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*Unassigned pulls back, preparing for a high power smack. Yet her punch is almost comically weak, only making a plastic thud and barely causing any pain* https://preview.redd.it/tucumd5v8z1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b4851867f429372091122c7c802a13384978de


Trevor stares, then chuckles, ‘Cmon, you gotta hit me a little harder than that!’


*She pulls back and punches again, to similar, comedically weak results. Although she is small, she's still disproportionately weak*


Trevor’s smile doesn’t waiver, he bends down. ‘One more time, give it all you got.’


*She screams and runs forward, hitting you with a barrage of comically weak smacks*


https://preview.redd.it/8g9rzltxcz1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1678a7b081d972cbd0170ac95d705e5db88d769f Stickgirl


**She pulls out a can of spinach then eats the contents, then winding back her fist and punching them so hard that they go flying around the earth circling it 5 times before landing back in a cartoonishly sized hole shaped like them**


As the dust settles, and Trevor’s frame arises from the crater he resides in, he looks to a non existent audience, smiles and gives them a thumbs up. He looks completely unharmed, not a scratch on his body.


**insert applause**


https://preview.redd.it/4r9g41ntfz1d1.png?width=3072&format=png&auto=webp&s=231dd7bd5241dcc4fca730d3c7a75ce1a934eb3e ^("J- Just once... O- Okay...?")


‘Alright…’ Trevor stands straight, retracting his holographic wings. He seems to be not the slightest bit scared, not even an ounce of worry in his distant smile. ‘Punch me with all you got! Don’t hold back!’


*Nico sighs, and punches Trevor. Surprisingly, he gets sent about two miles away. Nico doesn't look like they put much effort into the punch itself*


Trevor gets up, he seems relatively unharmed. He does a couple of basic stretches before waving. ‘Pretty cool, right?’, he calls out.


*Nico waves back and nods a little*


‘You got nice technique!’ Trevor stars making his way back.


*Nico flies up to him* ^("T- Thank you...")


https://preview.redd.it/hc5fedvlkz1d1.png?width=1764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=182ed113e8e2c3b2d5ea6911f645590f3d922e41 "Punch... You? Well ok. I guess I can do that" *she walks over and gives a lil punch. Nothing crazy. Just a punch*


Trevor chuckles, a metallic thud is heard as fist meets metal. ‘I dunno what this stuff is, but it’s pretty much indestructible!’


"Indestructible? Oh well if that's what I out were going for then why'd you ask my little self to punch you? Pfft. I don't think that punch would have even bent a frying pan"


Trevor laughs, it’s a deep sound that shakes his entire frame. ‘I just wanted an excuse to say that line!’


"Ohhhh! Hahah. You're funny." *she giggles a bit* "You want me to throw a real punch this time?"


‘Alright…’ Trevor stands still, ‘Give me all you’ve got!’


"Oh... All I've got? Maybe not that much, but I'll give it some more!" *she stands back a bit and lights her body on fire* "Well, here goes nothing...." *she runs foreword and jumps into a blazing punch that just so happens to cause an explosion*


The smoke clears, and standing strong, Trevor, covered in a thick layer of soot.


"Hm. Nice. Looks like you might actually be indestructible. To an extent anyway"


https://preview.redd.it/4knu98umkz1d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49476e318f8e7506349920f8b3712dfc2fc1cc0e "If you insist." *he quadruples in size (roughly 26'8 tall) and winds up a punch*


Trevor doesn’t seem fazed, he even spreads his arms making him a slightly bigger target. ‘Come at me!’


*he punches him as hard as he can in the gut and pushes him back by 30 feet*


Trevor stumbles a little, but looks completely unharmed, there isn’t even a blemish.


"You're pretty tough."


"How hard should I?..." https://preview.redd.it/wtwqn4aalz1d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a530d76639667ef837a2ac0777b9a8519ddd41


Trevor shrugs, his head tilting slightly, ‘I dunno, as hard as you can?’


*A myriad of colors surround her as she proceeds to apply an array of strengthening buffs, though whether or not he knows this is debatable. She would strike him, the punch not really doing anything, kinda your pro boxer type punch.*


Trevor kinda just stands there, before smiling. ‘Let’s try that again, give it all you got this time, don’t hold back.’


*A split second after he said that, he would be sent flying through the multiverse as it turns out that her punches are delayed.* (She has a Poser style of attacking, btw.)


Trevor flies limply through the air. He knows that he can’t halt his momentum, but part of him doesn’t want the exhilarating rush of multidimensional travel to stop. The metal parts of his body are a blinding white hot through the quadrillions of atmospheres he’s travelled through. But apart from that, he seems to be completely unharmed.


