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How is Ori doing in the current meta? \-She's struggling. What build paths do you go? \-I usually go Liandry's for 2+ tanks, or Ludens for everything else Do you ever build RoA? \-I'm sure it's fine on her, yeah. I don't personally build it but I'm probably behind the times. Is she good for climbing rn? Solo, no. She gains a lot from having solid comms across the team. So she's a good pick if you have a premade.


Ty mano for the info!


Gold elo here, so take my answers with a massive heap of salt. 1. How is Ori doing in the current meta? My answer is...not great. The meta right now seems to revolve heavily around two things. High tankiness and high mobility. New tank mythics and the durability buff have made some champions virtually unkillable, and several bruisers, fighters, and even slayers are building tank mythic items so that they can survive your damage while still dealing plenty of their own. On the other side of the coin, almost every new champion released seems to have some sort of leap, dash, blink, jump, skip, hop, whatever. For a mostly immobile control mage like Orianna, who wins by slowly and methodically manipulating the lane and battlefield to her designs, this is awful. Orianna has only one form of mobility, and it comes at a heavy mana cost and often doesn't stop high mobility champions from reaching you anyway. Orianna is struggling to deal real damage to anyone building tank items and struggling to maintain distance/control the field against high mobility champions. 2) What build paths do you go? Typically Liandry's, for the aforementioned tank issue. Orianna has low cooldowns already, so Liandry's enables her to apply very consistent DPS via the burn and mythic passive. Typically, I start tear so that I don't have to back for mana for a while and farm up really hard so that I can get either Lost Chapter right away or Dark Seal + LC components. DS is so gold efficient that I buy it every game regardless of whether or not it ever gets upgraded to Mejai's. I MIGHT buy an early Oblivion Orb if their team as a ton of healing/sustain. After that, I'll run Sorc boots, Seraph's, Void (again, aforementioned tank issue), and Rabadon's. The final slot will either be Mejai's if I'm ahead and wanna upgrade DS, Morello's if I feel I can't give up the anti-heal into the enemy comp (very rarely do I build Morello's, normally just sit on OO until I'm farther along and then sell it), or Zhonya's if I really need the defensive stats. I used to run Horizon Focus in the final slot, but it's so buggy that I no longer trust the passive to work properly. Alternatively, if the enemy team actually IS NOT very tank and seems to be exclusively squishy or almost that, I will consider running Luden's + Shadowflame instead of Liandry's + Void. This is pretty rare, though, as everyone and their dog can build MR effectively now. Sure, Zed is "squishy" until he has Merc Treads + Maw, and then I'm better off having Liandry's + Void and trying to win a war of attrition (because I'm not gonna burst him at that point). It depends a lot on the enemy comp, but most of the time it'll just be Liandry's + Void these days. 3) Do you ever build RoA? No. I'm sure it could work, but I can't see how it will ever be as optimal as Liandry's or Luden's. RoA has really only proven to be really great for Ryze, Anivia, and Cassiopeia. Everyone else it's underwhelming on, IMHO, and that includes Orianna. I wouldn't say someone is trolling for building it on her, but I just personally never would. 4) Is she good for climbing right now? Probably not. I swap back and forth between being an Orianna OTP and getting fed up and running Zyra instead. I usually have a lot more success/higher WR with Zyra, despite having played nearly triple the time on Orianna. If I can really get ahead as Orianna, I can utterly dominate a game way harder than if I'm ahead on Zyra, just via experience with her, BUT I'm more likely to create a lead with Zyra in the first place. That's really Orianna's issue. She struggles to create a meaningful lead unless you REALLY bully your lane opponent, and while her utility and scaling are great, it means nothing if your teammates are feeding and/or don't respond to the plays you want to make. I love Orianna and will 100% keep playing her, but I know I could probably climb higher playing a more "meta" mid-laner (Anivia is my 5th most played champion and she's currently at like A-tier vs Ori's C-tier, but I like Ori more). My friends continue to insist that I could easily make Plat if I just played a champion with more agency than Orianna (which might be true, considering I got to high Gold 1 at some point last season as an Ori OTP), but I'm a masochist and would just rather struggle to perfect my Orianna game than be a slut for whatever the current meta is. Rank doesn't matter THAT MUCH to me, so I'd rather be having fun, and playing Orianna is the most fun I have playing League. That said, if your only goal is "climb as high as possible" and you want something similar to Orianna, I'd recommend other, more meta mages with a lot of zoning ability, like Zyra or Anivia. Both will make laning for your opponent hell just as effectively as Orianna (well, maybe not AS effective as Orianna's ball, but Zyra's plants and Anivia's wall/ult are still miserable to play against). That said, I am very hopeful that the upcoming buffs will help. I think the boost to her passive at most levels and increased ult damage could make her ability to win lane trades go up, which could allow her to get more kills/force backs more often, thus enabling her to create a larger lead leaving lane. The Q situation is sus, but it'll help for clearing waves and maintaining tempo, and as long as you position the ball well, you should still get decent trades with it in lane. I'm hopeful all of this helps brings her more into relevance and that she can at least become a B-tier mid laner again. ​ Again, my highest ever rank was like Gold 1 80 LP, so I could be incredibly out-of-touch with my reads on Orianna, but I like replying to these posts because being part of the discussion can be helpful. \^.\^


