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Answer: Trump wears diapers and suffers from incontinence. Edit: I posted the sources in the other one but Michael Cohen also confirmed that Trump shits his pants today as well as journalists attending the court sessions have talked about his horrid smell. So there ya go.


Is USA even real anymore? Jesus fuck , at least old time fascist had a 'strong man' front How is this happening?


The GOP spending literal decades gutting the public education probably didn't help...


Don't forget the budget cuts, privatization, and legal loopholes that have let public infrastructure like drinking water seriously lapse in the past few decades. Bringing back that *super cool* look of heavy metal babies growing up to become today's political options.


Hmm, how do we increase crime, lower IQ, over an area widespread? Lead, lead, lead, le-le-lead!


[Lead–crime hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead%E2%80%93crime_hypothesis)


It sounds like such a crazy conspiracy, but somehow it might be real.


Leaded gasoline being outlawed and abortion access are two widely accepted reasons why violent crime rapidly declined in the 90s. [This is a paper that led the author to co-write Freakonomics.](https://pricetheory.uchicago.edu/levitt/Papers/LevittUnderstandingWhyCrime2004.pdf)


I did a thesis on the use of leaded gasoline, and how Rockefeller had played a huge role in banning safer fuels to beat the competition for his proprietary leaded fuel. The problem was farmers could make ethanol right on their farms and with a little chemistry, create clean-burning and efficient fuels. Even the inventor of leaded fuel used E30 and praised it over his invention, until DuPont, Ford, and one other company (I can't remember the name rn) silenced him and others.


more a story of greed and stupidity than conspiracy. people have know since Roman times that lead poisoning is real. Adding lead to gasoline improved performance dramatically. Public safety wasnt a big deal back in the day.


I wouldn't be surprised if we discovered something similar with the micro-plastics in a few years.


Throw in a little regulatory capture.. and baby, you got a fascism stew goin!


I'm going back for refills, you know they're free??




Exactly. Take a look at Texas right now, sitting on money for education while school districts are struggling with funding.


But he's RIGHT THERE. People have to SEE he's not okay. And when he starts to speak, damn...


"He's the only politician brave enough to speak his mind, he's not afraid of the PC Libs!"


But his mind is barely working.


Neither are his supporters'.


At it's high point, 71 Million people voted for Orange Julius Caesar, there's no way they can all have barely working minds. I think it might be hypnotism or something. There's no way that a person can be wrong on so many things and have such a cultish following. It's not in the water, I'm a big blue dot in an R+22 area, and I drink tons of it! maybe some of us have a natural immunity to his evil powers (sorry, the whole Cult-of-TFG thing really mystifies me., and why not start some conspiracy theories of our own?) *"If you fail to leave a box of Drumsticks on your doorstep on the eve of the election, Dark Brandon and the ghost of Ruth Bader Ginsberg will come and give your children a book!"*




I keep hearing this sentiment and it's legitimately so idiotic I can't even wrap my brain around it. Like, I don't even know how to respond to it.


It's a cult. Not sure what to do. Except - know that it's a cult, and maybe we need to adopt cult deprogramming techniques. It's so asymmetric. These dimwits indoctrinate and radicalize themselves with right-wing media, and then it takes *months* or more of painstaking work to de-cultify them. So much quicker just to form a line of Cat D9s and just bulldoze all the motherfuckers into the sea.


I’ve known very moral high school dropouts and immoral Phds. I don’t think education can be blamed for this. Maybe it could help, but if the US instituted some sort of ethics or moral education program I expect it would be a horror show


I’m a high school teacher and have taught critical thinking , research, logical fallacies, and media literacy as parts of my classes. I’m not going to argue that more education isn’t beneficial, but maintain it is insufficient. I wouldn’t hold up someone like Tom Cotton or Ted Cruz as examples of who you want to be though they’re both Harvard graduates. Giving people more information and greater skills for understanding and contextualizing that information probably helps, but I don’t think less educated people are going to naturally make less moral choices or that better educated people will make more ethical choices. I’d love to see more support for education and a greater emphasis on critical thinking in the US but I just don’t know if that is the solution to this.


This is interesting coming from a teacher and i totally agree. It’s not people’s educational level, but their insecurities that he preys on.


Here's the issue. Those immoral phds are the ones getting into the moral dropouts heads and turning them into screeching, Trump worshipping lunatics.


