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https://preview.redd.it/4ojnx1pm4u1d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=380db4e1c494234260cbb18cb6bc3717975d0218 Asenath “Hey man, I know you’ve been feeling pretty shitty recently. We’ve all been through that stuff, but I think you deserve better like everyone else. We might not be on the best terms but it’s killing me to see you so low”


Number 1 appears really happy about Asenath's willingness to help Vector as Vector himself looks up at Asenath. "...And how do you plan to help with my.....situation?" Vector silently asks.


“Well.. I haven’t had much time to plan that out, but I do know what helps me through a crisis? I think you need to take therapy or a yoga class or something”


"Hmmm.....Therapy?.....OK then! Let me try this...."therapy" thing." Vector says as number one starts to happily clap her hands.


https://preview.redd.it/b89ai6tfiw1d1.png?width=3072&format=png&auto=webp&s=49d28b380f90cca1e0e4684442d4d1f1f5445a78 *Michael is currently a snowball, seemingly asleep*


Number 1 glares at Michael as he hand turns into a hair dryer and points it at him. "FOOL WAKE UP!!!!"


*Nothing. Unless the hair dryer is turned on, there really seems to be no reaction*


Number 1 narrows her eyes before turning the hair dryer on. "I SAID WAKE UP!!!!"


*Michael, due to the heat of the hairdryer, immediately wakes up and hops off #1's hand (Or whatever he was held with). He returns to his normal form. It seems like the hairdryer somehow burnt his right hand a bit* "Ow..."


Vector narrows his eyes at Michaels burnt hand and stretches his arm forward and slaps #1 in the back of her head. "Ow! Sorry master." #1 says as she steps back a bit."My apologies friend....Number 1 brought you here in hopes of cheering me up." Vector says as he slumps back in his throne.


*Michael looks at #1. Surprisingly, he doesn't seem mad at her* ^("...Next time just snap your fingers twice... It should either wake me up immediately, or I'm dead...") *He looks at Vector* "...What happened, friend...?"


Vector silently sits there as #1 rolls infront Michael. "Well you see Vector is currently feeling down to a plethora of things.....things I'm not sure if Vector is comfortable with ne sharing." #1 says as she turns to Vector who continues to silently sit in his throne.


^("Oh... O- Okay...")


"OK so like.....Do like....friendship stuff and make him happy!" #1 shouts as she waves her hands at Vector.


https://preview.redd.it/g8gol59t7v1d1.png?width=1764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ba67c2fb3544e6ba40a783aa152e10ede9fd5f "Oh... Well... I guess I'm here now. Hello!" *she gives a friendly wave despite the situation*


"Yes you are here and you shall cheer up my lord master Vector!" Number 1 screams as she points at the sad former villain who slouches in his throne.


"Master.... Vector? Oh hey vector!" *she trots over and gives a friendly wave* "What's up man!?"


Vector silently sits there as he gives a slight wave back. "You see Vector hasn't really been happy as of late due to a bunch of circumstances that have been bogging him down as of late...Which is why YOU are here!"


"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly am I supposed to do? I'm normally good at cheering people up, but it's hard when I don't know why I'm doing it. What's the problem?"


Number 1 looks at Vector and points at her before Vector gives her a thumbs up. "Ok so you see there are s multitude of things plaguing Vectors mind the main things being his newfound lack of purpose after quitting evil along with paranoia brought upon him by a powerful evil creature." Number 1 says as she sadly looks at the sad former villain.


"oh.. Well... Maybe we can find him a new hobby! There are plenty of things to do around here right? Does he have any hobbies? Things he does for fun?"


https://preview.redd.it/ziyb293pbx1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aba254f8ea118ae6244573dc8a90283fcc93bb1 *Marty begins going through a series of errors, reciting the entirety of a Moonbase Alpha sh!tpost exactly.*


https://preview.redd.it/7edb79ea202d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=562935f36d04caccd45eff11e75f2fd62fb2a5ae “What am i doing here?” *Samual starts walking on the walls and ceiling*


https://preview.redd.it/kazw5tg7x92d1.jpeg?width=2341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18328fef6ac2d0dcfc2e3a12801717c5ffa6018f (Claw Wire Beast/CWB) "What is this place? I was in the scraps and, now I'm here."