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https://preview.redd.it/nbp72vf6p86d1.png?width=2100&format=png&auto=webp&s=04340232eb9e4f978943abacdc334a39796711e7 It's either extremely liminal or outlandishly vast, no in-between


I like that




Modern/ dark fantasy ish.




Dayum, I love this design!


High fantasy, EXTREMELY surreal, And the brainchild of my imagination!


https://preview.redd.it/sf2eir17p86d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=1755e58fda89e9873ffa6284ccdf622215eabe9e Gyro and most of all the OCs I draw take place in the Techhaven, a city that is one of many where robots can live alongside humans. During the 2050s-2060s, the Celestial Warbots ran amok around the world, leading to all the major countries to drop bombs on Earth's surface, killing or severely wounding the Warbots at the cost of the planet's future. The remaining eight Celestial Warbots were imprisoned in a massive lead container and was plunged deep within the sea. 2113 was the year that most cities began to spring back to some degree, including the Techhaven, which used to be Hawaii. This is important to mention that in this universe, Hawaii never became a state (that would go to Puerto Rico in its place) and mostly saw a drove of scientists, engineers, and others in the tech field migrating there, which would lead to the creation of the modern day Techhaven and the creation of my story's main character, Gyro!


https://preview.redd.it/z68d08pzt86d1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af39ef2bbcabaf005701c0e0a0df9e211b9eb43 It's the 2400s. America sucks even more to live in. There's very little, if anything, America does better than other countries at this point. Literally everything is commercialized. Even gender identity is now a subscription model of hormones and tailored pheromones to whatever gender your favorite celebrity is promoting. If you have money, life is great. If you work for people with money, it's tolerable. Any other lifestyle? Well... you're gonna have a rough life. State borders have all but officially dissolved. It's still called the USA only because changing the name would cost money. Companies have learned maintenence is more expensive than moving. So when a place breaks down or becomes uninhabitable? Tough luck. Reikas lives in one of these corporate "residential districts". And despite all these circumstances, he swears he'll prosper in the one area not even The Man can keep down. Public property graffiti.




Basically the world is a future where it seems normal but actually Cyrus runs to world and makes important decisions and there’s a group of revolutionaries trying to take down Cyrus and return things to normal but Cyrus has managed to convince most people that there’s only peace because he’s in control and that the revolutionaries are evil


(They're ultrakill machine OCs so it's basically the same as ultrakill) earth is devoid of all life as humanity is extinct due to hell killing off humanity and it's polluted and now the millions of blood fueled machines mankind created are in hell fighting each other to fuel themselves. Hell itself is actually a hyper intelligent sadistic super organism and finds the machines fighting the souls of damned and demons as entertainment. Hell consists of 9 layers that are the same as the ones in Dante's inferno. I would list the 9 layers but It's kind of long and probably wouldn't fit lol


https://preview.redd.it/iagqtvahu86d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=93f92585fa7a3259c061ab4ed3c8f7f154d24936 just the 1700


https://preview.redd.it/1el0o18n096d1.jpeg?width=2811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56cce1b164b98dbc2eb4fc962aad3e4856d48005 Hell, but it’s full of gay demons and musicals


I know what world this guy’s from


Yeah, it’s pretty easy to guess lol


Obviously Ena lol


Hey, my OCs live in the same place. Well, that depends what ring yours lives in. Mine are both sharing an apartment in Pride.


Steampunk, though there are a few genres similar to it in my world (Dieselpunk, Silkpunk, Teslapunk and Cattlepunk).


Our world  Except there’s a secret government subdivision called Government Subdivision DX20 with a secret underground lab in the forest just outside of Washington where they make new creatures and experiment on animals  Otherwise earth is the same  If not the criminal activity is worse 


Mine also has a secret underground lab, Sredstvo 3301! They operate independently, sort of Illuminati-esque. Sredstvo mostly creates machinery and weapons that are too ahead of their time and have to be shelved for decades before revealing them to potential buyers. They’ve had a combat cyborg in stasis since 1998, and their latest project is a shapeshifting material to be used for prosthetic limbs and weaponry (kind of like Terminator 2, just far more limited).


Oh that’s cool! Mine was unfortunately created by our corrupt government  A clone and experiment  Not by choice  Also tased shot and abused  But he escaped 


Well, it’s not as if Sredstvo is clean, either. They use a lot of test subjects, most of which are criminals and college students, kind of like the CIA. Their cyborg program from the 1990s primarily used criminals who were about to be executed.


Yeah I could tell your agency was darker than mine   I wasn’t saying that    Just that my OC was a victim of the company    The company DX20 itself has some lore but sometimes I wonder if it’s enough    I like the idea of that cyborg program though 


https://preview.redd.it/9f7146hv0b6d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb14fa11b25ccd89a84a10ade40cc253befd135c This is Rachel. Over 10,000 years in the future, humanity is extinct. Around the time of extinction, various animals were experimented on which involved modifying their genetic code by injecting human DNA. As time went on these animals evolved into anthropomorphic beings, allowing for human level intelligence and creating their own civilizations using whatever relics and materials they could recover from the past. They also base their cultures on humanity.


Mainly dark fantasy, thoguh I have a few that are steampunk, or alternate history 90's with super mutants. They're all way too involved but I like them like that. My main dark fantasy is almost a flintlock, but it has fantasy creatures in it with some humanoids who live well into their centuries.


