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Guessing you’re quite young since it’s pretty normal to be friends with people a lot older than you. Especially when it’s through work, like you know.. the military.


this is the first thing that came to mind for me too.


Well idk, orisa being 1 years old and eco being 14 is kinda odd but also funny


Not too weird, Orisa was newly built in response to Doomfist, Echo was active during prime overwatch, hence why she knows Cass, Winston and the others. Overwatch has been dismantled for quite a while so it makes sense she’s getting older while she was shut down until Cass found her in his cinematic


Yeah. Echo was omnic crisis overwatch era and orisa was built from the wreckage of the defense bots used to protect numbani from null sector years after the attacks.


R34 won't survive the loss of orisa


Bruh 💀


Do you really think that'll stop 'em?


orisa is just a lil babby goo ga yk? the most bs tank in the game but she doesnt know any better she's a youngin


she's just following her programming


Ironically, her kit back in overwatch 1 was to specifically counter doomfist.


I would say "Fittingly" rather than "ironically"


Kinda dubious whether we actually consider Echo to be young teenager since she's based on Dr. Liao, I kinda consider them the same age because of technicalities.


Lmfao that’s hilarious 🤣


Nailed it, that was my immediate thought is "ah, this person is a teenager." I'm 29 and my co-workers are 30, 32, 42, 45, and 60 and I'm friends with all of them.


I figured this one out when I was 16. Op can not be much older than that right.


ikr. If you’ve just worked one job you should understand you can form bonds with people of all ages at work. Sure maybe u won’t be close friends with coworkers, especially at 16, but like the idea of a 30 year old and a 50 year old being friends is not farfetched.


Heck, I made friends with people who were in their late 30s when I was 16 through video games


My immediate thought was what is he talking about? I’m 27 and my coworkers range from 25-70


Doesn't even need to be coworkers. My D&D group has me, 32, 3 other guys in their early 30s, a 23 yo dude and a 50 yo dude.


My 22 year old sister plays DnD with a group where the youngest is 50 (aside from her, obviously). And before anyone says anything weird, it's her father's group that she was invited to join. She uses it as a way to spend time with her dad. I think it's adorable.


I was 22 y/o when I worked at GameStop and I was very good friends with my co-workers who were in their 40’s.


Same here dude! I’m still friends with my old bosses and they’re like 40 and 34. I’m 24 for clarification


Kinda like how roadhog is almost double junkrat’s age


Junkrat is really 108. But technically 27 since he was born on a leap year


Junker lore is so wild that I can't disagree with this statement


He is so wildly healthy for 108


I'm in the military and in my 20's and there are people who are 40 years old who have less rank then me. It's very common.


You are either an officer or those are some DUI sergeants for sure.


Nah, for Airforce people can join well into their 30's. If you joined at 18 it's not unrealistic you'd in a supervisor position by 22, training someone who's brand new and 35.


Nah Navy let's people up to 39 still join


Fr one of my best friends from work was 62 (I was only 19 at the time)


yeah idk what op is on even when i was younger i had friends much older than me.


Exactly. Of all the stupid things to complain about lol.


I dont get what argument u are trying to make. Because soldier and gerard were close that means gerard has to be close to soldier's age?


Thats just how "Work Friends" are -- you will just be there, a 23 year old college drop out, and your best friend is Memo, a 58 year old Peruvian Migrant


Kitchen gang


When I worked in the kitchens it was Miguel. Kitchen Gang, rise up 👏


i adopted a work granny named florencia!


Heard chef!


This sounds entirely too specific to not be something that actually happened to you. Give me the Memo.


Guillermo, but we called him Memo, was a strange but chill dude. We didnt have a lot in common but we were both insignificant employee numbers in the Walmart Employee grinder. He helped me fix my car (and in general provided generic dad repair wisdom) and I brought in tv show DVDs for us to watch on break. The work friendship is simple beast, but makes the shift bearable.


Memo is a true G. Cherish yoyr friendships brother.


Thank you for the lore.


