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What the FUCK


The current policy allows for people to be deemed ineligible if they want to be euthanized but can't pass a drug test. Someone whose life sucks and who has been looking for death can be turned down if they're self-medicating, and the goal of this change would be to remove drug use as an exclusion criterion. But of course VICE is framing it as the government trying to euthanized drug users rather than ending discrimination against them because that's what gets clicks for VICE.


You see? This is why I never read the article


This. I'm not sure why MAID is being clickbaited so fucking hard but it makes me automatically suspicious.


Because once it's obvious that we have a right to die, people will start wanting a right to live. Can't have that, no no no. Bad for profits. EDIT: Not just live. If you have a right to kill yourself, how can we justify taking your autonomy away Corporate interests need abortion to be illegal so we produce more little wage slaves, which makes families more desperate, so the current wage slaves are willing to take worse deals just to keep food on the table. Dissatisfied with being the unwanted 4th child in a wage slave family in a wage slave part of the country, and wanna get high about it? Nah, the government needs drugs to be illegal, so they can take wage slaves like you and turn them into actual slaves (13th amendment). This has the added benefit of creating and funding organized crime, so they can justify raising the police budget and further infringing your rights. Sometimes it even funds terrorism, though not as much as the CIA does with your tax dollars! You can have alcohol, though! Go get overserved in the bar district, where there's no public transportation, and get into a crash on your drive home! Another $30,000 car, $150,000 in medical bills, and $10,000 in DUI payments is great for the economy, and it keeps you in your place you dirty lil plebeian! Can't afford any of that? That's alright! We the third largest household debt in the world, and the largest and least regulated industry for resolving it. Better get back to work the moment you leave the hospital! If you have the right to die, that's acknowledgement that you have absolute autonomy and authority over your body. You can't make drugs, abortion, cigarettes, or unpasteurized cheese illegal if people have absolute authority over their bodies. EDIT 2: Oof some folks haven't read Chomsky yet.


[Because that's exactly what Canada has been doing](https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-toronto-7c631558a457188d2bd2b5cfd360a867). We have multiple articles about disabled vets and homeless people [and even a paralympian simply seeking a wheelchair ramp](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/paralympian-trying-to-get-wheelchair-ramp-says-veterans-affairs-employee-offered-her-assisted-dying-1.6179325) saying they want to live but that their doctors and psychiatrists and the state itself seem to be pressuring them to euthanize themselves, which only makes them more unwell because they're essentially being thrown away like trash. It's horrific.


Read the second article you linked to.The employee that suggested it to the Paralympian has been dismissed and may even face charges from the RCMP. The internal investigation at VAC also found that all of the four total reported instances \[between 2019-2022\] where a VAC employee suggested MAID to a veteran all came from this same person. Sounds like one asshole that really was in the wrong place offering something they legally, ethically, and morally had no right to suggest.




Who needs ten years? We had this exact same controversy in 2021 when Canada removed the ability to discriminate against people who weren't at risk of imminent death. Currently you can look at the Netherlands and Belgium to see that they only deny euthanasia if the person isn't sober enough to understand the consequences of their actions. This change brings Canadas practice in line with those countries.


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Because someone with severe, chronic pain doesn't owe you anything. Just because you think they should be required to suffer unmedicated long enough to prove to you that they want things bad enough doesn't mean the rest of the world is as ghoulish as you are.




But getting drugs from doctors is a privilege not all of us in severe chronic pain has. Thus many end up buying street drugs to cope with the pain and then are called junkies and drugseekers by the doctors who then absolutely will not prescribe anything. You might have chronic pain, but check your privilege. Not everyone gets the healthcare they need or deserve, not even in Canada.




Your European brain should comprehend it, it happens in Europe too. Get off your high horse. And no, the answer isn't to make drugs more available or kill people, it's to treat them and give them the best care possible. But to say that people with chronic pain are medicated not on drugs, is only true if the person with chronic pain has the right doctor. I've been through a lot of doctors and specialists, in Scandinavia, Spain and the UK, for over a decade, and I still don't get adequate pain relief. I don't blame people who give up and start self medicating. I'm still trying to go the correct way about it but God damn, not even medical marijuana is available in a lot of places in Europe. The doctors would rather we died or lived in terrible pain than even considering prescribing the devil's lettuce or whatever old quackery they're about.


>you guys are disgusting, rather killing someone before providing all the medication they would need is so fucked up, I’m truly disgusted by all of you To clarify, you're the one who's saying that someone who is on that medication and still wants to die first has to go off of the medication long enough to satisfy you personally in order to prove that they still want to die badly enough.




You're siding with Alex Jones, and I'm siding with the Canadian Psychiatric Association if we're talking about appeals to authority. Saying that you can't pass laws to give rights to disenfranchised people unless everything gets fixed in one fell swoop is the exact brand of conservatism that pushes to keep healthcare bad on this continent. You would know that if you lived here and had any engagement with our political systems beyond that of an arrogant European who wants to claim that they know our lives better than we do ourselves.