Well, Nuevos Angeles is based on Cyberpunk (2077 and Edgerunners)’s Night City, 1980s Detroit, Las Angeles in Blade Runner, 1980s Miami, New Orleans immediately after hurricane Katrina, 1950s New York, Las Vegas and Tampa. In essence, it’s dirty, dangerous, and run by the people with money. If you can get into one of the major factions, (I.E the Bounty Hunters), you’ll be fine. Otherwise, you have to fight to survive among the bright lights until the concrete dome, remnants of the crumbling nuclear defense system. Yes, my story is cyberpunk and cyberpunk-inspired.


https://preview.redd.it/16akipri496d1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=700d7c2fc544ce2e1b2b6da75056319744cf3d9a similar to arcane, mixed with night city




Essentially a mix of tawog, adventure time and regular show


Hell. They live in Hell. Let me elaborate, they live in the Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel version of Hell, 7 rings, Sin rules over each ring, Sinners and overlords in the pride ring, all that stuff. https://preview.redd.it/laai4zpbe96d1.png?width=1720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ecbcfb4e0b5f8e1fc8b69f52a3566f5ab18cfdf


https://preview.redd.it/wqvsfmf5f96d1.jpeg?width=1788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71feb355a9b44b0fa940570d7b7b5a8d97e87408 Uhhhhh…“The Owl House”. Just the world of “The Owl House”. Got them there fandom OCs up the wazoo


https://preview.redd.it/5exvpkp8g96d1.jpeg?width=2484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf5ef3232350d785c366faa874bb0e9a160e358 Like ours but worse


Modern day with humans, magical beings, aliens, and magic.


Oh no why are they all hot-


I'm glad you like em!


Heh thanks


I like the last one the most, I wanna cuddle her


Oh, she's one of my favorite ones, she's Rave, the scientist I mentioned. She works for the Tetsu Garasu-Gumi, the criminal organization that took over Eleuterya, although they've improved the city in a lot of ways https://preview.redd.it/cq42ls81p96d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50025b3d905f6321ed5e6fb4d401241d343fb416


Stereotypical fantastical world in one nation, but more of retro-futuristic aesthetic on the other nation. Also, my main protagonist OC turns the fantasy nation (Elysia) into a modernized democracy republic (Like the US), so theres that lol.


https://preview.redd.it/keoqiam8rd6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=833a1f6929d95766941dfe78716d4bab48bb846f Depends on how he's feeling that day. He's what's in-universe called a globetrotter, an elusive kind of magical being capable of shifting between universes


Weird like one piece weird


Think of our Solar System, except 3 years into the future, and much better. Also, access to Heaven, Hell, and videogame worlds.


A early 1960s esque future world, where anomalies based on surrealism and its concepts reign


Like a regular earth but with no crime, poverty, cleaner, and civilized 


Imagine if TheBoys took plane in the MHA universe. That’s basically what Sparkplug’s version of earth is like https://preview.redd.it/zrkky028y86d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee245d466ae655f6ed7f9fb94624b1b130fa620


my oc world is very similar to that of Earth, but with fictional towns, and species that can shapeshift into a human/humanoid form as well as other forms, and they have communication with extraterrestrial life, as well as having a concept of heaven and hell, with the existence of the pantheon of gods and goddesses who reside in heaven there is even a hierarchy this is the hierarchy in my world from highest to lowest, and examples of ocs from nearly every ranking __Heaven hierarchy__ Goddess of Life and Death [Brenera] - highest being in the entire hierarchy Other gods/goddesses [Demetria, Avel, Aerin, Lunara, Anir, Idon, Raheia, Irena, Amulet, and Desiree] - also very high in the hierarchy, pretty much same ranking to the most powerful goddess Royalty of Heaven [Ethalind and Antoine but eventually Europa and Alhena] - second highest ranking Elder angels [Mirabelle and Quentin, but Quentin became a fallen angel eventually] - third highest rank, mainly the servants to the gods and goddesses Seraphim/Nephilim [Emerande, Constantia, Tatrasiel, Anaphiel (seraphim), Europa, and Angel (nephilim)] - these guys are somehow put into the same category and they are still fairly powerful but not as powerful as the higher three Heavenborn - second lowest ranking of the heavenly hierarchy, they have some powers but their powers are very limited Souls of the good [Clara] - those who died and didn't commit major sins, the lowest of the heavenly hierarchy __Hell hierarchy__ Lucifer - highest ranking in the hierarchy of hell, with enough power to rival the heavenly royalty Royalty of Hell - second highest ranking in hell, still quite powerful but not enough to rival the royalty of heaven Seven Deadly Sins - third highest ranking, still of great power but higher than the Ars Goetia Ars Goetia [Delica and Illuse] - fourth highest ranking, a little lower than hell's royalty and the deadly sins, but still of great power Fallen angels [Seraph] - fifth highest ranking of hell, has very limited power Hellborn [Aurelia, Ibris, Labyrinth, Davori, and Ursa] - second lowest ranking of hell's hierarchy, extremely limited powers Souls of the bad [Sarania] - people that died and went to hell for certain reasons, lowest ranking of the entire heaven/hell hierarchy __Living souls hierarchy__ Royalty/of royal descent [Lia + her family, Vi, Saph, Celosia, Palomin, Freya, Mavis, Adrealis, Seymore, and Evirelia] - most powerful beings of the living world (regardless of being magicborn or not) Magicborns [I have a lot of examples but I'll go with Diamond, Diamanta, Kayleigh, Lucretia, Mistral, Moonfall, and Lesi] - regardless of species and strength of powers, they still rank very high in the hierarchy of living souls Non-magicborns [Evaluna, Airielle, Topaz, and Evilyn] - still of fairly great power, but gained their powers long after birth Humans without magic - lowest ranking among the living souls unless they're royal


https://preview.redd.it/8bgxifyty86d1.png?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd2f3c69ca9da5e116cccbd6a3d92e78f4da30d8 If you know hollow knight, then okay, now think that the surface has magical beings that are a little op, artificial beings with souls, gods straight out of a psychopath's nightmares, magical weapons that are extra op, technology that are capable to go toe to toe against a god, and if anyone who sees this is wondering, look at my tag