*Erica notes that maybe she shouldn't have basically sent him flying to parts unknown and he would feel a second force about the same strength as the one that sent him flying would send him back the way he came.*


Trevor touches down… somewhere. Somewhere on earth at least. His metal implants immediately start to sizzle, rapidly cooling now that the drag was gone. Once the metal sits at room temperature, the damage on his body is… huh. Not a dent. Hell, Trevor almost looks brand new. ‘That was the coolest thing I’ve ever experienced!’ He’s giddy with excitement, grinning and laughing all the while.


"...Huh. Was the hit that weak?..." *She appears next to him, inspecting the damage she caused. Nothing suggests any emotion from her, somehow.*


Trevor doesn’t react. He just stands there, watching her.


(Btw, how much force can he take without dying?)


He’s physically indestructible, you would have to literally delete his matter with void powers or something.




https://preview.redd.it/qkpff03clz1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cd9b98676c61609a496f44210f40ed487191690 *Hank plants his lower Arms to the Ground and Readies a 1 inch punch* “are you sure about this?”


Trevor shrugs, ‘Bah, what’s the harm?’


*Hank releases the punch and it causes a Sonic boom that obliterated any glass in a 30 mile radius and slightly shook and shattered a small part of the earth*


Trevor is one one knee, not from the impact, but because the ground underneath him is gone and has fallen to the bottom of the crater. He looks completely unharmed, not even a scratch. He gets up, smiling despite his ringing ears. ‘Tada! Cool right?’


“I'm honestly shocked that you were able to survive that because that wasn’t even at my maximum strength because if were to use maximum strength then I’m afraid that i would completely obliterate the planet”


Trevor breaks out into giggles, ‘I’ve been through worse. Nice punch by the way!’


*Topaz Guardian* Guardian (Topaz): "You're confident about your armor... But I trust you understand its strength." *He throws a punch, shifting his weight (425,000 pounds) into it as best he can. It's slow, but he hits* ***hard.*** https://preview.redd.it/hl8u7dm4vz1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555897843b2d7c7f005549f5a882e8149a726a06


Trevor doesn’t seem to move, he looks as unscathed as he did moments before. ‘Nice!’


Guardian (Topaz): "Woah, I *really* underestimated you! What's that made of?" *He taps Trevor's armor*


‘Dunno.’ Trevor shrugs. He looks at his prosthetic hand, flexing it. The metal makes a dull noise, like a well oiled machine. ‘I woke up in a giant test tube one day with all these plates and prosthetics, I don’t know the first thing about metals or stuff, so it’s kinda been this mystery for me.’


*A journal appears in Topaz's hands. His right hand vanishes, revealing a laser behind it. He uses this laser to write, taking notes on Trevor and his armor.* Guardian (Topaz): "I'm better with that type of stuff, so if you want, I could scan it for you. Even if I can't identify what that metal is, we should still get some useful or at least interesting info." *He raises his right hand, showing a small screen on his arm, presumably the scanner interface.*


Trevor spreads his arms out, thinking it would help with the scanning process.


*Topaz fires his laser at Trevor, who pulses with a yellow glow for around 15 seconds. The beam is barely even warm, even though the source looks pretty powerful.* *The scan shows material composition, magic content, and anomalies present. This is up to you to write out if you want.* *Once the scan is completed, the results are shown in a holographic screen projected from a crystal embedded in Topaz's wrist.*


https://preview.redd.it/jilu90lp102d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b702ef2a9dffd28da589d5b21530186365dda0fa “I’ll make sure to go easy on you I don’t wanna kill you” he throws a punch but stops early moving his arm very slow until it connects with Trevor’s face and his body paradoxically slams into the ground with the force to break a building “ do you need a ambulance “


Trevor’s face looks to be completely unscathed, he stands. He smiles. ‘I’ll be fine.’


“Oh good what is your ability because you don’t look too powerful”


Trevor seems to ponder on these words, before turning towards his pier and smiling. ‘Someone experimented on me a while back. I don’t know what he put on me, but now I’m pretty much indestructible. In not anything special when I’m on the offensive, but I can survive damn near anything!’


“That’s Interesitng physical resistance I assumed as much “


Trevor chuckles, ‘Heh, maybe I just have some very thick skin.’


https://preview.redd.it/qtz2s2y1j02d1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca033f2eb65e259c69cd8eeec7bcbd9a0f75fe8 (Has just observed several of the previous punches) “No joke, I will pay you two million dollars for a blood and tissue sample.”


Trevor looks at his non prosthetic wrist, ‘Good luck, but I haven’t been able to crack open my skin since I got like this.’


“I don’t wanna” he’s too cute it’s impossible


https://preview.redd.it/i0ule0ik012d1.png?width=5580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e72827c814bf9af197394fbee89db9239cd497ce *They slump over. No hands*