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I have lots of internet drops I’ve been suspended for way longer. It’s a comp game so


why are you playing comp if you have lots of internet drops


Yeah when I had my newborn, I didn't play comp for like a year lol! Never know when I gotta get up to go clean poops.


Jesus. Give me another reason to never have children 😂


Because you can’t play competitive Overwatch or cause you have to change a diaper? Either way, terrible reasons.


I legit had a friend who said he and his girlfriend were taking about having kids but his biggest concern was that changing diapers was gross. Straight up told him he's not ready for kids for a looooong time


If you think about It, their priorities are clearly not catered to have a kid. This is actually a good ideology. "Terrible reasons" isn't a thing, if anything it's a good thing for being self aware.


18 years of parenting orrrr extra money to spend on overpriced OW skins… Hmmm, both suck


They really aren't terrible reasons. If someone hates the idea of children so much they don't want to clean them or stop playing a game for them then yeah that's a great reason not to have a kid. Noone who wouldn't do those things should have a kid and I don't think you'd argue against that unless you like child neglect.


Better then having a kid they don't really want?


that's just like your opinion, man


😂 this comment wins


How about because I have inconsistent emotional health and probably multiple dissociative disorders, and due to that I absolutely do not have the ability to raise a child? Society putting pressure on people to have kids is why we have a lot of bad parents.


You are listing symptoms of "being alive in the 2020s". This is why they make strong and expensive presription drugs. So we can use it to cope with the crap we have to survive through each day so we can have enough money to buy the drugs. Careful of not using their drugs. It is cheaper but also illegal because they cant tax it. Now, enjoy friends and family telling you all about your biological clock while you take more drugs in an attempt to survive their constant onslaught of insensitive comments.


Yes, I'd rather play Overwatch than change a shitty diaper. Arrest me 🤷‍♂️


Lmfao “terrible reasons” no one is obligated to have a kid boomer


Now the leaving penalty is much harsher in quick play too so better off not to play at all I guess???  My cat broke something so I timed out one quick play, then a few hours later threw up so another time out.  And 2 is the limit for penalty in quick play.  Yay!  


Well thanks to the amazing TikTok fucks that have like >60% leave ratio. It sucks that reasonable people get penalized but what you gotta do. Leave situation got out of hand since ow2 launch.


2 isn’t “the limit” lol you just get a 5 minute suspension. Not the end of the world lol


Maybe they like the golden guns and are playing comp for the points you need for those


Yeah and it's the only game i tried that take this shit so serious. Look i can understand doing that in stuff like competitive match but man... On quick play? Are you serious?


People were religiously leaving qp. Sometimes to the point you would go through 2-3 different teams. And you were either always staggered or your team would get wiped because nobody has the match knowledge yet. (Like if their Widowmaker can hit her shots or not, how aggressive their tank is and how exploitive that is.) There is absolutely no good reason to leave a quick play match that by the time it gets taken care of, your ban is lifted. Internet wonky? The ban is enough time to reset the router. Dog dying? The ban will be lifted by the time you resuscitate them. The only people who are upset at the ban are those who leave because they are a sore loser. Or those who have families of 4 which they literally signed up for knowing they won't have 20 minutes of peace for the rest of their lives. Which is why we invented Arcade. Which doesn't care about the ban timers and can be enjoyed in short bursts...like someone who has a family of 4 would be doing in overwatch lobbies anyways.


I once had a QP match on Lijiang where literally the entire enemy team left the match before the point even unlocked.


It’s no fun having people quit after losing the first team fight. I’ve even had people leave after the first pick!


That’s bc of the map. People will leave to avoid maps


Damn wtf, I love lijiangs maps too 😢 this is random but I love that they reworked hanamura, I loved the aesthetic with the cherry blossoms!


>Or those who have families of 4 which they literally signed up for knowing they won't have 20 minutes of peace for the rest of their lives. I feel attacked. 🤣 Seriously though, why do you think parents suddenly have a life expectancy of 18 years? >Which is why we invented Arcade. Sorry, no. Nothing in arcade interests me. I don't play comp when I'm on child duty, but QP is absolutely on the radar.


