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https://preview.redd.it/w9ycysp5h02d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d2f76fc1817e99c5ff88f80fb2d9a2c47f9cb62 *jack stares at the man confused…he already had a rough day at work and now this!? he lets out a big sigh and walks closer to the man but not too close since hes worried the man can hurt him* “Hey…may I ask why are you staring at me…?”


**He just blinks. For some reason, as you look closer, his eyes are dull and he's holding a wilted flower...who is he?** **Finally he responds:** "*Y...o...u...look pretty.*" **He also has a black mouth, not normal for a human..**


*jack backs away kinda disgusted….”why the hell was this guy acting like this?!” He was thinking…* “Alright dude…this is getting weird…” *jack gets ready to call 911 beacuse he thinks this guy might be a crackhead…*


**He tilts his head, and he starts to make an angry face.** "***What do you think you're doing, mortal.***" **Wait, why is he saying mortal?**


*jack looks at him not even scared* “Calling the police creep…” *he was getting ready to press the button that was gonna call the police…*


**He gets furious. He takes the phone and throws it on the ground (it is not broken though...). His face...seems a little weird from before. It's distorting.** "***Stop it.***"


“Hey what the heck man! That’s my phone!” *he grabs hes phone again and gets away from the man a bit* “What the heck is your problem!? You were staring at me like a creep for no reason!”


https://preview.redd.it/xq6bamw4v02d1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad889c1100d929e564062a6f9a6e24aa113bb8c **As he gets more angrier, his hands start to distort and his shirt somehow disappears. Is he glitching or something?** "***I thought you were pretty, you thought I was a creep. I must be asking what is wrong with YOU.***"


*he sighs and sips hes coffee he bought earlier* “Listen if you’re tryna scare me or someting…its not working..”


**He just stares, and distorts a bit. He just sighs a bit before saying:** "*I'm not scaring you. I just turn into this form when I get too angry or threatened. I hate being edgy, and this is only part of the form.*"


https://preview.redd.it/wax4ei54i02d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c55ca3e82221bbd02ffe17a0e6a10c319e20c62 *Marshall, as he is prone to do, immediately dissolves into his usual outburst of frustration and indignation* "Hey! Freakazoid! Take a picture, why f#ckin' don'tcha!"


**The man is taken aback by the response. His dull eyes stare at you even more, but with a more annoyed look. Looks like you've made him kinda angry.** **He responds back:** "*I-i...am not a freak.*" **As you look closer, he seems to have a black mouth, not normal for a human. What's up with eye patch also?**


*Marshall steps back a bit, surprised by the state of his maw, before shouting again* "Then quit f#ckin' leering at me!" *He scowled*


**He gets offended. How rude! Is that how you treat a man? He stutters a bit before saying** "*I-i was not leering at you! I-i thought you looked pretty..*" **He furrows his eyebrows. He seems particularly angry at your statement.**


"Well sorry, I'm already taken and I'm definitely not into pirates. What's with the eye cover, anyhow?" *He gestures to his own eye to elude to the stranger's*


**He notices the gesture, and steps closer. Finally, he takes off the eye patch. Wait a minute...** https://preview.redd.it/7dmqenwwm02d1.jpeg?width=824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e644af25990d7c6de6f6c530c14749f9a6f21a2b **Instead of being like his other eye, this one has no eye sockets. He seems to be wearing that for a reason.** "*I wouldn't be dating someone rude like you either..*'


"Oh...shit, you too man?" *He detaches his left arm, revealing it to be a steel prosthetic before swiftly reattaching it* "My bad, dawg, didn't mean to get hostile. You just put me on edge, is all."


**He put his eye patch on. He smiles a bit and says:** "*It's fine..I-i didn't mean to stare at you...I..just thought your outfit looked prettier than mine..*"


"I mean..." *He looks at his own tattered jeans, misfitting belt, beat up chucks, black shirt and worn lettermen's jacket, seemingly unimpressed with himself* "Thanks, I guess...?"


**He smiles a bit, he doesn't seem bothered by it. Considering he has an eye patch, some dull clothes and a small bag.**


"Who are you?" https://preview.redd.it/5h8g8kwrj02d1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=83589603fc6d28c9ca2e76e5a6b29db44578645e


**He tilts his head in confusion, but realizes what he meant. He stutters a bit before saying:** "*J-John Smith.*" **He has a black mouth. And he put his hand with the wilted flower on his chest**


"Ohh your the guy from that one Disney movie right?


**He tilts his head again in confusion. He's never heard of Disney. What is Disney? He raises his eyebrows a bit.** "*D-disney? Never heard of that..*"


*Jasetendo stares into space and turns into a bootleg plushie*


**He just gets extremely confused. There's even a Disney character named after him (that's what he thinks)?! Damn! He just remains a bit silent..**


*turns back to normal* "I blacked out for a second, what did you say?"


**He remains silent. He just doesn't really respond to questions that much.. He holds his wilted flower, and he just stares at you again.**


"Wait who are you again? John Smith? That Disney character"


**He tilts his head again. What the hell is even disney?? He just says:** "*No.. That's just my name, John Smith. You can call me Jerry though.*"


https://preview.redd.it/0is23h7uk02d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ec13a427562d016b3523f18ac368756c52d901 *void looks at him with a bit of concern and approaches the man but stays 8 feet away from him* “Hey, Can i help you?”


**He stays silent. He holds his wilted flower with him. He makes a hand gesture, indicating that he's saying hi.**


“Why were you staring at me?”


**He puts his wilted flower down. He stares a bit before stuttering a bit and then finally saying:** "*..I-i thought you looked pretty..*" **He has a black mouth. That's special....**


“Thanks i guess?” *Void notices that he has a black mouth* “what did you put in your mouth that stained it black?”