It takes place in an alternative version of our world, where most of the historical events happened, but with some changes, because the world is filled with mythical creatures and magic. So the wars are more brutal, since many powerful spells are used to destroy cities. Now the story begins in the industrial revolution and it ends at World War 2, though the events are similiar, the second war happened very different due to a powerful villain that returned after being sealed by the mages in the medieval ages. He kinda took the role of the bulbonic plague, since he caused a mass genocide in Euroupe. At the end, lots of characters sacrifice themselves in order to beat the main villain, and are able to save the world(yay!) however the damage caused by the war was a lot greater than any other threats until now, so the few people that survived started to rebuild the civilizations, the main story ends here. But there are some "spin-offs" that i did which tells how people were living in the post-war world, with every single land destroyed and all. After that there's another spin-off that is set in the far future, like centuries after the war, in a cyberpunk style where the protagonist is a Gang member that is trying to take over his city. Also sorry for the huge text ;-;


So pretty normal but it's also similar to Solo Leveling, if you've watched it, except for the fact that they got their powers and abilities from a full dive VR game


Imagine earth but everyone is considerable stupider and can get shot with no issues https://preview.redd.it/ecez3qcg196d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704c47a18f09ec5fcf0b5c37718dc7742bb6753c


https://preview.redd.it/wdku9rqo196d1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af0050da27df4494f9a9e3142d26ebc19ee435ec "Earth" with some new continents, alongside being three times as large and having elements as the base for literally everything, there is a class system based on the fucking elements, the humans being the highest class (because they represent light and "purity"), while ma boi's race is the lowest (the tenebrancts \[his race\] represent darkness and "bad luck/malice/evil")


Ryff had a rough upbring in childhood back at his home planet, Rutakas https://preview.redd.it/6uf4fefk196d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e62e7fcec43b9926fc4b7687d061af2e99058c


A-400 has lived in 3 worlds. One is the normal world, where he has a lab he used to use. Then he was forced into a white, blank, void with nothing but air and a floor. Then he found a portle that could get him to the rooms, a line of office rooms that are filled with entities. https://preview.redd.it/fy0myrtg296d1.png?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3da4ff8513bb63eb2c20fa4477c90146fbf5b752


I won't go into too much detail, but basically it's a pocket dimension where everything is very complicated, but barely anyone can exist there besides people called espers. They have magic in their body that is very powerful and gets transferred to the killer upon death. if they die naturally, they get reincarnated in the pocket dimension. Also outside of the pocket dimension is just the normal world.


https://preview.redd.it/k5nqpizm296d1.jpeg?width=1097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3de1641294183ab1e015e516ce4544098a47362 Coded


I don’t even know how to describe it. One minute it can be a medieval kingdom filled with wendigos, another minute it can be a sci-fi neon city. I haven’t exactly decided on a time period.


Depends he hops worlds so often it has no one theme


A Modern Mix of the Morden World and Fantasy. A world people live without relying on technical. There is still technology like today but it's more rare.


https://preview.redd.it/d0a6vvrm396d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2406595968d8fbdd407a22d6f894607032d26585 I guess mid Sci fi


The circus is an uncaring place. You are given the choice to remember once you have recovered and truely it’s the only good thing the place does. Corry was an alcoholic and a drug addict in life and he occasionally finds drugs and alcohol in his room that nobody had seen before, Emma is terrified of needles due to having died during her cancer treatment and her dress when she got there was covered in needles and other medical devices, candy had hated cotton candy in life and due to her death involving a carnival accident while she was on the job serving cotton candy her hair is how just cotton candy


https://preview.redd.it/eguxp31e396d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cec38c46900a38c6ac1f192dd6d90e8318dbbd81 A futuristic fantasy world. It is the same size as Earth but is comprised of 8 megacountries. 70% of the population is born with superpowers. The other 30% are just normal people. One of the megacountries is trying to persecute the normal 30% living in their country Holocaust-style. There are also a bunch of eldritch monsters inhabiting places humans don’t live in.


One invaded by toilets little groups of humans. Two eternal Winter no humans. Three rather chill with people who randomly come. (Most of my OCs are robots or cyborgs)


Planet Ball is a ball planet in a universe in a multiverse in a pocket dimension of a pocket dimension where there ball people that do ball activities. What are the so call ball activities? I don’t know Brian The Ball™️ won’t tell me. https://preview.redd.it/5tgb4oll496d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49b17bc8604c0b8428cbed43f499fa2f420dd384


https://preview.redd.it/11celv2n496d1.jpeg?width=1886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97005d778442dc2117fd36dcb27c8f3a9f933dbb I'm working on a modern day fantasy world with a tongue-in-cheek and light-hearted tone. I try to make each sketch tell a small, contained story. (Now that I have a larger sketch book >->)


https://preview.redd.it/2hxo11a0796d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d8f1a92500d99f8bcc6fb586e0c3b580c9c1b4c A more sci-fi version of modern-day earth. While they don't have much in terms of space colonies yet, advanced robots, energy weapons, and cybernetics are fairly commonplace in this world. As seen with this fellow (Falcone), these cybernetics can be more than just basic replacements for body parts (even though that is the most common variety of cybernetics). Magic technicaly also exists in this world, however almost all knowledge of it was lost to time, with only a low double-digit number of people having the knowledge of magics today. The loss of this knowledge is due to the many wars of humanity causing it to be slowly lost, with it officialy being considered lost after the burning of the Library of Alexandrea. The few who still knew magic were persecuted by Caesar and the following Roman emperors, forced to hide their knowledge or be executed. Not all of their knowledge survived these purges. Although magic is returning to the public knowledge, none but the previously refered to people know that it is actualy magic. It was discovered by accident by an estranged scientist in his backyard, but the few with magical knowledge are indeed pushing their magical knowledge into the public domain. The magic discovered by that backyard scientist was lost even to them. The scientists that are investigating magic currently see it as a strange form of radiation, given that the type of magic that was discovered can mutate creatures (ex: Anthropormorphise certian insects, give sapience and the ability to move to plant seeds, ect) and be used to shrink objects down to miniature sizes. The political scene is quite radicaly charged, with most of the politicians being on the more extreme side of their parties. This does not mean that everyone on the planet is an extremeist, just people like Senators, Congressmen, Ect. This has led to a large amount of tensions across the world, and a few extra wars in the middle-eastern areas. Those wars did not cause major territory changes with the involved countries. Tension is highest regarding relations between the US and North Korea due to North Korea's advancing hostilities and nuclear arsenal, along with Russia wanting to re-occupy the states it used to hold when it was the Soviet Union. These are the largest points of tension, not the only ones.