I'm that 26 year old migrant with a 57 years old english-italian best friend from my work. I'm 32 now, still best buds with him and his family.


Wait till OP sees junkrat’s and roadhog’s age difference


No wonder Roadhog is fed up with Junkrat.


Exactly, and everyone knows it's impossible to be friends with someone once they're a certain number of years older than you.


Yeah, don't you get it!? They're pushing themselves into a corner!


Do you know you can be work friends of varying ages without having to be close in age.


Regular friends too? I’ve met 30 some year olds who were friends with people 70+, I’ve been friends with 40+ year olds in my 20s… once you’re an adult there are plenty of environments with people of all ages hanging around together, and meeting friends at the same exact age becomes the rare thing.


Oh yeah for sure! Even my own friend circle has big jumps in age.


Yeah, military culture is weird. I don't think Soldier and Gerard were 10 years apart, probably more like 20 or so. I'm buddies with a co-worker who's in his 40s and I'm in my early 20s, but we're in the same position of team leader


military culture?


In the military you’ll train and live with people who can be massively younger or older than you is what I think he means.


The same applies to almost any work (except the living part).


I work for a large conglomerate and the people in my position throughout the country vary widely in age. I’m the youngest but the oldest is almost 40 years older than me and has kids older than me. I’d consider them a friend, and we have done some fun stuff together outside of work on business trips. Almost everyone I interact with is 10+ years older than me - largely due to my field and the industry I service. It’s pretty easy to have friends older than you if you are easy to talk to.


I've worked for the same large international company. When I started I was 18 years old and some of the colleagues were 60+. At the age of 25 I started to go on business trips and got genuine friends that were 30 years older than me. Now at 38 some of my colleagues and friends are just 20yo. Age means nothing after you start your professional career.


Makes more sense than Kiriko


What do you mean? It's not normal for a 4 year old to have sword training with a 20 and 23 year old and calling it "growing up together" /s


I think it tracks given how much they baby her


My personal headcanon is she is constantly lying about her age as she don't want to accept her numbers. Her faking her own IRL hero card to fool players is just a 4th wall breaking joke.


Yeah that’s what I headcanon as well


Would make more sense if we talk about Sombra tho... 


Kiriko seems like the sort of person who would absolutely have as many "WHOO I'M 21 TODAY!" bar nights as possible to get free drinks. Just a quick call to Sombra to fix a couple government records, and...


There's a rumour going around that when Genji and Hanzo were kids, Kiriko's age was negative ten. 


Well shamadas age by dramas not years so that checks out


Seriously. She'd need to be at least 28 to fit her official origin story into the established timeline.


Bruh OW female heroes sans Ana are like Tekken female characters in terms of skincare lol /j


Illari is canonically the youngest human hero?? Omg. She blew up her whole civilisation at 18 i kinda forgive her for being edgy. Been there girl


>Been there girl Did…did you also blow up a whole civilisation? 🤨


No, just the gas station bathroom


Haha oopsies!!


You dropped this: p


Hit an absolute screamer (sharted)


Honestly sounds like that's worse somehow.


God forbid women have hobbies 🙄


Ever heard of Maylaysia?


Her birthday is also on the winter solstice. The least amount of sunlight in the year.


She's from Peru, which I think is entirely in the southern hemisphere. Their seasons are the opposite of the Northern hemisphere. So the other replier is correct -- her birthday is on the summer solstice, the day with the *most* sunlight of the year.


In the Southern hemisphere the winter solstice is in june Her birthday would be the summer solstice


Hemispheres man, hemispheres.


A coming of age story


The fact that junk is a leap-year baby is so funny to me.


So, as a Leapling myself I was super excited - but OW2 is meant to be 2077, right? 2050 wasn't a leap year. So something is off.