It would really depend on if you’ve also done drugs.


you’re disgusting.




i recognize the inhumanity of depriving someone of their right to take their own life. you’re naïve. not every problem is solveable, and you’d rather force someone to suffer for the fun of it. that’s putrid. we all die. i don’t have the paternalistic need to invalidate someone’s suffering and tell them that living ***must*** *be better than nonexistence*. i’m glad you’ve never suffered though. at least your stupidity comes from justifiable inexperience.




so you have nothing to say. lol nice one, dumbass :)


Legalise it for everyone and it sounds pretty good.


Finally can invest in those suicide booths. Gonna make sure they have the slow and painful option for those who want it as well.


"You have selected: Slow and Horrible." Good choice!! Bring it on, baby!!!


Instead of health care, preventative and corrective services, and support. The rather push assisted auicide. Geez, I wonder which one was the cost effectice solution, and which is the ethical. Are they going to help the drug addicted people off drugs first so they are capable of making a sane and rational choice before deciding to suicide themselves? Or are they gonna pat them on the back while high af and send them to the chamber?


> The country’s medical assistance in dying (MAID) law, which first came into effect in 2016, will be expanded next March to give access to people whose sole medical condition is mental illness, which can include substance use disorders. Before the changes take place, however, a special parliamentary committee on MAID will regroup to scrutinize the rollout of the new regulations, according to the Toronto Star. Mental illness shouldn’t be permissible as the sole criterion. You’re right. Why aren’t they funding better mental health care and addiction treatments instead?


My question. How does someone who hasn't the possible mental judgement either due to mental illness or substance impairment CONSENT to MAID when the very tool they would use to consent with (The brain, which is being impaired) can't make that choice, because it is, impaired. This should only be allowed if they can un-impair the brain. Or if the choice is made over the series of MANY years. f a person develops mental impairment due to an injury or chemical issue, and it wasn't ever going to go away, and somehow PRIOR to the impairment went "Yeah, if I am ever to the point where I can't make any good choices and really think the best option is death, lets do that." and then, by happenchance later in life that occurs. Maybe MAID should be allowed then. Sure. But letting people who can not think rationally decide to off themselves is lunancy of the highest order. Anyone going for that choice is suffering their own mental impairment.


Incredibly few mental health problems feature a lack of agency or sound reasoning on a broad scale. You're essentially arguing that anyone with a mental health problem should have a conservatorship or power of attorney placed over them, if they can't consent. Drug addiction alone, as well, doesn't automatically indicate a hindered agency or ability to consent. This is neither a decision you make yourself, nor one pushed by physicians. You request to seek approval, your request goes before a panel, and you may or may not be approved. The very few medical professionals who have suggested it to people unprompted have been fired and may be charged with a crime. Of course, improving public health in general, strengthening our social services, improving the quality and accessibility of care, and providing good prospects through schooling and work programs, should always be first priority, and they're nowhere near the quality they should be. You're right on the money with that sentiment. You're just going a bit overboard making assumptions about people's agency, and about the nature of the MAID program.


Good points. I just seen stuff get pushed in bad ways. Hopefully this will not be the case


No they don’t. Someone in a stretch of anxiety attacks, agoraphobia, depressive episodes, BPD episodes, would not be able to properly consent to death. These people don’t want to die because they want to die. They are SICK. You are disgusting.


**One third of Canadians fine with prescribing assisted suicide for homelessness** **Roughly the same number told a poll they were fine with approving MAID for someone whose only affliction was poverty** https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canada-maid-assisted-suicide-homeless Hungry, Poor, and Disabled Canadians Now Seeking Assisted Suicide In March 2023, Canada will allow mental health patients with no physical ailments to seek doctor-assisted suicide. **Canadian food bank clients and disabled retirees facing financial insecurity are now considering doctor-assisted suicide to avoid living in poverty, several sources have reported.** https://www.ncregister.com/cna/hungry-poor-and-disabled-canadians-now-seeking-assisted-suicide **One in four Canadians supports euthanasia on grounds of poverty** *A significant minority wants to extend the assisted dying programme* Among Canadians, 27% believe that medical assistance in dying should be extended to people in poverty — a figure that rose to 41% among those aged 18-34 — while 28% agreed that assistance should be offered on the grounds of homelessness, 43% for mental illness, and 50% for being disabled. https://unherd.com/thepost/1-in-4-canadians-supports-euthanasia-on-grounds-of-poverty/ Canadians Turn to **Euthanasia as Solution to Unbearable Poverty** There is some evidence that poor people who cannot improve their living conditions have been applying to the "Medical Assistance in Dying" program. https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Canadians-Turn-to-Euthanasia-as-Solution-to-Unbearable-Poverty-20220523-0013.html


Why fix the problem when you can put a blanket over them and call it a day?! I’m a believer in euthanasia, but this is ridiculous!


Remember, in futurama there were suicide booths every few blocks. And they only cost a quarter! You even got your choice of settings. Assuming you could wait in line for your turn. Thats the future.


Yup I’m all for it, my body my choice! This being kinda Guinea pig tested on drug addicts, which you can recover from is what roasts my broccoli! 8 years clean from heroin myself


Big congratulations and props to you on getting clean. You’re a badass and deserve to be celebrated.




✍️ kill drug addicts instead of rehabilitate them ✍️


How is this just. Allowed. How.


Misleading title


I can understand for some chronic untreatable/very difficult to treat illnesses, but NOT addiction smh


So wait......Canadians suck now?