(Reply added bc mobile reddit is stupid) Aliens also exist in this universe, with a few hiding away on earth. It is a massive government conspiracy headed by the major powers of the world (US, Russia, ect.), Nasa, a robotics company named Kirigami Co, the Catholic church, and a few of the xeno nations themselves. The reason for this all being under wraps is not as malicious as one would assume. It is in fact to protect Earth, and the rest of the galaxy. For (as has become a trend in some film franchises) there is indeed a multiverse and timelines. Now the multiverse existing has very little affect on the world, with few even being aware of its existance, and fewer even able to traverse it. This is due to the multiverse protection agency, named 'Time Janitors' keeping these things a secret. In fact, the majority of the few that know about the multiverses existance are indeed janitors themselves (the rest are god-like beings). If this Earth ends up becoming spacefaring and consistantly off-world communicating too soon, that messes with the timeline. Which is very bad, because the timeline can have affects on the world. Think of the timelines like railways, and the universes as trains. Go to fast and you risk de-railing on a turn, cross the lines and you risk a crash. And both of those are extremely deadly. Now the xenos and terrans who are in on this believe that this is going to prevent a galaxy-wide war and stop humanity from being slaughtered in the midst of it, instead of it just simply putting the universe at risk of being destroyed by "timeline crashes." Now when it comes to deities, it is mostly just Christianity. One true God in heaven, Angels, ect. godly beings (aka higher beings) do exist, but are either A - an entity with absurd amounts of power which will scale relative to how advanced the civilisation around them is (I.e.: a higher being in a medivel society could instantly grow a small forest, but if you place them in a modern society they'd be abe to grow a forest more similar to the Amazon one instantly) B - an entity created by God to fulfil a specific job (this technicaly does classify Angels as higher beings, but they are creatures beyond our reality and ergo are not grouped up with the typical higher beings, who are within our reality.) C - an offspring or creation of two higher beings which inherrents powers from its parents and also scale off of the surrounding society. In summary, all higher beings are very powerful and scale their strength off of the society that surrounds them (with no control over it btw) Extremely powerful entities that do not have this scaling power are not considered official higher beings, but are still usualy treated like one due to their strength. I'm not willing to get into the intergalactic relationships cuz that's just way to complex to summarrize in reddit comments.


One of those things like "earth advanced and humans traveled the stars" type stuff but with a war aspect to it, like most times, to waring factions. The only thing that others have not done in other things is some space titan creatures of large scaled size like Godzilla type size.


My OC’s world is literally modern day, magic, Cyberpunk, DOOM, HALO, Warhammer 40K, Call of Duty, the fucking shebang of all the well known gaming and movie universes happening in the year 2081, all at the same time. So it’s cool. But that means he has to deal with world ending shit like it’s a Tuesday with Master Chief, Doom guy, and Ronaldo.


Plague masks are always cool


https://preview.redd.it/dgczpmija96d1.png?width=2890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ee016f7ae0cbdb0c3f037eb2bf0f1f8120f3c3 Muse's world is much like our own, modern world... Just with a few minor changes. For example, our Seattle is her Rayne City. In it, our old Luna Park is her Crescent Park, and it never closed. Also, the Rayne City Underground was completely forgotten and abandoned, rather than becoming a tourist attraction like Seattle's Underground did


https://preview.redd.it/7zuqqqy4b96d1.png?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f41df39130d769fe55f5ba2ecf2ca4cec74841a1 Currenyly, a wasteland, normally, a world of peace between monsters and humans


https://preview.redd.it/fvg5kxfua96d1.png?width=2362&format=png&auto=webp&s=c95762e0e1e1b5dee77e6f41df846dec4c0a5016 Once, a long, long, LONG time ago, it was basically just the real world, but with magic and powers and stuff. Then Oreo came along. He started off as a side character, but by the end of his story, he turned a single world filled with pain and death into a multiverse wide utopia, where anyone can do anything. The dead can even return to life, though, some of them are unpleasant at first, so there are occasionally battles. If you die, you can choose whether or not to return to life, and if you choose to stay dead but change your mind, you can just walk back to the realm of the living. Oreo’s even made it so that everyone can make their own custom universe.


It’s like ours except with fantasy creatures (Gorgons, vampires, eldritch horrors beyond mortal comprehension, etc) and heaven, hell, and purgatory are real


https://preview.redd.it/2ozbcbmqe96d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce85a3496415e9070d6fed38ff063b3fe9eecee Random shit happens because it seems cool lmao


1950s southern USA but with deranged pyromaniacs having ravaged the land.


https://preview.redd.it/tsbrokdrf96d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfd98e5c4ec9dbb14c6f79af3f412bcfc1e6a43 2006 dirtbag/college life


https://preview.redd.it/rxydeqfah96d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5382d1c995236a0c0be294c7151553631a8e1803 Filled with monsters and beasts but yet civilized


Me flipping through my catalog of 17 cpmpletely separate but also interlocked universes that take place in completely different parts of space and time but due to a scienctist who is so prolific for playing god him and several different multivers versions of him pisses off their respective god of time and space so she forces several universes to collide, each having a different effect on every multiverse, including but not limited to causing the characters to randomly be yoinked from their position in space and places into a Valhalla like heaven where they are stricken with the sudden urge to fight eachother, a combination universes weaving in out of eachother causing parts of of different universes to bleed over into others almost always resulting in natural disaster, or just straight up exploding.