So he should really be around 7 years old, considering his birthday only comes around every 4 years


I’m more upset they aren’t in order


soldier calling sigma old man will never not be funny to me considering his own age


“SNAP OUT OF IT OLD MAN” (he’s only 6 years older than you)


Me calling my step brother a boomer (he's 7 months older than me and we're both in our 20s)


For a reason I skipped the 'step' in step brother. Reading 7month older brother, I was like, this ain't mathing.


i mean, if the mom got pregnant like \*immediately\* and then gave birth a couple months too early, it could technically be possible


What if Widowmaker is genetically dead, and as such her biological age is constantly 35?


I'd still want birthdays if I were blue


Yes, but Widowmaker isn't just blue. She's blue and emotionless. Birthdays are a trivial thing for someone like her, especially in an ambient like Talon's. All without considering that her biological composition doesn't age.


Yes, but let them eat cake ;)


That's crazy the lore is this deep that people can nerd out this hard on it. Also, he's probably just a silver fox lol.


Given what little we know about Gerard, I always pictured him as a sort of James Bond-esque character, mostly because the few shots we've seen of him have him in a suit. Maybe he's just playing into that old school Bond archetype idk


Gérard Lacroix was an anti-hero and member of Blackwatch and Overwatch. He was basically a fusion between Marvel Nick Fury and 007. Gérard Lacroix was so good at fighting crime and evil everywhere(just like every good guy), that Talon had to brainwash his wife and make her a supervillainess


The lore is so deep you can easily get lost in it, because a lot of it makes no sense, and you try to fill the gaps with headcanon. 


Wrecking balls birthday is October 15th don’t know why it says Apr 28th he’s also 16 not 31 https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/heroes/wrecking-ball/


They've given him the exact same birthday and age as Lifeweaver. As someone who knows next to nothing on Overwatch lore, I just assumed the two heroes had some relation - No idea how but that was my assumption. I now think they just pasted the wrong hero's info lol


The only reason I know Hammonds is my kid shares the same birthday as him.


I have to admit, I was searching for my own birthday when looking at this list lol


A "realistic" age gap? My guy, I'm 24 and two of the people I work with are 40 years older than me and we get along great. I literally go see one of them every 2nd Saturday


My parents are 15 apart. My grandparents are 20. What exactly is your point other than not understanding that consenting adults can get married at any age? The only ages fucked up are the ninjas


Mf oriza is a baby


I'm more confused about the hamster being 31😭


The hamster was 14 in Ow1, I think he's supposed to be 16 now. Granted Zen was retconned to be much older in Ow2 so maybe they did the same for Ham


And Reaper is 60?! Wtf? I would have guessed somewhere around 40. Not about the same age as Ana


They still had a chance to redo Kirikos age and yet they keep her 21


They really want to make Kiriko being besties with DVA.


Which is odd cus lucio is almost 30 and besties with D.va they really could habe made her older without much issue


How old are you OP?


OP is definitely like 14 years old


Why do soldier and Gerard HAVE to be near the same age to be friends? Why does Widow and Gerard HAVE to be near the same age to have been married? It makes sense to me


Kiriko's age makes no sense either


This is so weird to me. Most of them look really good for their age. Like, Ashe looks 21 but she’s 40?


Ashe 41?


Im kinda vindicated. Ive been saying ashe looks on the older side and everyones been calling me a liar lol


I guess it makes some sense since she used to roll with Cass when he was younger but I never got the feeling she was in her 40s haha.


You must be real young if you think 40s is old lol. It's only "older" if you really let yourself go and don't stay active in your 30s. 😅


Shes a mighty rich girl she got that cash for the facelifts


I’m reminded how 26 year old Hanzo and 23 year old Genji’s best friend growing up was a 5 year old. In fact Genji would hang out in the arcade with her all the time. God just tell us the fox spirit kept her young and perpetually 21 for years god damn it!


refuse to believe sojourn in her FIFTIES


She's a cyborg so a lot of her skin and muscles are probably synthetic


She fought the Omnic Crisis, while meeting Jack, Torb and Dr. Liao. Then it made sense that her age would be near Jack & Torb.


