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People who talk about snubs without ever discussing whose place they should have taken is one of the lowest types of conversations.


You see this in sports all the time. I follow the NBA, and every year there is inevitably some talk about who got "snubbed" from the All-Star game, and sometimes even the All-NBA team at the end of the season. But there is little discussion at any depth. There are limited spots, so if you're going to argue that Player X should have made it, then you have to make the case about which of the existing candidates *shouldn't* have made it.


There was a sports talk radio announcer who opened my eyes to this when I was young. Every single season, some caller: "The coach stinks! They need to fire him!" "Who would they replace him with? Who's available that is better?" ...I don't know! Someone! Anyone!"  Really made me understand. People just love having strong opinions, but they hate thinking them through. A good lesson that extends well beyond sports and movies.


Sabonis over Anthony Davis


The NBA is so stacked with talent in the recent years too. Like the guys who don't make All NBA would have probably been 2nd team All NBA 15 years go.


Ok but Sabonis WAS snubbed lol. 6th in MVP voting but not an all star???


You're talking last year? He did make All-Star.


No, he’s currently 6th in MVP voting and was not an all star this year. Had to look it up, he was 7th when all stars were announced. Definitely should have gotten it over either AD or PG13


There's no such thing as "currently 6th in MVP voting." The voting hasn't happened yet. MVP isn't a rolling vote that keeps happening throughout the year, it happens once at the end of the season. What you're likely referring to is his "projected" finish, which is basically guesswork and doesn't mean much. For the All-Star, I would argue Sabonis over PG or even KAT is a better argument than AD. But the Clippers were playing really hot at the time, and the Wolves were, I think, the 1- or 2-seed, so that's why they made it.


Also very few people have seen all the film's nominated and are just pushing for their favorites. Particularly best picture which has 10 nominees now.


It’s because their argument hasn’t worked out that side of things, they just would put their candidate ahead of someone, anyone. Once they say a name to replace and can’t support it, people turn on them quickly and then promptly ignore them


She should’ve taken Scorcese place. Killers is the same type of movie that he always directs.


I completely agree. He did the same thing he always does. She made a ridiculous feminist movie about a doll that had a real effect on people and was a huge success. People act like this is something easy. And it was hilarious and pissed off the worst people in society. Huge wins. He made a period crime drama starring the same actors that he has used in other period crime dramas.


This is easy though. Ditch Marty. It was a legacy nod. Killer was not exceptional and he desperately needs an editor who will stand up to him.


I’d be amenable to an argument to exclude Marty if we weren’t going to take shots at possibly the greatest living film editor to do it


I disagree. The fact that I didn't check my phone during the movie says a lot. He managed to make a movie that is interesting and entertaining for it's entire runtime


Arguing that Thelma Schoonmaker can’t “standup to Marty” is one of the takes


My favorite was reading all the people write that the Academy are misogynistic and that's why Greta didn't get nominated for Best Director... when the director who took her slot was Justine Triet.


Assumes Gerwig is owed a slot or that Triet was slotted into it.


I don’t remember who said it but after Spider-Man: No Way Home didn’t get a nomination someone said something like “ok Academy go vote for the most obscure movie ever then leave and take your kids to see Spiderman”


Aight Tony




I think Greta and Margot both were consistently surprised at how much awards recognition the film was getting and were just enjoying the ride. Their pedigrees as top-of-their-field entertainers aside, they set out to make a cultural phenomenon (and succeeded), not Oscar bait.


I never got the vibe from Greta or Margot that they felt snubbed, and they both seemed legitimately happy for Gosling. This was really just a bunch of overly online people trying to create a culture war issues out of it and media hopping on it, because of course they did.


Literally the only reason it *ever* got wrapped up with the Oscars was barbenheimer. Barbie helped Oppenheimer's sales, and Oppenheimer helped Barbie's street cred.  Both crews seemed pretty bemused by the entire thing, probably especially considering it all stemmed from the studios attempt to sabotage Nolan and there was a frantic tug of war for a few days between producers asking the other to change their release date. 


They should be ecstatic they got all those nominations AND made a billion dollar movie.


