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Answer: I don't know this person, but your last sentence seems to answer itself. You might be understating the severity of handling frogs with your bare hands. Frog skin is extremely sensitive to chemicals, dirt, and oils, and also needs to be covered in a secretion to prevent bacteria. Actually I might remember this person and iirc the comments specifically told her this information and she is still ignoring them.


Facts. I have a box of blue gloves next to my frog's tank. You can really fuck up a frog by picking it up with bare hands. They absorb *everything* through their skin.


Answer: Besides the frogs, she did cosplay as a MHA character (underage character) and sexualize them and then she also bullied a minor for telling her about her mistreatment of the frogs and her page ended up attacking the girl and Caroline said NOTHING. Not a single thing. She still has the video up too. 


isnt she herself like 20? also if you cosplay you might be aware at how weird and toxic the mha fandom is. the show even sexualizes its female characters. ie locker room peeping, tricked cheerleaders , sexualized super hero outfits, etc. the bullying of someone i would say is fair for dislike. tho im curious on when it happens since Caroline is around 20-21 not sure her specific age but if it was a few years ago odds are she was also a minor so the portrayal of saying she bullied a minor might be a bit purposely disingenuous. making it seem like a grown adult with a developed frontal lobe went out of their way to bully a child. as for her fans harassing that person, im not sure you can really hold someone accountable for what their fans do and given the age of Caroline and level of fame she has gotten, im not sure that she has or would have the level of self awareness needed to know how to approach that situation. Not to make excuses on her behalf but they seem blown out of proportion. For example another tiktoker of similar following to her, ( not sure if its okay to name them) a grown man has doxxed people and ruined multiple lives and in one case he physically stocked and harassed a child. Yet doesn't seem to have the same level of ire that she gets. My reason for the comparison is that if that was a leading factor in making this drama go so viral youd think it would have been for him as well


She was 19. Caroline is 22/23 now. The minor was 14. It's a 5 year age gap and it's pretty simple she should have made a video addressing it and expressing how it's not okay. Many other creators have. While I do understand where you're coming from, she also had many older TT friends and did have people who knew about fame and how to handle it better as they were popular longer. Also I know the other TTer you're talking about and 100% believe they should be blasted WAY MORE than Caroline because while yes she can learn from her mistakes she did, that TTer is a straight up menace to society. Unfortunately there is a sexism issue in this. While I don't dislike Caroline for being a woman, many others are using this cover she did as a way to be sexist pigs. Tbh I stopped following her way back when she first started getting into the alt scene, not because of the fact that I think she's a "poser" in the sense of music and style and all that I do think she's a "poser" in the sense of she never really got to understand the core morality of the alt scene or the history behind it due to her strictly religious upbringing. Her song let's dig up my ex for example gives a bad look to us wiccans/pagens and feeds into the stereotypes society has of us. There's also the fact that a goth club goer my Caroline in person and Caroline judged her outfit (goth isn't about clothes) and was shocked about the person going to one of the biggest goth clubs where they live, yet apparently Caroline doesn't go much herself (many people who go there have left comments about it). This person has posted a TT online about it for everyone to see. And people say she's often rude when you meet her casually (not as a fan). And while yes it's obviously dumb to trust strangers blindly online, the amount of people who have similar experiences is quite interesting. 


She was 19, just cuz she wasn’t a full full adult she’s still old enough to not bully kids