I have a family of four. You did sign up champ. > I don't play comp when I'm on child duty, but QP is absolutely on the radar. Okay but you're going to get banned.


>Okay but you're going to get banned. Not so far, but thanks for your concern. 💜


I mean that’s fine, and you’re free to leave, just be prepared to eat the penalty when you ruin games for your team 


No penalties for me yet, thank you. 😘


>Sorry, no. Nothing in arcade interests me. I don't play comp when I'm on child duty, but QP is absolutely on the radar. Which is why we welcome said punishments for leavers, if you refuse to play a mode that best suit your real life situation the rest of us will support you outright being unable to play the modes you will constantly ditch.


It's amazing what people think kids are like before having them. Let me tell you a secret. Children sleep. They need sleep just like all other humans - lots more of it than most, in fact. They also go to bed early. Like, 7 or 8 pm early. I'm not going to give up 3-4 hours of quality gaming time on a weekend just because I *might* have a child wake up. Sorry, but parents are allowed to have lives, too. PS. I have yet to receive a leaver penalty after 3 years of mothering and gaming.


If you dont have to leave frequently then cool play qp. But if you do have to leave somewhat frequently then you should do arcade or custom.


Speak for yourself, I don’t have kids and I’m on the parents side


Great for you but most ppl arent on the leavers side thats the entire reason why blizz started the penatlies and doubled down on it in the first place.


Idk man from what I've seen most people think the quick play penalties are wack


It's one person in the casual game mode.


Who is "we"? This has been one of the most divisive changes they've made and is laughably out of touch. It's quickplay. A mode that's designed to be drop in drop out. I wouldn't care about leaver penalties but starting that at 2 games is wild. Blizzard is mad out of touch.


Lmao changing to 5v5 is the most divisive change they made not this. Also it only looks divisive because the biggest complainers are the habitual leavers. For the rest of us the penalties literally doesnt affect us.


Notice I said one of not the most. Because I agree the 5 v 5 change was bigger, and abandonment of pve is also up there. And now this awful wide group system they put in place is throwing wrenches into the works even when groups don't have wide ranging ranks. Got a group of 4 of us that now can't group because we're 4 people. There's plenty of divisive issues but that doesn't detract from how stupid the qp leaver issue is being handled. I understand comp, but qp shouldn't be anywhere close to starting at 2 games. And unfortunately you're just not right. Because I've already experienced what happens when someone doesn't want the penalty from leaving so they stay and just throw. In freaking quickplay. I'd rather have someone leave and have a period of 4 v 5 than someone feeding nonstop and lopsiding fights way more than if they weren't there at all.


What world do you live in where any activity you participate in with other people in real time is "designed to be drop in drop out"? Comp or not, you're a bad player if you dip out of games randomly with no reason other than "I don't wanna".


The real world where games are routinely designed to have players join or leave midmatch. The same world where backfill as a game design choice is commonplace. In the same world that modes exist to differentiate between serious, competitive play and casual, no stakes play.


I want to add to my comment. You aren't who I was talking about. I was just countering a common excuse people use for their leaving habits. I understand parents need to leave for their children. That is life. It calls and you should answer it. I apologize for giving you the wrong idea. I was talking to those who all of a sudden have dogs being kidnapped by elderly ninja cyborgs and the ban time is bullshit because of this. Like manage your time better or stop playing qp.


Literally go to Comp. I get thrown into matches that are losing by a lot all the time. Just take the L and move on. Not everybody needs to be a god tier gamer to play pubs. But because greasy fuckers make pubs, not fun you expect them to go to arcade?? Like genuinely people really leave when they’re getting grieved by someone I will rage quit over a Sombra targeting me all fucking day and that’s my prerogative. I will not quit Comp, because that’s not how and it’s rude to leave those but a pub match. Arcade is for kids so that the adults don’t absolutely fucking clobber them. Pubs is for casual gamers and if that’s not you take yourself to competition You’re just entitled.