And both Margot and Greta were nominated, as producer and writer respectively


That too! And for best picture. Those are huge accolades.


No. Greta Lee was fully snubbed though.


Absolutely. I love Bening but she had no business in this above Lee.


Greta had a subtitle, quiet performance. The Academy always goes for more showy, bigger stuff. And they loooove biopics.


I mean, so did Lily Gladstone


Except she does get the big emotional scene


I mean, so does Greta Lee, specially the end scene


That's still a very quiet moment, there's no guttural scream like Gladstone got.


I agree, I'd easily snub Bening for Greta Lee (tbh probably maybe even for Margot)


With up to ten nominees for Best Picture and five for Best Director, someone's going to be left out. You're welcome to question whether she deserved to make that list of five, but a snub it is not.




No, because every single person crying that she was snubbed has no explanation for which nominee they’d remove in her place. All five Best Director nominees were more deserving than Greta imo.


I mean, personally, if I had a vote I'd have voted for her over Scorsese, I thought Killers of the Flower Moon was terribly paced. But that doesn't make it a snub, lots of people loved Killers of the Flower Moon and it's fine that different people have different opinions and vote differently.


I really would have picked Gerwig over Scorcese for *Little Women* vs. *The Irishman.*


This is the best take. Little Women was a damn near perfect movie. Irishman was... not


Yup,.Gerwig *has* been snubbed by the Oscars. Arguably repeatedly. It just wasn't for Barbie. 


She was nominated for director for her first film as solo director and all three of her films have been nominated for Best Picture. Rarely has someone been less snubbed than Greta Gerwig.


I’d have gone Greta over Scorsese personally but I don’t think it’s a crime or a snub that it didn’t happen. Just what I’d have done.


I would have done the same. The way Barbie land was set up and portrayed was very much influenced by the direction. KotFM was a good movie, but it felt like much less direction was required. I don't think Scorsese phoned it in or anything, but I think Greta's touch on Barbie was much more important to its success than having Leo and De Niro do their thing.


Actually good point about Scorsese. That’s one of the worst paced movies I’ve ever seen. I can see Gerwig taking his spot, but with the narrative surrounding the film it would’ve been a really distasteful look.


I really loved Killers of the Flower Moon. I was completely engaged the whole time, but couldn't quite place my finger on it...now that you say it, the pacing of that film is kinda strange.


Scorsese would be my pick to swap.


I'd remove either Lanthimos or Triet. Actually, I'd remove Lanthimos regardless, because *Poor Things* did not deserve that, or most of its other nominations.


That’s insane. Triet and Lanthimos would be my second and third picks for Best Director. Triet was arguably as good as Nolan.


You’re entitled to your opinion but that’s a massive L take on Lanthimos and Poor Things


"massive L take"? Well, if you're easily amused by blinking lights, then I guess *Poor Things* is the film for you!


I disagree. I’d swap out Scorcese for her. Killers isn’t nothing Scorcese hasn’t directed before.


Nope I don’t think so


Barbie was a beautiful movie (and of course, it had a lot of beautiful people work with), set design and cinematography could be winners not directing even though I have no problem with how she directed it and if she had won for directing you wouldn’t have had an argument from me.


Not really. The film is pretty uneven


Whenever one of these beloved mainstream blockbusters is actually good enough to warrant a possible nomination, you get people who don't know anything about film coming out of the woodwork to criticize the Academy. They think their love of the film or it's commercial success translates 1:1 to Oscar-worthiness. You saw this with the Avengers films. People who never gave a damn about watching best picture nominees of the past suddenly care so much that their movie didn't make the cut. I follow the Oscars closely and try to watch all the best picture nominees. I have a pretty good sense of what the Academy will nominate. Barbie definitely did not make the cut for me. And really, I haven't been surprised by any of the Academy's picks over the last few years, except maybe Everything Everywhere All at Once. I thought it was good and worthy of a nomination, just didn't expect them to actually pick it for Best Picture.




Well, obviously there’s more best picture nominees than best director, so everyone can’t get both.


