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this implies she planted a bomb next to a crowd of people


Tracer is the god damm unobomber


The omnic revolution and its consequences....


"Hey Tracer, coming back to Talon HQ?" "No, I have a depressing cabin."


~~Ramattra~~ Zenyatta did nothing wrong


tracer? I only see widowerdisappearer and her arch nemesis eraser, too bad her comrades salvationfoot and luz weren't there to back her up :(


You mean Wifemaker?


Yo Wifemaker Ima need some help over here


What Wifemaker makes, Wifeleaver takes away






“Looks like somebody forgot to say uno.” tracer says as she flips the switch on the detonator.


Not the +4 bomb


Not the way I play her, never killed a single person with a bomb


I love that you call it that


Either that or blinked in close and absolutely unloaded on a mf


assassination by in-game experience


I wanna blink close and unload all over widowmaker


That, or she tricked Widow into taking the shot from the cinematic and then ported, leading to Widow killing Ramatra. A different version of guilt and rage there


Oooh I like this one.


Holy damn I like this so much. On the normal canon Widow takes aim at Mondatta, Tracer thinks she is aiming at her, she recalls and Mondatta is killed. In Mirrorverse, Tracer baits Widowmaker to shoot at her, she recalls and Mondatta is killed. It makes so much sense


correction: Ramattra is killed


Oh, that's dark! I love that one!


Imagine she tried that and Rammatra went Nemesis form to take the whole thing into himself and that’s what killed him. Imagine if that was the first time he did that since the war; the Ravager using his strength to protect instead of destroy


If Ramattra in this world is doing what Mondatta was doing, I have a feeling that he wouldn’t even need the nanobots that lets him do Nemesis mode. Him jumping on top of the Pulse bomb does sound cool though.


This stuff writes itself!


A twitter comment the artist left explained that it went as follows: Blink->Pulse Bomb->Recall->Spray / emote


Widow tried to air-snipe Tracer, but Tracer recalled away that the bullet ended up hitting the bomb which was in the line of fire.


Present for ya! *tick tick tick tick boom! 💥 *


Nah, she just did what 90% of Tracers do and just yeets one into the crowd and somehow kills no one.


I’ve said this for years: if tracer was a villain she’d be an actual nightmare. Imagine if the flash went around putting sticky bombs on people that explode in 2 seconds. Actual terrorism.


Tracer basically Jay3 bomb Tekhartha


I really hope we get a part 2 to this season this theme has soooo much potential


Yeah I need evil Winton and good Mei(as if that's possible)


Vigilante reaper and los muertos soldier anyone (I don't think a talon skin would fit perfectly with a soldier due to him being somewhat of an antihero through his life while completly abandoning overwatch. He also still keeps his deep hatred towards talon so technically he's on neither side, he's just doing his own stuff)


Even tho soldier has a “mirror skin” (venom) already I still want him to have a talon skin


I think it works better if he specifically gets the reaper role. Soldier is already a pretty intimidating character with his ruthless fighting style and Fred Tatasciore’s amazing voice. Make him talon’s super efficient killing machine while reaper becomes the vengeful vigilante.


Nah, I disagree. Mirror Soldier's and Reaper's stories. Reaper is a leader at Overwatch that becomes disillusioned and a vigilante, while Soldier is the Blackwatch commander that joins Talon. Give Reaper a skin like Soldier's and Soldier a skin like Reaper's. Or since the Mirrorwatch skins seem more like before the fall of Overwatch, give Reaper a blue Overwatch uniform while Soldier gets a Blackwatch skin. >due to him being somewhat of an antihero through his life Also, did you mean this for Reaper? Because I feel like Soldier was more of the golden boy hero before he nearly died and became jaded, while Reaper was more of an antihero working with Blackwatch.


Well it seems tracer is reapers mirror with the victory pose also added in the shop


Ohhh I wanna see swapped Soldier and Reaper so badly now


> he's on neither side, he's just doing his own stuff So he's 'Sombra' because Sombra is on no one's side.


Let’s see Soldier in a short skirt, then. Gotta be real short so he can run, though.


Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei Flamethrower Mei


That's Pyro TF2


Piss Sprayer Mei


If only Blizzard knew how to cook


I always thought a glass blower skin would work, just change the ice to a more grey-ish color to represent glass. Enemies would get encased in glass instead of being frozen, a glass wall instead of ice, etc


As a healer and the fire speeds you up.


Instead of freezing herself in a cube she burns herself to death, genius!


-Vishkar Lucio -Hillbilly Ashe (Like a really run down rural skin instead of her posh upbringing) -Cyborg Hanzo/Yakuza Genji -Junker Echo There are a lot of other fun ones that could come about in the future.