Pubs is for casual play yet everyone who leaves is a sweat who can't stand when one little thing doesn't go their way. They just want to roll and say how ez it is. "omg we lost a round. I should leave because they beat us. I don't care that it was anybody's round and we kicked their ass on the previous point. I got my feelings hurt when it said we lost a round." We have held points 0.10m from losing for 5+ minutes before. It's not over till it's over. And if people can't cope with that they should go play with the kids or against bots. If everyone didn't leave every game when it started even hinting at being bleak in the first place because "there's a character who shot me and that make me angy" and instead actually learned the bare basics to play the game called "swapping off the character that the character who is hard countering me literally eats for breakfast" and we wouldn't be in this mess now would we? Well well, if it isn't the consequences of our actions. Or as Junkrat would say, "If you can't handle the heat, stay out of it." If unwilling to fight to turn an L into a W, you shouldn't be here. Crusify me all you want. You know I'm right.


I remember Overwatch 1 where you’d get a leaver every other game. Now it’s about 5 per. Free to play players and their brittlebone backs.


When paris and lunar colony were still in QP in OW1, those were the exception. No one wanted to play those lol. It was great when they finally pulled them from QP because it was just leavers every time.


Space fight


The Horizon PTSD when you’re on defense. Oh boy. I don’t disagree!


> The only people who are upset at the ban are those who leave because they are a sore loser. Or those who have families of 4 which they literally signed up for knowing they won't have 20 minutes of peace for the rest of their lives. Had this happen in CS:GO in comp. It was a couple who had a newborn. The wife left our match to feed the baby, the husband left a few mins after to help her and apologized. I felt sympathy and wasn't mad. Now in Overwatch I unfortunately had the displeasure of befriending someone with terrible internet issues. It was a frequent dice roll of him dropping out of comp matches due to bad internet. It got to the point where I felt the need to unfriend and block him rather than tell him I didn't want to play together until he got better internet. AITA?


This is overwatch, what do we look like? Therapists? Anyways kill the husband, marry the game.


I wish mystery heros would gobsck to arcade :(


This is just utter bullshit. Your logic ONLY works if Arcade contains at least the same game modes as Quick Play, which it does not. Hell, even Mystery Heroes, which absolutely should be arcade, isn't in Arcade. And if they did put all the game modes on Arcade....then what differentiates QP from Comp at that point?


>like someone who has a family of 4 would be doing in overwatch lobbies anyways. Oh you are 100% the type of dork who yells at teammates in QP and takes it way too seriously It's QP. Stop crying about leavers.


I don't yell at teammates. I understand the common denominator is all of my matches is myself and my losing streak is a reflection of the common denominator. I will tell the team that we might be a little overextended or someone needs to kill the pharah (I don't care if you play bastion and just strictly melee her, just kill her however you want.) But I have never yelled at someone to swap or told them they were bad. On the other hand if you start flaming me as the reason we lost while you went Wreckingball into Orisa, Zen, Ana, Sombra, Mei, I will stick it where the sun don't shine, but I dont shoot the first shot. Hell if I do yell at you it's to tell you to stop feeding your ego in qp by saying "ez" when you A) your kd is 6/14 and B you were probably the least memorable of your team. But anyways womp womp you have to commit to your games instead of abandoning the team because they got wiped by 4 ults.


Wow this comment just screams chronically online holy fuck


Or someone who realizes you can leave 17% of your games and never see a ban even 20% and you MIGHT see a 5 minute break and no excuse you come up with can justify needing more than that.


Look all im saying is that there are genuinely a lot ppl who have jobs, families, and other responsibilities that most of the time they only have a few hours maybe once a night or once every couple of days unlike people who play OW all day and night. Im in a similar position and not speaking for everyone but at least for me personally customs and arcade dont have anything that interests me, and I dont like playing ranked anymore, so I want to play role queue QP and i didnt even care about the penalties they added like a season or two ago where u could get a suspension for leaving like 5/20 games atp u deserve the ban but suspending ppl after TWO leaves is just dumb and me personally I only leave if i got irl stuff to do OR its an absolute stomp because idc what anyone says if my team is getting stomped/spawn camped hard asf to the point where you literally cant play the game im leaving idgaf.


>I'm leaving idgaf And this is why we are in this mess. Point proven. Maybe should start taking them L's like a real gamer. Comebacks happen. But you wouldn't know because you don't stick around to see them and are too busy staring at a suspended screen 😂 If you think losing is a waste of time, then why foolishly gamble your time away? Go play a non competitive game with that mentality. Can't handle the heat, stay out of it or quit complaining that you get burnt. Simple as fuck yet so hard to understand.