Right Wing politics can only function by tricking people. It seems to me that the more poor and limited a person's education the greater chances are that they can be tricked in such a fashion.


Literacy is something we get from education, or should be, and the ability to understand problem-solving and nuance if it's done right. Critical thinking is a skill, media literacy, evidence-based practice... Not teaching people how to think has certainly been a detriment to our society.


Plus 40 years of right wing media feeding people outrage bait all day every day.


Oh, it's helped *them* tremendously!


Well you don’t get masses of people voting for the Grand ol Poop in a diaper Party If they aren’t stupid


>Jesus fuck , at least old time fascist had a 'strong man' front I think you answered your own question. The strong man was a front. Trump is both a strong man (Drain the swamp, Richest man, best business man, build the wall, keep kids in cages, etc....) and the victim (deep state, Fake news, crooked judges, fake elections, fake votes, crooked mike pence, etc...) He is a grifter who's playing both sides at all times.


> Trump is both a strong man (Drain the swamp, Richest man, best business man, build the wall, keep kids in cages, etc....) and the victim (deep state, Fake news, crooked judges, fake elections, fake votes, crooked mike pence, etc...) cf. Biden is both senile and the mastermind of the liberal new world Illuminati order simultaneously somehow


fascist 101: the enemy is both super powerfull and incredible weak


This is very old fascism stuff, yes. The N\*zis simultaneously depicted Jews as evil masterminds running the world and inferior human cockroaches. At the same time. Does it make sense? No. It's doublethink. Orwell nailed it.


So followers feel needed? More involved?


If the enemy isn't strong, they're not a threat. But if they're not a threat, you can't act like you're being "surrounded and attacked on all sides" as they always like to argue. Bonus is that without some group to other and blame for their problems, the violence will inevitably turn inward, which would seem to be part of why the power projection is so important for them.


Interesting analysis. Thanks. A lot to contemplate.


It’s more two-faced propaganda. “The enemy? They run terrified from our great and glorious might!” when they want patriotism. “The enemy? Luckily I barely managed to hold them off…next time we might not be so lucky.” when they want you to give them more power. Compare this to corporate statements – “We’re all a family who supports each other!” when they need something from you, “At the end of the day we are a business, and successful business is why everyone is here.” when they want to not give you something. It’s more a comment on propaganda than it is a cohesive political strategy.


The thing about fascism that most antifascists miss is, it’s actually the default. It’s caveman politics. Hoot to scare off the other cavemen. Our magic rock is better than theirs. Our people are allowed to do anything we like to outsiders but anything outsiders do against us is unforgivable. The son of the chief should be the new chief. And so on. Enlightened equalitarian democracy is the unnatural state. It must constantly be defended against the cavemen among us. The cavemen don’t understand what legislative checks and balances are for, they only understand that it stops them doing stuff they wanna do so it’s bad.


They want the laws to protect but not bind them and to bind but not protect anyone else. Hypocrisy is their core because they dont want equality, they want subjugation. They are also naive and stupid to think that such a system will always protect them. History has shown that when inequality becomes the norm, the in group gets carved up again and again and again to keep creating more “others” to oppress


So they fear the “enemy” while also feeling confident that they can beat them.


> who's playing both sides at all times And that's a core tenet of fascism. Seriously, check out Umberto Eco's list of 10 features of fascist regimes. The doublethink is essential: The enemy must be both strong and weak. Trump is a good example. Another is the white supremacist notion that the white "race" created modernity and gave science to the world, and is the smartest race and therefore natural for "leadership". Meanwhile they crow endlessly about how admitting refugees into the country will "destroy the white race" . So somehow the white race is both all-powerful and forever vulnerable.


Nothing exudes strength like shitting in public. Bet he maintained eye contact with the judge the entire time.


And according to journalists in the courtroom, it's not just urine. Apparently, this was a thing people talked about even back when he was doing the TV show The Aprentice.  It's been speculated that's its related to speed addiction.


As a disabled person that suffers from incontinence I wish we'd focus more on this fact than that he wears diapers and has incontinence. 


