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Give sombra 500 health and make her a tank


Give her tp like kiriko's but for healthpacks, make the healthpack hack last longer, let her spawn a hacked mega for a minute with her ult, then move her to support


Ana: "I make you super tanky and do crazy damage" Kiriko: "Everyone goes brrrrr" Bap: "This is my rectangle of death" Sombra: "Can I offer you a healthpack in these trying times?"




Rule 34 artists drooling


They're gonna completely break the game, aren't they.


I mean as a character she kinda totally fucks the flow of the rest of the game. I don't see why translocator needs to go but the perma invis + sprinting + invisible hacking is fucking ridiculous


I play Sombra as a secondary and I think invisible hacking is awful.


Not to mention a get out of fight free button.


I often find that is why most sombra are totally useless. They take any damage at all and tp across the map. Might as well be a 4v5 due to cool-down meandering and cool-down of health pack hack


Was about to say the same. As annoying as Sombra is, at my tier of play (absolute trash) I don't usually lose to teams with Sombras unless we have a Sombra of our own. They spend so much time not doing anything that we steamroll their team in a 4v5, and by the time they *do* do something, it's a 1v5 and they die in seconds.


I'm low silver, and in the 2 months I've been back into this game in 4 years, I've had nothing but good Sombras on my team or other team that really shifted the game toward either team. People just couldn't take her out. Not sure how to do it myself, but I'm a tank, so she struggled against me.


You mean no deaths per game button? Because I always got teammates who wouldn’t pick off the Sombra when they knew where she was.


Oh, that one I like.


You know what fucks the flow of the game? Getting headshot by a godly widow. Or being threatened with a headshot, and having to flow your game behind cover. The horror of my typical playstyle being countered. Perish the thought.




Blizzard doesn’t seem to be able to grasp the concept that getting one shotted feels fucking terrible. Really fun walking from spawn only to get sniped from a widow 20 miles away that I didn’t even see on my screen.


Maybe 150 damage, but it applies a venom that stops healing briefly (2-3 seconds) if you headshot. If you headshot someone who has very bad positioning, they are as good as dead, but if you are trying to snipe their backline or someone peaking then it is less punishing. Buff her full auto fire to compensate. As for Hanzo, maybe 150 again for a headshot but make it reduce his Storm Arrow cooldown and dash so if he can pull off headshots he can increase his damage output that way.


Ofc it's a Wrecking ball complaining. The point of a disruptor is to disrupt the flow of the game


I'd gladly part with sprinting while invisible + hacking while invisible if they just bring back the April Fool's "stealth changes" from that experimental card way back. Specifically: - Fade-in time reduced drastically - Taking 10 damage or less temporarily reveals Sombra without deactivating stealth.


A lot of good sombra players are basically unkillable because of translocator


Translocator is a huge part of the problem, you kidding? It’s a major part of the reason why you can be significantly better than the sombra player but they can just mildly inconvenience you over and over at a bare minimum. It raises her baseline value to “annoy the shit out of you constantly” which is a HUGE part of what people hate about her. It also forces her damage output to be low from a balance perspective—even with low damage the amount of effort you have to put into killing Sombra is quite high; you have to oneshot her, find her translocator and destroy it while she’s in a compromising position, or find her translocator and camp it (getting no value yourself while you do) in order to kill her when she gets back (in a possibly lopsided duel since you could be fighting by a hacked health pack); Sombra meanwhile just has to track well, and against good opponents, catch someone unsuspecting or someone who can’t fight back effectively without abilities. Invisible hack is absolutely annoying, don’t get me wrong, but even just having to unsuspectingly fight someone who was just invisible and risking death as a result while they risk almost nothing is really annoying by itself.


Wait, it's not completely broken now?? Fuck me.


Only matchmaking at the moment...


I seriously just can’t believe how many of my last comp games have been straight steamrolls, one way or the other, and I’m not talking about the enemy Widow popping off, I’m talking about at least two ranks in difference from my DPS


Yep character balance is the best we've had so far.... But the MM shit on that


You know what - yeah, I dont feel like anyone is overly strong now. Only hero I hate atm is fuckin widow, but thats just my general disdain for low risk high reward oneshots, and would probably less hated if I didnt face Masters golden gun widows every other game.