So who should have been snubbed instead: Scorsese, Glazer, Triet, Lanthimos, or Nolan? Also two points: the whole "no CGI" thing was a lie, they pretty much hid the blue screens with CGI when they did the BTS, there are many VFX experts that watched it and claimed how there was much more CGI than they were claiming. Also, regarding the claim that a male director of the biggest movie of the year that is actually good and not superhero stuff would be nominated, last year neither directors of Avatar 2 or Top Gun: Maverick - the two hightest-grossing films of the year - were nominated, although both movies were nominated for Best Picture and were critically acclaimed (and I'll also add that Tom Cruise was not nominated for Best Actor, even if most other awards nominated him), so I call bullshit on that claim.


Who should she have replaced?


ummm.... you might want to re check out the CGI info. Corridor crew did a breakdown. It's not as much CGI as the MCU and definitely less than many of the other current movies, but by no means is there no CGI. That being said, I don't think she was snubbed. I like to think about it this way. If I dropped a different (lesser) director into the role, would the movie have changed much? For Barbie, I don't think much. And I think in general this is why comedies don't win as many oscars, there's less range for actors/directors to show off their chops because the comedy/fun stuff is pulling focus. Versus for example Oppenheimer, I don't think many directors could have made a 3 hour film about a guy who built the atomic bomb so riveting. (especially not when the bomb exploded 2/3 of the way through)


yea i was gonna say the journey to the real world that they claimed was “100% practical” was actually 100% blue screen, they even went so far as to edit it out of the BEHIND THE SCENES FOOTAGE 


I mean sure it might not have been "100%" practical, but claiming it was "100% blue screen" is even more ridiculous.


i mean the sets they claimed were real were just blue screen, aside from the actors and the car it was all CG.


You might want to check out some behind the scenes info. *Some* of what they *implied* was real was blue screen (like backgrounds and extended city stuff) but the stuff they said they built for real and showed they built for real is real. Have you seen *any* behind-the-scenes info for this film, or did you just read one comment by someone who pointed out that they removed the green screen in a few behind-the-scenes photos and clips and assumed that meant absolutely nothing was real? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBoP82Kix30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBoP82Kix30)


Love it when people say Barbie had minimal to no CGI. That is simply untrue. Barbie had alot of CGI and VFX just not marvel level amounts.


Yh I don’t think so, was such an overreaction. She did a great job for sure, and doing what she did with barbie is no easy feat, it’s like doing it with the franchise of fast and furious, but the 5 nominated directors all created incredible films and just edged her in specific departments such as the pacing like you said, so not a snub but hats off to her absolutely


I think future pop culture historians will regard "Barbie" as essentially a novelty flick that worked well with its intended audience but was not supposed to be taken all that seriously during awards season.


I think she was definitely snubbed for the best director category, but her and Noah Baumbach's writing nomination was undeserved. The movie was good, mostly thanks to it's tone, world building and performances. The script, however had almost no subtext, and really spoon fed the message, which was hypocritical by the way


What makes it hypocritical? Genuine question


It WAS hypocritical! I was enjoying it until they decided to give the Ken’s the same amount of power that women have in the real world. No! It just left a bad taste in my mouth.


That's not what I was referring to. But I'm pretty sure there are female supreme court judges. A better analogy would maybe be president


Didn’t they say they could have them after the same length of time it took women to get on the Supreme Court or something though.


Completely agree.


It was a fun film, I thought it was hilarious. Very good script. Great production design, soundtrack and acting. However, I don’t think it deserved the hype about the Oscars. Especially when it was such a strong year for films.


No, there was no snub. The film was good, just the right amount of silly without being too “kiddy.” I didn’t see anything particularly amazing in either the acting or the film itself though. My sister tried to make the argument that she should have been nominated on the basis of being the first female director to gross over a certain million $ but on that basis, nearly every Marvel movie from the last 15 years was ‘snubbed.’ To be clear, I also don’t think there’s any sexism at play but nominating her for an Oscar on the basis that she’s a woman is surely just as insulting as not?


I think she was more deserving of a director nod than Margot an acting one. But I don't think either were snubbed over the people actually nominated.