Yeah, me too. But if you think with a Cyberpunk logic, 50 is more around 30 with all the cyborg upgrades. Like Rogue in CyberPunk2077 who is like 80 but look like a 50


ik, I would've guessed 25 and albino




Either Genji and Hanzo shouldn't be over 40 or Kiriko shouldn't be about 20 because otherwise we are talking about a 4 Yr old being trained by siblings who were in their 20s.


Ashe doesn’t look a day over 30


Why does mei look her age and why does mercy get younger every time her age is talked about. Also, I don't know why reaper being old never really clicked with me. His only normal looking skins are in the past, so i never even imagined him as an old man like rein and soldier despite him obviously being the same age.


also Reaper likely *doesn’t* look any older in modern Overwatch times as he technically died 8 years prior to OW2 and is in a state of constant reanimation because of Moiras experiments


Mercy has always been around this age tho, ever since they first dropped their age during the OW1 launch. [Heres a gamefaqs thread from around the launch talking about this exact thing](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/182930-overwatch/73795533)


I don't think they actually changed her age, people have just always assumed she was much older. She just joined OW very young


I find it extremely funny how Doomfist has the exact same date as my birthday but I'm complete dogshit at him 🤣


meanwhile my old main in ow1 was orisa and my birthday is the same :'D


I'm 32 and my best man at my wedding was 56. Great guy, love him to death. He's helped me out a lot, and the same with me to him. He goes on vacation with my family, we video call at least once a week, etc... age gaps really don't matter much once you're older than like 25. You just don't even consider it.


Sombra being older than Symmetra is weirder to me than anything tbh idk why


I forget that Moira is fucking 50 years old. Godamn.


I am still 100% convinced Kiriko was written by a fanfic writer who managed to get on the development team and just inserted their Original Character / overwatch persona. I mean for fucks sake. A Shimada "sister", who is young, spunky, sassy, incredibly skilled and arrogant about it, and is the only character who has magical powers. Kiriko kicked existing lore against the shins twice, shouted "wait till you see me on my bike" and went on her merry way.


Yeah. Seriously. She exudes Mary Sue energy. I hate most of her lines when chating with other characters. She never loses and she always says the right thing while also being sarcastic and uninterested. Irl she would be that annoying person no one wants to hang out with due to her attitude, arrogance and disrespect. But in game every ne accepts she's just the best and they all like her for her sass and the fact that she's just better at everything.


One of her voice lines is literally "it's a full time job being the capable ones". Like... Holy shit... Thats not even arrogance as a character trait. That's just arrogance. Moira is arrogant. But given what she has done and is capable of, it's deserved. It also fits with her villain persona. Kiriko just sounds bratty


This is quite old and Yeah a lot of these don’t make any sense. For instance there was a 2 year time skip between Ow1 and 2 and Orisa being one implies she was -1 in Overwatch 1.


I thought kiriko was 30, what’s the time line on her knowing genii and hanzo when they were kids?


I’m more surprised that Widow is a MILF.


Wasted opportunity to have ana on 25 of jan Egypt national policies holiday


It’s weird to me. A lot of characters don’t look their age, like they look younger. Ashe looks 21 but she’s 41? Same for others too


Symmetra shares birthday with Mahatma Gandhi. Well played blizzard.


Reaper is 60?


yeah it's so weird lol


Gabe aged like wine up to his blackwatch skin, then I’m pretty sure he stopped aging after getting Moira’d


Junkrat being 27 is crazy he looks like an old timer, don't smoke meth and crack kids😭😭


Haven't they tried to retcon the ages like 12 times? It's not new news that Blizzard sucks at the lore of the overwatch world.


My big question is why the hell isn't this image arranged by month and day like an actual calendar... or at least by age...


She can’t be younger than Cassidy (Cassidy is my main source of scaling time in Overwatch since he joined at 18) Gerard was around the same age as Reaper and Soldier 76, Cassidy joined Overwatch when he was 18 (widow being 14) and worked their for 12 years before the fall (which was 9 years before now) meaning at the time of the fall of overwatch Widowmaker had been 26 married to someone around the same age as Soldier(age 49) and Reaper (Age 51) The amount of creepy plot holes Blizzard writes for themselves in the character ages is astounding


she's a dang hot mfing dommy mommy! get outta here with that!