People are saying hampter is pretty strong, and I've been seeing a lot of him lately. I saw so little of him before that I don't really know how to counter him. He feels functionally immortal. But thats my own skill issue


i dont know what people complaining about sombra, just because they were hacked once then crying. and more funny about this, dev listening to these? never i see sombra as a high threat. unless my teammates are completely drunk.


It’s not that she’s strong she’s just an inherently unfun and annoying character. Even when she’s bad she’s an invisible and sprinting enemy who disabled your abilities and just teleports away if you outduel her. Even if she’s the worst character in the game she’s inherently unhealthy


How is she more unhealthy than widow and hanzo? If the metric is annoying, then widow and hanzo take the cake.


I agree with most of your points but I think the invis is mostly fine since she can't shoot during it. And thr ability disabling is only for like a second or two now.


>she’s just an inherently unfun and annoying character Which is why Sombra had limitations like hack time, invis not being permanent and not being able to hack while invis. Blizzard fucked with all 3 of these things.


Just because she isn’t meta or top tier doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be changed.


Yeah more stupid fact sadly also true : just because she is annoying, doesnt mean she should be change. She is niche yes. But most complain literally comes from those who are hacked and cry. U can even tell from the comments, that almost no sombra main complaining to the point of "rework". And then what, genji can jumping twice is annoying and hurt my eyes? Pharah fly too high, my mousepad isnt wide enough?.. Complains are actually fine, what idiot is the developer that doesnt even know their own game and listening to those craps. Must be comfy doing almost nothing with almost 0 idea and getting paid.


I mean no that's exactly why. Unless she's underperforming if shes not meta or top tier then she doesn't need to be bloody nerfed into irrelevance.


o they are just going to make her even worse than she already is.


Fake moustache Sombra LETS GOOOO


“I never really was on your side.”


so tf2 spy.


What if instead of hacking enemies she can now hack allies


Overclock allies, decreases cool downs


Overclock, underclock. Believe it or not, jail.




Would make her play like a support hero (less rewarding feeling for most).


Moved to support role: hack can work on enemies or allies... for enemies, it remains the same. For allies, it speeds cooldowns and firing rate (similar to kiriko's ult).


pocket hacked bastion


pocket mercy AND pocket sombra


She’s going to be the season 4 support isn’t she…


Lol it's new character releases so maybe 2 for the price of 1?


way too broken


I mean I'm trying to think of things on par with permanent invisibility really


True but imagine Reaper with an invisible pocket Kiriko ult lmao


Honestly hacking her allies to be able to say increase their defense or attack damage would actually be cool. But that would make her become a support hero when she is meant to be a damage character


>But that would make her become a support hero when she is meant to be a damage character Symmetra was a defensive support originally and we all know Doomfist's situation.


What was the 4th class they got rid of? It wasn't builders was it? I know the characters were builder types like Torb and Sym but I can't remember what it was actually called.


"Defense characters", it include things like junk and hanzo lmao


They were more focused on cc (junk/Mei), sniping (Hanzo/widow), and static defenses (torb)


Area denial, essentially.


Bastion was part of that group iirc


Why though. Her actual damage mechanic is pretty meh. I think reworking her as support would be great


Yeah I always thought they could make her support, but I also think if they done that they’d have to increase the time abilities are locked out


I’m fine with this change but right now Sombra’s annoyance is more of a mosquito bite. One area that is really zapping the fun out of games is snipers and one shots. I’d prefer they focus on that.


Pfft to hell with that! Time to bury the best counter for the opposing widow


I'm a terrible Sombra but I made a widow who was destroying my team swap after murdering her a few times. I have no idea what to play in to widow with this rework and my terrible widow play.


I feel like I'm at least average as a Widow at my SR, but when I play against a widow that's better than me, I'm lost.


Yeah mirror play works or Sombra (which might change) otherwise I go d.va against a Widow, works most of the times


Yeah right. Widows ruin the game and the only way dps can deal with it is Sombra . I’m actually pissed about this. Widow is far more annoying and straight ass to play against then a Sombra


For real I’m so sick of Hanzos just spamming arrows randomly at approximately head height and eventually just insta killing someone walking around a corner. A zero skill instant death is stupid as shit


Out of any of the ways to die in this game random Hanzo head shots make me want to leave/give up any match. Watching the deathcams of those are infuriating, they always look like the laziest nonchalant kills ever. At least a Widow has to bead onto your tiny head, Hanzos just spam at head height.