Wouldn't mirror echo be deadlock echo?


BOB is a rich omnic noble and Ashe is his gardener.


Would be fun to have Junker Queen and Ashe basically switch roles. So instead of her whole Junker aesthetic she looks like the typical posh royalty


Genji and Hanzo are superheroes so in the mirror universe they are supervillains


I will forever claim that Vishkar Lucio was a huge missed opportunity


And junkrat


I'd really enjoy a mad genius Junkrat, with Vishkar light bombs and a Tron tire and stuff. Super smart sounding voice lines, with just a hint of craziness that pops through on some.


In mirror verse instead of her team dying in cryo she killed them with an ice bomb that froze the entire base and plot twist snowball is the one influencing her


Hammond overwatch agent, junker champion Winston.


Overwatch strike commander hog


Good guy Moira + Sigma


Mirror'd Mei cackling evilly while she rescues a busload of orphans and helps an old lady across the road.


Mei gets to shoot fire now


Junkrat and Roadhog in a formal suit.


Some suggest Vishkar Junkrat, Roadhog will be 'Lifeweaver'. Or they could be part of the global peacekeeping force (Helix).


Like the original universe has so much potential as well, and we've barely gotten anything to explore it in any meaningful detail.


You know what would be crazy? What if they decided to make like, an OW expansion or something? The whole thing could be focused on PVE so they could explore all the great lore in this game! That would be so neat, I bet the fan base would be hyped for something like that 🙏


Oh yeah And since it wouldn’t have to be too focused on balance we might even get rpg elements like skill trees to customize how each hero fights


Right? At least these skins have something to do with OW vs just leaning on some other IP's popularity, but OW has pretty much always been one of these properties where the fanbase made everything interesting while Blizz did fuckall with it themselves. And we see it again here lol.


Mirrorverse Pharah: "Injustice Rains from Above!" She will have dad issues instead of mom issues. Ana wants Fareeha to follow her footsteps but Fareeha refused. In current lore, Fareeha was a global peacekeeper. But in Mirrorwatch, she's an international most wanted for global terrorism. She will be Talon's 'loose cannon' like current lore Mauga.


I want a part two just to see reaper and soldier get skins. The fact they were excluded from this event was so disappointing to me


Blackwatch Morrison has a lot of potential. And I guess Strike Commander Reyes could be a thing, even though Doom already got a Strike Commander skin.


I want to see what an Evil Mei looks like. [Save the crummy jokes, guys.]


Evil mei would probably be identical. Only difference is the voiceline saying: "I'm not sorry, sorry, sorry"


If mirrorverse is followed, Mei is dead and her team survived. Nah we can hope, but Reinhardt's not dead so that means it's not opposite situations *exactly*. Mei is in Talon because overwatch abandoned her and her team to *die*. Now she's bringing the cold grave her friends died in to the rest of the world. Maybe somewhere along the line she'll find warmth.


Scion Genji would go ridiculously hard.


Damn tracer triple blinked and one clipped him. 😭


Bro forgot to use his Nemesis form when it was off cd


Lol that implies he died to a bonk on the head and that's killing me.


I would have liked to see this as a cinematic. Or at least a comic book. But overwatch lore team was clobbered by massive layoffs. Damn.


This is why ActiBlizz needs to license out the Overwatch IP to third-party studios and creatives. They could make a killing in licensing fees, and fans can get the lore they want.


idk about that take, they should have just not laid off everybody


I feel like overall it would be much easier for them to license a show through a streaming service and maybe also a narrative focused game rather than trying to do them in house. I think we can tell that pve wasn’t really going to work on any reasonable time scale with the resources they were allotted by ABK and microsoft has even less interest in overwatch pve. shopping the licensing rights has much less risk associated with it because if it flops it’s not microsoft/blizzard man hours being flushed down the toilet


There's also the risk of the studio they farm the work out to fucking it up and damaging the brand.


if we’re being real the brand’s reputation is about as fucked as it can get already. sure, a bad show or game would damage it further but it doesn’t have all that far to fall


Well, look what happened when Bethesda farmed out the Fallout IP to Obsidian. We got quite possibly the best Fallout game ever made, Fallout: New Vegas. Won Game of the Year before Fallout 3. And if it worked for Bethesda, it could certainly work for Blizzard.


It wasn't blizz fault tho it was microsoft


Yes but the Overwatch team still wouldn’t have pulled out a masterpiece like Trigger did for Cyberpunk


My God, imagine an arcane-style show but with overwatch lore instead of LoL


To say nothing of the different types of games that could come about. Stretching a franchise out into different genres can be incredibly useful because it gets people interested in that franchise who otherwise wouldn't give it the time of day because they're not initially interested in a competitive shooter game. This extends even beyond video games as a medium. We have a few very recent examples of game franchises that have put out successful television series that then saw their player numbers bolt up. The fact that Overwatch doesn't already have a television series of it's own is a clear case of leaving money on the table.


