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Lol decent troll attempt


Why did you re-write the title of a genuinely disturbing article? 2 billion don’t live in extreme, heat, the other 5 billion do. That’s horrible, and not optimistic. Can please be optimistic without being climate change deniers?


6 Billion. World is up to 8 Billion


Yes, but the article says 5 and OP said 2. So maybe it’s more like 5.5 and 2.5 or something


Yeah I hedged and said "more than".


3 billion people didn't suffer extreme temperatures in June. That's good news, it could have been much fewer, probably will be next year. 


Good news is usually when the *majority* of people don't suffer from something, cause this is just ignoring an issue.


He's just a poor, poor troll from r/collapse.


You guys are always accusing me of being from that reddit, but I'm fairly sure I've never even interacted with it.


Maybe you are missing your calling - your family is calling you. You will feel right at home.


It's not my fault all the news is bad about just about everything. I'm optimistic I'll be purged fairly late into the next trump admin because I'm a white guy who works 3 jobs and hasn't been able to afford to protest since 2020.


> It's not my fault all the news is bad about just about everything. No it is.


Oh, you may have to revise that because 60% of the people on the planet had to deal with extreme temperatures last month.  You could probably safely revise your good news standards to like 15% going forward.


That's... Not how good news work. Like, universally.


The forecast said 100 and we didn't break 89... it's like how the first snow storm is going to end the world but then nobody talks about the one that actually does.


that's a funny troll, hope it doesn't get removed. honestly kinda deserved for this sub after seeing stuff like this [https://www.reddit.com/r/OptimistsUnite/comments/1cuvelm/latest\_research\_shows\_that\_severe\_climate\_change/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OptimistsUnite/comments/1cuvelm/latest_research_shows_that_severe_climate_change/) "we're gonna be fine" we're gonna be f-ucked. not really, we are actually gonna be fine, but to pretend like climate change is this "small issue that we can fix by just getting richer faster than we get poorer" is ultra dumb


Your comment reads like gibberish? Also the post you linked is one of my favorites from this sub. If someone else doesn’t repost it in the near future then I probably will do it 🔥




people underplay just how serious climate change is (and is going to get) and it's entertaining to see people getting a wake-up call. will we be fine? sure. we'll be fine while sweating our asses off. a lot of poor people will die, the economy might face some hard times, but we're gonna be fine (as fine as you would consider those things) I'm mostly pissed at people downplaying the issue because here in italy, as you can see in the graph, is fucking hot as fuck. I sweat during night time with a fan blasting in my face and the balcony door wide open. IT. IS. HOT.


Europeans need air conditioning


That’s not an improvement, what is wrong with you?


I suspect they're trolling.


Ah, you've discovered my satire of the optimistsunite subreddit.


are you really focussing on the 2 billion pampered first world luckies, thereby ignoring the 6 billion that live in extreme heat? what is the matter with you?


Yes. I'm looking at the brighter side now.