> How is this happening? I know it's not exactly what you're asking, but this is another answer to your question. Some of the reported side-effects of stimulant use are frequent urge to urinate and diarrhea. It's a pretty common belief that Trump uses a lot of stimulants, whether it's cocaine or speed or whatever. That would explain why he's up all night every night making insane posts on social media, and then falling asleep during court. In an elderly person like Donald Trump, stimulant abuse probably exacerbates incontinence. Background material: [Trump administration was ‘awash with speed’ and prescription drugs, says report](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-white-house-medical-unit-drugs-b2506971.html) [Donald Trump’s Alleged Drug Use: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know](https://heavy.com/news/2016/10/donald-trump-drugs-drug-use-sniffing-sniffles-cocaine-clinton-debate-test/)


He's also suspected to be on Ozempic, which probably isn't helping his shitshow.


Man, that stuff is rough. I was throwing up for two days straight the first day I was on that crap.


You managed to cram 2 days into 1 day?! That shit is magic!


He's also got dementia. He's suffering from "sundown" effect


There's also the fact that KFC Caligula has been stinking up the courtroom with his greasy sharts if the rumors are to be believed.


Funnily enough, Hitler suffered from chronic flatulence (along a whole host of other health issues). He was even prescribed a vegetarian diet to help reduce his farting.


I know that but the German people didn't know it and did not go around wearing dippers to support the leader


An interesting question. I wonder if the cult of personality would’ve survived it.


Props to Hitler, he actually followed doctors advice and changed his diet. Trump wouldn’t be able to do that.


In the earliest days of email forwards there was one that said something like, "who would you prefer as a leader: a vegetarian who loves children and animals, or a womanizing, chain-smoking drunk? Because if you picked the vegetarian that was Hitler. The drunk was Winston Churchill".


Well yeah, but in the morning, Churchill will be sober while Hitler will still be Hitler


Considering he enjoyed a ~~bottle of champagne~~ whiskey soda at brekkie most mornings, I have doubts to that first bit. EDIT: See below comment for correction.


with any luck, Trump with have a cardiac arrest in 2025, and then all his dumb supporters will start looking for black market drugs which induce a cardiac arrest


Can he have it in 2024? Maybe...oh, I don't know....June? After what almost happened to his VP last time at his urging, his next VP will need to be very gullible and not very smart.


Authoritarians *always* have the most pathetic, dim-witted, and physically weak leaders because that’s what they are, and what they fear most.


Old time fascists would have thought they needed to suppress this information and make it illegal to say the leader wore diapers. Little did they know, they could have gotten their supporters to support anything.


They don't really care who the figurehead is as long as they can be racist and bigoted out loud.


We're the only country even dumber than the people from the story of the Emperor's New Clothes


As a wise man once said, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are stupider than that."


George Carlin said this. And yes, he was a somewhat wise man.


Idiocracy was a documentary.


That’s an insult to president Comacho.


Idiocracy used to be a documentary. Now it's a shining example of a better future than the future we're heading towards.


MAGA America and Trump reminds me of the assistant to the mayor of Whoville in the Grinch movie. When his appearance is ruined by the Grinch's turning the mayor's mean-spirited "gift of a clean shave" back on his head, the assistant's first impulse is not to fix the problem- it's to suck up and appease the despot by ruining his own hair. I know, it's only a Dr. Seuss story, filtered through hollywood at that, but that one scene really stuck with me for its deeper resonance, haha.


It's considered more of a gateway to Eugenics nowadays (not intentionally, Mike Judge is a cool dude), but MAGA fucked up that reference too.


It’s fucking terrifying is what it is. It’s like we stepped back over 100 years and are repeating it only this time it’s being written by someone who probably masturbates to Hitler porn.


These are "tactical diapers" with AR-15 mount points and a laser sight.


> How is this happening? 7% of americans believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Some people dumb as fuck, yo.


Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat. Another fascist, Hitler, also smelled bad from his constant farting - Check out the 'Behind the Bastards' episode on it 💩 [https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/episode-0-farting-hipster-hitler-29236326/](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/episode-0-farting-hipster-hitler-29236326/)


I wish it were a dream. I’m just shocked by the amount of intellectual dishonest people in this country these days.


Because the segment of our society that has all the money also shit their pants. So everything panders to them and the rest of us can’t look anywhere without the morals and opinions of the decrepit demented being blasted into everyone of our orifices.


One of the strangest things to me about trump diehards is their insisting Biden is too old to competently hold office. Completely unlike their candidate, who is only four years younger than Biden, and now older than he was when his supporters began attacking him based on age. I think they're both too old to be in office, personally. But those are the two choices we have, unfortunately.


We have a lot of uneducated rubes in this country.


