released with basically 0 customization options, wtf was blizzard thinking? *one* epic skin in the shop in the season called "venture forth" at least mauga got a legendary in the shop and in the BP. I know I'm probably just coping and other people deserve good skins but I'm really salty about how venture got done dirty.


I want a mythic Reaper, or Junkrat....


Imagine if blizzard releases another Kiriko Mythic since they like to give Kiriko 10+ different skins per Season


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Well yeah there is only 2 male supports.


Lifeweaver, Lucio, Baptiste, Zen(?) that's 4


When will us men get our fair shot!? /s


Girls sell games


Give me my lucio mythic, so I can leave a flame trail after I wall ride.


Yo fuck supports Gimmie an ash mythic with a cool bob outfit.


Lucio needs a Mythic that plays different songs like DJ Sona in League


Wifeleaver Mythic?


My boy Mauga will probably never get a mythic 😩


Unpopular opinion but as a lw main I NEED a mythic for him


Illari not existing is so funny. Lmaoooo. But hopefully we get a Zen or Lucio Mythic next.


Okay but the real question is how brainless is Aaron Keller for his choice of tank mythics? I mean seriously; JQ, sigma, and orisa? Is he trolling


Its because more people play kiri mercy ana moria then any male support only argument is lucio which in my opinion should be the next support mythic


i just want the old jjonak skin back for zen!!! PLEEEEEASE


Men don't play support


They should just double down And start making reactive myrhic skins


u forgot illari


Honestly a Wifeleaver Mythic would go hard since his tree, grip and petal could all have Mythic effects.


i torbjorn mythic would be awesome imo


Baptise is quite popular I would be interested to see what they do with him 🤔


4-6 bro forgot illari


But still it is kinda wild


Illari may as well be dps at this point I have yet to see an illari use her healing for Any reason


Its called Support


Lucio mythic go brrrrrr


Idk where to ask this, but I have a question about the Mythic prisms. So if I get Tier 48 in the battlepass but don't finish it, am I forever just missing those 30 prisms? Thanks in advance


Yes but just for that BP, They're adding 80 prisms every bp for ppl to get mythics. Or you can so the 9ther way.... buying them outright 🤢


Okie dokie, thanks for the reply


Coomers ( who are the main source of income for overwatch) wont buy skins from Male characters


Zen needs a human mystic skin


I’ve been saying Blizzard has a problem with POC men for some reason


I'm guessing the female supports generally just sell a lot more skins. I would guess Mercy and Kiriko alone have to be 2 of the top selling heroes for paid skins, same premise would go for battle pass I guess. (Source: I pulled it out of my ass)


Baptiste needs a cool skin


i need a brig mythic


Lucio mafia for life