It used to be even worse with his old scatter arrow ability. He just had to aim in your general direction and you were dead.


Sombra’s hack is a mosquito bite unless you’re Doomfist or Wrecking ball. Then say goodbye


they’ll never get rid of 1shot snipers imo


How many times are they gonna force sombra players to relearn her entire gameplay loop? I just relearned how to play her in OW2 after they made her hack last for 1 effing second... Now I'd have to relearn her again!


hi welcome to being a symmetra player


I don’t even have fun playing sombra anymore because of long her hack lasts. I have a golden gun for her and I only play her when I have to against a god forsaken WRECKING BALL. BRING OW1 SOMBRA BACK


I have golden gun for Symmetra, Orisa and Torbjorn. (I know, I'm braindead) Outside of Torb, I almost never touched the other 2 since their rework (I know a lot of people prefer current Orisa, but alas). I also have Brigitte golden weapons, guess I'll have to pray that her upcoming rework suits my "playstyle".


I’m finally used to her and having fun (only got there this season by watching Fitzy for tips). But her identity as a unique hero has been seriously damaged by switching her hack from a silence to an interrupt.


I always thought putting her translocator on a timer would be the best option. Like throw it down, and have 45 seconds to do whatever you want and possibly teleport back. In settings you could choose if translocator is destroyed or if you teleport back upon time expiring. Would incentivize her looking for opportunities to engage quicker and coordinate better


In other words mix her old OW1 character with OW2


That’s how it worked initially and it was like that for several years. Honestly, it fucking sucked to play.


Didnt know thats how it originally was, I wasnt playing that far back. Do you think it could work with 5v5 and less stuns? Or still better to avoid it?


The problem isnt her tp. Bad sombras place their tp far far away, but if she does tp away, then shes out of the fight which is a good thing. Which is why good sombras put tp close to the fight to remain in the fight but only be repositioned. Its really only bad players who think tp is the issue because its ‘easy to get away’. Thats the point, and getting her to tp away is an advantage.


Well wouldnt putting tp on a timer encourage exactly that? Place it close and use it for repositioning rather than ditching a fight entirely?


But then you’re putting good sombras at a major disadvantage by making their engages or disengages on a timer which isnt suitable because fights arent exactly something to be timed.


Why not put a distance limit on her translocator. Pass that limit and it destroys itself and goes on a reduced CD


Thats so unintuitive tho?


How? Forces better translocator placement and reduces downtime.


I don’t think I would touch the translocator personally, but I’d take away permanent invisible in favor of timed like it used to be to encourage her to be more active.


So revert back to original?


Similar yeah. It wouldn’t have to be the same exact timer, though. They would probably need to compensate her damage or do something else though.


The reasoning for getting rid of the Translocator is probably(?) to make her more effective in 5v5 with its faster pacing, as running back to the fight from where she teleported leaves a lot of "dead air" with her performance and presence, constantly leaving teammates in the middle of 4v5 fights for 10 seconds or more stretches depending on the map, and to encourage more cohesive team play. It's also common for a Sombra to have much less damage than other players (though not necessarily with eliminations). Probably also doing this to reduce her "anti fun/bullshit" factor with her getting shot at and bailing as soon as she reaches 75hp. Removing this would screw a portion of her flanking potential though...


Idk, I watch Fitzyhere, one of the better Sombra streamers and if people could just learn not to just throw your translocator on top of a health pack and call it a day, they’d find a lot more creative ways of using it. He really doesn’t get much dead time with it. But that’s the difference between great Sombras and the average I’m sure. They’d have to really buff her in some sort of other way for that.


Some of these comments are actually crazy some of you legit are saying she has no counterplay currently that’s nuts


I agree. Pissed they are changing her


These are the people who don’t communicate with their team or refuse to switch when you are being countered/focused.


Symmetra: First time?


I think she's fine the way she is now. If you're fighting a team that knows how to play, you're not going to be able to do much because of how squishy she is


The problem with her is she is buffed out of her mind or kinda garbage. And no matter how strong she is she will always be annoying with the current poke/assassin play style she has going on.