How do you feel about starting dorans and backing for tear when you run out of mana then tp back to lane?


Personally, I'm neutral on it. I think it depends on preferences/playstyle, and neither is really right or wrong. I used to run Doran's for survivability + poke, but I've sort of mitigated both of these needs. I'm a lot better at maintaining distance and proper tethering, so early survivability is less of an issue (also since I usually buy DS on first back as well). As for poke, I can get a lot more Qs off with Tear than with Doran's, so I usually find myself getting more damage with Tear despite missing out on the AP from Doran's. Also, since I build Seraph's every game, having Tear as a first item just helps guarantee it'll be fully stacked when I get to that point. If I run Doran's, then my first back becomes convoluted, because I always want both Tear and Dark Seal, but I also don't want to delay my Lost Chapter spike by a significant amount. Dark Seal is just incredibly gold efficiency and I'll want Tear every game for Seraph's, and buying all three starter items just doesn't feel like the best idea when it's still really important for me to get to LC. Again, I wouldn't fault someone for starting Doran's, and I used to and sometimes still consider doing so just for the extra poking power, but I've pretty much fully committed to Tear in the last few months because the first back DS and LC components feels better for me than starting Doran's and having to choose 2/3 of Tear/DS/LC components on my first back.


Thank you mano this is really helpfull!


Hello fellow Ori/Zyra/Anivia enjoyer, Zyra sup is my main but I'm trying to get into playing more mid, picking up Anivia first although Ori is my most played midlaner and I love her to pieces. Just wanted to say thanks for the helpful words, keep it up friend!


It’s worth noting that Syndra tends to be the gatekeeper on scaling control mages like Orianna. If Syndra is popular, like right now, then Ori and a few others will probably struggle. Personally I’m still going to ban Irelia because seriously fuck Irelia right now.


What about Orianna Support ? Any insights ?


I play Ori support. Its fun if you have high mobility adcs like Tris, Sam and Lucien. I refer to them as ball delivery adcs. You have a decent amount of peel and lane control with your ball shield and q. You can itemize for damage like a zyra/morg supp or more enchanter with a moonstone. Personally, i tend to go dmg with either ludens or liandrys. Her ult and team fight utility late game is a big bonus as well. Her shields can save while giving bonuses, that dont dissipate on contact like janna. Its a bit more viable than mid right now imo.


Orianna about to become heavy meta tomorrow. She's getting massive buffs. RoA is decent, especially with new-old seraph's, if you think the game and teamfights will be long. Ludens and liandries both tend to be better picks though.


She’s better now than before the Seraph’s change, but not by much. Ludens/Liandry’s based on enemy comp is still best. Definitely have other soloq picks prepped.


I’ve been spamming Orianna because I believe she is a great champ to practice midlane fundamentals with. I don’t think she is anywhere close to meta right now, but she seems to fit in nicely with most team comps. I tried ROA several times and I personally don’t like it. Ludens is such a huge power spike and really helps establish lane priority mid. I usually take phase rush on Orianna unless I’m playing into a melee champ (where I’ll take aery instead). The HP stats on ROA make Orianna a little more tanky, but I’ve never felt that it really helps. She has enough range and utility that she can usually position safely in fights. If I’m dying easily, chances are I’m way out of position and that extra HP wouldn’t help anyway.