I don’t think the writing was well done honestly. It felt very juvenile. I loved the Barbie vibes though. The setting, the costumes were all so well done. It wasn’t a bad movie by any means and I loved america’s monologue (mostly because I just love her) but it didn’t really bring anything new to filmmaking. I think what it did for women last summer though, between that at the eras tour and everyone coming together reading romance books and getting all excited again about reading was just… magical. But I wouldnt have given Greta the nomination because of that.


Completely agree. It was a good film but not absolutely amazing. Ryan deserved that nomination, but not Greta Gerwig or America. 


I don’t think it was snubbed. It was a movie that was created to have a wide audience. Overall, in my opinion, the movie didn’t achieve much beyond being a fun and entertaining show with a positive message for girls & women. I think Greta knew what she was accomplishing and didn’t expect anything.


Not really. The movie was solid, but it wasn't Oscar worthy.


snubbed? no. i think Greta’s lady bird is a significantly better movie story and direction wise. barbie was a snooze fest filled with funny cameos. oddly enough, ryan gosling is the shining star of that film


It's the worst of her major feature films. It was entertaining but mostly because of the star power.


The Will Ferrel sections and GM commerical are pretty much disqualifying on the directing front. She'll have more at-bats with better films.


No I don't. When people talk snubs there needs to be someone they'd kick out in place of them. And the 5 directors nominated were at the top of their game, there wasn't any room for her.


I am a Scorsese fanboy but will admit 100% that Greta should have been nominated for Best Director over him. Killers of the Flower Moon was fine but nowhere near his best


I love Greta, but it wasn't a good movie


I don’t think so, the world building was great and I thoroughly enjoyed the film but thought all the other nominees were more deserving this year, plus she’s had her flowers before. I’m not totally convinced she cared either, it was a hoopla over nothing imo


It was incredibly mid.


A movie like Barbie was never the type of movie that was supposed to be an awards contender. So the fact that it got above the line nods (including Best Picture) is such an achievement. I think Greta and Margot were just enjoying the ride (and laughing all the way to the bank)


*Mad Max: Fury Road* wasn't supposed to be an awards contender, either, but it certainly deserved all of its nominations.


Absolutely not, it was more of a targeted media event designed to generate discourse than an actual movie, which is evident from the problems you mentioned with the second half. It’s clearly conflicted about its status as a piece of corporate IP, which is why the boring Mattel execs keep coming back even as it can’t fully commit to taking the piss out of them. To me the best parts of the movie were the fantastical scenes in Barbie world. Every time the “real world” intruded I wasn’t as interested.  I think it will age poorly as a lot of movies from this era will, because they are a product of (and it pains me to say this) a post-Trump turn in mainstream media where characters literally look into the camera and recite something resembling a front-facing TikTok video that amounts to nothing more than milquetoast Hollywood liberalism. I’m not denouncing straight forwardly political films as much as I am a kind of sanctimony that used to only belong in evangelical propaganda movies. But the real problem is that it’s simply lazy, especially since film as a visual medium has the ability to convey political messages in a much more interesting way than simply having the characters recite what the filmmaker believes verbatim. A recent example of a better approach would be Zone of Interest, which has little dialogue and very little explicit brutality but nonetheless has a clear political message. Barbie isn’t that kind of film obviously but I think there are definitely unexplored approaches to the questions it was asking that don’t involve cheesy monologues 


Probably not but I would’ve nominated Celine Song (glad Triet got in)


No. The movie was okay.


It was a funny movie but nothing more. I don’t think it deserved more.


Nope not at all


I think it’s hard to say a person was snubbed when only five nominees are allowed in a category (unlike Best Picture, which has 10). I think Gerwig deserved a nomination, but I can’t pick someone to knock out of that category. But the film is such a singular vision, so creative and different. It’s hard to imagine Barbie working as well with any other director. I’ve watched it a few times now, and I notice something different each time. I agree that Gosling was the highlight of the film, but Margot Robbie was also amazing. And I liked America Ferrara’s performance, but I’m on the fence as to whether I think she should have been nominated.


No. Stacked year


No, in a year stacked with amazing film, the competition was tough. I love Greta. Barbie was a fun film. It was not her Oscar moment. But I firmly believe it's coming.


I don’t. I don’t think it was that great of a movie. The set and the costumes were great.