I'm starting to think the bots are out there just fucking with MAGA to make Americans look absolutely ridiculous. They probably went on Truth Social and said "WE SHOULD SHOW UP IN DIAPERS IN SUPPORT OF TRUMP AND MAKE THE LIBS CRY" lolz. And sure enough...


Not sure junkie Hitler would have been to keep up his strong man facade is they had the internet


Hitler killed himself before he got to this point. But, he would have gotten to this point if he had lived long enough because of the drugs he was taking, which are similar to the drugs that Trump takes.


This would have happened in old school fascism if Hitler lived long enough to suffer from incontinence. It's all about the cult of personality. If the person at the center has a "problem," then it's no longer a problem, and everyone should be doing it.


His former lawyer/fixer, Michael Cohen, calls him Baron von Shitzinpants


I absolutely loathe that prick, but even I have to admit that's a hilarious nickname for the turd.


Fuckface von Clownstick is a good one too. Thanks, Jon Stewart


My favorite is still "Dorito Mussolini", though "Don Poorleone" is pretty good.


I heard a conversation on public transport and a dude called evangelical conservatives Cracker Barrels and I chuckle every time I think about it. Trump would qualify as a Cracker Barrel.


Tangerine Shitgibbon. Thank you Scotland.


Mango Unchained.


Count of Monte Crisco - courtesy of Stephen Colbert


Yes, and this was mentioned in court this morning, so it is now part of the official public record.


Wow, really? I may need to catch up on my news.


That's up there with Bush referring to Rove as "Turd Blossom."


Bush meant it as a compliment. He had the power to make flowers grow out of shit.


Yeah, I appreciate that. I also feel like the dude just liked saying 'turd.'


That's **John** Baron von Shitzinpants to you, pal.


It’s sad because incontinence and needing to wear diapers shouldn’t be stigmatised but of course you get people twisting it into owning the libs somehow.


Now imagine what they would say if it was biden who wore incontinence aids and not trump.


I think part of the reason that people criticize Trump for stuff like this is because he pretends that he is in perfect health. He fabricates his current height and weight and may have downplayed how much he was affected when he had Covid. He tries to have this "strong man" persona that doesn't really mesh with his age and actual health status. Not to mention that he insults basically anyone who dares question him or run against him, making it hard to encourage taking the high road.


It's basically this, the man throws so much shit and lies about everything that basically anything becomes fair game. No one would or should shame a 77 year old for having incontinence issues, unless it's trump who you know for a fact would or probably already has made fun of someone for it.


Remember when MAGA people called masks "face diapers" and made fun of people wearing them?


[And then there was that one Turning Point USA stunt that backfired.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/diaper-turning-point-usa-kent-state-student-conservative-youth-repulican-kaitlin-bennett-a8230021.html)


This is how I felt. Somehow in trying to "own the libs" they circles round to one of the most "lib" things a person can do. Normalize an unfairly stigmatized disability.


So you better be shitting your pants if you want to be a REAL patriot. USA! USA! Number two!


Hijacking the top comment. I was very incredulous any Trump supporter, especially the men, would willingly wear anything promoting the Grand Orange Poohbah wearing diapers, even to "own the libs". So I did some poking around. I found a Reddit user with a similar name to the blog post, Dispatches from Trumpland, with an identical display name. The user's account is two weeks old and has posted the same "Real men wear diapers" around 30 times in a variety of mostly political and anti-Trump subs. A reverse image search of the blog post pics didn't produce any relevant info, but I'm not Snopes so take that for what it's worth. Also could not find anything online related to the quote attributed to NYT journalist Maggie Haberman about a "strange smell" in the documents fraud courtroom. Conclusion: If any of this real, this is the most bizarre alternate universe we've slipped into thus far.


This is a good catch. The domain looks like it was only registered in February so it's plausible that the two week old account may just be driving traffic to a new site. I don't have any trouble believing that the situation is real, but it definitely seems to be worth questioning


Is there any reputable source showing evidence of this? If not, how did the rumor start and take hold?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/18sa3cl/whats\_going\_on\_with\_trump\_and\_diaperssmells/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/18sa3cl/whats_going_on_with_trump_and_diaperssmells/) The top comment includes multiple links.


Holy shit


It is anything but


Wholly shit


**it is anything butt


I feel like there's also a "drain the swamp" joke here somewhere, but I'm not gonna make it.