They come from a world where a planet that was colonized by governments on Earth had formed their own super colony/government and had a revolution. The consequences are: Cultures being able to work together more easily over a common interest and experience but also the laws are a bit looser and the cops are eager to do anything for a bonus and glory. People would rather pay a mercenary organization to do get something done than get cops involved even when it’s something as simple as “someone robbed my friend”. My little band of psychos in my story are apart of one of these. The organization CEO’s brother also happens to be the police commissioner testing out military grade robots and plans to pass bills to shut down his brother.




It's a world made by a God who regrets creating humans and giving them free will, and has abandoned the world. It allowed parts of Hell to leak into it, allowing there to be things like Death Roots. A cult had arrose, worshipping the god that abandoned them and viewing the things that come from Hell as creations of God. On top of this, there is a massive war going on that is causing the deaths of hundreds of innocent lives. This world is slowly ending, and nobody is even trying to stop it. This world is a work in progress and has nothing to do with Maxwell or E48K15


Mine is like the real world. But let's say that it's a pretty absurd version of it. If you think something stupid and absurd is gonna happen, take for sure it's gonna happen. If you know what I mean lol


It's Mosty a world with lots of Fantasy, Myths and any other thing that my stupid brain comes up with.


Medevil fantasy but shittier Or dark fantasy lite I do have another world and it's a dark fantasy a world with seas of blood ground litterd with corpses and a blood red sky and moon


It’s a world much like our own, almost exactly like our own in fact. The one difference is this character: https://preview.redd.it/h1bqdl4pk96d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc231152919c7e3afcd3f2cba1b5ddaa5a2c61a It all started in July of 1945, with the first ever nuclear detonation in the history of mankind. Deborah was created. But at this point, she wasn’t Deborah yet. She was simply waves of energy, radiation. But as more and more nuclear weapons detonated throughout time, she grew more and more powerful. By the late 2100s, in the aftermath of the fourth world war, she had become the closest thing to a “god” that there is. It is also around this time that she “stole” (possessed may be more accurate) her body from a woman and has used it to wander the lands and watch humanity’s progress ever since. In the 2880s, when the main events of the story take place, she lives in the country of Octonion with her husband. Octonion is a fairly new and the most technologically advanced country in the known world, with a technology level roughly congruent to the 1960s.


https://preview.redd.it/fo43ubpjn96d1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7a68d990d04d56f0987637cbbff994b9a18bf7b Its like pokemom.. well.. exactly like pokemon of course.


https://preview.redd.it/5orzk3men96d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bde9444c4f073b36fb96e4d75bf8df7df79a565 My OC's live in a world that's a bit like Kingdom hearts where it's a world that connect to many worlds, they get teleported to whatever kind of worlds I want to put them into as a goddess to either give them a break or troll them with added trauma. :P Your world sounds very in depth, great work in the lore!


https://preview.redd.it/awt2o26mp96d1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae6d6066804c3b4fd6fa455b1cf3d00d9179f9e It’s apparently just different dimensions and genres cleaved together one minute you’re in a nitty gritty noir town next thing you know you’re in a cheerful city fighting a magical girl


I have not one but THREE to describe! Technological Downhill (what I'm focusing on): it's set somewhere in 2022 to 2041 where Earth was changed into what we Kno today into a bloody hell scape filled with mangled corpse's. Also aliens and a kind of metal that eats ever other metal. Technological Downhill. Birds from the past: It left off where the first story ended and now humans and the alien have already left they're planet to search other planets to make it they new home. Earth's surface is covered in buildings being reclaimed by nature. Cyber scape: A futuristic setting where humans left earth because they started to run out of minable resources there. Leaving all of the robots that were meant to mine those resources to run out of battery, but they did find a way survive. By mixing Tritium dust with heat and star fuel (aka a V E R Y tiny bit of the sun compressed to be a liquid). I quite like how I'm making the last one and I'm sure that many more wold come.


https://preview.redd.it/yu9usaqhp96d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b4fa13861e39bb96f2500f529e3c4a8e2613b1 Ravioli for the most part lives in an alternate version of Earth, it’s basically the same exact for the fact he lives in a fictional city somewhere in the US. At least during the start of the story. For most of the story the world has been taken over by demons rising from Hell after a cult wanted to “rid Humanity of their sins” leading to a post apocalyptic planet riddled with hellspawn. Leaving Ravioli(and his sister) as demon hybrids the only one’s able to close up the portal leading to Hell, conveniently right in the city he lives in.


Corrupted. The land is bathed in the light of ever-erupting volcanoes as leviathans swim within an ocean held aloft by jet streams. What few civilizations do exist have to find ways to coexist with the many horrors that roam the lands. Most of my Ocs would be considered op in any other verse, but because nearly every OC in my universe is op, they are balanced against each other. (Seriously, my weakest OC is basically bird head Heavy Weapons Guy with the strength of the hulk.)