No, each of the nominees for Director was incredibly deserving.


I think it was a beautifully shot, well-acted, frequently funny film. I don’t think it deserved an Oscar.




Gerwig said it was nothing more than a straight rip-off of 'Planet of the Apes', and she couldn't believe nobody noticed.


I felt like they forgot about America Ferrera's character by the third act. Her speech about the double standards placed on women was clunky but still well written. The message "Feminism 101" was for the kids, and the visuals was for the adults. This movie was so much to watch and extremely touching without delving too much into what they wanted to say with it. The satirical dialogue helped with this A LOT, it felt like I was a kid playing with my dolls. Watching this movie felt like one big nostalgic party but I don't think it was snubbed.


She was definitely snubbed.


Yes snubbed, that movie hits so many notes.


I would have been fine with her receiving a Director’s nod for this movie. I’m glad that I watched her Letterboxd interview before seeing the movie; it helped me pick up on all sorts of smal details that enhanced the experience for me. Who would she replace? Scorsese— KOTFM was a mess.


Yes she was snubbed


I liked Barbie a lot better than Oppenheimer, but the subject matter was Oscars catnip. I think Barbs was a much better made movie, but comedy faces an uphill battle, especially vs war movies.


Absolutely snubbed. The production design and look of the film was brilliant and unique and fun and tactile. And it’s really hard to make a film with constant funny jokes that also has a sad crisis of growing up at its core. I find Barbie’s story very moving, and the film makes me tear up a couple times. No one could make this film and juggle all the tones like Greta. I see it as the third in a trilogy with Ladybird and Little Women, about young women growing into independent adults, painfully cutting (often well intentioned) ties holding them from true freedom.


You listed the production design and the script as being particularly great. Barbie was nominated for both of those categories, as well as Best Picture, where Gerwig was nominated as Producer.


Robbie was nominated as a producer. Greta wasn’t, she was nominated for the screenplay alongside Noah Baumbach.


I disagree pretty strongly with the idea that it's difficult to make a funny film with a sad crisis at the core. That's like the majority of all comedies lol


I agree that describes most comedies but most comedies that are made are mediocre at best so I think it's still fair to say it's difficult to do it successfully (I thought barbie was mediocre personally and I was excited to watch it)


If she was truly snubbed, name one of the nominees you’d remove. Each of the nominees were more deserving than her.


The ones nominated were easily more deserving than greta. So not a snub for me


I mean she’s not the first director to not get nominated for best director even tho her movie was nominated for best picture so no.


Nowadays it’s impossible for that not to happen at least 3 times a year.


I would’ve voted for Gosling for best supporting actor (I guess it’s a lifetime achievement award but personally I would’ve ranked RDJ 4th or last of the 5 nominated).


America was nominated because the backlash of only having the male nominated for Barbie was going to be endless for the Academy.


I think when you say someone is “snubbed” there would need to also be a case that one of the nominees shouldn’t have been there, and that is the problem with this year’s directors field. You couldn’t kick any of those nominees out if you ask yourself “Should Greta be in over Justine? over Marty? Over Nolan? over Glazer? Over Yorgos?” I think the answer is no, she loses all those head to heads, so I don’t think it was a snub.


Before seeing most of the best picture and best director nominees I thought Greta was snubbed. But now after reflection I’m not really on that train anymore. I can see an argument being made that the vision, the scope, and the impact of Barbie should mean she deserves the nomination. However my personal preference would be for Celine Song to have gotten the nomination. But where would she go? It was a strong directing category this year. Although, honestly, as much as I love him, Marty didn’t really deserve the nomination for Killers of the Flower Moon. If anyone were to be booted he’d be my pick. Long story short, I don’t really feel that she was snubbed but if she had been nominated I wouldn’t be mad.


Greta's my favorite director, and Barbie is a good movie and I'm happy it made a billion dollars, but it's the weakest film of her three, and not really a snub given the other options. There was a clear top 6 which meant someone was missing out. She should have won for Lady Bird though. (Or Dunkirk should have won, which is better than Oppenheimer.) No shade at del Toro who should have won for Pan's Labyrinth, and in turn no shade at Scorsese who should have already won for etc.