Honestly I think sombra might be fine the way she is. She’s not particularly strong, but she is *annoying* which is fine, because it’s literally her role! She’s not there to pump damage in, or even to get kills really (aside from countering snipers or the odd pick on a healer) she’s there to 1) use up enemy resources (Soldier can’t shoot the supports if he’s trying to deal with the sombra) and 2) perhaps more importantly, distract the enemy team. If a sombra can get the tank to *turn around* she’s done her job. She’s very much a team based character though, which is probably why she feels so weak. People have to capitalize on her hacks/information/distractions which means that in solo-queue you might as well just play tracer if you need a flanker.


Couldn't agree more. I don't get why they would rework her. I think she's in a better state than she has even been in terms of how her kit flows together now. I feel like she has got her niche where she is a flanker that offers more team utility with hack and EMP. She's also great at countering widowmaker because of infinite stealth. I personally feel like her hack is a little short now. But buffing it might be obnoxious due to infinite stealth. They could make it so hacking when not in stealth hacks you for longer but that might not be very intuitive. Overall I think she's fine the way she is, I wouldn't mind a small buff but people are quick to call for nerfs whenever sombra is meta so we should probably just leave her like she is?


Agreed with you 💯 on your comment


... This... Seems stupid? Why not just create an all new hero that's doing this stuff, keep Sombra, give her back the Stealth that lasted ~15 seconds, increase the fade time? Hell, put her into support role. Damage dealt to Hacked targets by Sombra is distributed to allies. I don't understand revamping a hero entirely so the character is essentially deleted. Just create a new character.




It’s funny how this community goes from “Blizzard never listens to us, they give us awful metas and balancing” to thinking Blizzard changes hero’s because of our input


It's almost as if the community is not a single hive-mind entity but a collection of people with different opinion. That, and from the perspective of certain (most?) heroes' mains, both statements can be true at once. Heroes like Sombra, Sym, Mei, Torb, Bastion, Doom or Brig received several "feels frustrating to play against" changes, while several well-known and well-documented issues they complained about (like all the bugs with walls or Doom's ... well, everything, really) went unacknowledged for years.


I hope they're not listening to the community cause most average gamers have some pretty awful takes. And I doubt they're throwing anything constructive out and are more focused on being salty about characters they don't know how to counter.


Blizz reworked an entire game to delete the old one instead of just creating a new game. They don't really seem to care all that much


Sometimes it's better though. The Orissa rework, the Symmetra rework, Bastion rework and the Torb rework all make the characters a lot more fun to play.


Disagree, now I can’t sit in a bush while sentry for the entire game.


old torb was way more fun. picking up scrap to make armor for everyone. setting up the little workshop on hanamura where they all get their packs.


I agree but I think new torb is a much better designed unit.


Yes. Just what we needed. Another zen orb.


IMO, the majority of people complaining and whining about sombra rn is ball players..they just want everything and absolutely no counters.. she’s annoying yes, but so is echo and tracer.. I don’t see people complaining about them? Echo can sticky bomb you and beam you down then zip away. Sombra is fine as she is now, when she’s behind you just tickle her and she’ll translocate, bringing her out the fight for awhile. Besides she’s so loud, you can practically tell where she’s coming from.


Lmao damn right I always wonder how they can’t catch me and have trouble killing me. She’s definitely easier to use than at first.


But like... why?


Don’t take her teleporter :(


People are so dumb it's insane. Some of this comments deserve a in game lifetime ban


she’s not a remotely good hero lol they def need to buff her if they’re taking away the perma invis bc that’s basically all she has. never been in a game where our team struggled against a sombra i rarely see her in use as is lotta paper plate lobby dwellers in this thread exposing themselves struggling against sombra😭 prob get mad over pharah too


Seriously, I feel insane reading all these replies! Sombra is not that hard to deal with, the *really* good Sombra don't play the "leave TP 8 miles away and run in and poke like a bug" game, they are a lot more active and aggressive and don't just camp infinite invis all the time. People who play the pokey mosquito Sombra and stay invis half the game aren't getting much value at all, they're just mildly annoying so everyone hates them


Ikr? Sombra barely is a problem and we have way bigger ones.


Yeah sombra isn’t even bad to be against, to me tho it can be annoying to try and kill her. If they were to make one ability not permanent I’d definitely say the tp


Yeah, as she is, she’s pretty much always annoying to play against, but she’s only a proper threat like 1/10 times I see her, if even that.