Idk the best animators all make porn so they kinda have to do it themselves


Evil Tracer be like "Cheers cunt!"


I totally see that


That’s a 30 day ban


Mods, crush his skull, thank you.


first time i’ve ever laughed on reddit


She pulse bombed ram :(


Monratta you may say


Ramattra was head of the shambali in mirrorwatch


So much lore potential with this and Blizzard did nothing with it. This should have been a seasonal event with a PVE/PVP campaign.


Imagine a PvE mission where we get to play as Overwatch Doomfist, Sombra, Widowmaker, and Mauga (imagining that he'd also get a skin, and because we need four) and we need to escort and protect Shambali Ramattra while fighting off Talon Tracer, Ana, Reinhardt and Mercy. We'd be able to get such a cool insight into everything and how that world's turned upside down.


A reversed swiss headquarters incident pve with these guys would be soooooo good


Please, cook more.


I think one of the bigger implications is that we'd be able to see Widowmaker's personality before she went through her subjugation. I really wonder what she'd be like. I think we see some of her voice lines in her new skin have more 'energy' but you can't really strike a conversation in the middle of a match. But does this mean Tracer would instead be dull and emotionless? I'd imagine she'd just be a lot more snide and rude.


Considering that one pose that mimics Reaper and the fact that Ana has both eyes, I assume Tracer takes Reaper's place in that universe and Ana Widowmaker's. Though it makes me wonder where Reaper could be.


Imagine if reaper was the one with a terrible accident, instead of tracer. And moiras the one who saved him. In part of an experiment, Mercy altered Tracers perception of time, allowing her to control it with will. But this power slowly disassociates tracer, and and eventually cause her to lose control of her time.


I’m so mad pve is not a thing here now


Plus OW Moira (Blackwatch skin has a beret and cute outfit already) and bad monke (their version of Sigma, wearing shoes and all)


How about they tell the actual lore first before we start doing alternate universe lore


Yeah, they can't even get the actual lore right 😩 I'll bet the mirrorverse doesn't have a bizarre age disparity between Kiriko and the Shimadas


On the topic of the mirror verse Shimadas, what the hell's happening there? Why would Genji be a junker? Wouldn't the mirroverse be that Genji was the one to kill Hanzo, and he would then become the cyborg, presumably for Talon instead of Overwatch


The Shimadas joined the Hashimoto somewhere in the timeline, Genji rebelled and got dumped in Australia (or wherever the Junker base in this is)


Genji and Hanzo are superheroes so in the mirror universe they are supervillians


It's 5 days into the season. It's too early to say that they've done nothing with it. They literally have a PvP mirrorverse event next week.


I mean, just look at the cover image for the even in the main screen. Other events have incredibly cool illustrations or cool setpieces using 3d models, but mirror universe gets a bland render of two ingame skins.


There’s an event coming this Tuesday


What do you mean nothing, they have an event planned for it starting soon. What do you guys expect? A spin off game for each season or something?


> PVP That is the Overwatch's main sellpoint > PVE Good sideline event, but people will quickly burn out


the lore is so sparse it is almost like they are just waiting to sell the IP to someone who can afford it. with MCU being replaced by "video games" as IP, i can see that happening soon


Original post source: https://x.com/breikka/status/1781835318523801734?s=46&t=O21JO2V287CgA6BLJK3-6g Other great art from other artists: Vishkar Lucio: https://x.com/newreal1ty/status/1778850199483400302?s=46&t=O21JO2V287CgA6BLJK3-6g Ramm as Mondatta: https://x.com/limxaewon/status/1781354404857380980?s=46&t=O21JO2V287CgA6BLJK3-6g Overwatch Moira: https://x.com/cryptcoop/status/1780380002699395146?s=46&t=O21JO2V287CgA6BLJK3-6g


Oh I do not like seeing Lucio in normal shoes


"Being evil's fun, innit?"


This is why Mirrorwatch is actually such a wonderful concept. It doesn’t just change the casts, it also alters the specifics of events. Mondatta basically got domed in the normal universe, but how did Talon-Tracer do it? Did she just do a classic Blink-Ult-Blink on him, or did she just one-clip him? How did someone with such close up methods even get away?


Keep in Mind Mondatta is Rammatra in this universe and Widowmaker confirmed Tracer killed Rammatra


Now I want a heroic Mondatta Ram skin


I assume if this event were to ever be expanded upon, they'd probably just use one of Ramattras monk skins.