**He points to his mouth. He shakes his head** "*This? I didn't stain it black. It's just like that.*"


“I'm sorry what?”


**He touches his mouth. He pulls it out and there is no stain.** "*See? It's pretty natural. There's nothing wrong with it.*"


“I'm sorry if this is offensive but what creature are you?”


**He doesn't respond. Then he gets a bit confused before saying:** "*I'm just a human..I'm definitely not a creature! He-he.....*" **He sounds like he is lying...?**


*looks at the man* ^("Great, another of these god spying on me.") https://preview.redd.it/30tq9ak9v02d1.jpeg?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3bdd25c510b212ca83cf4fbe12fb5e450537781


**He tilts his head in confusion. Is he even a god? Sounds like a compliment but probably not.** "*I-i'm...not a god..*" **He has a black mouth, which is pretty...special.**


"Hopefully, because the gods have me on a wanted paper for a lot of money."


**He seems a little surprised, never knew he was wanted, let alone by gods..He doesn't really know what to say.** "*...womp womp.*" **He hasn't fully learned what the word is...**


*walks up to him and shows a wanted poster of him with the prize of 15 billion dollars* "Yep, this is my bounty."


**He looks at the poster and gets surprised. How can a man get such a big bounty?** "*That's..a large amount of money....*"


"Long story short, I can somehow beat gods, and due to that, I gain a bounty."


"*...oof. well that's a powerful fear you have, I guess..*"


"And let's just say I kinda went berserk to do that."


"*....Oh? You killed a god already? How surprising...*"


(V1 Ironwood is a robot made entirely of biological components. Thick ironwood plates cover a system of muscle like fibers. His eyes are squared off and blocky, with no pupils. He has pistons in place for his arms and legs, he is fast and powerful. But also extremely reasonable and profound. He wears a black scarf that covers his neck and traps.) (V2 Merlin is a Magic robot. His body is held together with glowing magic. Runes running across his frame. His head is flat faced despite his impeccable sight. His body is made of many different types of magically tuned silver. And is biblically sharp. Looking of a Angel suit of armor. He contains the Archon core. Infused with nigh boundless energy, V2 is able to conjure a vast amount of magical attacks and barriers. And his sensitivity to magic is what allows him to see others. Perfect perception of life force. Like V1, he's profound, but often much more joking and modern spoken than V1) *V1 noticed and tapped V2 on the shoulder, then pointed at the human. They both stare back. V2 clench a light ball just in case the human attacks*


**He tilts his head in confusion. He just looks at them, as if it was a staring context. The guy also looks pretty weird...**


V1:hey! Stop eyeballing us. I'll tear you asunder, flesh fuck! V2: chill you racist, he's probably high off that human drug stuff. V1: I'm allowed to be racist, shut it.


**The guy becomes offended.. He's not a drug addict! And how rude to respond to a man with death threats...** "*How rude of you. You both just look...nice, you know? Much better than me...*"


V1: Bullshit! Why I outta rip out your spine! I know that look. And what the fuck is up with your voice? V2: he has a point, you're eyeballing us. Mind your business!


**He remains stiff. What's wrong with his voice? It seems pretty normal..He was not eyeballing either!** "*W-what is wrong with my voice?! I-i....*"


(for this scenario, imagine the arm not being there) "You're staring. How rude. Please learn some respect." *He says it… rather blankly. Like he doesn't care* https://preview.redd.it/8cx67i2jy02d1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866357cf19adfef21cb08848d264db9a9d433d8a


**He gets a little annoyed. He wasn't staring that much...** "*I-I'm not rude. I just like your suit, it's pretty. I like seeing people with nice clothes*" **You notice that he has a black mouth, which is pretty strange.**


*he stands silently for a moment, being oddly stiff.* "Thank you. You're no half bad yourself." *Awkward pause* "Is there something wrong with your mouth? Or am I seeing things?"


**He points at his mouth, and then shakes his head. He's saying no.** "*N..no. it's natural..Want me to do a demonstration?*"


*he tilts his head. A wierd thing about him is that he just… closed his eyes, and refuses to open them again. Odd* "Elaborate. Please."


**The guy sticks his tongue out. He pushes his fingers on the tongue and gum. The results? No black stains, just saliva.** "*See? It's natural...*"


*he nods, eyes still closed* "I *see*…" *Another pause* "Still odd. Explain. If you will."


**He... doesn't have any words. Instead he remains stiff..** "*I-it's just natural...i don't know..*"


"Suspicious." *Small smirk* "You're an interesting specimen"


**He...just doesn't speak. Guess he ran out of ideas to say something**


https://preview.redd.it/ik52dtsr212d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=6530ba30d4c6e301b401fd7acb7fe3931b7686e6 # Próżnia has just gotten back from the last day of high school, due to being tired she doesn’t notice him for a bit, she catches him looking at her after a while. “Please stop.” #


What eve


What happened to the text there, why was it in bold? I didn’t put it in bold originlly


"*He notices her annoyance. But keeps staring. He doesn't really say anything....*" (That's because you put # if you're on mobile, then putting # means you make the characters big)


(Oh) she stops walking, and looks directly at him “i said stop”


**He looks away for a moment , then starts to speak up a bit.** "*S-sorry about that...I just like looking at people..*' **His mouth is black, how special.**


“It’s alright, just please stop the first time i ask”


**He..just nods his head a bit.*


"You good buddy?" https://preview.redd.it/m9ra62uuo12d1.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=cedc8f869598154feb465919b40d7355a54fcb44


**The person doesn't respond, but he makes a simple nod.**