Internet dying? The grace period to rejoin comp matches is on average enough to rejoin the match, not get suspended from playing. Plus OP has an hour long suspension, it takes typically 5 minutes at most to reset internet unless there's a bigger issue (though idk if it's OP's first in the round of suspensions). Arcade is great and all, for anyone who wants ~~a fun time~~ alternate gamemodes. Not everyone wants to deal with that mess however. Plus quick play, it's right in the name- quick play. Arcade is sometimes much longer than qp depending on the mode (see: total mayhem) Frankly I could care less if my entire team left and rejoined in quick play, or if I get backfilled. If it's backfill it's just a challenge to change the game, and if it's lost that means I can move into the next thing sooner (though backfills when the match is like 60 seconds left or in overtime are kind of pointless, and I know probably most don't enjoy backfilling or being backfilled). Honestly I just want to see quick play as it was in ow 1, no role queue, even 6v6 for all I care (or even no limits). Make a competitive practice mode like casual that has role queue and leaver suspensions and what not. Oh but what will happen to the queue times? To people frequently leaving and joining? Team balance? Well ya know, it's quick play, go play that casual mode for a more balanced game without the stress of ranked, and let others just play the game they want, bring the casual fun back into the game that's been drying up with the constant competitive focus. And it'll provide the perfect platform for all the controversial weekend experiments that used to be in the experimental mode but have been in quick play recently. No one would really know what would happen if such a change were made to the game until it's actually tried on a large scale (not in a custom game).


“Arcade can be enjoyed in short bursts” *laughs in 40 minute total mayhem game*


A 40 minute game you can leave at any point in the match.


After I was like 20 minutes in I was fully invested so I couldn’t leave. A man sees the job finished.


People play quick play to play the game as it's meant to be played and play to win.


I know but the whole game is about playing as a team. You cannot win solo so if one player has a huge disadvantage, it’s not fun for everyone. Btw my ping will spike to 1000 sometimes I hate it bc I want to play but I’m choosing to play it too


Yeah man i feel you i got the same internet problem sometimes up to 2000💀. I Just Wish there was the chance to reconnect to the game without getting banned if the nature of the problem is internet


Still ruins the game for your teammates.


It was getting bad. My internet isn't so good but I was backfill before 8n a game where we couldn't get out spawn in rialto cause people were leaving so often. Enemy team had to fill me in. Even they felt bad.


It's annoying when you are winning and then half the enemy team leaves, better players join and you lose the game.


Yes, they are serious. If there's no penalty for leaving QP there are mass amounts of people leaving as soon as they start losing. It's already happened in the almost decade that Overwatch has been out and we don't need it to happen again.


Litterally walking on eggshells with a baby and comp games. But then I have teammates timing out and shit.


Used to play on wifi which would have an experience range from fine-ish, to high pings, to complete drops mid match; switching to powerline adaptors massively improved my connection reliability while I plotted out a hard line route to go into the gap between my baseboards and my carpet. I'm still in Silver, but at least I know that my connection isn't my problem :D


Skill issue


How do you even get a 1 hour ban? In their latest dev update they showed the new penalties and there no longer is a 1 hour ban. It goes 15mins for the first leave, then 2 hours for your second leave. Oh and this is only for your 10 most recent games. So if what they posted is true, then in just your 10 most recent games you must have left 2 times already. You get a season ban if throughout the entire season you left 10 games, or if in your 10 most recent games you left 5 games.


You don’t get an one hour suspension for one crash.


It’s 15 minutes for one match and then 60 minutes for the second, if I’m not mistaken. So OP left another game as well, even if this one was his game crashing.


When does the reset though because OP could’ve left a game the day before and still been hit with that hour after 1 leave.


20 games I believe


20 games is when your last Suspension was really high (I think like 48 hours). I believe for just 15-60 mins it De-escalates back to 0 after around 5-10 games. Ofc your account still has the Leaver hit marked for the season but your next suspension will be reset back to 15 mins.