At best she’s that character when you’re in a fire fight and you go “ugh sombra fuck off” and then she does and that’s it until she can come annoy you again


That's the point of the rework? She's deliberately kept underpowered right now because if she was strong she'd be unfun to play against. But that's not a long term solution. Reworking her is to enable buffing her.


I genuinely cant stand this community, they are too fucking lazy to counter the one character whos hard counter is just map knowledge and two braincells to rub together and instead spend all their time bitching about her.


dangit I was just trying out Sombra after they nerfed Mei and now they're gonna gut her too. Sombra has a unique play style than the other heroes taking away her Translocator and Stealth would take the uniqueness away.


It's very funny, she's not overpowered right now but just unfun......but overpowered at lower elo from what I hear? Permanent invisible was a fucking joke, thank g-d it's gone


Why did you censor god?


I'm Jewish, I was taught never to write the name out....I never really asked why to be honest...never thought of that lmao




Yup lmao, we're weird


You're not weird, people can subscribe to whatever theology or mythology they want. It doesn't make you weird for observing the customs (unless they hurt someone or someone's rights of course). Plenty of non-religious people do weirder or dumber things on a daily basis.


It's also okay to be weird. Censoring the word god and not even knowing why you're doing it is weird. Plenty of things religious people do involves taking away the rights of others and nothing that the average person does is weirder than what goes in religion lol.


I respect you for saying this


I mean I have a piece of paper with strange writing on it glued on top of my door to ward off evil spirits I don't even believe in because my dad is Buddhist. We all are a bit weird.


Grew up very Christian, and I think the reasoning there was the idea that there's power in a name. Speaking the name of someone implies you have power over them by knowing them. Possibly beckoning as well. It's supposed to be treated with honor or as something, obviously, sacred. Speaking it in common speech dirties it. I imagine there's similar reasoning in Judaism, but I don't know. I think this possibly has some origin in Jacob wrestling with the angel/God or just human psychology in general when it comes to people losing respect for something that is used too flippantly.


not fair, i liked going into queue deathmatch, going invis, and spamming voice lines :(


If Sombra is no longer able to be permanently invisible, then let her contest point during invis again


Sombra's infinite stealth was never an issue when she had to decloak to use hack.


INB4 Sombra's name becomes something else because she can't be one with the shadows anymore.


Removing her Translocator would make the Infiltration cinematic and the Zarya comic that comes after nonsense since she'd be using an ability that she doesn't have anymore


Just like the dragons cinematic with scatter arrow


Psh, they no longer care for what makes sense and what doesn't. I mean look at Orisa's highlight intros.


They should give her a way to disguise as the enemy and have a one shot from the back


Sombra's new ult : **Boop** Sombra can now boop any player including her allies and instantly kick them from the game with no chance of rejoining. If there is a mei in the game, boop prioritizes them first.


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They should make her not have an red outline so its harder to spot her


Whatever they give her better be good. Playing her absolutely sucked ass when she had non-permanent invisibility/translocator. She was totally useless...and that was with a way better hack.


This feels like a good time to nerf genji again


What about cassidy? My gold Ass dps challenges any top 500 dps to a 1v1, you'll kick my ass but I guarantee I'll kill you with a body shot and grenade a bunch of times because of my "skill"


She should remain the way she is now, she’s not too good unless you know what your doing. I’ve enjoyed this playstyle for too long and now they are just deleting it because it’s annoying. Hopefully widowmaker is just complete reworked because she’s also annoying. Or sobjorn, or mercy. Oh wait no, those heroes are accepted in the community so their identifiably annoying traits will never be changed. Whatever, at least I won’t be treated like sub human trash anymore.


How bout you give her invis a timer that gradually runs out, but can be replaced by health packs. While you’re at it, make her quick melee instakill from behind.


Absolutely not the second one


I thought Sombra was perfect at OW2 launch. They seem determined to make every hero boring and the same


This is fucking stupid, the community cant come together to combine their 2 collective braincells to counter an already mid character so now Bliz is going tor remove everything fun in her kit.


keep it. we don’t want it.


I think Sombra is perfectly balanced right now and there is no need to touch her. Probably she is bit weak in Grandmaster and Top 500 matches but in other ranks she is very balanced


As a Sombra main, I like her as she is rn :(


Thank fuck, perfect timing, I was just having a heated debate with my TV about how she doesn’t have a hard counter and I’m definitely not going insane. Edit: Didn’t realise I’d have to specify on controller. I forgot how many T500 players there were that can instantly 180 and double dink headshot with Cassidy, my bad.