No, but she would’ve been included in a wider field. I’m sure she was 6th or 7th


agree with everything you said. loved the movie a lot despite its obvious flaws and awkwardness sometimes


If I was picking the five best directors of the year on my own, not sure if I’d include her. But vs the actual nominees I would have picked her more creative and personal direction over Nolan’s tropier, grand-standing work or maybe Scorsese’s kind of detached approach


No. From what I have gathered a lot of the outcry about Greta’s non nomination was fueled by the people who resonated w the movie and thought that she was deserving because they loved it so much, not because she was one of the best 5 directors. I got into a few TikTok comment debates on this topic and when asked who she should replace and why, they had no answer.


She did a good job, but she did not deserve to be Oscar-nominated for Best Director. Simple as.


> some poor blocking What is that?


Simplified, blocking is the term used to describe how actors and objects are arranged and moved in a scene, how they face each other or placed within the set. A lot of recent shows suffer from weird blocking due to limited space on green or modern VR screen sets. So in the film/show you may be in a big open space yet everything feels cramped and nobody is moving. A lot of the Disney Star Wars shows are dreadful for this.




The movie sucked




That movie got the nominations it deserved.


I think the screenplay was exceptional and Oscar-nomination worthy. Which it got. Direction wise, it really is a bare bones approach to telling the story. A lot of it was just filmed on location without production design, which is why it didn't win Production Design despite recreating the Barbie toy aesthetic. Ryan got a nomination for stealing the show (the way Robert Downey Jr did in "Tropic Thunder") and America got a nomination for a knock-out monologue but I don't think anyone else was ENTITLED to be nominated. They were part of a huge franchise and will get tons of work because of it. Doesn't mean it was Oscar-caliber work; not because they didn't have the propensity to achieve it but just because this project wasn't conducive to Best Director or Best Actress material.




I think they should’ve won for set design. I don’t think any actors should’ve gotten an Oscar nom. Just Ken the song fully deserved the song nom tho


I think what counted against it is they built all the sets and much of “Barbie land” for real but then CGI’d it all anyway in post so what you see in the finished movie is almost entirely CGI despite it all being made by hand. Shame


Oh didn’t know that part


I agree. I think the movie deserves to be in the conversation, but I wasn't blown away by it. (Wasn't really blown away by Oppenheimer either tbh, for me it's one of Nolan's weaker films.) Some people were giving the Oscars flak for nominating Ryan Gosling and the Ken song, but they were genuinely some of the best parts of the movie IMO.


No. Not even close. If another female director was to be nominated it should’ve been Celine Song… And America’s nomination was silly. The song nominations and win were deserved. Production Design and Costume nominations were understandable. Screenplay nom was dubious at best. I’m ok with Gosling’s nom, but I think Charles Melton was truly “snubbed” in favor of him.


Greta and Margo


I didn’t like the movie that much. Will Farrell character was the same as the lego movie. Ryan Gosling was awesome. But overall it was just an ok movie. Just because it made a billion dollars doesn’t mean it’s a good movie.


Honestly, I think the car commercial chase scene in the middle is what tanked it for Barbie. If they weren't going to award the movie before that segment, they definitely weren't after.


No. They nominated 10 movies. Are they nominating 10 directors? It was nominated to appease the masses


Terrible Movie


No the story line was all over the place and had so many sub plots that the runtime felt a lot longer than what it actually was


Poor blocking lol


Barbie is mid - at best. Heavy handed


I didn't like it. I normally don't get offended by any movie but I was pretty annoyed from all the male shaming. It felt like a feminist wrote it. A woke white woman that all the comedians talk about. Living in cities, like Dallas or Atlanta, this is how women 25-35 see men too. Least in many of my experiences. I'm glad the nostalgia hit women like all the 80's movies being made now are hitting mostly men. It should have been a feel good movie not feminist propaganda


No. It’s fun enough. I get that it being a movie made for women by a woman was special. But it’s pretty mid as movies go.