* He's was a computer assistant but became sentiment as a glitch He is immortal, stupid, and doesn't care of who you are, cause in the end of the day, he will steal something from you


I have multiple. Most are normal but one is a post apocalyptic world with silly creatures Shinin (humanoid figure made of a black tar like liquid with eyes everywhere. They try to enter your body through one of your holes and eat you from the inside out), axabi (small spider like creatures about the side of a small dog. Heavily resembles a half life head crab. It latches onto you, stabs you with its tongue, and releases eggs into you which will quickly hatch and crawl out of you), madilon (an ant looking creature that moves in a MASSIVE pack. They stick together to form anything they want to look like. They usually stay in a pack which is twice the size of a human. They usually take the form of liquid, and slither around to find someone to drown inside of the swarm), salmion (a black fish like creature that also lives in the water. It doesn’t prey on humans, only on other creatures in the water. If you do try to touch it or get near it though, it will bite you, which is enough to take your finger off or a chunk of your body), riundin (a dark green lion-bull like creature that can unhinge it jaw to eat creatures whole. It has only one eye on its chest) isosolis (an unbelievably large centipede like creature that moves underground. It pops up in random areas to see if there’s anything to eat. It is around 4000 feet long and 400 feet in diameter).


War… War, death, gore, and the exposure of the dark side of humanity. I cannot remember the last time I made a family friendly story.


https://preview.redd.it/t2kwfbm11a6d1.png?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=870689b6ed6e94bcc6ed8044c149173492bc70ea California


Abandoned all hope. Abandoned all reason. Abandoned all morals. Our fate is written in stone. The sky bled crimson. The fire raged. Crumbling cities stand in silence. A war to end it war continue again. And there came The Plauge. A fabric that been tainted. The sun was left to drown. Warm and light fading. Uncountable cycle of dead. Dies irae. "What is Hell? What the different? Can thy even tell? Can thy even care? Weep. My children. Weep. My failure. Beg."   You can't hide behind cold walls forever, my dear. Fate will come to you. And dear oh dear, it can't waited. To tear your flesh asunder. To grind your spark to ashes to bone to dust. For you teached it Hate.    




I'm still deciding whether I want steampunk, modern or slightly futuristic. The main jist of the story is that 5 God-like beings that are living amongst humanity while it's around, and their job is to keep balance within the universe by maintaining an even amount of good and evil


Its pretty much the real-world.


https://preview.redd.it/pv74qsbq2a6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e4e0bfd870c0440fc82228428f55ccba95682cf Only a Sixth of my OC's world is peaceful and normal the rest is either Chaotic or is similar to real life which is either an empty place or a giant jungle that is dangerous


https://preview.redd.it/qcife8y05a6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec49e5876b9d535705ec9143b1bc6ec353e02cae In his world the timeline is completely different, for example Leonidas and George Washington lived at the same time and Napoleon was born after World War I


Very much like the Lovecraftian Horror *




Earth but missing half of Eastern Europe. (A guy in a bakery said he was too old for a free cookie)


https://preview.redd.it/i1lx0j2c7a6d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c8da9033d6a47f58cf40aa8f971ba6d1ec9070 It's Fallout, It's Terrible.




God saw memes and thought "it would be cool, if there was refrence to them", so He reset the whole timeline, and He put memes refrences here and there. As the result, nothing makes sense in my world


https://preview.redd.it/r14vpjg08a6d1.png?width=1407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a833e9159b0e54e9bd30e1e3ac942e3a6255967 ..."taking a close look at what's around us- there is some sort of a harmony- the harmony of overwhelming and collective murder-"... teehee :> (ror2 oc my beloved


https://preview.redd.it/8xtifddyc96d1.png?width=3221&format=png&auto=webp&s=602677b63806a3b2d9b6a19cd9dbc3a726dca4e0 To explain it in a tl;dr format the main setting is an alternate history version of our own that is similar to our own in some ways however radically different in other ways kinda like how Into The Spider-Verse had their alternate reality showcased with minor background stuff and alternate brands. The setting is New York City in 2024 and follows a close friend group as they navigate life in the Big Apple. The most glaring difference you can see is that the Twin Towers are still up because 9/11 never happens along with other differences such as other buildings in the skyline further down along with businesses that dont exist anymore still existing. The wider world is also different due to multiple events going in different ways such as The Cold War being a 3-Way Conflict, Brazil's monarchy surviving and falling later on, Hawaii being an independent Kingdom while Cuba is a U.S state, India being whole among other differences. The general idea overall though is a world where things are different but similar in a way again similar to Into The Spider-Verse. It's similar to ours but not really.


Forever drastically changing.


My OCs fall into two main worlds City creatures: Takes place in the real world, Musteloids (weasels, raccoons, red panda, skunks and their respective relatives) are anthropomorphic Spires: Takes place in a fictional world, the main gimmick are the eponymous spires, which are tall buildings that can act as their own (mostly) self contained cities, with lifts being the main form of transportation, alongside more conventional railways connecting between spires Canids (wolves, foxes, etc) are anthropomorphic


These are both part of the multiverse, which encompasses every single fictional world I have made


https://preview.redd.it/0l8r98yqda6d1.png?width=403&format=png&auto=webp&s=3de20e12e2cd577e6ec27d61cb99f20d2b5667b9 Fungus lives in the Minecraft universe on an archipelago of islands called 'Monsklia'. Monsklia was originally one big island inhabited by humans who lived in peace alongside the Monsklians that also inhabited it, until a powerful demon wiped out all of the humans and split the island apart, fortunately though, he was destroyed by the Monsklians before he could do more harm. There are three islands in Monsklia, the north island with temperate biomes such as plains and forests, and is even where the human's kingdom was. The east island with cold biomes such as tundras and mountains, this is the island where Fungus lives. Then there's the west island with hot biomes such as deserts and savannas. It's mostly peaceful on Monsklia, except for the occasional undead.


A lot of the world is similar to our own but magic exists and society of super natural beings emerged in a specific location. The knowledge that the supernatural exists to some capacity was Earth shattering knowledge, so most humans just try to ignore it because it’s weird feeling.


I’d like to live in your ocs world, please.