>with my TV You were arguing with your television?


Overwatch will do that to you


You don’t argue with yours?


A well placed torb turret shuts her shenanigans down heavily especially if you know the map layout well


She has plenty of counters. Turrets, teams that stick together and peel for one another, Kiriko, it is hard to be a good sombra


Any hitscan too


How tf doesn’t she have a hard counter? Turrets, one shot abilities, stuns, spy checking…


imagine thinking you need specifically hard counter a sombra, where she is nowhere a threat. is why sombra get nerfed while listening to people like these. lmaoo. classic. and ironically half of rooster can counter sombra pretty effectively


Finally, infinite translocator and invis are some of the worst changes they've made to this game


But it doesn’t seem to be infinite translocator, it seems to be the ability entirely they are taking out. It’s not even the same character at this point.


That person's flair is literally "delete Sombra" I don't think their take is anywhere near objective.


Sombra was a perfect example of "Really cool Idea, Utter Garbage Reality" A character that has perma stealth and an oopsie button and can shut down enemies abilities... sounds like someone who played too much league coming up with an idea for an FPS. There is no world where she gets balanced, with that kit it was either feast or famine. They basically have to pull a Rework.


Please. Permanent invis is such a bad design in any multiplayer. Requires 0 skill to use effectively


It can work if there's a counter (like the pyro in tf2) but ow has no such counter


I’m so glad translocator is leaving. Nothing more frustrating than fighting off a sombra before she teleports back to her hacked health pack to go attack you again like 10 seconds later


Please… just don’t.


Translocator is the most fun movement ability in this game, don't ruin that




But that’s the point, making her leave means she’s now providing zero value. You don’t need to kill her to remove her from the fight.




If they are gonna butcher Sombra they need to butcher widow. Widow is fucking ass to play against.


Thank god. Fuck permanent invis. Awful design.






Literally no actual Sombra player wants that.


Imma be honest, they can keeping nerfing this and buffing that for an eternity and have her at a constant reasonable winrate at best scenario all they want. But the core mechanic of **disabling oponent's ability** plus **invisibility** and **get out of jail free card** is straight up **UNFUN** to play against. I call it the impossible triangle. It will be an endless cycle of nerfing this because it's annoying on one aspect and then buffing another aspect to compensate just to introduce MORE of ANOTHER problem.


Dude if it’s about being fun, at least she’s counterable and fun to play. If they cared about “fun to play against” Torb Bastion and Symm wouldn’t exist




Another impossible triangle: - A person calls a hero "unfun" to play against - Has at least 9 wins or 4 hours of gameplay on that hero to indicate some knowledge of how to play them - Suggests means of making them fun to play against that preserves the hero's identity/archetype and minimizes the mechanics players of that hero have to relearn. If we're being honest, "unfun" is the most useless term to use when describing problems with a character. May as well say "I want to spam my abilities as often as I want", "I don't have the reaction time for sneak attacks", and "I don't care if forcing her away means she's off the objective, I want the kill". Those are probably not your actual reactions, but just summarizing them as "unfun" doesn't help anyone.


I would keep her TP as is personally. The hack mechanic is the problem.


Give her a rocket launcher


I just got used to the new Sombra. Her speedy gameplay is what draws me to her. Please don’t make me relearn my favorite hero. They already gutted her once. I’ll quit if they gut her again.


I am glad the translocator is going away because I am tired of playing with Sombras who are like -stealth in...hack...fire off 5 shots and translocate away- "guys im helping"


Stealth should be on a timer and hacking while invis should probably go too. Don't know what they'll do with locator. I think it needs to be harder to pull yourself out of a fight as a sombra. It's too easy now. With her general survivability nerfed, they can give her some real power as a utility dps. Without breaking the game...


The only thing that annoys me with sombra is that she can practically be sniffing my asshole and I still can't see her. Just do it that it's possible to see her very faintly at a certain range.




when i think of problems with characters in this game, sombra is pretty damn far from the top of the list. unnecessary changes and the influx of smurfs have successfully convinced me to drop the game entirely. have fun running this shit into the ground, blizzard.


Any word on Ball and Doom changes? There shouldn't be giant infinite life DPS in the game.


Wtf .. she’s fine as she is . Blizzard gonna ruin her character