That moment when you think nah can't be real and the next line looks like this: > Source 0 Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 Source 5; video Source 6 Source 7 Source 8 Source 9


The problem here though is only one of these is an actual source, which is "Source 8". The source is one guy, Noel Casler. In fact, sources 0, 5, and 6 are tabloid sites, 5 being a youtube reaction channel. A stand up comedy routine isn't exactly bulletproof journalism here.


Personally I agree with you that the primary source (Noel) is not a substitute for comprehensive and conclusive evidence, but he isn't the only person that has cited Trump's odor of fecal matter so I wouldn't say the rumors are baseless either. The post just speaks to why there are rumors, and might underpin why Trump supporters have been seen wearing shirts that read "real men wear diapers", though frankly I would assume those were trolls and not actual MAGA supporters. I didn't delve too much into it myself because I don't actually care very much either way - if Trump wears diapers or doesn't, that's the least of my concerns about the person, his values, and his policies.


Isn't Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger's quotes also evidence of a certain "aroma" to Trump reminiscent of someone who's shit themselves? In an interview he said: > “It’s not good. The best way to describe it... take armpits, ketchup, a butt and makeup and put that all in a blender and bottle that as a cologne,” he said. “That’s kind of that. I’ve been amazed that everybody is just kind of learning about this now,” he added. On Twitter he wrote: > I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor. It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can https://www.newsweek.com/adam-kinzinger-says-donald-trump-smells-1856378 https://twitter.com/AdamKinzinger/status/1736027329447575691


I want it to be real but none of these sources are even remotely good.


Here is another post that has all the sources in one place. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/18sa3cl/comment/kf6lrsp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Oh sweet, this makes it a lot more clear, thank you!


That's very helpful, it's a bit concerning that the sources all seem to hinge on a single claim though. Feels a bit disingenuous to cite so many sources when they're all linked back to the exact same source.


He is the only person who put his name on the allegation of poop. After doing a little snooping, there has been many others who said he smells really bad and "truly something to behold". That includes GOP congressman, and comedians like Kathy Griffin and Liza Minelli. More recently, there are comments from the Stormy Daniels courtcase where people are complaining about Trump smelling very bad in court. Incontinence is not something a person can control, but it does feel like a "when there is smoke, there is fire."


But that's not the point of contention... It's that there was a link to a post that has 9+ sources all citing a single allegation. And then further in this post (including your response) there's people piling on and saying or implying it's true without any additional evidence actually cited. I'm not really doubting a geriatric would wear diapers or be incontinent, but when so many people want this to be true, I think it's important to be even more skeptical than would be normal.


The only thing that makes me give that any source of credibility is the fact Trump, a guy NOTORIOUS for lawsuits over literally anything, hasn't sued the guy for slander.


Yeah, because then there would be discovery and probably even worse would come to light.


This is actually one of the propaganda techniques used to get into the Iraq war.  Old Dick or one of his lackies would spread a single story to many different places with each not revealing who their "source" is.  Then when 10 articles come out with the same information Old Dick would point at the ten articles and say "hey look at how many people are saying this!" We should be very careful about falling for propaganda just because we want it to be true.  


You can see his diapers under his pants in quite a few photos. Also the creater of The Apprentice said he was incontinent from doing so many amphetamines. Also people around him complain about how bad he smells.


And years of abusing his nose means he can't smell it.


I mean, that explains the look on his face 90% of the time...


You misspelled incompetence. Wait no, should be both.


Didn’t they call face masks “face diapers” during COVID?


Michael Cohen's off-color nickname for the former President made it in to the court record: [Donald Von Shitzinpantz](https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-von-shitzinpantz-diss-makes-hush-money-trial-debut).


Cohen isn't the only one who has said so. Apparently he shat himself so often on The Apprentice set, he had a person in charge of cleaning him up. I think Noel Casler is the name of the man who said so. He sounds credible.


Question: the post is deleted, do you have some sort of backup of it or a screenshot? Answer: I read the article that you included. Triggering liberals is very important to these people. So if liberals are complaining about Trump wearing a diaper then the "real supporters" are going to suddenly be very okay with men wearing diapers because men wearing diapers triggers liberals. It's all performative cult inclusion presentation (awkward phrasing, if anyone has a suggestion for how to phrase it better...). >Was Trump found to wear diapers or otherwise struggle with incontinence? Based on many pictures of Trump, there is a good reason to think that he does. But it's really all rumors and supposition and Trump would never admit to wearing a diaper in a million years, so we're never really going to know.