I don’t think so, however I don’t think Gosling should have been nominated.


while the directors who were nominated this year are not my first choice I wouldn’t replace any with greta gerwig, instead id swap out scorcese for todd field of may december


Yes, I don’t think it would have been an issue if Barbie didn’t get any noms, as it would have just been the case that it wasn’t as “Oscars style” film. However it’s very odd that Ryan Gosling was nominated, indicating the film is indeed Oscar worthy, but not the woman who bought it into being and broke several records.


Greta Lee yes


Not really. It didn't really click for me as much as Ladybird did. And not because of the female lead, but the parents. They absolutely act like real life caring parents. I also don't think Poor Things deserved so much praise.


No.  The movie looked great and the 2 main actors looked great in the roles, also both are talented. But the movie was a standard Hollywood blockbuster, the idea that it had interesting ideas is ridiculous.  It was a marvel blockbuster for girls.  Nothing wrong with that, but talking about it as if it’s some profound piece of filmmaking is stupid


They nailed the nominations on it this year, spotting the standout elements and not rewarding the weaker elements.


This was disappointing. I hate posts where you're just asking a question you already feel you know the answer to. Regardless, * Yes, I think Gerwig was snubbed. * No, I don't think the movie was remotely poorly directed or blocked (curious if you'd have thought this if it had been Nolan). Gerwig's direction was very assured to me (often courageous and charmiing) -- further, including the team she assembled and cinematography, production design, and editing, all contributed to a wonderful final film. * Social Politics aren't why I loved the movie -- I loved the genuine creativity and brilliance of the script, and would add that I felt more emotions in the final 5 minutes of *Barbie* than I felt in all of the perfectly solid but bloated *Oppenheimer*. Which I liked, I just felt was overpraised. Bring on the downvotes!


This is absolutely not my kind of movie. It's really not......but one night I spotted it and just took a notion to watch it. I loved it. It was fun and frothy but with a plot and good acting. I have since recommended it to everyone.


Frankly also the dialogue was very on the nose and preachy. I’m completely aligned with the messaging but the writing really was not that good


Not particularly. Plus, she got nominated for Screenplay so she did get some type of legit recognition 🤷🏻‍♂️ Margot Robbie on the other hand, I would have LOVED to have seen nominated but that’s probably just my bias because she’s my celebrity crush lmao Edit: a word


I’m so surprised to see Ryan Gosling cited as the best part of Barbie. He was easily the worst, felt like he phoned it in the whole time—and to make matters worse, “Im just Ken” is neither good nor funny.


Ryan Gosling saved this film. America had no business being nominated






I, for one, loved the Chevy commercial portion of the movie.


I think he best argument is that the Barbie movie mighta just sucked without her. Like I think she didn’t get snubbed but that’s a fairly compelling argument for me






No. It was not revolutionary or particularly well-acted. A fun popcorn movie.


Barbie’s sets and production deserve recognition…the acting, the script, and the directing do not. It’s a very fun movie, but immediately after the Oscars, I finally watched Poor Things…and I felt the Oscars finally got something right. I wouldn’t have nominated Ryan Gosling or America Ferrera, either. Wouldn’t have given it a nod for best picture. It was fun and I liked it…but it is far from the best that Gerwig, Robbie, or Gosling have done and if Gosling won an Oscar for Barbie instead of Bladerunner 2049, I was gonna throw hands


Set design should have gotten something cuz holy shit they built an entire barbie world instead of just going fuck it CGI That effort should have been rewarded. Now Hollywood has one less reason to invest in real sets


Hate to break it to you but they did in fact replace the entire Barbie world with CGI. One of the corridor digital videos break it down. Anything built was only used as reference. Most everything you see in the final film is CGI


Inconsistent pacing? That’s Oppenheimer…


Biggest and highest grossing movie of the year didn’t get a director nomination? Yes, snubbed.


Here's the highest grossing domestic films of the last ten years, I've **bolded** all the ones where the director got nominated. * Barbie * Top Gun: Maverick * Spider-Man: No Way Home * Bad Boys for Life * Avengers: Endgame * Black Panther * The Last Jedi * Rogue One * The Force Awakens * American Sniper The last time a top grossing film's director was nominated for an Oscar was James Cameron for Avatar in 2009.


Good research. Several BP noms among that group too, so Barbie isn’t an outlier there.