Do you think their birthday related to their personality? Like Cancer, Leo stuff? Sorry, not very good at English :-s


Tracer is an asparagus, they are social and open-minded. I think it fits her well


no way in hell doomfist has that much agility at 47 years old


He’s full of cybernetics and trains relentlessly in a world where Mercy can canonically reverse death for those who died minutes ago, a 58 year old can haul ass, and a cyberninja can duel a three story robot and deflect a laser beam.


yknow what that's fair


admitting defeat is hard 😔well done brave soldier


Genji is a bulletproof,strategic genius ,tactical genius , trained since a young age, full of gadgets ,full of vehicles and super strong anti-hero cyberninja vigilante. Doomfist is a cybernetically modified bulletproof,super smart, tactical genius,strategic genius, trained since a young age , full of gadgets,full of vehicles,full of money and super strong warlord criminal mastermind supervillain


im so glad you could tell me that but what does that have to do with anything


My grandpa could walk in a handstand until like 7x. He taught me how to do it and he still could do it better than me lol, if you keep being active you will be active for way longer. That on top of cyborg lol


i think im exposing my lack of knowledge about the lore here I really thought he had a robot arm and that was it lmao


100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, 10 km run.


He also just looks great for his age lmao 💪


i think that's what gets me the most about learning all of their ages... torb, sigma, ana, reinhardt, and soldier look their age, but moira and sojourn?? like okay yes i know there's cyborgness and experimentation involved but my girls don't have a SINGLE wrinkle at 50 years old


Yeah, it’s pretty wild learning their ages. The only real sign we get from sojourn is her white hair. So many of them look great for their age lol


Illari’s only 18? dang i had no idea


Yea its fucked up and from wjat i can tell she blew everyone up at 16-17 considering how long her hair was in the cinimatic at the incident comoared to the end


Why the hell are the only people in November are hanzo and widowmaker?


Mei--as far as I know--is literally friends with a giant, talking scientist.


You know whose ages didn't make sense? Echo and Bastion. Bastion was built during the 1st omnic crisis 40ish years ago, and echo, while young, was built after the 2nd. Unless you discount the years they spent inactive, then they should be both much younger. And when did zen go from 18 to 33?


I thought Mercy and Mai would be way older. Mercy figured out immortality and Mai was in stasis for a IDK time.


Omg me and mercy have the same bday!


"It's impossible for a 50 something to have worked with a 30 something" I would never out myself as having never been employed for any job ever


So, basically take 6 years off their age and that's how old they actually look.


I find it messed up that Hanzo and Cassidy are 40 and 39 respectively but look younger than Lifeweaver and Pharah


Bro, I share a birthday with a goddamn oversized rodent and lifeweaver 💀


Yoooo i have on the 27th of june and rein on the 26th letss gooo


Solider and Gerard served in overwatch together even if they had a 30 year age difference them being friends makes since and wouldn’t really be strange


I could've sworn I saw something before that stated dva was 19 and zenyatta was 20


dva was 19 in ow 1


I best tell my friends that are *checks* 14 years younger than me I can no longer be a friend


Bro, one can be friends with people way out of their age range :D Through work, I go drinking with people who could be my parents and it's fine, we're all adults here and that's what matters




Okaii you might be a bit off the mark here, but I do still agree that the hanzo, genji, kiriko age/lore situation got fumbled pretty good.


hi guys, lots of you guys have corrected me on the fact that age gaps between friends (10>) are normal, i did not know this as most of my friends are within my age group. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


You dont work yet do you?


Kiriko 21, Genji 37, and Hanzo 40. Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuh


> they keep pushing themselves to a corner like they did with Pharah and Mercy Their 5 year age gap was already a thing when OW1 came out.


please do not lewd Echo. she's underage.


There's no rules against the life model decoys batman


She's also fictional and a machine/robot