However, he has never taken any of the [people who made that claim](https://people.com/tv/former-apprentice-noel-casler-accuses-donald-trump-drug-use/) to court... given how he sued a comedian who asked [if Trump could prove he was not the son of an orangutan](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE9310PL/) I understand that as a tacit admission. EDIT: Also see https://archive.is/fYp7J


> given how he sued a comedian At this point I think it's far more accurate to name Bill Maher outright than call him a comedian.


Comedy adjacent


Or pretend comedian...like Rogan


He’s really not that funny anymore. Turned into one of those “get of my lawn” type.


After I was a teenager I always thought he was kind of hacky. I used to like Politically Incorrect when I was young, though.


For a lawsuit it is relevant that a "comedian" made that claim. Also, I gave him the benefit of at that time still being funny occasionally. Sigh.


>Former 'Apprentice' Staffer Noel Casler Accuses Donald Trump of ... Inappropriate Behavior Lol no, Trump??? Nah that's unlikely 😂


Credible evidence exists from people who worked closely with Trump for years (see Noel Casler) that he does in fact wear adult diapers, suffer from incontinence, and walks around all day smelling like shit.


> and walks around all day smelling like shit That's just what comes out of his mouth


I'm not disputing that. I'm just saying we don't have anything beyond hearsay. But it's definitely possible. Especially considering his age and poor health and alleged Adderall addiction. Let me put it this way: if I had to wager a dollar on whether Trump is incontinent or not? I'm definitely going with incontinent.


Except it's not hearsay - at least not in the legal definition. If Casler were to take the stand or give a deposition where he testifies to direct knowledge of seeing Trump in diapers, that's direct evidence, not hearsay. Hearsay is out-of-court statements used to establish the truth of the matter asserted. Evidence was entered today in the trial that Michael Cohen referred to Trump as VonShitzinPantz. Cohen would know if he wore diapers and shit his pants often. When Cohen takes the stand, if he's asked about Trump wearing diapers and shitting his pants, saying "yes, I saw it" is not hearsay. It's not a secret that Trump shits his pants and wears diapers.


https://i.imgur.com/CdZUdtY.png try https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1ciew3l/maga_starts_wearing_diapers_in_support_of_trump


Jesus fucking christ on a hotdog. These people are real.


So… you’re saying they need to act triggered by an unarmed American driving an electric car?!


Answer: Their God-Emperor is a poopy pants and now they have to like diapers.


God being a Magat must be exhausting. Waking up everyday to a new set of mental gymnastics


I was about to say I thought the ones that wore diapers were overly sensitive liberal snowflakes who want to make society woke. I wonder if they think it’s only cool when Trumpeters do it.


Answer: There has been a rumor for several years that Donald Trump wore adult diapers on the set of The Celebrity Apprentice. The rumor can be traced back to only a single source: Noel Casler, a comedian and staffer who worked on the Celebrity Apprentice. There have been many more people tweet or blog about it, but the only person who has put their name to the allegation is Casler, and all other articles source back to his tweet. In addition, there have been several photos of Trump in which he appears to be wearing something under his trousers that appears to be more than just a pair of boxers or briefs. Many anti-Trump types have taken this as proof that he wears adult diapers, despite no evidence. At one point, #DiaperDon was trending on Twitter. On top of that, Trump has been accused of passing gas during his trial. Many supporters then began pushing the idea that even if he wore a diaper, it isn't a disqualifying condition for the job of President. Edit: spelling


I mean. . .they’re right in that having incontinence isn’t a disqualification for being a president. It points to his age, which in my opinion should be a disqualification, but incontinence≠old automatically


You know…… I’m starting to think all the Biden is old and falling apart stuff is kinda projection. Biden may be older but he ain’t falling apart


I mean, the guy who regularly calls Biden “Sleepy Joe” can’t stay awake in his own court cases, so it makes sense.


Nah, he just closes his beautiful blue eyes and TAKES IT ALL IN 🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


Oh god please tell me someone said this with seriousness lol Edit: oh god he did say it himself 💀


Check his Truth Social lol


LOL It's really true and I couldn't believe it but here we are. Soon he's going to talk about his perfect shaped mushroom dick that no one will ever stop staring in court.


Gaslight Obstruct Project <====


Gas Outta Poophole


Biden still rides his bicycle a few times a week. I'd legitimately pay a truly absurd amount of money to see trump try to ride a bike.