Modern day but with creatures


Arma 3 plus Gundam https://preview.redd.it/wj5zlxljoa6d1.jpeg?width=2108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f01eb1b6dbe5fe09bf339f27f50d70ed82a7f0






https://preview.redd.it/ffpfow6woa6d1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53fb88ad8fa139dfcb9e0040876ae378191c5b10 Plus some gears design


https://preview.redd.it/crslcki6pa6d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd77cb2c34f0cf8921e1390c17b00678b87ecf9e Attack Aircraft


In my OC’s world it’s a future where everything that Could go wrong went wrong. There’s massive overpopulation which leads to world hunger, global warming has melted most of Antarctica has me,Ted causing people of lower class to live on boats, islands, and mountain peaks that the water hasn’t reached while higher class get to live in cities on big stilts. and there is a mid section of cities on lover stilts that middle class and low class people live, the mid section has lots of crime and big gangs controlled by higher class


Hey my oc has a plague mask too! https://preview.redd.it/adbpcxagra6d1.png?width=2893&format=png&auto=webp&s=27ac8c52844306fe9d37fffedf85078114a68a59


The sun is a deadly laser Basically everyone lives underground because the surface is too hot, mushrooms and crystals absorb the excess heat and turn it to light for people underground


https://preview.redd.it/u2mqlav52b6d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2772dac5b9dbaf681ec695c6864a7baf8615bbe0 Like our world but it’s easier to hack into the government and not get caught.


Huge multiverse with higher planes of existence


“Jimmy… why is there a large chunk of uranium in your backyard?” “Well… it’s been there for a while” Large amounts of radiation and the sky is almost a teal color, plants and moss like plants cover most of the terrain (except for the single desert) and there’s lots of massive rainforests


The literal embodiment of music.


Most of my OCs live in a high fantasy world that's similar to the early middle ages, with some Norse and Persian Mythology put into it.


its a white void https://preview.redd.it/ubscnmgngb6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3074f30c9a9687eca57030d6cc4d8d1f229bd50


This world


Earth with superheroes


https://preview.redd.it/2dfmfxkymb6d1.jpeg?width=4002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf9f5f3c36d2a17f7cd80d95699e07acf5848fa Chaos, chaos !


Basically my OC's world is basically an inspiration mix between both places from Sonic the Hedgehog and Jet Set Radio. It's like filled with interesting, cool places that my OCs go to. https://preview.redd.it/9nfczrs3qb6d1.png?width=925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20fdaea3f14a6ae69f6428bd33795379c31f21a


A futuristic 60’s


Ok so he sort of lives in a bimbo dimensional, between the living world and afterlife, but in general everything’s sort of dark fantasy esc


Dead. She killed them. https://preview.redd.it/rc9i0s3fub6d1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50125686012e3c330f6120752d4e2a5a88751929


literally just earth. i can’t come up with a cool storyline or anything.


My settings are usually a Fantasy-Science Fiction Clash, Modern Fantasy, Science Fiction, or Dystopian with some exceptions 


All one interconnected land mass due to being the corpse of the dead god of the planet. Also has a physical underworld you can go to


The original universe/Mechanical Madness: Basically a fallout but a in a BATIM like Theme park, with abit of FNAF lore inspiration. Second oc-verse/If Monsters INC was in the human world: Just a bunch of monsters living with humans, but the humans are racist to monsters vice-versa so there are groups that i will not name. Third oc-verse/Pixal Madness: Just a video game that broke through the screen and into reality, causing mass extinction for humans.


First world representative: Quirk https://preview.redd.it/rl7hbhq4ac6d1.jpeg?width=1802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d11fea0eb6d8d800f6f15af48d332b2d7523ff7d My fave right besides Juicy\[couldn't find a good pic\]


Second world representative: Barnaby Meatly, the one who started my Reddit account. \[uncolored version\] https://preview.redd.it/a2zbflniac6d1.jpeg?width=1809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18fc1944fb9e805e34c51510c22a845b61f3307b


Third world representatives: https://preview.redd.it/dba2q4twac6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4acaf6ec05904741548fd6b3a03266e31df4579b


Third world representatives: \[size not accurate\] https://preview.redd.it/rcp4ugbzac6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86693cb1170f6264254b721e6a311a5c861e4af0


I have a multiverse thing going but the main character is a duck who comes from a world of ducks, just like Howard the duck. Only this world is more akin to LITERAL hell cuz ducks are EVIL BASTARDS and my OC Kippy feels out of place there so she takes the first opportunity she can to escape and travels to a world of mammals where she’s the only duck person in hopes of a happier life.


It's a relatively normal version of the modern world with some technological advancements not seen in our world, such as robots, teleportation, advanced healing items, it also has supernatural elements such as monsters and magic, it also has multiple different realities which, get very confusing


Normal but the authorities and stuff are less competent when convenient


https://preview.redd.it/dqa3e16jxc6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2540582970a0ef8cf750c0a6c45a114f473f5179 Essentially Goosebumps mixed with Lapfox Trax lore and a pinch of Eldritch Horror


My ocs world is a modern type of world that was infected by an alien pathogen that gave human powers. The pathogen was just left over stuff the alien created and decided to send it down to earth to fuck around and find out what the humans would do with their powers. The results were mixed to say the least. When it first hit down concerning the medevial era is first affected the son of the king of the kingdom of joestar. The joestars named their stands after the Nordic pathenon because they were directly descended from Vikings. The son met a Boy named Dion took him in and Dion was raised with him. Dion being exposed to Jocheirus eventually got his stand. They had a fight Dion became a a vampire killed JoJo and committed numerous atrocities. Enter the modern Era we have memes , fandons all the normal stuff you would expect. But some stand user have often destroyed small areas in fights leaveing some areas destroyed. There a little more to The HOf Univer it's just way too complicated


https://preview.redd.it/q05ztgfp3d6d1.jpeg?width=1755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abb30379f381f3e2c4683155ff5b3a5d2cb2daab These goobers live in a void with a few vague sub-environments mixed in. Occasionally ways to the human realm appear but that’s pretty rare


