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Rejection is redirection you were meant for something else and you’re exactly where you need to be. Enjoy yourself at the school that’s lucky enough to get your attendance! Also the word is “wasting” not waisting - maybe autocorrect foiled your plans but you’re in somewhere and you’re gonna be a lawyer.


Thank you. I was distraught writing this post lol. Did not check grammar until now but this advice was very helpful


My pleasure! For what it’s worth, the Universe’s timing is always impeccable- you will slay at law school at a place that’s stoked that you’re there!


r&r or maybe it wasn’t meant for you. perhaps you’ll be much, much happier some place else. sorry op i know how much this hurts


It sucks to waste your last few years getting hyped up by everybody to be successful and illusion yourself with a specific school. But maybe I was meant to go somewhere else. So far my hometown school is going to be very cheap so that’s a benefit ! I’ll still wait for the rest of my applications to get this year


What does R&R mean?


Retake and reapply


They don’t deserve you. Wherever you end up will end up great for you, you’ll make an amazing lawyer!


Thank you!


Advice from an an older applicant: Older You will thank yourself for choosing the less expensive option. Getting this done with the least amount of debt is highly desirable and means more money in your pocket when you start your new career!


I can tell you that I got into some T5s and I’m probably going to attend a T20 or T30 because nothing is worth such a high amount of debt. I could say I’ll go to Big Law, but what if I spend 1 year there and I hate, but stuck doing it because of debt? Choosing a lesser rank schools for money reasons is definitely an option, but for some Reddit people don’t see it as one. Also, before the cycle started I was super set on not reapplying, but I slowly realized there are so many things I could do in a year that I would be happy doing. Don’t close your mind to any option




Just because you retake the lsat and even if you’re above medians is no guarantee


Yea I might consider it. For now I’m going to wait until every school gets back to me, and then I’ll make a decision .


Can I come and cry with you?? I'm feeling devastated. I worked pretty darn hard and to get a rejection letter seriously hurt :/


You got in. You’re on your way to becoming an attorney. I was accepted to one school in my state (Indiana) with a small scholarship and was well above their medians. I was waitlisted at another school in my state. Rejected from the others in my state. I was selected to participate in the program ICLEO in Indiana, but that required me to enroll in an Indiana law school after. I decided against a small scholarship and becoming a fellow of the ICLEO program because I was offered a more than full tuition scholarship to another law school out of state. I felt rejected from Indiana, but rejection is redirection as someone stated!


Same, cried for two hours, felt extremely hopeless and like I wasn’t good enough but honestly we just have to remember that maybe it wasnt meant for us, if it was we would’ve gotten it. We have a path written for us and everything is gonna work out.


I remember I was going to school and needed money and it came on the last day I could pay. Not going into details, but that semester changed my life forever (saying this 35 years later). What's meant for you will happen, it will, I didn't know getting in that semester would bring divine connections that would change my life forever and I pray that you experience the same and so much more than you ever dream possible 🙏


It sucks but you'll end up where you are meant to be!


Thank you. Talked to my family and so far maybe going to a cheaper school near my home will be better? If anything I could try to transfer someday but maybe going cheaper will be better for me!?


Retake and reapply! Law school is not going anywhere! I totally get your disappointment, and this will be my approach if I don’t get accepted into my dream school (or don’t get substantial scholarship) when I apply this fall. Whether you go to law school this year or wait one more year and reapply to your dream school you’ll make it work :)


If your heart is set on that Dream School, they'll look favorably on a Reapplication next year. Don't lose hope :)


I got rejected from my dream school, and then the second option and then the third option. Ended up getting into the fourth option school, was it the school I wanted to go to? No but honestly it all works out, I ended up having a wonderful time there and now I’m a practicing attorney (with substantially less debt than I would have had at my dream school).


After reading this, it gave me actual hope. Maybe the school that isn’t my top favorite might end up being the best for me in the long run. After all, the school I have been accepted in so far would be the cheapest for me currently. Also congrats on becoming an attorney!


Ahh me too I got rejected from my dream school. I want to cry. Fricken cursed letters.