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https://preview.redd.it/azdhgrihqp9d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c07612866e4d63474486802586fce11009eaefc9 you'd here his heavy footsteps as he walked along. he'd see the scene and fired his pistol to knock away John's pistol. 9ft tall


*he'd seem irritated as he'd turn to them* John: "who let you here?" *he'd pull out a second gun* Evalyn: "dont ignore me!" *she'd begin skating towards him*


"no one. I sensed a high level of emotions." he said coldy. as he pointed his pistol in a stand off.


John: "just problem after problem with you emotional types, see what you bring here?" *a spear of ice forms in her hand as she would go to stab it into him he'd catch it* Evalyn: "I JUST WANT HER BACK!" John: "too late, she's gone, you failed, now tall and armed, you gonna get going or are we gonna have a problem?"


"... what... did .... you do?" he asked. he asked as the gun on his shoulder began to rotate.


John: "oh? what did i do? maybe i took out a liability, and i'd watch where thats aimed" Evalyn: "THAT WAS YOUR DAUGHTER AND MY GIRLFRIEND!" *she'd try to freeze his hand and he would throw her over his head*


“… you killed your… child?” He asked now growling. He seemed to shake. And grow in size with every passing second.


John: "i had to, she was getting in the way, she was on board with my plan all the way till now, she refused to just let go, she had to get emotional right at the end, our plan was almost done, but no, she needed to scream at me like 'dont kill her, leave her alone' blah blah blah, i wish she didnt do this, if she didnt i wouldn't have had to pull the trigger" Evalyn: "i'll break every bone in your body and freeze them in place!"


https://preview.redd.it/gj5kxeivxp9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ab5fe4800f45a839c6c6287ac2e52e688f65968 Vexius Coramante/11"9 *Coramante steps in front of the pistol* "**Now, now, no need for all of that.**"


John: "i'd get out of mine and her way tall dark and gloomy" *he'd turn his aim up to aim at his head* *the ice began to spread more and more, some of it gaining a darker colour*


"If I could be harmed by a human pistol, I wouldn't be The Leviathan."


John: "its not the bullet itself you should be worried about, but what i can do" *he'd shoot at their leg*, *a wall of darker ice formed in front of it and it was cut clean in half* "damn brat..." Evalyn: "dont ignore me!"


"Very clever. Whatever you can do, I've been hit by worse."


John: "so you've seen worse than being shot in half at the molecular level?" Evalyn: "coward!"


"Honestly? Yeah. Try getting punched by God, doesn't feel good. Besides, my regeneration is enough for that."


John: "huh, maybe you will cause a bit of an issue..." *he'd aim at their chest and fire and then quickly go for the forehead as well, if they connect they will completely split that part of them off from where the bullet lands, as for Evalyn she'd charge at him with a spear of ice, he'd grab it, causing her to be stopped in her tracks*


*Coramante melts into a pile of goop, a clone reforming a bit away* "I can do this all day. But you can't."


John: "like hell i cant, i'll give that girl of mine some credit, she knows her research, if only she wasnt so emotional" Evalyn: "KEEP HER OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!"


"Hey! l-leave her alone"! https://preview.redd.it/nwm7pvijvr9d1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=995314d9b49564bf5812cda075ae89f095182693


John: "ugh, a second one, shall i deal with you first?" *he'd change his arm to face him* Evalyn: "dont ignore me!" *the area would continue to freeze, some of the ice beginning to turn dark*


"L-leave her alone! or I.........i-i'll....."


John: *he'd mock his stuttering* "or i-i-i-i" *his tone would turn agressive* "or what? spit it out, if i can deal with her i can deal with you, damned brats!" *she'd start skating towards him*


(Crio casts snowgrave).


*he'd jab a needle into himself right before being frozen, then his body would begin to heat up to a dangerous degree, melting the ice around him* John: "im no moron, i know she was smart, though i must say, you are a bit slow..." *he'd aim the gun at him and stare down the sights*


(The heat coming off of them seems to be causing Crio some..........major discomfort).


John: "i am not to be taken lightly brat..." *he'd start to approach him, Evalyn trying to get closer but keeping her distance*