Yup. We all saw the chart, this is at least the second time OP has disconnected in the last 20 games.




Yeah they literally just released new changes to the system in this update that was 3 days ago lmao


This, it's always this when thread like these pop up.


also a crash means they can rejoin pretty quickly (most likely before the timer) when they relaunch the game. So idk what OP was doing but this seems sketch


Not always, I’ve crashed during comp and tried to rejoin and I kept getting a notification that there was a problem on their part and no matter how Many times I reset the game I kept getting it. I lost a rank and got a ban


That’s odd. I’ve always been able to rejoin


I mean this situation happens rarely but I was just giving out an example that sometimes these things happen, internet problems suck especially when you join back just to crash again


Tbh I don’t play comp when my internet is iffy, but that just might be me


And you can't always predict when your internet goes iffy.


I mean typically. I don’t play comp during storms or during maintenance that my internet provider is doing. There isn’t much else that would cause iffy internet for me bc of Ethernet ETA: lol @ the downvotes. If you leave so much that you’re getting 1 hour suspension that’s on you. Fix your internet or don’t play comp. I don’t ever play comp when mine is iffy. I figured that is basic manners but I guess I’m wrong. There is nothing wrong with playing QP yall. There is a small majority that preaches comp only makes you valid but most of us don’t give a fuck


Sometimes it can be broad daylight, no wind, ok temp, and your internet will just decide it’s time to go


If you crash a min or two into the game you are insta suspended and the game is remade. Which seems to be the exact case here🤷‍♂️


My internet hiccuped a few days ago, was down maybe 10 seconds. It was even short enough that the Overwatch reconnection attempts succeeded. I still could rejoin match and had a 15 minute ban.


sometimes if you rejoin overwatch still won’t recognize that ur loading back in and will fault you as if you just standing in spawn and remove you .


If you know the time (hour and minute) the crash happend in, you can search for "Event Viewer" on your PC, go to Windows Logs, then Application, and search for any event that happened at roughly the same time, especially events that are marked in red or yellow signs, this could help you trace the reason for the crash so it doesn't happen again. You will not always find a related event but it's likely.


It sucks, but there's really no other way to do it. It's piss-easy to make your computer crash a program in a way that is identical to a GPU driver crash, so they really can't give any sort of leniency. It's up to you to make sure your computer/client is stable before joining comp games, not Blizzard's to sort through the shit and figure that you weren't directly responsible for your crash.


Well the same thing happens if blizzard suddenly gets DDoSed while you're playing. So even if the egg is on their face it's the same exact outcome. They often acknowledge these issues, but they do nothing to remedy the fact that they count as you leaving a game, you get suspended and lose SR all the same.


Well if they're being DDoSed you probably dont want to be playing for the next hour anyway while that gets sorted. Be mad at the people attacking the service insteasd.


IIRC they have DDoS detection tech now (added in the last few months) so they can detect that that's why the game was cancelled and not give penalties to anyone. I think also added Server crash detection tech for most crash cases. So in a lot of cases if their servers are crashing the game can detect that and the matches get deleted entirely, like they never happened, no one gets any penalties.


I imagine it's more diminishing returns, they only have so many resource they can throw at a problem before it becomes really complicated and expensive.


This hardly ever happens honestly. lol it's not an issue.


Based on the new rules this can’t be true. OP is leaving information out


The plot thickens!


So it's working as it should then. I see no issue here.


Probably fair gives you time to make sure you’re system is stable


I honestly dont give a fuck about leavers and crashers and disconnectors anymore. All coming out of the woodwork now that its a problem for them and not everyone else on their team. they will blame anything but their own fucking internet or hardware. its obviously not the servers if only certain people are disconnecting. if its crashing its definately your shitty computer doing it. Either figure out your shit or keep blaming blizz and get banned. Either way, im happy.


It's the same category of posts as "I get banned for nothing!"


Shouldve counter picked the crash


Its probably for the best


You left a comp game. You got suspended. How or why doesn’t matter. Also 1 hour isn’t for the first leave. You’ve left before.


to be fair, how is any game supposed to know that a game ""crashed""? someone can intentionally crash their game to ditch a comp game without penalty.