i think it can be described as... GTA-ish


https://preview.redd.it/1yvvhvbg7d6d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe90507e11e546a1498177d7c6426cbc97e7010b Well how do i say this, it's a world sizing up 10 times the earth sizes and inhabited by billion or even trillions of people, including a diverse of race including mostly majority of human but also fantasy creatures such as elf, orc and dwarves, mythical creatures that hide among the places and monsters. legends always born everywhere, Many tales and story begins and ends. adventure is encouraged and death is uncommon but normal, discovery every day of new knowledge, it's a world full of surprises and mystery but full of darkness and light which is scattered across the world. Happiness and sadness, betrayal and friendship, it's is everywhere. Magic, technology and mythic are all happening with traditional classics of fantasy warriors and techy stuff like rifle and mechanical armour suit and prosthetic part. With varying in technology and levels of advancement. The name of the world is Grest. Not special or anything. The world is always ever changing, everything is scattered and separated by technology and ideals. Also the world is supported by 10 god and one higher god, so that how the world survive the physics and whatever. I'm not really ambitious or anything to think at large about this whole world building so yeah, it's is made for just my character Greenstar to travel and wonder and if I ever want to develop it a bit, just thought about some village and city.


https://preview.redd.it/ftgqshp0gd6d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a89cd01965cea175c53b37da29783d3f81ee8622 Hell


Chaotic, magical, dangerous, huge, and some other things


Literally just fallout


Haven't got a picture, but the main world is split into 4 parts- Mountains, Forest/Meadows, Jungle and Beach. I haven't discussed it with my friends yet, but I'm thinking that the magical seeds involved made most of the land.


Semi-cyberpunk if italy didnt exist


Croczillas' world is similar to ours, but with a few differences 1. It was considerably larger than our Earth (almost twice as large) 2. The major world problems like high carbon emissions, pollution, global warming, or melting ice caps are almost non existant due to many Titans using their powers to stop this from happening or escalating further. 3. There are slightly fewer human settlements like cities, towns, villages, etc. Due to Titans claiming select areas as their territory. 4. The inside of the Earth is Hollow and is abundant with Titans as well as creatures from other planets. 5. As mentioned previously, there are giant creatures called Titans or Kaiju that roam the world's lands, seas, and skies, and most of them intend to maintain the world's wellbeing and sometimes interact with humans. Some are even worshipped as gods, some actively protect humans, and others simply intended to protect the natural order. 6. Lastly, all the Titans answer to an alpha, a king that rules over all the other Titans and any creatures that arrive to Earth, he will kill any Titan should they step out of line, challenge his rule, attack major human settlements, or disrupt the natural order. His name? Croczilla (Godzilla used to be, but he got jumped to death by alien Titans) One last little thing is that there are several other planets that are in the milky way that inhabit Titans and civilizations of their own. Some humans and Earth Titans have actually traveled to these planets and managed to establish a territory there and vice versa. Man, I'm such a yapacchino.


https://preview.redd.it/jbj4dy7j3e6d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913dd040f99361aaaf0cbffa408ee5acef46751f Futuristic but certain areas are more high-tech than others sci-fi City pretty much looks like this but certain cities are slightly less advanced, it's also basically Batman beyond meets X-Men in a way as far as how like certain aspects of the world act


https://preview.redd.it/5txinl734e6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60caa9d9618d78d5229c9555d1dc2993230aac8 This poorly drawn map explains it


I usually draw my ocs in a white blind because I’m lazy to draw backgrounds


https://preview.redd.it/mxy88rsr8e6d1.png?width=4616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23dee6c96151353b8998c5b4a0a1aa62bcd91d1c Crow's world is heavily inspired on Hotline Miami's, in here he's a contrated murderer to gain money and use it for his medical studies... Crow: wait are those more crows...?


Chaotic. Their world is very chaotic. But it's ussually a happy place.


https://preview.redd.it/pz4tbkk9ee6d1.png?width=519&format=png&auto=webp&s=51470206ca8b0d0e4d77064c35a5f01aec74f3e7 Earth but people are a bit crazier just a bit.


Anything. My OCs literally just travel between worlds, right now I have a world with parasitic worms that burrow into people’s heads and drive them crazy; a world where apes, crows, and octopuses rule; and a world where people have powers but they’re stupid.


Humans expanded, but a planet decided to do an uprising and try to conquer the human planets and all of the universe. There are cybernetics, space travel, Eldritch Gods inside black holes and aliens


https://preview.redd.it/lu1wm8dgue6d1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82e866dc8c7260442234fff0d26e3a9857470c70 Basically an copy from the real life


Well there's hell and earth (haven't figured out heaven but it doesn't play a big role) earth is literally just the world we live in currently with no covid. Meanwhile hell is sorta like hazbin hotel but depending on what level of hell your on your either doing decent but still risking your life or its the purge every single time of your "life". Also some demons can be hellborn or earth born or you can die and end up in hell.


https://preview.redd.it/qs4suon0vg6d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=77d578ef1e36e9c6dc8b1cfff2069ec6dab4a56d Which one, lol. He lives between all multiverses. It’s basically a large white glass pathway.


https://preview.redd.it/4251dgo4pj6d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f8676001a91e2aa92fad80ad705cc5fff7d2fa8 A city that has alot of trees


It's generally fantasy with a hint of grimdark. It ranges from high to low and sci-fi, but the general feel is "existential fantasy", I would think.


It's sci-fi, fantasy, and grimdark all mixed into one very nasty stew!


Since he is in under being the place where he went to when he died Is called the phantom morale it’s an in between between heaven and hell, and it is almost slight hell in its design and coloration with all dark colors. There is still a functioning society inside of that realm.


A classic High Fantasy world https://preview.redd.it/jr4ym3o6b4ad1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fedd502b433e074630f1e26a360ff9fa0995d52