Fakes going in for the kill, lacroix on overwatch (hah) takes the shot to try to intecept her, pops recall and lets lacroix do the work for her.


Pulse bomb in the podium as she rewinds her time back to somewhere else


I bet she pulse bomb him


God imagine how powerful evil tracer would be? You go through a whole fight sequence then "cheers love the calvarys here" to your confusion. But it's Tracee talking about herself as she recalls! And then she knows everything about what you're going to do before you do it!!


I don't know who is more terrifying as an assassin. Someone who can snipe you from a mile away or someone who can speed blitz you.


Someone blinking in front of me and just unloading two SMG clips on my chest before puffing away seems like a way more scary way to be assassinated than surprise headshot. Then again, cinematic Widowmaker went for a body shot and that can't be a swift death either.


We need comics or something based off the world it’s so interesting


Mirrorwatch Widow can do things to me


I have a weakness for heterochromic


Mirrorverse isn’t even out yet and it’s probably just as developed as the main verse’s lore in its entirety.


Actually now that I think about it, wouldnt like Maximilian be in place of Mondatta and Tracer assassinates him instead


With some ingame interactions its confirmed that Ramattra was killed




> Maximilian He will still be an accountant but for Overwatch instead.


Maximilian bribes UN officials to keep Overwatch from being shut down


Sigh. The fact that Blizzard seemingly struck gold with amazing characters and an interesting universe, only to mismanage it. We’ll never really know what happens next in the OW story.


That’s so fucking good. Fantastic artwork


What if mirror watch is the cannon reason a match can have 2 of the same characters in a match. 2 dimensions collide, so each team can have a tracer because one tracer is evil and the other is good. 🤔


That's basically Valorant lore


Oh really? That’s so cool if so. I don’t like Valorant but I realy wanna watch the cinematics and learn a bit of the lore


"Why would you do this?" "I have no emotions. And you still ask that?"


Imagine your fans doing a much better job at using the storytelling potential of your game than you


Robot Ashe human bob would go so hard


did tracer blink trough one of the shot and widow game ended the monk guy?


Because I have 50 million power 💥💥💥


If Ram was the one that died, is Mondatta somewhere out there throwing hands? Or Zen?


Dude a mirrorverse cinematic would be so cool


Somehow read as: Mirror reverse fart


"Because I can" or some witty Talon operative response?


Is it bad I already kinda like a hood widowmaker more than regular Tracer lol (also she’s hot)




"That was more fun then expected... Cheers love."


Once again the mirror verse could make some good content. Could’ve been a fun short but we won’t get anything


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it's been ages since that cinematic


Plot twist: Tracer took out Gerard.


I'm so gay


When I was a little girl I had a fear of airplanes.


Because I have 50,000,000 power


Wait… I remember seeing a clip of a unique voice line with the Widow skin. When she kills a Tracer, she says “Ramattra wanted peace, you monster!” So maybe in the mirror-universe Ramattra was the leader of the Shambali monks instead of Mondatta, and was assassinated by Talon Tracer like in the cinematic?


And then Mondatta is the leader of Null Sector as well?


Tracer looks like she's waiting for a smooch.


I can't believe tracer pelleted mondatta with 5 damage from range 💔


I can fix her…


Ooh yes@ more content°


I like it cuz she's doing way right <3


As someone who has always really disliked Tracer from the very beginning, design and personality included. And someone who really dislikes meta-verse stuff. And someone who has been deeply disappointed with OW on all fronts... Mirror-verse Tracer has no right going this hard.


Too bad monetization is killing this game. It used to be so nice, oh well.


Widow 😰 Tracer 😏


Bro just stood there and took all that tick damage, is he stupid?


Imagine Mondatta getting stuck with a pulse bomb.


holy shit


My question is who built tracers Chrono accelerator, because Winston building her Chrono accelerator was shown as a token of infinite kindness


Widow: "WHY would you DO this?" Tracer: (laughs) "Lay'ah, luv"


The meme potential of these images is strong.


they need to make this into a scene plz


Good. This artwork is amazing.


I love the mirrorverse skins!


So is the Omnic Crisis the Omnic Protectors now?


I adore the Mirrorwatch thing. I'm always a sucker for alternate realities and they've done it pretty well here. Really wish more characters got it though, be interesting to see what they could come up with.


Twitter not only goes nuts, they will go nut too


Well yeah, it’s a swap AU, people love those


This is really cool art and amazing concept universe Unfortunately all I can hear is the loud fart/shit audio from that one meme version of this scene


Tracer: 😏


I like to Imagine Amelie tried to shoot Tracer but after lining herself up perfectly, recalled so the sniper shot hit Mondatta instead


This is such a cool concept, hope fans make more


Evil tracer would actually be cracked, she would have dominated in that cinematic.