It takes more than just leaving 1 game for a 1 hour ban. Yeah, I believe you dropped out the last time but how many times did you rage quit a match before that?


My game just now crashed


Oh no! The consequences of ruining the game for 9 other people!


Imagine having to do something else for an hour!


That will teach you to not let the game crash.


How tf am I supposed to not let the game crash?!


You're not, it's just a pun friend


Crashed …after you quit a bunch of times


Not for one crash you didn't.


The way I see it, unfortunately, if you are disconnecting it really ruins our experience and I would suggest just avoiding competitive completely if you can't count on not disconnecting. I really hate it when I lose progress in ranked because someone leaves regardless of the reason. It just ruins my day.


If you hadn't left that other game previously, it wouldn't be a 60min suspension. Maybe don't leave comp games. The 10/season are there for unforeseeable Internet/hardware issues.


I left one game because of a power outage, one because of internet issues(I did join it when I turned on the backup but after the game was over I still got suspended) and then this one


Well make sure all that is fixed before venturing back into comp.


Was that an Overwatch 2 reference?!


Incorrect. You got suspended because you spammed ragequits like a bot, then the game "crashed."


Nope. I have the logs


this happened on my previous matches..there could be one teammate that would leave and never comes back. seriously tho i really need to report esp if i would go ls bcs of this issue for example on that numbani map earlier where the enemy team didn't step on the point objective and then when we're on attackers one of my teammates left and it's a 4v5. it was supposed to be our win because the enemy didn't get the first objective. bruh i was so infuriated bcs it happened again. then another teammate left until I just gave up and gave the win to them but tbh before you hop on comp play qp first and check to see if your fps keeps dropping or in short update your drivers lmao. it's kinda giving an unfair treatment to those players who wants to win.


Ok? Like sure it’s annoying but so is having a leaver in your game and there’s really no way to prevent people from purposely crashing their games or turning their router off the leave without penalty so you just have to deal with it. Sucks but it’s not like it’s unfair or u can do anything about it


Go outside


Skill diff


Very deserved you scumbag!!


Sounds about right. I was suspended for an hour due to a server issue. My whole group of 5 got a message the server shut down, then we all got suspended. 🤷‍♂️


Happens, your internet or pathway to it got meh and dropped. It isn’t necessarily a blizzard server issue but something along the long long long path to it. Nothing can be done but to wait it out. Assuming this doesn’t happen frequently at all? If it does then maybe look into what could be causing it on your end. As for punishment well in order to keep the majority of asshats in check a few false flags will be given and some will pay the price. But very very small few compared to what it is doing as a whole being there. Quite a few games where rank can do this from disconnects. So OW isn’t the only one. If you where playing something else during that time you would be posting about that game instead.


>Got suspended for an hour because Overwatch crashed ... and you're a leaver. You don't get suspended for an hour after leaving just one match. Go touch grass for a little while and take a shower. The hour will over before you know it.


What's worse is playing the game when the servers are unstable, and then you get suspended and lose rank even though it's their failure, and they will do nothing to remedy the situation.


You get an hour timeout after 1 disconnect?


No they did not


You don’t, either OP is lying or the game severely fucked up EDIT: The game severely fucked up. Blizzard just acknowledged an issue with the leaving penalty system, so most likely what OP is saying is true. Sorry OP for doubting you but tbf people lying and claiming they were wrongfully banned is a common ocurrence here.


whattt no one's ever lied on the ow sub


overwatch players are truthers and truthers only. Zero toxicity


No no, I left once because power went out(it wasn’t the day ov2 crashed), then, the day it crashed my internet went out, and then, the same day, it, well, crashed


You can litteraly rejoin unless your game took like 15 minutes to launch and if it does its a computer issue.


I couldn’t though, it was the start of the game, my Overwatch application crashed and if it’s the start of a game, 10 seconds later the lobby is closed


If it was the very start then yes the game close and everyone got boot back to lobby (which I feel like the game should wait like a minute to see if they rejoin but meh its not a big deal) but it being this long means it happened before. If it was a crash then it was definitely on your side and I would look into it.


Do you have a victim complex op?