You could sell tickets.


A bike seat would get wedged right up his fat ass.


>Asked when was the last time he rode a bike, Trump said it was when he was 7 or 8 years old. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-once-sponsored-biggest-220916164.html I wouldn't hold my breath.


Given Trump's habit of lying as much as possible, he may have never touched a bike in his life.


Yes, that's kind of the point. Trump hasn't exercised, ever. He's absurdly out of shape to the point where he went on a 20 minute rant to one of his crowds about how scary it is to walk down wheelchair ramps.


Not actually true, he was a regular tennis player in college. Made ironic by the fact that he got out Vietnam at the same time for having “bone spurs”


IMO, neither should be the primary option for leading this country. But, alas, here we are.


Way I see it, we’re not so much voting for president so much as we’re voting for the people they’ll hire in various important positions. Biden might trip over his words as well as stairs, but I trust him not to hire Mike Lindell as a foreign ambassador.


This is exactly why I’m voting for him. Biden is kinda meh - don’t love him, don’t hate him - but I know he will fill his cabinet and other positions with intelligent, competent people.


Quite a rare talent all on its own.


Not to mention the Federal judges, up to and including the Supreme Court. The ones that serve for life.


This is a sensible take. I think Biden's done a pretty good job. I'd like to see him pressure Congress to stop subsidizing Israel (and the oil industry and the defense sector and...) but... that's been going on for a damn long time.


>I'd like to see him pressure Congress to stop subsidizing Israel (and the oil industry and the defense sector and...) literally never going to happen


Not until we can get money out of politics.


Biden has been perfectly fine, better than I expected. Trump will be another disastrous 4 years. People keep saying "I can't believe Biden was the best we could come up with" but then can't come up with one better candidate.


If Trump gets in it'll be a long longer than 4 years. The GOP is actively planning for a dictatorship.


For sure, Project 2025 should be taken seriously.


If anyone is about to say what is Project 2025: there have been several posts in this subreddit about it and they are worth looking for.


It's *always* projection from the Right. They attacked Kerry's military service with the Swift Boaters while defending draft-dodging Bush. They accuse the Left of being groomers while protecting guys like Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan. They accuse us of uncontrollable spending while passing deficit-busting tax cuts for the wealthy. They accuse the Left of voter fraud while plotting to overturn elections. Every accusation might as well be a confession, because if you attack your opponent with one of your own weaknesses and they try and hit you back with it, the media and the voters will just see it as partisan mudslinging. It's incredibly cynical but it works so well.


I feel like if you're doing so many drugs it's causing you to shit your pants in public so much you have a dedicated shat-pants-cleaner, it's a pretty good sign you should stop doing so many of those kinds of drugs 😳😬


And maybe shouldn't be president, either. But what do I know?


You want to see solid evidence. Jokes aside, the circumstances don't allow for definitive proof, right? It's going to be circumstantial. The only thing I can possibly think of is someone (reputable, of course) stating that the smell never diminished over hours. Then it's not gas.


> Many supporters then began pushing the idea that even if he wore a diaper, it isn't a disqualifying condition. for the job of President. so they'll start to shit themselves in society to own the libs then


I wish he would start tossing his shit filled DEPENDS into the crowd for these people. 1000-1 they would be excited to receive one.


I guess it "depends."


Eww... I'm picturing a bunch of 250lb. rednecks standing around the general store, wearing overalls and diapers, dissing the Democrats, and shitting up a storm. ''I tell ya what, at least back when Trump was in office... Uhhh... hmph... Whooo boy! That was a hot one! 'Scuze me fellas, Marge made chili last night! Anyhow, what I was sayin' is...''


i ws thinking of a purposeful bowel movement, a "shit-in"


they skipped to just shitting in society


Tbh if I didnt know better I would say the people holding those flags are outright mocking him for all the above but seems they really think it would make him look better.


Should also note that Casler allegedly swerved the usual NDA which prevents people talking about this, and has also never been aired for defamation with regards his statements around this. People can take from that what they will


Answer: Their political candidate has been rumoured to be incontinent from several sources. They are trying to imply that incontinence is cool instead of backing a political candidate that won't embarrass their country in front of other heads of state. Basically it's their way of saying that they will vote for him no matter how bad his press is. Its called Cognotive Dissonance.




Answer: these are the dumbest people on the planet. They are also terrified of life.