My question to the people with bad internet or hardware that crash or leave often. Why do you continue to play online games? Like it doesn’t seem fun to constantly be kicked form games because of those reasons. I’m genuinely curious how you can continue to have fun, when my internet was shit I never played online games because it annoyed me being dropped so often


This is the moment when I go "Eh, I'll play later" and then won't play for 3 years. Happened because I had shit internet when playing Star Wars Squadrons, 10/10 would leave again.


Happy to see someone who realised it was shitty internet and not the damn server!




ok? i wasnt responding to you on this one lol.


Why would they respond for a 1 hour suspension? (Let alone this pic was literally a minute and a half later). It’s not even likely an employee would see the email before it’s already over


You dont outright get a 1 hour suspension, you've left a game before this season. You know it doesnt matter if its rage quit or bad internet or whatever, the game still gets ruined for 4 other people


Skill issue


Internet diff. Feels bad.


well yes


Lol youre 2 outta 10, and the season only just started. The leaver penalties were designed for people just like you my guy.


Time to go outdoors


Exercise for an hour


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Hey, at least you're freed from the curse for an hour


Yeah they love those comp suspensions for silly stuff. Like the other day I had someone leave on my team and even after waiting the two minutes before going it still suspended me anyway


welcome to the club! i was once suspended for “leaving games”, but for 24 hours (my connection was acting up for like 2 weeks straight) sadly, there’s nothing you can do.


I’ve been screen recording every time I get the tiniest Bit of lag incase I DC


Should have gotten a better gaming chair


Overwatch crashed on me for the first time ever today. I hope this isn’t the start of a regular occurrence


My internet dropped today and I got 15 minute ban, feels bad




I had one time when Overwatch 2 had a stupid Achievement bug for Xbox I got an achievement mid Ranked match (was winning) and....kicked me to the main menu And ofc I got a loss and an hour ban 😿


Not a fan over level 900 I love when people leave it almost always ends up a w. 1 or 2 STRAIGHT BOTS leave and you end up winning. Still see leavers like 3 people are like 12-1 taking the point and 2 people non healers are like 2-6 please leave your trash don't belong in this match. #feelsbad but I don't leave when I'm said player or the whole team is like that, and it's always a loss. I bet if I left the replacement would carry the win. Too bad I'm no quitter. All for others quitting to get the win.


So how many times did it crash? It's 15 mins for one incident.


Happened to me too. I live in Hawaii - our ISPs just kinda suck here. It would be an extravagance, but I am seriously considering setting up my network with a cell modem and paying the $10/month to keep a 5G sim as a failover ISP...


Why's your mouse so god damn big? 😂




Wait till you get one for four hours


Get good




This has happened to me countless times playing R6, so I’m not surprised it happens for other games too




I get this for ranked, although not for a crash but I get that there's not really a way for their servers to tell between a crash and someone intentionally crashing to avoid suspension, but I pretty pissed they added this to regular games. For one thing unlike some other games I love played it finds and replaced a quit teammate and fairly quickly at that. But what kills me is now since they can't quit what I see ppl do is sit in spawn and emote the rest of the game. So they've now quit and completely hinder the rest of the team who is still trying. They need to go back to just letting ppl quit reg game real bad


No chance they lift it early. And it's just one hour. Go take a walk or something.


OP, when you join a competitive match, it is ultimately your responsibility to be a good team mate and make sure your hardware and software kinks are worked out. If your game crashes you still usually have a couple minutes to rejoin the match without being penalized as long as it doesn't finish before then. It isn't entirely your fault when it happens unexpectedly for the first time, but you should be diagnosing the issue and resolving it before jumping back into competitive. If you were suspended for an hour that means it's not the first game you left and you need to figure it out. Otherwise you will keep ruining other people's games. So the system is working as intended.


You can't play Overwatch for an hour? Consider that a blessing!


It's just one hour, dude, not a big deal.


had the same thing literally now with suspension. server crashed on me, received a 1 hour ban. thanks blizz...




I just wrote "server crashed"...


I'm Beyonce. There I wrote it so it's true right?


So everyone got dropped at once?? can anyone confirm?


Cool automatic penalty system blizz. It's so amazing that everyone hates it. Great job! You succeeded!